Books of Adidam: Index — organized alphabetically by title.
To jump down to a particular book, select the first letter of the book title below. Ignore "The", "A", and "An". (For example, select "A" as the first letter of "The Aletheon".)
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The author of all the books and booklets below is Adi Da Samraj, except where noted.
Books currently available as Kindle ebooks include:
The Dawn Horse Press will be publishing all of the following
books in the near future:
Not-Two Is Peace
— An updated 4th edition is in the works.
I Am Here: The Revelation-History,
in Form and Word, of the Divine Avataric Incarnation of
Conscious Light — A book celebrating the
75th Anniversary of Adi Da's Birth.
The Divine Siddha-Method Of The Ruchira Avatar
— My "Bright"
Word (early formal Discourses: 1972–1973)
and My "Bright"
Sight (a selection of key Discourses given
in the years 1973-1995) are the first two of the
four volumes comprising the series, The Divine
Siddha-Method Of The Ruchira Avatar. Just released
is Volume III, My "Bright"
Form, which contains two concentrated series
of Discourses, given in the years 1992 - 1994.
Volume IV is forthcoming:
"Bright" Room — A single concentrated
series of final summary Discourses, given in
the years 2004 - 2005.
First Congregation Disciplines—
The three-volume series, Right Life Is The Context
of Divine Beholding (Right
Life Is Free Participation In Unlimited Radiance,
The Sacred Space Of Finding
Me, and Always Enact
Fidelity To Me) is Adi Da's Word on disciplines
embraced by all of His Second Congregation and First
Congregation devotees. Disciplines that are only
embraced by members of the First Congregation will
be presented in future publications.
The Dawn Horse Testament
of the Ruchira Avatar — The Dawn
Horse Press is close to releasing a greatly
expanded version of The Dawn
Horse Testament.
The Basket Of Tolerance
— This is a book like no other: simultaneously
an unprecedented Spiritual Revelation and an
extraordinary intellectual accomplishment. It
focuses on the immense variety of historical
expressions of the religious and Spiritual search,
from prehistoric times to the present. The core
of this book is a bibliographical listing of
5,000 documents (in all media: print and audio-visual),
meticulously ordered by Avatar Adi Da in an
elaborately subdivided sequence, to form a continuous
"Argument". (Note: a very early pre-publication
edition of The Basket Of Tolerance
was released in 1991. However, The Basket
Of Tolerance has undergone major expansions
and revisions since that time.)
The Orpheum Trilogy, Book Two: The
Scapegoat Book— The Previously
Secret Dialogue On The Avatarically Given
Divine Way of Perfect-Knowledge-Only, Once-Spoken
In A Single Night of Conversation, Between
The Captive Divine Avatar and Great Sage,
Raymond Darling, and His Captor, The Great
Fool, and False Teacher, and Notoriously Eccentric
Super-Criminal, Evelyn Disk—Herein Fully Given,
Without Evelyn Disk's Later and Famous and
self-Serving Revisions, but Exactly As It
Was Originally Tape-Recorded, by Evelyn Disk
Himself, In The First Room, at the State Mental
Facility, Near God's End, and Presented in
Exact Accordance With The Recent Revelatory
and Complete Recounting, Given To The Waiting
World of Intelligent and Receptive Persons,
By Meridian Smith, Who Was, As Usual, Inexplicably
Adi Da wrote The Scapegoat Book in
2005. The Scapegoat Book is a series
of dialogues in the state mental facility
between Raymond Darling and his captor-priest,
during which the latter draws out, and yet
refuses, Raymond's teaching of non-duality,
and after which Raymond mysteriously disappears.
The Scapegoat Book is a masterful,
poetic rendition of how the ego tries to trap
the Divine Person; the Divine Person's Always-Standing
Response to that entrapment or "scapegoating";
and the Divine Person's Perfect Offering which
transcends all of that, and is the Perfect
Inspiration to go beyond all of that with
Him. A book that delights and amuses, critiques
and cuts to the quick, again and again. The
Scapegoat Book is Adi Da's "re-working"
of the Ashtavakra Gita, reflecting
the ego's excuse-making for non-participation
or mediocre participation in the process of
Divine Realization.
The Orpheum Trilogy, Book Three: The
Happenine Book— The Childhood
Teachings and The End-of-Childhood Revelations
of The Famous "Infant Sage", Raymond
Darling—Compiled from Raymond Darling's Original
Handwritten Manuscripts, and Privately Held
Tape-Recordings, Discovered in The First Room
By His True Servant-Devotee, Meridian Smith,
After The Miraculous Disappearance of The
Avataric Great Sage.
Adi Da wrote The Happenine Book in
2006. It is the last and longest book of The
Orpheum Trilogy. The Happenine Book
again recounts Raymond's life, teaching, and
revelation, but this time through a posthumous
collection of manuscripts and tape recordings,
augmented by the Great Sage's paintings, drawings,
and photographs. This collection, left behind
by Raymond "for all of us to find", presents
a kaleidoscope of narrative and non-narrative
forms ranging stylistically from traditional
to postmodern, each embodied as space-time
capsules of experience, or "happens", the
identification with which is an illusory presumption
of the separate "self" and therefore a fundamental
error of human beings, which must be transcended.
The Reduction of The Beloved To Shape
Alone — The Effort Toward Abstraction,
The Pure Present, and The New In "Modern"
Art, Psychology, and Philosophy—Especially
As Defined In The “Meaningless” Aesthetic
Theories Of Gertrude Stein.
The Reduction of The Beloved To Shape
Alone is Adi Da's study of early twentieth-century
literature and art, focusing on Gertrude Stein
and painters such as Cezanne, Picasso, and
Mondrian. This study was written as Adi Da's
Master’s Thesis, in the English department
at Stanford University, in 1966. His primary
interest in writing this study was to address
the implications of the modernist effort to
reduce art to sheer plastic and technical
manipulation of words or paint (or the "medium,"
in any form), thereby achieving a "meaningless"
artistic communication. His conclusion was
that the effort to divest art of meaning is
a grave fault—a fault which is also generally
evident in the culture of the time (dominated
by the "point of view" of scientific
materialism), in the increasing "abstraction"
from what is profoundly human and, even more
so, from everything spiritual and Divine.
The Whole Bodily Yoga of Searchless
Right Life — The Physical-Spiritual
(and Truly Esoteric) Method of Mental, Emotional,
Sexual, and WholeBodilyHealthandEnlightenment In The Divine
Reality-Way of Adidam.
Includes the Open Letter, "To All Who
Would Find Heart-Breaking Freedom" (earlier
version here).
No Seeking / Mere Beholding
— The Always Primary Practice of The Divine
Reality-Way of Adidam.
The Overnight Revelation of Conscious
The "My House" Discourses On The
Indivisible One of Reality Itself.
The Books of Adidam: Overview
Adi Da working on The Aletheon
in Glass Pear (February 18, 2007)
The source
and purpose of Adi Da's Teaching. Adi Da's books are very
often the first way people are introduced to Him. (Read for example
all the stories on this site that illustrate
the important role played by Adi Da's autobiography, The
Knee Of Listening, in prospective devotees' developing relationship
with Him.)
The greatest gift anyone ever gave me was a book Written
by this Great Avatar. The greatest event that ever occurred
in my life (of now 74 years) was the heart-connection with
Him, with Adi Da Samraj. Should I live to be 200, I could
never repay the many Blessings He has showered upon my life.
(And it just keeps coming!) Thank You, Beloved Lord!
Leonard Mehlmauer
This was very intentional on Adi Da's part:
You have no idea what it took to make these Books. There
is not even a single word of "bullshit" in any of My Twenty-Three
Books. Not a single lie or variation on it. Not a single
untruth or suggestion of it, not a moment of withholding
of the Most Perfect Loving Communication of the Being. Not
a moment of denial of the esoteric Truth, to anyone born.
No regulations, no fences, no common, ordinary, everyday
language, in the sense that Truth has to be reduced to some
sort of "picture-story", to somehow convince you that life
is about love. That is not what My Books are about.
My Books are a Free and Absolute Revelation, without the
slightest cavil, withholding, or irony. It has been My Intention
to Speak My Word so clearly, so profoundly, that no being
on Earth, or anywhere else, could be deprived of Truth.
It has been My Intention to make Books of My Word so profound
that the mere reading of them could convert any being on
Earth, or anywhere else, from the ego-possessed life of
mortality and darkness, to the life of Divine Love-Bliss
— without the slightest qualification, in the case
of any being that moves or is.
This has been My Intention, this is what I have been Doing,
this is the significance of My Years of "Consideration".
For Me, it is a single thread of Argument, a single Conversation,
without the slightest softness of mind, lack of comprehension,
or forgetting. It has been a consistent, every-day, twenty-four-hour-a-day,
Conversation with Me, for all these years. From the
night I Sat on Melrose Avenue and Spoke, to this night,
it has been a single Conversation, in which I do not regard
any being to be a fool. I just cannot do so. That is why
I Speak as I do. Because I take everyone seriously. Always
have. It is what has given absolute Integrity to My Divine
Avataric Life and Word.
So these Books are My Personal Word to each of you. And
to every being, from now and forever. My Personal Word.
Lots of Words! But I think you can dig the Company, right?
I mean, you cannot read five, ten, fifteen of My Books,
and still remember them all. You have to go back and read
them some more, and the rest of the Twenty-Three. And then
there is all the supportive texts. You people have a lot
of reading to do! I am Talking about detailed reading and
practicing, day after day, all your life!
So, My Intention with these Books is to Give them to everyone,
not to have them in My room, nicely printed, merely. They
must fall through your hands to everyone on Earth, and fall
out of your mouths to everyone on Earth — and everywhere
else. Because sooner or later, all of you will go everywhere
else. Remember Me, and you will bring Me with you, and serve
beings. Not a fraction of what is required for your Realization
of Me has been denied to you. Nor will it ever be. So these
Books go to all, with My Blessing.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj
[Adi Da, pointing to His body:] This body is a P.A.
system for God.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj, "Little-ji or Me"
January 14, 1995
[The same communication, but more detailed, and specifically
referring to Adi Da's books:] I Spontaneously Uttered
the "Picture" that is My every "Source-Text"
of Divine Avataric Word — each of Which is a by-Me-Given
Means Whereby I Speak from and As the Reality-Position
That Is Prior to egoity, Prior to the body-mind-complex,
Prior to conditional existence, and Prior to time and space.
Therefore, My Written Word Is the Speech (or Direct
Self-Presentation) of Intrinsically egoless (and Self-Evidently
Divine) Transcendental Spiritual Conscious Light Itself
— the Most Perfectly Self-Awakened (and Self-Evidently
Divine) Self-Consciousness, the Heart-Word of Reality (Itself),
Which Is the by-Me-Divinely-Avatarically-Self-Transmitted
Inherent (and Tacit) Self-Apprehension of Being (Itself).
Avatar Adi Da Samraj
"The Forever-Spoken Word of Reality Itself" Part
One, The
My Divine Avataric Teaching-Word Is an Extension of My
Person and Realization and Condition. It Is My Act of putting
into language modes of My Intrinsic Self-Apprehension of
Reality Itself.
I am not talking about something that is merely logically
so. What I am Revealing is not a matter of theory, and not
a matter of ideas. What I am Revealing is Spoken from the
“Place” Where “It” Is Always Already Self-Evidently
The Case. My State corresponds to What I otherwise
philosophically Propose. I am not proposing a philosophical
theory and then “going looking” for it. I am not suggesting,
“This Truth is logically the case, so we should look into
it some day.” I could not even be Writing My Revelation-Word
if Realization were not Always Already The Case in
Me and As Me. Most Perfect Divine Self-Realization
Is the Basis on Which I have been Doing all My Divine
Avataric Work.
I am not merely speaking philosophy in the academic sense,
within the domain of mere ideas. I am Speaking on the Basis
of My Own Demonstrated Realization, Which Corresponds to
My Intrinsically egoless State — the Self-State of Reality
To read (or Listen to) and understand My Divine Avataric
Word is to be Acausally Released from having to exercise
the egoic vision and separate and separative "point
of view".
Therefore, read, and Listen to, and recite, and feel (rather
than merely think) the Words of My Divine Avataric Message
. . .
My Divine Avataric Word is a Form of My Divine Agency —
an Extension of Myself, a Means Whereby I Bless all-and-All.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj
"The Forever-Spoken Word Of Reality Itself" Part
One, The
Every part of the brain, every part of the body-mind, is Spoken to and Spoken from in every fraction of My Wisdom-Teaching, including That Which is beyond the body-mind. Everything is represented, everything is shown. Therefore, you must engage in the most fully sympathetic “consideration” with My Wisdom-Teaching. Devote yourself to it utterly, whole bodily, completely, with full psycho-physical attention. The intellect also needs to be informed, but every part of the body-mind must likewise be informed and, once informed, ought then to be presented in relationship wholly and
entirely in response.
