What Next?

You are just beginning to Awaken.You are just beginning to Awaken.

I am like the sunlight in the morning. I intensify the light of morning until you Awaken.

Until the Light Awakens you, even the Light of Consciousness Itself, you continue to dream, try to survive within the dream, manipulate yourself within the dream, pursue all kinds of goals, searches — none of which Awaken you.

Those who are Awakening in Truth begin to notice something. They begin to recognize the signs. They begin to recognize the activity of dreaming. They begin to sense something very unusual about Me. I Am your own True Self-Nature Appearing within the dream to Awaken you.

I Am your Awakening, and your Always Already Conscious State.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, The Ancient Walk-About Way

The purpose of this site is to communicate an unprecedented, Transcendental Spiritual Opportunity: the Revelation of the Divine through the human form of Adi Da Samraj. Adi Da's Incarnation provides the means — the Way of Adidam — by which all of us can Awaken and Realize our greatest possible destiny: Divine Enlightenment. Be sure to read our stories about how others first found Avatar Adi Da, as well as accounts of devotees' personal understanding and experience of who Adi Da is. (We offer not only written stories from devotees but video as well.)

While every story of how each person found Adi Da — and how each received the Revelation that He is the Divine Person — is a little different, one thing that all of these stories have in common is that every such person began to immerse themselves in Adi Da in every way possible . . . and that prepared the way for the Revelation to Gracefully occur in their own case.

Everyone who comes into right association with Me is Given the Gift of heart-recognizing that I Am the Self-Existing and Self-Radiant Divine Person, the Source and Blessing Presence of Love-Bliss.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj
The Complete Yoga of Emotional-Sexual Life

Many people do sense something very unusual when they become aware of Adi Da. Some describe a direct knowing, before any thought or word, that He is not a separate being — even though being separate seems to be a fact of existence. Some report overwhelming bliss when they see Avatar Adi Da in a dream, without even knowing His name. And some may not use any of these words to describe what they feel, but still they sense something very unusual about Him. Such an unexpected moment can be quite astounding. In an instant the heart awakens and knows that the feeling of separation is not true. Real God actually exists — and this is not just a matter of belief.

Our strong recommendation is this: if your heart is responding to what you are receiving on this site, then do immerse yourself in Adi Da, to the point where the Revelation occurs in your own case! While there are all kinds of silly (and even destructive) forms of obsession in which one can enmesh oneself in this life, genuine obsession with Real God — Divine Distraction by the very Source of one's existence, made accessible through a human Incarnation of God — is the great (but secret) impulse buried in the heart of everyone. And that impulse, that obsession — if one lets that heart-impulse awaken and take over one's life — will, at long last, set the heart forever free:

Real life is obsession with That which is Beyond life, That Which is, miraculously, somehow Shown in life but Which moves you beyond it. . . . I am just the Divine One, just the Living One, Showing Itself here. I am just this Shakti, this Form, this Divine Sign. Be obsessed! Be governed by this Vision. That and nothing else, is devotion to Me. . . . You must become Mad with this devotion. Everything is purified by it. It is the one Great Principle of existence. All I am doing in this conversation with you tonight is Giving you permission to do so. You will do what you will.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Avatar Adi Da Samraj, "How Magical! How Profound!", Ishta

How to immerse yourself in Adi Da

Adi Da's Divine State can be felt through His written and spoken Teaching. He can be felt through photographs and recordings, through His Art and the Sanctuaries that He has empowered, and in any moment that He is truly remembered. There are many ways to immerse yourself in Adi Da, and we'll now list some of them.

Do return to this site frequently and explore it in its entirety. It contains a wealth of extraordinary communications about what happens when one takes up the practice of the Way of Adidam and enters into a devotional and spiritual relationship with Avatar Adi Da Samraj. Join our Facebook group. We regularly add new materials to this site, and we let you know through Facebook.

Read our FAQs about taking up the Way of Adidam. Many of the most common questions people have about the process of becoming a devotee are addressed there.

It is beyond the scope of this site (or any site) to paint more than a sketch of the Way of Adidam — our site focuses more on devotees' stories of the living of Adidam (through our relationship with Adi Da). You can then continue to flesh out that overview by visiting sites like the "About Adidam" site, and the official Adidam site, and by watching videos or listening to audios of Adi Da talking about the Way of Adidam.