When you become sympathetic, when you resonate with the song, you discover its meaning. It cannot be exhausted. True poetry cannot be exhausted. A great Teaching cannot be exhausted. You can approach it every day of your life, all day, every day, as long as you have the attention and energy for it, and still it cannot be exhausted. You could occupy yourself with only portions of My Wisdom-Teaching for your entire lifetime and still not exhaust it, because the Song of God is Infinite and cannot be contained.
When you can regard and sing a communication for your entire life and never exhaust its meaning, you know it is Divine Communication.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Here is a video introduction to some unique characteristics of
Adi Da's Teaching:
length: 17:55 event date: January 2016 views: 6529 This video clip includes:
Commentary from Jonathan Condit (at 0:00) — Jonathan Condit was Adi Da's senior editorial assistant, and is Senior Editor for the Adidam Editorial Department. Jonathan talks about "The Function of the Spiritual Literature of Adi Da Samraj", and how Adi Da's Teaching works as Transmission of His Transcendental Spiritual State, and serves the Spiritual Realization of the reader.
Excerpt from an Avataric Discourse by Adi Da (at 5:35) — The Discourse is "My Teaching is a Direct Transmission of Me", from October 28, 2005. Adi Da talks about how His Teaching Word is a form of Spiritual Transmission, that enables Divine Communion with Him (if the devotee is in the right devotional disposition), in the same way that a Murti photograph does, or any of the other forms of Agency that Adi Da has created for this purpose.
Commentary from Megan Anderson (at 12:44) — Megan Anderson is an editor in the Adidam Editorial Department. Megan talks about Adi Da's great, final masterpiece, The Aletheon as the purest communication and Transmission of Adi Da Himself (among all His many, extraordinary books), and describes receiving the Revelation of Adi Da as she was proofreading The Aletheon before its publication.
Adi Da: "My Reality-Teaching is unparalleled Spiritual Transmission, occurring under the most extraordinary circumstances. It is not the product of an ordinary mind or a kind of scholarly commentary. It is a direct expression of Spiritual Transformation, of Spiritual Power, of Transcendental, Inherently Spiritual, and (necessarily) Divine Being, Consciousness, and Love-Bliss. It does not arise in Me or through Me in any ordinary fashion. It is an utterly spontaneous and Transcendental Spiritual Event."
need for regular study of Adi Da's Teaching. An interesting
aspect of Adi Da's Teaching is the need for regular study, if
the Teaching is to be effective in one's practice, because of
the profundity of the Teaching itself (it can take a while to
grasp), and because of the force of the ego:
You cannot confront My Reality-Teaching only once a month.
You must deal with it in some form every single day, because
a new form of the ego's game appears every single day. You
will buy your game every single day. Therefore, you cannot
have read one of My Books last month and still have it working
on your behalf, because you only remember a few key phrases.
You must continually return to My Reality-Teaching, confront
My Reality-Teaching. This is why study is so important.
. .
Understanding arises in the midst of intense, regular,
and frequent confrontation with My Wisdom-Teaching, My Arguments,
and My Instructions. The kind of study that is required
of you . . . is the continual, daily confrontation with
My Wisdom-Teaching that requires you to observe your tendencies,
your strategies, the games that prevent your Happy enjoyment
of a life of understanding. Such study requires conscious
participation, not only of mind. And, as self-observation
begins to arise in the midst of such study, you will begin
to see in yourself the flowering of understanding.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj
No matter how many times you read (or Listen to) My Divine
Avataric Word, every time you read It (or Listen to It)
you will "experience" unique and distinct responses, unique
and distinct "subjective" activity, and a distinctly unique
circumstance altogether. Nevertheless, the reason that My
Divine Avataric Word is (in Reality) new every time you
approach It is not simply that you are always going through
changes. Rather, the reason My Divine Avataric Word is always
new (and Always Now) is that It Is the Direct Self-Utterance
of Reality Itself—Which Is Always Already Prior to
time, space, "location", "point of view", and ego-"I".
secondary role of Adi Da's Teaching in relationship to Adi Da
Himself. Extraordinary and essential as it is, Adi Da's
Teaching — in the form of His books (or CDs, videos, etc.) — is
only secondary. It is a support for (and bridge to) Adi Da Himself.
Adi Da makes this point very clear, and cautions readers of His
Teaching not to miss Him (or dissociate Him from His Teaching)
while they are appreciating His Teaching. The primary principle
of the Way of Adidam is not to absorb concepts or perform techniques
one reads about in Adi Da's books. The primary principle of the
Way of Adidam (which is communicated by all His books) is "you
become what you meditate on"; therefore, recognize and meditate
on Adi Da's Divine Person and State (which He is eternally Transmitting
to all beings), to the degree where you too Realize His Divine
My Word is My Form, an extension of My Agency. It is not
a substitute and not independent of Me..... Do not abstract
yourself from My Word. Immerse yourself.
If (or When)
You Are My Formally Practicing Devotee,
Use Your Ability
To "Locate" Me
By Means Of
The Concentrated Study
(and "Consideration")
Of My (Always Me-Revealing)
Divine Avataric Word.
When people hear words, they characteristically expect to
think about them. However, the purpose of listening to My
Words, and also to My Leelas, is not merely to be able to
think about them. The fundamental purpose of listening to
My Leelas and My Words is the magnification of the tacit devotional
recognition-response to Me. That magnification of the tacit
devotional recognition-response to Me is the fundamental evidence
that My devotee is rightly and truly sighting Me and rightly
and truly listening to My Leelas and My Word.
[On the necessity of the Divine Transmission Master for
Spiritually and Transcendentally Transmitting with is described
in the Teaching:] Those who are without profound understanding
of the Great Spiritual Process very often like to dissociate
the Teaching from the Teacher. Therefore, in this time of
body-based dilettantism, Teachings are very often valued,
but the Teachers are not — the Guru-devotee relationship is
often not valued. It should be understood, however, that what
makes the Teaching valuable is the Realization of the Realizer.
You come to the Realizer not merely for his or her words of
Instruction but to Realize what the Realizer has Realized,
and is now Realizing.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj
I also Teach the walls, the trees, the dogs. It is not
that I Give a verbal Teaching to them. My Communication
to them is non-verbal.
Because It Is Reality Itself, My Divine Avataric
Teaching-Revelation and My Divine Avataric Transcendental
Spiritual Self-Transmission are usable and Realizable by
all beings, and even by every "thing"—including something
as apparently inert as a wall, or a room, or a building.
. .
Human beings tend to make overly much of My Teaching-Revelation
as a verbal matter—as something with which to entertain
their minds. My Teaching-Revelation is actually a process,
not merely a verbal Communication. My Teaching-Revelation
Is the process of "radical" devotion and right life that
Is "Perfect Knowledge"—because that entire process is in
devotional Communion with Me, transcending (and Free-Standing,
Always Prior to) the "point of view" (or conditionally and
psycho-physically "located") position.
The dog in My House can do it. So can you.
My verbal Address is certainly usable to human beings.
Because human beings exercise the verbal mind, the verbal
mind must be Addressed by Me. However, if you merely "think
about" My verbal Address, you are wasting your life in the
"talking school".
The Process of Divine Avataric Self-Realization is of a
Perfectly (or Always Priorly) egoless Transcendental Spiritual
Nature. If you understand what the Reality-Way of Adidam
is about, then you will apply yourself and adapt quickly,
and look to mature in the process readily. There are real
requirements, to be sure, and they are not to be compromised—but
they can be fulfilled by anyone.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj, ""I Am Perfectly Beyond
The East and Perfectly Free In The West" Part
20, The
The verbal Teaching, then, is simply a service to
aspirants — words of Instruction. The fundamental Teaching,
however, is the Sign of Realization, the Realizer himself
or herself. In the "Radical" Reality-Way of Adidam, then,
This Body is the principal Form of My Instruction, not only
the books I have made through This Body. The books are important,
yes — but I Am the Teaching. In the Reality-Way of Adidam,
My Realization is the Teaching — not merely My Words of
If people do not respond to Me, on the basis of devotionally
recognizing Me, they are merely responding to My Words —
and that is not the basis for right practice of the Reality-Way
of Adidam. . . .
If you reduce Me, or the Reality-Way of Adidam, to words,
then you do not respond to Me. You do not turn to Me. Instead,
you merely turn to the words, respond to the words — and,
thus, you turn back in on your own mind.
In the Ancient Walk-About Way, there were not any Teachings.
Long ago, there was not even the context of language in
which to articulate Teachings. Teachings were not the point.
The Realizer was the point — recognizing the Realizer —
and that is all.
The Spiritual Master is the Teaching, as I have
Said. I Am the Teaching. Those who devotionally recognize
Me are living the Reality-Way of Adidam. It does not matter
how many books I have Written that they read. Mere study
of My Divine Avataric Teaching-Word cannot change anyone
if it is looked at in the context of ordinary ego-bound
length: 10:13 event date: 1975 A talk from 1975 in which Adi Da describes His Dharma as not different from (or other than) the Guru or the Divine Itself. Therefore Satsang with the Guru is the Dharma of the Way of Adidam.
length: 07:24 event date: October 28, 2005 views: 3336 Adi Da talks about how His Teaching Word is a form of Spiritual Transmission, that enables Divine Communion with Him (if the devotee is in the right devotional disposition), in the same way that a Murti photograph does, or any of the other forms of Agency that Adi Da has created for this purpose.
Da's books. Avatar Adi Da's literary, philosophical, and
practical writings consist of over sixty published ("in print")
books — including The Knee Of Listening,
His Spiritual Autobiography; and The Dawn Horse
Testament, His magisterial Revelation of the entire Spiritual
Process from beginning to end.
books.The Reality-Way Of Adidam
and The Gift Of Truth Itself
provide a comprehensive introduction to Adi Da and the Way of
Adidam. The eBooklets in the Truth
For Real Series are very accessible introductory talks
or essays by Adi Da on specific topics of general interest.
Five Principal Books of Comprehensive Address. Adi Da did
a tremendous amount of writing in the years 2005-2008. Just two
weeks before His
Passing, He designated the five books that He wrote during
that three-year period as "the Five Principal Books of My Forever
Comprehensive Seventh-Stage Address to all-and-All":
The Aletheon — The Divine Avataric
Self-Revelation of His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj.
In its simplest sense, "The Aletheon" means "The Book
of Truth", and is a comprehensive description of the Divine Nature
of Reality, the seventh stage Way of Adidam, and Adi Da's Divine
Incarnation here which (when He is recognized as the Divine by
Revelation) makes the seventh stage Way possible.
The Gnosticon — The "Perfect Knowledge"
Reality-Teachings of His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj.
"The Gnosticon" means "The Book of Knowledge". In
The Gnosticon, Avatar Adi Da examines the Transcendentalist
Teachings (Teachings about the nature of Consciousness) of the
Great Sages — associated with the sixth stage of life —
in light of His own Revelation of the seventh stage, Transcendental
Spiritual Reality-Way of Adidam.
The Pneumaton — The Transcendental
Spiritual Reality-Teachings of His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi
Da Samraj. The Pneumaton ("The Book of Spirit") examines the
Teachings associated with the fourth and fifth stages of life
(particularly as exemplified by the traditions of Christianity
and Hinduism), in light of Adi Da's own Revelation of the seventh
stage, Transcendental Spiritual Reality-Way of Adidam. The
Pneumaton includes His rendering of the essential Spiritual
import of the New Testament Gospels.
Not-Two Is Peace — The Ordinary
People's Way of Global Cooperative Order. Adi Da wrote Not-Two
Is Peace out of concern for humanity's current plight. It
contains His vital wisdom on the root of human conflict: the limits
and errors of conventional religion and politics. He points to
the necessity of re-establishing human civilization based on principles
of mutual trust, cooperation, tolerance, "prior unity", and the
limitless participation of all humankind in transforming its own
Transcendental Realism
— The Image-Art of egoless Coincidence With Reality Itself. This
book brings together all of Adi Da Samraj’s writings on art. It
includes details on the methods, meaning, and purposes of His work,
His penetrating insight into the present-day culture and purpose
of art, and specific recommendations on how to participate ecstatically
in art. Adi Da also intensively considers the error of presuming
oneself to be separate from a work of art — He invites every individual
to be drawn beyond this illusion of separateness into the ecstatic,
living process of participating in His image-art.
twenty-three Courses. The twenty-three "Courses"
structure serves as the primary "conceptual coathanger"
for organizing the entirety of Adi Da's Wisdom-Teaching.
The remaining twenty-two Courses are divided into two groups:
The Heart of The Adidam Revelation — consisting of five
Courses, which, together, present a comprehensive overview of
the entire process of the Reality-Way of Adidam.
The Companions of The True Dawn Horse — consisting of
seventeen Courses, each of which elaborates on particular topics
from the first Course.
For much more about the twenty-three courses, click
The Basket Of Tolerance — Adi Da created The Basket Of Tolerance as a guide to the Great Tradition, His term for the world's spiritual and religious traditions viewed as a single repository of wisdom. Among other things, The Basket Of Tolerance is an index of thousand of individual books, recordings, and other materials drawn from the world's traditions and organized by Adi Da into a single coherent structure using His "Seven Stage of Life" framework. Thus a particular Christian mystical tradition might be identified as a "fourth to fifth stage tradition" in The Basket Of Tolerance, while a particular tradition from Advaita Vedanta might be identified as a "sixth stage tradition". The Basket Of Tolerance is an appreciation of the virtues of each of these traditions, even as it also makes clear what is missing in that tradition's viewpoint and what is missing in the means it provides practitioners for Spiritual and Transcendental Realization. In this sense, it is an appropriate to study The Basket Of Tolerance in order to fully understand and appreciate Adi Da's Revelation of the Way of Adidam Ruchiradam as a"seventh stage" Way, the ultimate, "All-Completing and Final Divine Revelation to Mankind" of the entire Great Tradition.
Because all devotees of Adi Da and people interested in Adi Da and His Teaching are raised within a culture, all of us are (usually unconsciously) influenced (and programmed) by the spiritual and religious traditions of our culture in the way we view reality, God, the world, and our potential destiny. For this reason, Adi Da has instructed His devotees (and those interested in spirituality and spiritual practice altogether) to
spend significant time in doing a systematic study of the Great Tradition, reading many of the books (and other materials) listed in The Basket Of Tolerance, to raise to consciousness one's own uninspected beliefs and
belief systems, so they can be understood in the larger and ultimate context of the Seventh Stage view, and, when appropriate, relinquished or changed.
I do not mean that you should just read a couple of lines [of traditional literature] here and there. You should be obliged to read and formally study a complete book every week or two. All the meetings that occur on a weekly basis — devotional meetings, study groups, and seminars — should have something to do with the traditional reading for that week. Thus, you will eventually become familiar with these works and become responsible for the hash of ideas you have in the back of your mind.
In the present moment, no matter what stage of practice any one is at, he or she has to go to school relative to the Way of [Adidam] and the Great Tradition. Everybody must understand that their formal study of these matters is just as much a part of this Way of life as their service, their meditation, and their devotional activities.
You cannot see the subtle uniqueness in the various aspects of this Teaching because you do not know what the Great Tradition itself is. The religion you all know is Sunday school or its equivalent at the synagogue. Beyond that, there is very little that you represent in terms of an educated understanding of this Great Tradition. My own Teaching is not an effort to brainwash you or lay arbitrary notions on you. I represent the entire Great Tradition. However, it requires great understanding of that tradition to practice this Way. It does not require a doctoral degree, or something like that. It is fine that there are various levels of the capacity for study. Nonetheless, there must be some fundamental understanding of the Great Tradition.
All these years, I have been calling on students and practitioners to study and gain this understanding. I have talked about the traditions in all kinds of ways. I have generated an educational process through my own Work with you. Through all these years, I have also been creating what is now known as The Basket Of Tolerance, which is a very specific design for your study of the Great Tradition — something that is workable, and usable by everyone.
Becoming familiar with the Great Tradition is another fundamental that you must have established in order to practice as a devotee. If you do not have some true familiarity and understanding of the Great Tradition, how can you be practicing [the Way of Adidam] at level three? You could practice it in some rudimentary sense without verbal education, but you are so full of prejudices relative to sadhana and what it requires that you freeze yourself out of real participation in the process. So you must get an education to unlearn your own prejudices and mental blocks against the Spiritual process.
You not only need an education in this Way in particular. You need an education in the whole history of human religion and Spirituality, so that you can overcome your prejudices, your failed religion neurosis and all the rest of it. You have to set yourself free for the Spiritual process. It is not that you have to encumber yourself with this education. You have to use it as a means for transcending your own limitations relative to the Spiritual process. That is what I call you to do by using The Basket Of Tolerance — not to get involved in the stuff of the Great Tradition for its own sake, but to use that study critically as a means for clarifying your own mind, relieving your own prejudices, and making the Great Tradition your tradition in some fundamental sense. Through that study, you overcome your religious prejudices and free yourself for the real practice.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj
April 20, 1987
Gift Of Study — How to read and make best use of Adi Da's books.
"All My Reality-Teaching is intended to be a direct address
to you. A relationship with Me, in other words, is the context of
My Reality-Teaching. This is what you must come to understand and
appreciate. Therefore, make the study of My Reality-Teaching into
a form of relationship with Me and do not just think about ideas
by reading My Books."
Orthography as a Teaching Device
— In His books from the 1990's and later, Adi Da made use of a unique
capitalization scheme He had evolved, in which He capitalized words
that would not ordinarily be capitalized in English. He also used
quotation marks in an unconventional manner. Chris Tong's article elaborates
on both devices.
The stories and articles on this website draw upon and refer
to a wide range of books by Adi Da Samraj, or about Adi Da Samraj
and Adidam. Many are currently available in print (through The
Dawn Horse Press), while some are out of print, and others
are yet to be released. This section
lists (in alphabetical order) the books mentioned on this site,
and indicates whether they are currently in print.
All the books below are by Avatar Adi Da Samraj, or are devotee-edited
compilations of His essays and talks, with introductions, articles,
and stories based on His wisdom and Revelation.
some of Adi Da's many books
(click to enlarge)
Note: Over the course of His life and work with devotees,
Adi Da has taken on a number of different names. The author's
name on each of the books below reflects this. Adi Da has explained
how His changing names reflects the progressive changes in His
Spiritual Work and His Revelation. For more about Adi Da's names,
click here.
Adept-Realizers Are The Root of All Esoteric Traditions
The profound and miraculous
Story of the Divine Life and Spiritual Revelation of Avatar
Adi Da Samraj — including excerpts from His written and spoken
Word and stories told by His devotees.
Adidam: The True World-Religion Given by the Promised
God-Man, Adi Da Samraj.
written and compiled under the direction of the Ruchira
Sannyasin Order of Adidam Ruchiradam
offers a clear and concise explanation of the five fundamentals
of the Way of Adidam, as given by Avatar Adi Da Samraj. It
answers the questions, "Who Is Adi Da Samraj?" and "What is
the Way that He Offers?", and provides a simple introduction
to the unique Spiritual relationship with Adi Da Samraj for
those who are just discovering Him and His Wisdom-Teaching.
Adidam communicates the five esoteric aspects of the Way of
Adidam in direct terms, and is illustrated with powerful excerpts
from Avatar Adi Da's Teaching.
Ecstasy is a collection of five remarkable essays by Adi
Da Samraj on the subject of art, many of which were written
by Him in response to comments on and consideration about
the collateral exhibition of His image-art at the 2007 Venice
Aham Da Asmi (Beloved I Am Da): The "Late-Time"
Avataric Revelation Of The True and Spiritual Divine Person
(The egoless Personal Presence Of Reality and Truth, Which
Is The Only Real God)
In Aham
Da Asmi, Adi Da Samraj fully Reveals Himself as the Avataric
Incarnation of the Living Divine Person and He elaborates
on the Spiritual significance of this All-Embracing Divine
Confession, which is the foundation of His entire Revelation
of the esoteric Way of Adidam.
"Aham Da Asmi" (in Sanskrit) over the
brass gates
leading to the inner courtyard of Aham Da Asmi Sthan
(click to enlarge)
The Aletheon
The Divine Avataric Self-Revelation
of His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj
A single, hardbound book in a slipcase (limited edition):
Kindle eBook edition (order on Amazon):
During the final two years of a Lifetime that had been utterly
devoted to the Communication of Truth, Avatar Adi Da created
His supreme Scripture — a book of oceanic depth and magnitude.
This final and greatest Instruction by Avatar Adi Da spans
over 2300 pages.
Atma Nadi Shakti Yoga — essays from The
Aletheon . . . more
The Boundless Self-Confession — essays
from The Aletheon . . . more
My Final Work of Divine Indifference —
essays from The Aletheon . . . more
The Gift Of Truth Itself — essays from
The Aletheon, especially selected for newcomers
to Adi Da's Wisdom-Teaching . . . more
Perfect Philosophy — essays from The
Aletheon . . . more
Reality Itself Is The Way — essays
from The Aletheon . . . more
The Self-Authenticating Truth — essays
from The Aletheon . . . more
The Seventh Way — essays from The Aletheon
. . . more
Surrender self By Sighting Me — essays
from The Aletheon . . . more
The All-Completing and Final Divine Revelation
To Mankind: A Summary Description Of The Supreme Yoga
Of The Seventh Stage Of Life In The Divine Way Of Adidam
The ultimate
secrets of Divine Enlightenment — including the four-stage
process of Divine Enlightenment, culminating in Translation
into the Infinitely Love-Blissful Divine Self-Domain.
Always Enact Fidelity To Me
The Foundation Emotional-Sexual
Disciplines In The Divine Reality-Way Of Adidam
by His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Volume Three of Right Life Is The Context Of Divine Beholding
(Adi Da's Word on disciplines embraced by all of His Second
Congregation and First Congregation devotees)
Avatar Adi Da’s Final Wisdom-Instruction on the true Yoga
of emotional-sexual life.
Adi Da: "I Am the One Who has made it possible for
human beings to totally comprehend the emotional-sexual
dimension of existence, and to completely transcend
egoic reactivity, and to truly grow beyond the ordinary
emotional-sexual limitations that the "worldly"
mind represents, and (by all of this) to have an altogether
— and inReality — sane life."
How would you respond if your loved one was undergoing
the ordeal of Alzheimer’s disease, or some other end-of-life
circumstance? Now you can read the story of two ordinary
people who discover that the love and happiness of their
life together was not lost by the “mere intrusion” of long-term
illness and death. Devotee Eileen Haight shares how, in
the midst of losing her husband to Alzheimer's, she learned
about love, caring, devotion, healing, wisdom, and transformation
through Avatar Adi Da's Instruction and Blessing.
The Ancient Walk-About Way: The Core Esoteric Process
of Real Spirituality and Its Perfect Fulfillment in the
Way of Adidam
In this beautiful collection of essays — which includes
“Perfect Adidam”, and “The Seventh Stage Revelation”, as
well as some earlier Writing — Avatar Adi Da draws the reader
through a “consideration” of the ancient tradition of heart-response
to the living Realizer, and of His Unique and All-Completing
Appearance in that tradition. Beloved Adi Da begins with
a foundation “consideration” of the Purpose and Principles
of the Guru-devotee relationship; He then communicates how
to cultivate life-conditions that allow the being to enact
its inherent heart-response to Living Truth; and, finally,
He describes the unique Signs and Qualities of His Appearance
and Offering, and of those who fully heart-respond to Him.
Atma Nadi
Shakti Yoga is Avatar Adi Da’s quintessential communication
of the Process by which any and all living beings may Realize
the Ecstasy of Perfect Oneness, or Prior Unity, with Reality
Itself (or Truth Itself). This book can help the reader appreciate
and comprehend the absolute uniqueness of Avatar Adi Da’s
Offering, and it tangibly conveys His profound Blessing-Transmission.
Includes thorough appendices and glossary to introduce the
new reader to the language and paradigms of Avatar Adi Da’s
The Avatar of What Is: The Divine Life And
Work Of Adi Da.
A summary overview of Avatar Adi Da’s Life and Work — from
the foretelling of His Birth, though His years of "Learning
humankind", the more than thirty-five years of His unique
Avataric Teaching-Work, to His current Compassionate Blessing-Work,
this is the extraordinary story of Adi Da’s Divine Intervention
in the world.
The Basket
Of Tolerance: The Perfect Guide to Perfectly Unified
Understanding Of The One and Great Tradition Of Humankind,
and Of The Divine Way Of Adidam As The Perfect Completing
Of The One and Great Tradition Of Humankind [Bibliography]
by the Avataric Great Sage, Adi Da Samraj
The Basket Of Tolerance: A Guide to Perfect Understanding
of the One and Great Tradition of Mankind
Given By Heart-Master Da Love-Ananda
1991 "pre-publication" edition
out of print
Note: Adi Da
Samraj will sometimes make a "pre-publication" edition of
one of His books available in advance (sometimes long in advance)
of an official release, primarily so that devotees have immediate
access to it.
Related books currently in print:
The Basket Of Tolerance Booklet Series — selected
essays from The Basket Of Tolerance. order
In 1998, Adi Da Samraj Gave Toni Vidor the name "O.G.",
or "Ogee" (OH-jee). He said this stood for "Old Growth".
She was hopeful that the name pertained to spiritual growth
as well as the ancient and venerable redwoods in the Tat
Sundaram region He so enjoyed. Then, in 2004, Bhagavan Adi
Da suggested to Toni that she write about her life. And
now, after many years of hard work—and in the very first
formally acknowledged book of testimonial stories by a devotee—anyone
who wants to has the opportunity to read Ogee’s remarkable
As the eldest child of film director King Vidor and actress
Eleanor Boardman, Toni Vidor grew up amidst the glamour
of Hollywood’s Golden Era. After college, she rejected the
life offered by her parents’ wealth and fame. From the late
1940s to the early seventies, she was an equestrian, healer,
as well as a pioneer of alternative living. During this
time, a process awakened in her that triggered a steady
stream of psychic phenomena, some ecstatic, others terrifying.