The Adidam AcademyThe Laughing Man Institute (the public education branch of The Adidam Academy) offers a range of teleconference courses, providing you with a more detailed introduction to Adi Da and the Way of Adidam, and courses that help prepare you for becoming Adi Da's devotee. We recommend starting with the three-session event, Access To Consciousness, which is offered twice a month.

The Dawn Horse Press offers not only the full range of Adi Da's books, but videos and audios of Adi Da talking, as well as the devotional music of Adidam. The Gift of Truth Itself and The Reality-Way of Adidam are excellent introductions to Adidam.   The Dawn Horse Press

photograph of Adi Daclick to enlarge   Photographs of Adi Da are an essential element in the practice of the Way of Adidam. They serve as touchstones that help devotees connect with Adi Da and His Transmission throughout the day. Photographs of Adi Da can also help those who are considering becoming Adi Da's devotees — many are available here.

An Adidam Study Group
An Adidam Study Group
We highly recommend corresponding with devotees in your area, as well as meeting them in person and visiting the regional center nearest you. Check out our regional contact page to see who is in your area or what events or classes might be occurring — since the contacts in your area are real people with extraordinary experiences to share, we provide not only names but faces, and when we have it, their story of how they themselves found Adi Da. Our contact page also lists Facebook and Meetup groups, whenever one has been created for a particular region. Become a member of an Adidam study group (also listed on our regional contact page); they're available in many areas, and offer a regular (usually monthly) program where you can meet with devotees and others like yourself who are interested in learning more about Adi Da and Adidam. And visit our Special Events page for some additional, unique public events.

The Mountain Of Attention SanctuaryVisiting one of the Empowered Sanctuaries of Adidam is a very special opportunity — Adi Da has transformed these Holy Places into Agencies of His Divine Transmission, and so visiting them is like walking into a tangible Force Field of Spiritual Blessing. Do take advantage of any opportunity you can to visit a Sanctuary. For example, The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary currently invites the public to four Celebrations each year: The Anniversary of Adi Da's Teaching Work (April), Da Purnima (July), Adi Da's Birthday (November), and Da Mahasamadhi (November). You can also visit the Adidam Bookstore on The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary, which is open to the public. Contact Adidam Kauai to find out about organizing a guided tour of the Da Love-Ananda Mahal Sanctuary in Kauai, Hawaii. They hope to have a complete center available to receive public and visitors in the near future.

Especially potent is the opportunity for taking a retreat — an extended period of "dropping out" from conventional life — in a sacred place Blessed by Adi Da:

The principle of retreat. What is the cure for any moment of confusion? Step out, step aside, re-establish your practice, your self-discipline, your meditation. Always to establish the religious life you must step aside, step out, go on retreat, in effect organize your life on the basis of Truth, the right Principle, the Great Process. Do it for real, and then reintegrate yourself with your ordinariness, but not as an ordinary man or woman — as just such a devotee of Mine, just such a practitioner of the "Radical" Reality-Way of the Heart. You must set your life right on the basis of the right Principle, directly, and then re-invest yourself in the complexities of life. Retreat is constantly necessary. You must constantly refresh your fundamental practice. Never let yourself be overwhelmed by the conditions of ordinary life. Never. This is also the traditional approach. It has always been understood to be so. When life becomes overwhelming, you must stand apart, go on retreat. Get the Great Instruction. Embrace it truly. And then leave your retreat.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, August 24, 1992

Retreat is just as useful for those interested in exploring the possibility of becoming a devotee of Adi Da, as it is for those who are already His devotees. Many of the regional centers offer retreats for the public. The Man of Radical Understanding Retreat Center at The Mountain Of Attention (in Northern California) offers a variety of retreat possibilities throughout the year. The European Danda (in Maria Hoop, Netherlands) also offers four-day retreats four times a year. (Visit our Special Events page to learn more about past and upcoming retreats.)

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If you are moved by Adi Da and His great and ongoing Work of liberating all beings, but you are not yet ready to become His devotee, becoming a patron of His Work is a traditional and honorable alternative. You can learn more about the many ways to help His Work here.

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Avatar Adi Da Samraj

All of us who are Adi Da's devotees are Graced beyond comprehension to have access to the Revelation of Adi Da in every moment of every day. It is our obligation and our great delight to be able to "pass the Prasad", as Adi Da would say, and share this Greatest of all Opportunities with you. May Adi Da's Love and Blessings Awaken your heart to the Perfect Happiness it has always yearned for.

with love,
The Adi Da Up Close staff

Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner:
© Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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