She became a spiritual seeker and met a dazzling array of
teachers, none of whom satisfied her thirst for spiritual
truth. With remarkable honesty and insight, Toni tells of
her life as the devotee of Adi Da. She recounts in vivid
terms the miraculous phenomena in His Company, as well as
the ordeals of the beginning spiritual practitioner. Versed
in the traditions of esotericism, she describes the inner
workings of the relationship between the disciple and a
true Adept-Realizer — the hard realities and personal trials
as well as the ecstasies and profound revelations that come
with a life dedicated to the genuine spiritual process.
The Bodily Location of Happiness: On the Incarnation
of the Divine Person and the Transmission of Love-Bliss.
There is
no miracle to come from science that will make you Happy.
There is no blessing power left in religion. People are un-Happy.
Therefore, they are all seeking Happiness. Ask yourself, "Where
is Happiness?" In this book, Adi Da considers the only
real "answer" — our bodily location of Happiness
through Communion with Him — and the awakening and spiritual
conversion of human beings.
The Bodily Sacrifice of Attention: Introductory
Talks on Radical Understanding and the Life of Divine Ignorance.
Each of the devotional practices communicated here by Adi
Da to devotees involves the participation of every part
of the bodily or psycho-physical being. They are unlike
conventional prayer and other problem-centered devotional
practices which only seek, but do not presently enjoy, the
Bliss and Fullness of Divine Communion. The devotions of
this Way are simply natural ways to exercise the body, emotion,
breath, and attention of the living being in ecstatic Love-Communion
with the Living and Transcendental Divine.
Related books:
Ishta — Extensive instructions
on turning to faculties of the body-mind — body, emotion,
breath, and attention — to Adi Da in devotional response.
The Boundless Self-Confession:
essays from The Aletheon
Written only a few months before He
passed from the body (in November 2008), this book brings
to culmination a lifetime of Revelation writings by the
Ruchira Avatar about the eternal meaning and purpose of
His Appearance, revealing profundities that are ultimately
unfathomable. But the heart knows. The heart, as His Divine
Presence says, “is where everyone comes to Me”.
and Name describes a beginner's practice that prepares
the body, emotions, and mind for more advanced spiritual practice.
But even this beginner's practice is a "seventh stage
Way" based on "prior enlightenment", intelligence,
and freedom from childish and adolescent habits and illusions.
The Bright Field: The Photographic Art of Adi Da
Over 80 duo-tone illustrations.
88 pages, softcover
The first
publication of Adi Da's image-art. This large-format book
presents black-and-white photographic image-art from 2000-2001
and includes 12 very different suites. Adi Da presents his
images in suites, rather than as single images. Each suite
can have anywhere from a few images to several hundred. Each
suite is very different in quality: a "meditation" on a rock
that rises out the of the ocean, a series of sensual and playful
images set in a city, a look at human personalities as "shattered"
phenomena, and so on. Every suite takes the viewer on an artistic,
emotional, intellectual, and spiritual journey. Most of Adi
Da's images in this book are highly sophisticated and complex
multiple exposures, often involving more than two (and even
as many as ten or more) superimposed layers, shot in camera.
The Complete Yoga of Human Emotional-Sexual Life:
My "Reality Consideration" of True Emotional-Sexual "self"-Understanding,
Right Sexual Yoga (Both Solitary and with Another), Right
Intimate Relationship, and Celibacy — Revealed and Given
by Me for the Sake of Everyone
This book contains a potent summary of Adi Da’s instruction
on emotional-sexual matters — including His compassionate
instruction on transcending negative sex-patterning, emotional
immaturity, and all forms of seeking through sex and relationship.
Adi Da calls all to a non-problematic, positive practice
that is compatible with the Transcendental Spiritual process
of Realization in His company.
Related books:
Always Enact Fidelity To Me:
The Foundation Emotional-Sexual
Disciplines In The Divine Reality-Way Of Adidam
Love of the Two-Armed
Form: The Free and Regenerative Function of Sexuality
in Ordinary Life and the Transcendence of Sexuality in
True Religious or Spiritual Practice.
The problem of the usual Man is emotional dissociation.
The body-mind or psycho-physical being that is the usual
Man is automatically tending to contract upon itself, to
be differentiated from all experiential phenomena, to possess
and fill its emptiness with the objects of all experience,
to protect itself with all knowledge, to separate itself
from the mysterious emotional demand of all relations and
The Salvation or Happiness of Man is in emotional conversion,
or the conversion of the heart from the automaticities of
self-possession to the conscious Realization of Ecstasy,
or self-transcending Love-Communion with the Universal Principle
or Being that is Life. Such emotional conversion is awakened
through constant study and hearing of the Teaching of Truth
and constant seeing or intuiting of the Living Divine Presence
in the Company of the God-Realized Man and the Community
of devotees of the Living God.
Conductivity Healing: Energy-Healing Practices That
Support An Intelligent, Harmonious, and Flowing Re-Integration
of The Physical and Etheric Dimensions of The Human Body
by Avatar Adi Da Samraj
August 2018 edition
paperback, 456 pages order
Straightforward and practical guidance on how to understand
and practice energy healing. Avatar Adi Da Samraj offers
simple practices that support well-being by feeling and
breathing and circulating etheric energy—in one’s own case
and also for others, through forms of healing touch.
But this book is not a “cure” for a “problem”, or a prescription
for self-improvement. Rather, it is Avatar Adi Da’s invitation
to wake up from the unconscious presumption that our bodies
and this world are merely physical—and to become responsible
for well-being and true human and Spiritual growth on that
Used by Indian Yogis for thousands of years, the hamsadanda
works directly with the breathing passageways to balance
the two halves of the brain, and, thereby, to bring balance
to mental, emotional, and bodily energies.
When you press or simply rest the hamsadanda in the
armpit on the side of the body where you are breathing
most freely, the pressure thus created economizes
the life-force on that side of the body and in the
opposite hemisphere of the brain. It also introduces
an opening into the opposite nostril, or the other
half of the mechanism for breathing, and stimulates
and awakens the effects and activities of the opposite
hemisphere in the brain. The Yogic "trick" is not
to breathe forcefully in the clogged nostril—that
is not what you should do. You should easefully control
the side that is freely breathing by using the hamsadanda.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj
January 24, 1983
For more instruction from Adi Da on the hamsadanda and
balancing the energies of the body-mind, see chapter 8 in
Conscious Exercise and the Transcendental Sun is
a manual for those who practice the spiritual Way taught
by Adi Da. Through Adi Da's Grace, we know what it is to
look, feel, and be completely happy. Conscious exercise
is simply a way of practicing this whole bodily happiness
under all conditions, without reason. It utilizes the natural
laws of body, breath, and attention to realign us, consciously
and instantly with the "Transcendental Sun". The
disciplines offered in this book include basic ways to stand,
sit, walk, and breathe with energy and delight; brief and
natural routines of calisthenics, hatha yoga, and surya
namaskar; and a basic practice of pranayama, or control
of the life-force in breath that can be done at random throughout
the day.
Earlier editions:
1st edition:
November 15, 1974
2nd edition:
August, 1975
Bubba Free John
(69 pages)
3rd edition:
September, 1977
Bubba Free John
(258 pages)
Our fundamental responsibility is literal and deep psychic
Love of the Presence of Life. We must surrender to Life
in order to be full of Life. The Life-Current is the "Holy
Spirit", the Divine Effulgence or Grace whereby we may be
Transfigured and made One with the Living and Eternal Divine
Reality. But we may be thus Transformed only if we transcend
all emotional contraction upon the self and, instead, Radiate
as Love of the Life-Principle or Living Person that is God.
It is emotional conversion to Life that heals our dis-ease.
Related books:
an expanded version of this book would later be published
as Compulsory Dancing.
Crazy Da Must Sing, Inclined To His Weaker Side:
Confessional Poems of Liberation and Love.
The poems in this book are the confessions of the Divine
incarnate, as lover and spiritual warrior. They tell of
Adi Da's lifelong struggle to Liberate beings from the siege
of Narcissus, or the mood and activity of self-possession
that prevents Enlightenment. The Enlightement of beings
is Adi Da's Divine Purpose, and the dramatic play of His
Work with devotees is the subject of these poems. Adi Da
wrote most of these forty-nine poems between 1971 and 1976.
Related items:
On August 12, 1982, Adi Da read aloud the collected
poems from Crazy Da Must Sing to a group of His
devotees in a single session. A recording of that occasion
is available on this
Da Love-Ananda Gita (The Free Avataric Gift
Of The Divine Love-Bliss): The "Late-Time" Avataric
Revelation Of The Great Means To Worship and To Realize
The True and Spiritual Divine Person (The egoless Personal
Presence Of Reality and Truth, Which Is The Only
Real God).
Avatar Adi
Da Reveals the secret simplicity at the heart of Adidam —
relinquishing our preoccupation with ourselves (and all our
problems and our suffering) and, instead, Contemplating Him,
the "Bright" Divine Person of Infinite Love-Bliss.
Da Upanishad: The Short Discourses on self-Renunciation,
God-Realization, and the Illusion of Relatedness
Adi Da appears
as a man; but He is no more confined to His physical frame
than the light of the stars is attached to their surface.
He is in fact the unobstructed Embodiment of the very Divine
Existence That is worshipped in every Sacred Tradition, and
under many Names. In His Da Upanishad, Adi Da Reveals
His essential Wisdom-Arguments and the fundamental disciplines
that will enable "even the least qualified of living beings"
to Awaken to the Eternal Divine Self, by His Graceful Blessing.
In these concentrated and sublime essays, He offers an unsurpassed
description of both the precise mechanism of delusion and
the nature, process, and ultimate fulfillment of Transcendental
Divine Realization.
The Danavira Mela Book:
The Season Of "Light-In-Everybody" As Celebrated In The
Company Of Bhagavan Adi Da Samraj
In this special
holiday book, Naamleela Free Jones shares the unique seasonal
traditions that Adi Da, her father and Guru, has developed
on this basis. She offers an intimate glimpse into the joyous
time of Danavira Mela, or the season of “Light-in-Everybody",
in the Company of Avatar Adi Da Samraj during His Lifetime.
Naamleela makes readily available the abundance of gifts Avatar
Adi Da has Given as means to participate with Him during this
season, for eternal time, including specific instruction on
each aspect of this celebration of Him. There are rare and
intimate photographs of Avatar Adi Da as a child (including
some never previously published) and over the years of celebrating
Danavira Mela with devotees, as well as communications from
Avatar Adi Da on the significance of this celebration.
Avatar Adi
Da's paramount "Source-Text", this Great Divine Testament
is unparalleled in its magnitude and depth. It represents
the fruit of Avatar Adi Da's Immense Work of Teaching and
Revelation over more than three decades. An extraordinary
Scripture, containing Avatar Adi Da's detailed Revelation
of every aspect of the process culminating in Divine Enlightenment.
Adi Da signing copies of The Dawn
Horse Testament before Gifting them to residents
of Adi Da Samrajashram, 1985.
Adi Da's signature in one of the earliest
copies of The Dawn Horse Testament.
Da receiving the first edition of The Dawn Horse
Testament in 1985
Da receiving the first edition of The Dawn Horse
Testament in 1985
(click to enlarge)
Earlier editions:
September, 1991
"Death Is a Living
Process": The Mate Moce Guide to Serving the
Based on the Wisdom Teaching of
The Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj
A practical resource for practitioners of
Adidam. This guide is offered by the Mate Mace Ministry of Adidam as a practical companion-volume
to Avatar Adi Da's "Source-Text", Easy
Death. In Easy Death,
Avatar Adi Da touches on every aspect of His Divine Wisdom
relative to the death process, based in His unique experience
and Spiritual Revelation. This guide focuses on the more
practical questions that might arise in putting Avatar Adi
Da's Wisdom into practice in life-and-death circumstances.
"Anyone who really wants to know what it is to live
in a continuing and transforming relationship to a Spiritual
Master should read Divine Distraction. It takes one as far
as a book can go. Nothing that is essential gets glossed
over or left out. The laments and the laughter, the risks
and the realizations are all there. And by turns they attract,
touch, and caution the reader that simply everything is
at stake in such a relationship. At every level the Master
meets the dilemmas of his devotees and transforms them into
opportunities for realization".
Gene R. Thursby, Professor of Religious Studies
University of Florida
The Divine Mahasamadhi of Parama-Sapta-Na Adi Da Samraj
This booklet contains Avatar Adi Da's own words about the
event of His death. It reveals the deep significance of
His Divine Mahasamadhi and His ongoing Transcendental Spiritual
Regard of all beings.
In the last weeks of His life, the Master had been
full of energy and creatively active with His artistic
work. He had been lovingly and humorously engaging
devotees. Longtime devotees had come to Naitauba to
be with Him on retreat. Musicians from India had come
to Naitauba to perform for Him. He had gathered with
devotees and retreatants to view His art. In the final
weeks of His earthly incarnation, His life and work
had manifested a great ease. And, then — just as spontaneously,
gracefully, and mysteriously as everything else He
had ever done — the Great Master dropped the human
body with the ease (as He Himself had predicted) of
"an apple falling from a tree".
— from the Introduction by Naamleela
Free Jones
Do You Know What Anything Is? Talks and Essays on Divine Ignorance
We are not
what we think. In any moment, we presume many things about
ourselves and the world. Our lives are based on countless
assumptions about "the way things work". But all
of this knowledge binds us to an erroneous belief in our own
un-Happiness. "Divine Ignorance" (or "Perfect
Knowledge", as He would also call it later), as taught
by Adi Da, is the direct intuition of our actual, native Condition,
beyond the prison of knowledge and experience.
The Dreaded Gom-Boo, or the Imaginary Disease That
Religion Seeks To Cure.
In this remarkable
book, Adi Da presents a startling and humorous insight: All
religion seeks to cure us of an unreal disease, which Adi
Da humorously calls the "Dreaded Gom-Boo". This
disease is our constant presumption that we have somehow "fallen
from Grace" and are in need of the salvatory "cure"
of religious belief. Adi Da uproots this religious conceit
and illusion by Confessing (based on His Own Realization)
that we are always already present and alive in and as Divine
Being. The "good news" of Adi Da's Way is that,
in present Communion with the Divine (made available through
Adi Da's Spiritual Transmission), we need not seek to be cured,
but must only feel, observe, understand, and renounce the
very activity of seeking itself, and thus be restored to our
native Happiness and Freedom. The insightful, liberating message
of this book cuts through thousands of years of religious
and mystical dogma and beliefs by revealing a radical spiritual
way eminently suited to the needs of modern men and women.
Drifted in the Deeper Land: Talks on Relinquishing
the Superficiality of Mortal Existence and Falling by Grace
into the Divine Depth That Is Reality Itself.
This remarkable
book discusses fundamental human questions: "What is
experience for?" "Why isn't it a lot better?"
"Am I just built to die?" "What is 'I' anyway?"
It probes our uninspected presumptions about how we live and
what really ends when we die. This book beautifully communicates
how Truth and profound religion are to be found in a process
of letting go more and more into the "Deeper Land" — the place
of Divine Depth and Consciousness that is beyond all experience
and suffering.
Whether you are approaching your own death, facing the
death of a loved-one, or are simply in need of understanding
the purpose of this brief and mortal life, you will find
in the pages of Easy Death a most extraordinary and unique
Help — Real Help, not mere consolation or impermanent philosophy,
given in the Wisdom, and in the human Form, of Avatar Adi
Da Samraj. For Adi Da was born in and as and from the "Bright"
Reality in which there is neither birth nor death, and His
entire lifetime has been spent unlocking that Ultimate Condition
from limited views of the ego, in order to offer a way for
anyone to Realize It directly. His human body has endured
and "seen" the entire death process and all the after-death
states and has entered into What Is, Beyond all of that.
There is no greater Authority on matters of death and ultimate
A marvelous tool for the study of Avatar Adi Da's Easy
Death, guiding the reader through a very personal exploration
of the conventional, Western view of death and the enlightened
alternative; reincarnation and what takes place after death;
preparing for death by using your life rightly; and the
death transition as practiced in the religion of Adidam.
June 1979 edition
out of print
at Amazon)
new edition forthcoming
You can always trust an eating gorilla. Having found his
food, he has put aside all effort and concern for survival.
He has surrendered his eccentricities, his obsessive urges,
and the tension in his most characteristic qualities. He
has become submissive to the ordinary motive and desire
that is real hunger, since he is now certain of its satisfaction.
He is essentially benign, playful, even lovable. He is simply
eating. And he trusts any others who may be present or who
may approach, as long as there is sufficient food and they
also stop to eat it.
Human beings are not generally "eating gorillas".
Food is in doubt. Eating is no ordinary affair of hunger
and assured satisfaction. Trust, love, peace, and meditation,
the essence of the plainest fare when we are in our natural
ease, are now a rare occasion, a private matter, for the
gourmets and ascetics who populate our human table. Food
is only a ceremony, a link to Life and its Source. When
food is in doubt, so also are Life, Truth, and the Divine.
Food is a link to Eternal Life. But happiness as Eternal
Life depends on our ability to be satisfied, at ease in
our relations, surrendered in love, and a sacrifice to Infinity
through devotional meditation, or release into the Current
of Life to its Source.
This extraordinary book demonstrates:
How the true principle of health is Love, or the feeling-connection
to Infinite Life.
How reactive emotion is the root of all food obsessions
and common health failures.
How the life-energy received and distributed through
the breath is the primary form of human food.
How the regenerative vegetarian diet is the best daily
diet for health and well-being.
How we can compensate for physical and emotional imbalances
through right diet and health practices.
How diet is a necessary aspect of a pleasurable, mature,
and regenerative sex life.
How to use fasting, herbal remedies, and dietary modifications
to purify and regenerate the body.
Eleutherios contains Avatar Adi Da’s most esoteric offering
of the “Perfect Practice” of the Way of Adidam. This “Perfect
Practice” takes place in the domain of Consciousness Itself,
prior to the body and the mind. Eleutherios is an address
to the great human questions about God, Truth, Reality,
Happiness, and Freedom.
Earlier editions:
July 5, 1982
October, 1995
April, 1998
Eleutherios (Greek)
(click to enlarge)
Enlightenment and the Transformation of Man: Selections from Talks and Essays on the Spiritual Process
and God-Realization
There are really only two ways communicated in the
whole world: the Way of living as Enlightement, and
the way of living as the phenomenal self. If you are
going to live as Enlightenment, you must understand
this convention of the phenomenl self, with all the
mechanics of existence you have built upon it. Therefore,
you must undergo the Sacred Ordeal of transition from
this conventional self presumption and its habit energies
into the disposition where Enlightenment is tacitly
obvious and you are related to phenomena in Freedom.
It is an Ordeal into which we may be inserted with
understanding, in a disposition of Freedom and surrender.
Or we may face it while remaining in the self-knot,
with a certain level of philosophical understanding,
but nevertheless struggling with the conditions of
existence, until we achieve sufficient purity [freed-up
energy and attention] to engage the Way in higher
terms. In the traditional setting, this second kind
of struggle tends to be the way. In our setting, understanding
is the principle of the Way from the beginning.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj
The Eternal One:
The Divine Mahasamadhi of The Divinely Translated Master,
Parama-Sapta-Na Adi Da Samraj
The Eternal
One commemorates the extraordinary events surrounding
Avatar Adi Da's relinquishment of the physical body, and describes
the beginning of the yearlong worldwide vigil period established
to honor his Divine Mahasamadhi and celebrate his Eternal
presence. This full-color 320 page 81/2" x 11" book has countless
photos of Adi Da Samraj during His physical Lifetime, and
also includes many images from the events after His Passing.
The Eternal Stand:
Celebrating the Establishment of Adi Da Samrajashram, the
Hermitage-Island and World-Blessing-Seat of His Divine Presence,
Avatar Adi Da Samraj
The spectacular
story of how Avatar Adi Da transformed a six-square-mile island
in the middle of the Pacific Ocean into the most Empowered
Sacred Space and Hermitage Ashram on the planet. A gorgeous,
"coffee table" edition, with riveting first-person accounts
and a wealth of vibrant full-color photographs. Prepared in
honor of the 30th anniversary of Avatar Adi Da's arrival at
Naitauba in 1983.
The Enlightenment of the Whole Body:
A Rational and New Prophetic Revelation of the Truth of
Religion, Esoteric Spirituality, and the Divine Destiny
of Man
Since ancient times it has been acknowledged that the true
Spiritual Master is a special manifestation of the Divine
Reality. Such individuals are born for their Work. They
"evolve" quickly, and they generally begin instructing
others while still relatively young. Adi Da is such a rare,
"Heaven-Born" Spiritual Master. The Enlightenment
of the Whole Body is Adi Da's Song to the All-Pervading
Life and Transcendental Consciousness of the Divine Person
— Who He is, and for Whom He is the living Agent among men.
If we were to combine the most God-inspired Scriptures
of Man into a single, focused, completely considered and
authoritative expression, this is the kind of book that
would emerge. It contains all the moral and prophetic fire
of the Old and New Testaments; the philosophical majesty
of the greatest Hindu and Buddhist literature; and the Ecstatic
Humor or Transcendental Freedom of the most Illumined testimonies
of Divine Life that have ever appeared in the East or the
West. Adi Da's Confession of God-Realization is authentic
poetry of Divine Transfiguration, comparable only to the
Divine Utterances of Masters such as Krishna, Jesus, or
If you allow Adi Da's Revelation to enter your life, you
will also enjoy the Enlightened Happiness that is the Heart
of all experience.
Feeling Without Limitation: Awakening to the Truth
Beyond Fear, Sorrow, and Anger
A Discourse
in which Avatar Adi Da describes all the ways in which people
try to make themselves feel good — from eating dinner to believing
in God — even though none of these methods can create permanent
Happiness. Avatar Adi Da explains why the key to both human
happiness and Spiritual Realization lies in the ability to
Feel without limitation, and He details the unique process
that makes this possible.
My Final Work of Divine Indifference: Wherein I
Constantly Abide Only As I Am, in Divine and
Avatarically Responsive Transcendental Spiritual Regard
of all-and-All
Four essays
in which Adi Da Samraj describes His perfect Retirement into
Divine Indifference, Free of any necessity to Teach. That
Retirement did not signify an "end" to His Work altogether
— rather, it was a Sign of His Freedom to be entirely concentrated
in His most profound Work of forever Blessing all beings and
The Fire Gospel: Essays and Talks on Spiritual Baptism.
The Fire Gospel affirms the ancient spiritual Way
that underlies mankind's great religious and spiritual heritage:
Spiritual Baptism. Adi Da's message not only serves to illuminate
our understanding of the method of Spiritual Baptism employed
by the Great Adepts, but it is also a calling to take up
the spiritual Way in His Company, through recognition of
Who He is.
Like all of Adi Da's works, The Fire Gospel is refreshingly
free of the archaisms of popular religious belief and doctrine,
as well as the limitations of the modern conceptual mind
of scientific materialism. Instead, Adi Da's radical Way
combines intelligent discrimination with spiritual Ecstasy
to grant the reader the Vision of the non-separation of
self, world, and the Divine Reality.
The First Three Stages Of Life: Serving the Right,
True, and Free Development of Children and Young People
and Completing the Human Work of Individuation, Socialization,
and Integration for Adults.
Presenting Instructions Given By His Divine Presence, Avatar
Adi Da Samraj
What is the most important, enduring gift that one can
give a child? Asked this question, almost everyone will
say that they want to give children the ability to be happy.
And they are right. There is nothing more important to give
to any child — or, truly, to anyone, of any age. Read on
to find out how this book can help you learn to do this
— for your child, your young friends, and for yourself.
Adi Da has
indicated how there is an additional Force that comes from
reciting His Word, beyond reading it on the page. Forehead,
Breath, and Smile is a collection of readings specifically
chosen for formal recitation by devotees.
The Four Fundamental Questions: Talks and Essays
About Human Experience and the Actual Practice of an Enlightened
Way of Life.
This book
considers the fundamental questions of our existence. It does
not merely give "answers" to these questions. Instead,
this book is a consideration, a process
of self-examination that you may engage by entertaining the
questions Adi Da puts to you. The consideration in itself
will not "enlighten" you. However, if you consider
these questions carefully and continually, they will inevitably
lead you to take up a way of life that is essentially enlightened,
happy, and free.
Four Primary Principles of Conscious Childrearing
Based on the Teaching of Da Free John
Prepared by the Education Department of The Johannine Daist
1985 edition
out of print
The four principles of conscious childrearing presented
in this book are:
Intimacy is the Healing Principle
The Principle of Attraction
Discipline is an Act of Love within the Culture of Expectation
Transcending Sexual Neurosis in Childhood
Garbage and the Goddess: The last miracles and final
spiritual instructions of Bubba Free John.
An amazing account of miraculous phenomena manifested by
Adi Da during 1974 for the sake of teaching His devotees
fundamental lessons.
My Teaching work over the last two and one half years
has thus been associated with inner and outer miracles,
but it was all a way to demonstrate how the fulfillment
of experiential life in individuals does not amount
in any sense whatsoever to illumination. The arising
of miraculous or extraordinary experiential phenomena
does not produce the enlightened man, the wise man.
Enlightenment or radical understanding depends entirely
on the conscious process, not the experiential one.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj, August 11, 1974
The Gift of The Eight-Part Admonition: The
Practice Manual for Avatar Adi Da's Third Congregation Devotees
A potent collection of Avatar Adi Da's Word to illuminate
the meaning and guidance contained within His simple and
direct Eight-Part Admonition relative to the relationship
with Him. An invaluable primer for those who are considering
formal practice of the Reality-Way of Adidam in this form—and
for anyone to be refreshed in the devotional core of the
relationship with Avatar Adi Da.
The Gift of Truth Itself: The Ever-Living
Means Whereby Everyone Can Realize Truth or Perfect Happiness
This book is a compilation of selections from The
Aletheon that are chosen for accessibility to the
general public. The essays form a concise consideration
of the cultural, religious, and social forces that have
shaped the presumptions of Western civilization about Truth
and Reality.
I Give You the Gift of One Another: The Call
to ego-Transcending Cooperation and the Creation of Authentic
Intimate (Local) and Global Community
Outlines the principles of True (Human Scale) Community
in the Way of Adidam. I Give You the Gift of One Another
is not only full of extraordinary Wisdom, but also comprehensive
in its coverage of all aspects of cooperative community.
Included is Instruction on the nature of the ego; practicing
in cooperative association; the culture of expectation and
inspiration; political ideas; and renunciation. The only
book the Dawn Horse Press has published specifically on
The Gnosticon
The "Perfect Knowledge" Reality-Teachings
of His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj
"The Gnosticon" means "The Book of Knowledge". In The
Gnosticon, Avatar Adi Da examines the Transcendentalist
Teachings (Teachings about the nature of Consciousness)
of the Great Sages — associated with the sixth stage of
life — in light of His own Revelation of the Transcendental
Spiritual Reality-Way of Adidam.
This small
book contains Adi Da’s Instruction about the origins of conventional
religion (especially as a projection of the parent-child relationship),
and how the individual may be drawn beyond childhood and adolescence
into a direct Realization of the Divine. It also includes
the Talk “True Surrender Is a Koan”, which is a direct and
humorous address to the dilemma of every beginner in Spiritual
practice: “How do I surrender to God”?
God Is Not a Gentleman And I Am That One: Ecstatic
Talks on Conventional Foolishness versus the Crazy Wisdom
of God-Realization.
The speech of a God-Realized Adept is always Ecstatic.
At times, this Ecstatic speech is given especially dramatic
expression. Then it becomes a direct testimony to our inherent
Freedom and unreasonable Happiness. Such speech has power
to break the spell of our egoic enchantment. It draws us
out of our ordinary concerns and Awakens in us the intuition
of our prior Enlightenment.
This book is a collection of such Ecstatic communications
of the Divine Avatar, Adi Da Samraj, selected from over
ten years of His Teaching Work.
Green Gorilla: The Searchless
Raw Diet
Given By His Divine Presence The Divine Avataric World-Teacher
Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Avatar Adi Da’s fundamental recommendation relative to
diet is the searchless raw (fructo-vegetarian) diet. It
is "searchless" in the sense that it is simply
lawful management of a body in Communion with the Living
Reality, free of the need to use food as a means to solve
any kind of problem or seek any kind of ideal in body or
One of Avatar
Adi Da's most esoteric Revelations — His Primary "Incarnation"
in the Cosmic domain as the "He" of Primal Divine Consciousness,
the "She" of Primal Divine Light, and the "Son" of "He" and
"She" in the "Me" of His Divine Spiritual Body.
Hear Me Heart-Deep: A Guide to the Listening Hearing-Process in the Way
of the Heart
Hear Me
Heart-Deep is a course that covers the stages of practice
in the listening-hearing process, what occurs in "listening",
and the most common pitfalls that delay devotees' practice
of the Way of Adidam. It focuses on Adi Da's critical argument
of Narcissus and His Calling to feel beyond the self-contraction.
It also includes important supportive arguments, such as those
of conceptual and perceptual mind and Divine Ignorance. Although
the course is primarily based on The Dawn
Horse Testament, it is full of additional readings,
including many oral communications from Adi Da from 1991-1992.
His Divine Presence: In Celebration of the Divine
Avataric World-Teacher Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj
A magnificent selection of the most potent Darshan images
of Adi Da Samraj from 2000 to 2008, often from occasions
of fullest worship of His Bodily Form. Also contains exquisite
excerpts from His written teaching. Many of the photographs
are only available in this special publication.
A beautifully precise and exquisitely poetic description
of the Spiritual Process in Avatar Adi Da’s Company — the
devotional (and, in due course, Spiritual) relationship
to Him and the reception of His Spiritual Transmission,
or Spirit-Baptism. In breathtakingly beautiful poetry, Avatar
Adi Da Samraj sings of the "melting" of the ego in His “Rose
Garden of the Heart”.
The Hymn Of The True Heart-Master is a free rendering
by Adi Da Samraj of the traditional Guru
an ancient Hindu text which proclaims that the relationship
between the Guru and the devotee is the Supreme means of
Divine Self-Realization. This book celebrates that relationship
— and invites every reader into its God-Realizing embrace.
This book is specifically intended for people making the
difficult transition from "ordinary" life to the
Great Process of the Way of God-Realization.
The most difficult stage is the one of transition
from lawless, subhuman existence to the responsible
beginning of spiritual life. After that, the whole
affair is more creative and freely voluntary. Thus,
in the earliest stages of life, where personal, moral,
and religious preparation is developed, much attention
still remains in reactive and self-indulgent physical,
emotional, and mental patterns. But as the stages
of true practice of the Way develop, there is less
and less of the mechanical and self-conscious attachment
to the structures of the body-mind. As the Way develops,
the entire lower body-mind becomes Awake in the prior
Fullness of the Divine. Thus, social, dietary, sexual,
and other areas of habit and obsession gradually relax
and are sublimed through ecstatic Communion with the
Avatar Adi Da Samraj
The Incarnation Of Love: "Radical" Spiritual Wisdom
and Practical Instruction on Self-Transcending Love and
Service in All Relationships.
wants to experience the happiness of loving and being loved
— and in this remarkable book, Adi Da offers insight and practical
instruction on the "discipline of love" — discovering the
true source of love, and transmitting that love to all others.
Readers will find fascinating essays on: receiving the love
of God; on loving without demands or expectation; on overcoming
guilt, anger, and fear; and on the unique practice of "the
wound of love" — the open-hearted, vulnerable, "in-love" participation
with all of life.
Ishta: The Way of Devotional Surrender to the Divine
is a comprehensive handbook on the life and practice of religious
devotion. It describes the traditional background of devotion
to one's chosen Deity (or "Ishta"), explains why
such devotion is still as necessary today for the spiritual
practitioner as it has always been, and reminds us that the
reward of this devotional yoga is the Freedom of self-forgetting
absorption in The Divine Itself. This book is a must-read
for serious spiritual aspirants of any faith who need inspiration
and guidance in the path of devotional love. But most specifically,
it is an excellent introduction to the practice of "radical"
devotion in relation to Adi Da as one's Ishta Guru.
In 2008, Beloved Bhagavan Adi Da said that He would like
to see more children's books written in Adidam and that
He wanted to write more as well. Now, after many years,
with the help of many devotees, there is a children's book
about Bhagavan and His first camel Jingle Baba — with 55
awesome color photographs, many of which have never been
seen before. Jingle Baba: the Happiest Camel is a heart-warming
story about the love between a camel from the London Zoo
and the Unique Spiritual Master and World-Teacher Adi Da
The Knee Of Listening is Avatar
Adi Da’s Spiritual Autobiography. It tells the miraculous story
of His unique Incarnation and Revelation in the West for the sake
of Liberating all beings.
[Adi Da, on The Knee Of Listening, which was published
when He was 31:] It has taken me at least thirty-one years
to produce this book. If I were a mythical "Avatar" or one
of the "eternal Siddhas", I would have made it for you as
soon as my faculties were fit to write. But [as an actual,
non-mythical Incarnation of the Divine] I had to learn it
all instead according to the condition of our usual birth.
This has also determined the symbol and subject matter through
which I must interpret this learning to you. For every word
I will speak [the "Bright", the "Thumbs", etc.] has a peculiar
history in my own life of understanding.
You could say that The Knee of Listening is sufficient
and that I didn't have to say or write anything else again.
The Knee of Listening is an esoteric textbook of the
highest type. It is a Transcendental manual. If you studied
it truly, considered it fully, you would bypass all of the
first six stages
of life and enter directly into the seventh. If you were
truly intelligent, merely one reading would be sufficient
to move directly into the seventh stage of life, not merely
into the play of the origins of the seventh stage of life
but into the Translation stage.
But I understand fully where I am and where you are and what
your stage of preparation represents. That is why I am here,
to develop a culture of association with the possibility of
Translation and account for all the motives of mankind, all
the stages of transition toward Enlightenment and Translation.
found The Knee of Listening in 1973. Upon reading it,
Adi Da spoke to my heart immediately. I instantly recognized
that what He was saying was the Real Truth and it resonated
with my heart. And that's why I came to Him as Sat-Guru. .
. I went to Los Angeles where Adi Da's Ashram was located
at that time and became His devotee.
Linda Perez
Adi Da training Aniello Panico to teach
the first Knee Of Listening course
(click to enlarge)
[On the meaning of the title:] The [beginning practices
of the Way of Adidam] constitute the "knee" of listening,
the foundation preparation of free and true attention.
The Lesson: A Study Guide to the Radical Teaching of Master
Da Free John for Students of The Laughing Man Institute.
4 volumes, prepared by the Editorial
and Educational Staffs of the Johannine Daist Communion
1982-84 edition
out of print
The Lion Sutra: On Perfect Transcendence Of The Primal Act,
Which is the ego-"I", the self-Contraction, or attention
itself, and All The Illusions Of Separateness, Otherness, Relatedness,
and Difference
In The Lion Sutra, Adi Da calls the reader to transcend
the "disease of separation and seeking" that is the egoic self,
and to "Swoon in Consciousness Itself." This book is the most concise
presentation of Adi Da's "Radical" Argument —
"Seeking and attaining are a Total loss, and loss itself is the
Only discovery of gain", and a direct and uncompromising invitation
to self-transcendence and Divine Self-Realization.
Earlier edition:
June 22, 1986
This earlier edition was titled, Love-Ananda Gita. (Adi
Da would later use that title for a different
book.) The three black, horizontally aligned circles signify
the three
stations of the heart.
Look at the Sunlight on the Water: Educating Children for
a Life of Self-Transcending Love and Happiness
Love and Blessings, twenty-five of His devotees tell heart-breaking
stories of human need and Divine Response. A soldier in Iraq, a woman
going blind in Holland, a son with his dying father in Australia,
a woman with cancer in America — these and others tell how they asked
Adi Da Samraj for His Blessing-Regard and the miraculous process that
ensued. These stories are also about Adi Da's Liberating Blessing-Grace,
which He offers as a Gift for the sake of Awakening all beings beyond
any suffering of the body and mind to the Prior Condition of Eternal
Freedom and Happiness.
Love Made Me A Body To Live With You: Revelations of The
Divine Avataric Appearance Given by His Divine Presence, Avatar
Adi Da Samraj
Published in Celebration of the 80th Jubilee Anniversary of the
Human Birth of the Divine Person: 1939 - 2019
Love Made
Me A Body To Live With You is an invitation to meditate on the
Unfathomable Gift of the human Incarnation-Form of the Divine Person,
in celebration of the 80th anniversary of Avatar Adi Da's Birth. Pairing
stunning full-page color photographs of Beloved Adi Da with His poetic
and summary proclamations about His Divine Avataric Appearance, this
special 80-page publication evokes the Mystery and Miracle of the
Radiant Master's Avataric Revelation throughout all time and space.
Love of the God-Man: A Comprehensive
Guide to the Traditional and Time-Honored Guru-Devotee Relationship,
the Supreme Means of God-Realization, As Fully Revealed for the
First Time by Adi Da Samraj.
Love of Me Must Be the Measure of Your Intimacies: Recent
Instructions on Emotional-Sexual Responsibility and Adapting to
the Practice of True Intimacy
from The Divine World-Teacher and True
Heart-Master, Da Avabhasa (The "Bright")
Love of the Two-Armed Form: The Free and Regenerative Function
of Sexuality in Ordinary Life and the Transcendence of Sexuality
in True Religious or Spiritual Practice.
Detailed, practical
instruction and Wisdom on the first three stages of life: individuation
(1-7 years); socialization (8-14 years); and discrimination and integration
(15-21 years). Includes Talks and Essays by Avatar
Adi Da on conscious child-rearing.
The Love-Ananda Gita
(The Wisdom-Song Of Non-Separateness)
The "Simple" Revelation Book of
Heart-Master Da Love-Ananda
A Mastered Life: Talks and Writings on the Laws Inherent
in the True Guru-Devotee Relationship to Be Lived with The Divine
World-Teacher and True Heart-Master, Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Love-Ananda
In this extraordinary compilation from His earliest Discourses,
Avatar Adi Da communicates an exquisite summary of His "radical"
Teaching-Revelation, and He passionately offers everyone the Gift
of the heart-relationship to Him (or Satsang with Him), as the True
Means of Divine Liberation.
Earlier editions:
July, 1973
April, 1978
July, 1987
December, 1992
September, 1995
Note from the September 1995 edition:
When the Talks in The Method of the Siddhas were first given,
Adi Da was speaking to brand new devotees and the public, and He
therefore used language accessible to people with no real experience
of Spiritual practice. Thus, in preparing people to rightly enter
into the relationship to Him as Guru, He would most often speak
of this relationship in general terms, referring to "the Guru"
and "the disciple".
However, as was clear to His devotees even at the outset of His
Work, Adi Da has always been the only Guru who completely fits the
description of "the Guru" in The Method of the Siddhas.
Thus Adi Da no longer speaks of "the Guru" and "the
disciple", but, rather, of "I" and "My devotee".
Now, more than twenty years later, when Adi Da's Work is established,
and thousands acknowledge Him as the Da Avatar and can testify to
the authenticity of His words, Adi Da openly expresses Who He Is.
And so, like the [1995] edition of Adi Da's Spiritual autobiography,
The Knee of Listening, this
[1995] edition of The Method of the Siddhas presents Adi
Da's full communication about Himself as the supreme Siddha-Guru.
My "Bright" Form: Discourses From The Divine Siddha-Method
Of The Ruchira Avatar — The Divine Reality Way of Adidam Is An ego-Transcending
Relationship Not an ego-Centric Technique
Receive Avatar Adi Da's Gift of the Perfect Happiness of Divine
Purify and awaken the structure of the body-mind-complex
Live a life governed by heart-based Reality-intelligence
Participate in the Eternal Outshining-Work of Avatar Adi Da
Over one-third of content is from previously unpublished materials.
My "Bright" Form is Volume III of the four-volume
series, The Divine Siddha-Method Of The Ruchira Avatar:
My "Bright" Word — Original formal Teaching Discourses,
given in the years 1972-1973.
My "Bright" Sight — A selection of key Discourses,
given in the years 1973-1995.
My "Bright" Form — Two concentrated series of
Discourses, given in the years 1992 - 1994.
My "Bright" Room — A single concentrated series
of Discourses, given in the years 2004 - 2005. (forthcoming)
My "Bright" Sight: Discourses From The Divine Siddha-Method
Of The Ruchira Avatar — The Divine Reality Way of Adidam Is An ego-Transcending
Relationship Not an ego-Centric Technique
Open this book to discover a portal into another world. Allow yourself
to be transported into Avatar Adi Da’s radiant sphere, each page
shining with His Word or Form. Now, for the first time in one book,
you can enjoy Discourses from a wide range of His Teaching-Submission
Years (1973 to 1995). Many of these 21 Talks have never been published
in a book — or even in a printed form before!
Enhancing the core theme of “Sighting” is a 16-page gallery adorned
with 23 exquisite, seldom-seen sightings of Avatar Adi Da, chronologically
arranged, one from each of those Teaching-Submission Years.
My "Bright" Sight is Volume II of the four-volume
series, The Divine Siddha-Method Of The Ruchira Avatar:
My "Bright" Word — Original formal Teaching Discourses,
given in the years 1972-1973.
My "Bright" Sight — A selection of key Discourses,
given in the years 1973-1995.
My "Bright" Form — Two concentrated series of
Discourses, given in the years 1992 - 1994.
My "Bright" Room — A single concentrated series
of Discourses, given in the years 2004 - 2005. (forthcoming)
My "Bright" Word: Discourses From The Divine Siddha-Method
Of The Ruchira Avatar
In this extraordinary compilation from His earliest Discourses,
Avatar Adi Da communicates an exquisite summary of His "radical"
Teaching-Revelation, and He passionately offers everyone the Gift
of the heart-relationship to Him (or Satsang with Him), as the True
Means of Divine Liberation.
My "Bright" Word is Volume I of the four-volume
series, The Divine Siddha-Method Of The Ruchira Avatar:
My "Bright" Word — Original formal Teaching Discourses,
given in the years 1972-1973.
My "Bright" Sight — A selection of key Discourses,
given in the years 1973-1995. (forthcoming)
My "Bright" Form — Two concentrated series of
Discourses, given in the years 1992 - 1994.
My "Bright" Room — A single concentrated series
of Discourses, given in the years 2004 - 2005. (forthcoming)
2003 edition
16-page full color pamphlet order
A stunning celebration pamphlet, released for the twentieth anniversary
of Naitauba Padavara (in 2003), and brimming with gorgeous images
and articles.
The Nine Great Laws Of Radical Devotion To Me: Readings
from The Aletheon, The Dawn Horse Testament, and Eleutherios,
as well as Selected Discourses and Spoken Instructions
In the heart of all of Bhagavan's devotees, there is an absolute
certainty that there is something greater than self and world.
That certainty comes from the Sighting of Bhagavan’s Holy
Form. Bhagavan's Nine Great Laws of "radical" devotion tell
us how to live by that certainty, which is Divine and Holy,
by always manifesting a sacred and right relationship to His
Holy Person. The demonstration of the Nine Great Laws of "radical"
devotion is founded in the awareness that Bhagavan Adi Da
is not localized to His Incarnation-Body. He Is His State.
He Is Samadhi — always existing as the Divine Conscious Light.
from the Introduction
by Ruchiradama Quandra Sukhapur Rani Naitauba
There exists a great possibility for all of us, in which
the adventure of suffering comes to an end and only God or the Divine
Reality is known. As you will discover in this book, it is not necessary
(or even useful) for you to become "pure" or "holy". There is literally
no remedy, no action you can perform, spiritual or wordly, that can
bring an end to your suffering and sense of limitation. It is far
better and wiser to live in direct relationship to the Divine. Such
a way begins and goes on forever in the happiness of God, and that
is exactly what life in the Company of Avatar Adi Da Samraj is all
Not-Two Is Peace: The Ordinary People's Way of Global
Cooperative Order
The uniquely comprehensive address to the global crises of our
time. The World-Friend Adi Da wrote Not-Two Is Peace
out of concern for humanity's current plight. Not-Two Is
Peace contains Adi Da's vital wisdom on the root of human conflict:
the limits and errors of conventional religion and politics. He
points to the necessity of re-establishing human civilization based
on principles of mutual trust, cooperation, tolerance, "prior unity",
and the limitless participation of all humankind in transforming
its own destiny. Also included is Adi Da's "radical" argument for
transcending egoity along with his urgent call to found the Global
Cooperative Forum—a new type of human order. This forum will allow
humankind to become conscious of itself as one great coherent force—the
only force capable of requiring and implementing systemic changes
the world needs. This third edition is essential study for anyone
concerned about the state of global affairs.
Niet-Twee Is Vrede: Hoe Gewone Mensen tot een Wereldwijde
Samenwerkende Orde komen
Notice This is a depthful contemplation of "Perfect Knowledge",
with Adi Da's "Five Reality-Teachings" as the core structure of
the consideration. Over half of the book is never-before-published
material, including, notably, Discourses that Adi Da gave to a small
gathering of devotees at Tat
Sundaram Hermitage in late 1998 and early 1999.
This book is both
a beautiful exposition of the nature of Perfect Freedom and a practical
guide to maintaining, in perpetuity, the cultural integrity of the
Way of Adidam. Avatar Adi Da describes, at length, the signs of true
renunciation in the Way of Adidam and the means whereby His Great
Revelation can be carried throughout all time.
Orpheus and Eurydice: Catalog of solo exhibition at
Sundaram Tagore Gallery, Beverly Hills, 2011
This limited edition publication was produced to complement the
exhibit, Orpheus
and Linead, by Adi Da Samraj, at the Sundaram Tagore Gallery
in Beverly Hills, in 2011. Many of the images, photographs, and
quotes are published here for the first time. Through the words
of Adi Da Samraj and a personal narrative, Ruchiradama Nadikanta offers
an intimate understanding of Adi Da's vision for the featured Suites,
as well as key aspects of the archetypal visual language of Transcendental
The secret of Orpheus is hidden (or encoded) in the
images — the secret of the flight out of the hell and
into the Earth-world, and, ultimately, into the Divine
Domain of Conscious Light.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Orpheus and Linead: Catalog of solo exhibition at
Sundaram Tagore Gallery, New York City, 2010
The catalog reproduces
the eleven monumental pieces in the exhibition, together with other
works from Adi Da's suites Orpheus One and Linead One. An artist’s
statement and an essay by the curator, Achille Bonito Oliva, accompany
the full-color reproductions.
The Paradox Of Instruction: An Introduction to the Esoteric
Spiritual Teaching of Bubba Free John
This collection of
essays comprises additions by Avatar Adi Da Samraj to His book Transcendental
Realism since the publication of Aesthetic
Ecstasy in August/September 2007. Thus, this booklet is intended
to add to and accompany both of those texts.
Perfect Philosophy: The “Radical” Way of No-Ideas
essays from The Aletheon
Avatar Adi Da inspects the root-error that is the inherent limit
in all traditional forms of knowledge—and
He reveals the process that originates and operates beyond this
The Spiritual (or fourth-to-fifth stage) dimension of existence
— Avatar Adi Da's examination of the devotional and Spiritual
traditions of humankind (particularly as exemplified by the traditions
of Christianity and Hinduism),and the Transcendental Spiritual Reality-Way
of Adidam Ruchiradam. Includes His rendering of the essential Spiritual
import of the New Testament Gospels. "Pneumaton" (pronounced "NEW-ma-TON")
means "Book of Spirit".
Related books currently in print:
Up? — essays selected from The Pneumaton
. . . more
Brazilian devotee Ligia reading The Pneumaton
The Practice of Ecstasy with Children: Booklet 3 of The
Conscious Childrearing Series
This book’s message is that the impulse to peaceful, cooperative
coexistence is humanity's "true north". The impulse comes from
our root-intelligence as one single species, and, at the same
time, reflects the inherent unity of all life.
Prior Unity includes carefully chosen excerpts from Not-Two
Is Peace and other published texts, as well as a significant
percentage of never-before-published Spoken Instructions that
span many years of World-Friend Adi Da's lifetime.
To satisfy what human beings truly want and need (security, and
the opportunity for unlimited participation in our social, cultural,
and economic life), and to ensure a benign future for life on
earth, we have no choice: We must transcend what separates us
and build on the deep foundation we all share, which is our prior,
or already-existing, unity.
For a first book we recommend Prior Unity. For more on
the topic, please read Not-Two Is Peace.
Stunningly produced,
the large-format catalog pictures the entire series of 52 fabricated
artworks from the Quandra Loka Suite, which are currently being made
available for purchase. (To purchase Avatar Adi Da's artwork, please
length: 06:32 views: 6014 In late 2002 and early 2003, Adi Da Samraj created the photographic suite, Quandra Loka. The images are generally multiple exposures on a single black-and-white frame of film. Adi Da then created configurations (diptychs, triptychs, and polyptychs) from the single frame images.
Music is "Facing Beloved", from the CD, Facing Beloved, with John Wubbenhorst (bansuri), Subash Chandran (ghatam) and Ganesh Kumar (kanjira). This piece is based on a melody from J.S. Bach (siciliano) with elements of Raga Kirwani.
Radical Devotion
New Writings by the Avataric Great Sage, Adi Da Samraj
This book contains the new Reality-Way Teachings given by Adi Da
in August and September of 2006. With these new essays, Adi Da elucidates
both the continuity of the Way of Adidam with the Great Tradition
of religious and Spiritual Instruction (and in particular with the
ancient tradition of the sighting of the Realizer) and the utter
uniqueness of the Way that He Offers, which transcends “point of
view” from the beginning.
A potent exposition
of the unique nature of Avatar Adi Da’s Reality-Way of Adidam, and
the fullness of its practice. “Radical" Transcendentalism breaks down
the barriers that human beings have erected to the direct experience
of Reality Itself. Adi Da Samraj offers His Revelation of Reality
that is free of illusions and full of Divine and Spiritual Blessing.
Real God Is The Indivisible Oneness Of Unbroken
Light: Reality, Truth, and The “Non-Creator” God In The True
World-Religion Of Adidam
Rather than simply
translate the teachings of the dharma of Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism,
Adi Da respeaks them, revealing that the Buddhist "Nirvana"; and the
Advaitic "Brahman" are the same transcendental condition. His transmissions
restore to these texts the profound communication intended by their
creators. The great sages proclaimed a state of spiritual realization
that exceeded worldly dualism and mystical seeking. Their reality
spoke of abiding in a state of consciousness only. Avatar Adi Da revives
these declarations and reveals His own description of a Transcendent
Reality — the realization of Reality As It Is, free of all forms of
the ego.
In these nine essays
selected from The Aletheon, Adi Da
Samraj describes the reasons for His Incarnation in the West and further
distinguishes His Way — of the Direct Revelation and Realization of
Reality Itself — from all other “seeking-‘methods’” found in the Great
Tradition. Also included is a potent, and sometimes poetic, consideration
of the “Perfect Practice”, His irrefutable description of the inherently
destructive and “dark” nature of egoity, and His Offering of the Means
by which “everyone and everything can be utterly transformed by being
turned . . . to Reality Itself”.
The Reality-Way of Adidam:The
Divine Process That Outshines All Seeking in the Perfect Freedom
of Reality Itself
Given by His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj
This introductory book is written for those who are moved to learn
about the way of life Adi Da Samraj has given to all who would enter
into the Divine Process that outshines all seeking.
In 2008, the city
of Florence invited Adi Da Samraj to exhibit four monumental pieces
of His aperspectival geometric art in the Cenacolo di Ognissanti,
a space containing the renowned perspectival fresco of The Last Supper
by the Renaissance master Domenico Ghirlandaio. The spatial juxtaposition
of these two radically different kinds of art from two very different
eras provided a unique opportunity for Professor
Gary J. Coates to write this book that considers the nature, meaning,
and purpose of Adi Da's art.
In addition to Professor Coates' essay, this book contains Adi Da's
essay, “The Maze of Ecstasy”, also written in response to the Cenacolo
exhibition. When these two essays are read together, they provide
a comprehensive framework for understanding the place of Adi Da's
art within the context of the unfolding of Western art, consciousness,
and culture.
Recognition Of Me Is Liberation
The "Radical" Conversion
To Intrinsic egolessness In The Divine Reality-Way Of Adidam
Essays include updated sutras from the forthcoming final (and significantly
expanded) edition of The Dawn Horse Testament,
readings from The Aletheon, and never-before-published
Discourse material from 1998, 2004, and 2005.
Right Life Is Free Participation In Unlimited Radiance
The Functional, Practical, Relational,
and Cultural Disciplines In The Divine Reality-Way Of Adidam
by His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Volume One of Right Life Is The Context Of Divine Beholding
(Adi Da's Word on disciplines embraced by all of His Second Congregation
and First Congregation devotees)
Avatar Adi Da Offers
to every one the ecstatic practice of devotional relationship to Him,
explaining how devotion to a living human Adept-Realizer has always
been the source of true religion, and distinguishing true Guru-devotion
from cultism.
Ruchira Avatara Hridaya-Siddha Yoga: The Divine (And Not
Merely Cosmic) Spiritual Baptism in the Divine Way of Adidam
On the Divine Heart-Power (Ruchira Shakti) uniquely Transmitted
by Avatar Adi Da Samraj, and how it differs from the various traditional
forms of Spiritual Baptism, particularly Kundalini Yoga.
Includes the essay, "Divine Spiritual Baptism Versus Cosmic
Spiritual Baptism".
The Sacred Space of Finding Me
The Cultural Disciplines Practiced In The Sacred Domain of The
Divine Reality-Way of Adidam
by His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Volume Two of
Right Life Is The Context Of Divine Beholding
(Adi Da's Word on disciplines embraced by all of His Second Congregation
and First Congregation devotees)
This book is fundamental and final Instruction from Bhagavan Adi
Da for the true and free devotional culture of Adidam. It is compiled
principally from The Dawn Horse Testament,
but also from other "Source-Texts" and Avataric Discourses.
"Only a sacred culture gives human beings the
potential to live a life ecstatically dedicated to existence
in Truth. The Divine Instructions in this book are the means
Given by His Holy Person, Da, to exist in the domain of sacred
culture. They are the means that enable His devotees to find
Him as the Divine Eternal Source of Reality Itself and to
participate in the Sacred Space of That Reality."
— From the introduction by Ruchiradama Quandra Sukhapur Rani
Avatar Adi Da's extraordinary and comprehensive Instruction on
the relationship between the seven stages of life and the "five
sheath anatomy" of the human body-mind—including the physical body,
the pranic body, the lower brain-mind, the superconscious mind,
and the causal body.
Avatar Adi Da examines how the functional, practical, and relational
self-disciplines of the Divine Way of Adidam relate to each of the
five sheaths and to each of the seven stages of life.
The Scale of the Very Small:Establishing
Yogic Responsibility for Your Reproductive Potential (Including
Regenerative Sexuality and Orgasm, Birth Control, Conscious Conception,
Pregnancy, Birth, and Infant Care)
Avatar Adi Da’s Instruction
on how and why we incarnate, death and reincarnation, conscious conception
and birth control, Spiritually sensitive pregnancy and infant care.
Scientific Proof of the Existence of God Will Soon Be
Announced by the White House!
Prophetic Wisdom
about the myths and tools of mass culture and popular religious cultism,
the new priesthood of scientific and political materialism, and the
secrets of Enlightenment hidden in the body of Man.
See My Brightness Face To Face: A Celebration of the Ruchira
Buddha, Avatar Adi Da Samraj, and the First 25 Years of His Divine
A lavishly illustrated year-by-year documentation of the extraordinary
Spiritual saga of Avatar Adi Da’s Work with His devotees. Covering
the years 1972 to 1997, See My Brightness Face to Face includes
abundant excerpts from Avatar Adi Da’s Talks and Essays, as well
as numerous stories about Him told by His devotees — with a wealth
of photographs on every page.
And I Would Have all beings Hear My Word (That Calls The Heart
To My Heart-Grace), and See My "Brightness" (Who Is Not "Other")
Face To Face, and (By This Great Fortune) Grow To Realize The
Divine Heart-Secret Of Existence (Even Now).
Adi Da receiving the just-published See My Brightness Face
to Face in 1997
(click to enlarge)
The essays in The
Self-Authenticating Truth illuminate Avatar Adi Da’s Calling for the
“radical” simplicity of the devotional Way of Adidam, and profoundly
magnify the philosophical “consideration” He brings to humankind.
Reality Itself — Revealed as Adi Da Samraj in human Form —
is the Self-Authenticating Truth and “Perfect Knowledge” that liberates
all minds and hearts from bondage.
The Seven Gifts of Da Avabhasa's Grace: An Introductory
Course of Study on the Way of the Heart.
instructions from Da Avabhasa
Produced by The Education Department of The Free Daist Communion.
Editors: Radha Webley and Chris Tong
The Seven Stages of Life: Transcending The Six Stages
Of egoic Life, and Realizing The ego-Transcending Seventh Stage
Of Life, In The Divine Way Of Adidam.
The stages of human
development from birth to Divine Enlightenment. How the stages relate
to physical and esoteric anatomy. The errors of each of the first
six stages of life. Avatar Adi Da's Self-Confession as the first,
last, and only seventh stage Adept-Realizer.
These essays selected
from The Aletheon are among Avatar
Adi Da's most sublime and profound Utterances. Everything in this
book was originally Spoken by Avatar Adi Da, as spontaneous and ecstatic
discourse to His devotees — during the final decade (from mid-1995
to mid-2005) of His immense outpouring of Teaching-Instruction. During
Avatar Adi Da's Years of Teaching (from 1972 to 2005), He engaged
those who approached Him in thousands of hours of such Instructive
Discourse. That great period of Instruction spontaneously came to
a point of definitive Fullness in 2005, since which time Avatar Adi
Da has ceased to engage the mode of Instructing His devotees by Speaking
to them in response to their questions.
The Sky Goes On Forever
A Book about Death for Children Based on the Wisdom-Teaching of
Heart-Master Da Love-Ananda
Between 1998 and 2006, Adi Da Samraj focused on camera-based imagery,
creating a highly complex body of work (in both black-and-white
and color) that now exceeds 60,000 images and a great many hours
of videotape. The Spectra Suites is a consequence of His work from
that great library. In these suites, Adi Da Samraj combines digitally
generated imagery with images He created using still and video cameras.
To achieve each finished work He then meticulously crafts every
detail by digital means. Each of the ten Spectra Suites is based
on one or more of His fundamental images — many of which are a powerful
visual and philosophical complexity.
In these essays selected
from The Aletheon — completed by Adi
Da Samraj in August of 2007 — He gives succinct and potent instruction
to His devotees on the nature of the devotional relationship to Him
as it occurs in the Process of Realization in His Company. Among the
essays is Adi Da’s delightful instruction in “The Way That I Teach
The Dog In My House”. The priceless instruction contained in this
book illuminates the essentially non-verbal process of spontaneous
devotion to Him. He has described this anciently-known process of
turning to the Realizer on sight as “the Ancient Walk-About Way”.
The Teaching Manual Of Perfect Summaries: The Revelation
of The Preliminary "Perfect Knowledge" Teachings of His Divine Presence,
The Divine Avataric World-Teacher, Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj
This largely expanded edition brings together all of Adi Da Samraj’s
writings on art. It includes details on the methods, meaning, and
purposes of His work, His penetrating insight into the present-day
culture and purpose of art, and specific recommendations on how
to participate ecstatically in art. Adi Da also intensively considers
the error of presuming oneself to be separate from a work of art
— He invites every individual to be drawn beyond this illusion of
separateness into the ecstatic, living process of participating
in His image-art.
Included are ten new essays which Adi Da wrote in the final year
of His life in addition to all of the essays published in Aesthetic
Ecstasy, Perfect Abstraction, as well as the first edition of Transcendental
Realism. Also new is a series of black-and-white photographs of
Adi Da working in His studio, and a greatly expanded color-insert
— 24 pages of high-quality stunning replications of His image-art.
The Transmission of Doubt: Talks and Essays on the
Transcendence of Scientific Materialism through Radical Understanding.
The Truly Human New World-Culture Of Unbroken Real-God-Man:The Eastern Versus The Western Traditional Cultures
Of Mankind, and The Unique New Non-Dual Culture Of The True
World-Religion Of Adidam.
The greatest longing of the human heart is to know Truth Itself.
Not the mere “facts” of any given situation, but the ultimate Truth,
the truth of our very being and existence, the truth that liberates
us from all ignorance and suffering. Such is Truth for Real. Throughout
His lifetime (1939–2008), Avatar Adi Da Samraj was passionately
devoted to communicating this Truth to the world — and to establishing
the eternal means whereby all human beings can Realize the ultimate
Truth, and thus be set free. Each booklet in the Truth for Real
series contains an Essay or Talk in which Avatar Adi Da articulates
a key aspect of His total Revelation of Truth. Many thousands of
people who have encountered Avatar Adi Da’s Words have been struck
by their profound depth and illuminating clarity — and even more
so by the extraordinary discovery that His Divinely Enlightened
State is tacitly communicated in every sentence.
The original Truth For Real booklet series: Talks
and Essays from the Teaching-Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj
April 2001 editions
This series includes
13 booklets:
The Dual Sensitivity at the Origin of The Divine Way Of Adidam
The Unique Potential of Man Is the Progress of self-Understanding
and self-Transcendence
Beyond the Cultic Tendency in Religion and Spirituality, and
in Secular Society
The Great Esoteric Tradition of Devotion to the Adept-Realizer
A Call to Freedom of Choice in Religion and in Sexual Practice
Sex, Laughter, and Real-God-Realization
I Call you to Go Beyond the "Oedipal" Sufferings of
Feel Love's Wound
Cooperative, Human-Scale Community and the Integrity (Religious,
and Altogether) of Civilization
The Alpha Strategy and the Omega Strategy
There Is Only Real God
My Call for the Universal Restoration of the Sacred (or Central)
Domain of Human Life
The greatest longing of the human heart is to know Truth Itself.
Not the mere “facts” of any given situation, but the ultimate Truth,
the truth of our very being and existence, the truth that liberates
us from all ignorance and suffering. Such is Truth for Real. Throughout
His lifetime (1939–2008), Avatar Adi Da Samraj was passionately
devoted to communicating this Truth to the world — and to establishing
the eternal means whereby all human beings can Realize the ultimate
Truth, and thus be set free. Each booklet in the Truth for Real
series contains an Essay or Talk in which Avatar Adi Da articulates
a key aspect of His total Revelation of Truth. Many thousands of
people who have encountered Avatar Adi Da’s Words have been struck
by their profound depth and illuminating clarity — and even more
so by the extraordinary discovery that His Divinely Enlightened
State is tacitly communicated in every sentence.
The Universal Non-Religious Message of Jesus of Galilee
is Adi Da's in-depth consideration of the traditional modes
of Spiritual mysticism (as Revealed by such Spiritual Adepts
as Jesus of Galilee), in contrast to traditional modes of Transcendental
Non-dualism (as Revealed by the Great Sages of India) — as well
as His own Revelation of the unique Spiritual-and-Transcendental
Way of Adidam.
Vegetable Surrender
or Happiness Is Not Blue
by Heart-Master Da and two little girls
illustrated by Molly MacGregor
A humorous and instructive story written by Adi Da Samraj
for young children. Onion One-Yin and his vegetable friends
embark on a search for someone who can help them solve their
problems — and discover the secret of how to be happy, right
now! Illustrated with black and white line drawings.
the original cast of Vegetable Surrender
(click to enlarge)
un-Surrendered Vegetables
at the European Danda
(click to enlarge)
Vegetable Surrender
at the European Danda
(click to enlarge)
The Way of Divine Communion: The Foundation
Practices of The Free Communion Church
Science says
we are the body.
Psychology says we are the mind.
Religion says we are the soul.
But what are we — in reality?
We are Consciousness Itself.
This book is a transcription of a talk given by Adi Da on
October 28, 1982.
ADI DA: “In The Liberator(Eleutherios), I have written:
‘Be Conscious as the Feeling of Being and Realize that It
Is Radiant Happiness.’ This Admonition summarizes the Teaching
relative to the ‘conscious process.’ And that practice epitomizes
and fulfills the entire Way that I Teach. However, it must
be understood that this Practice or ultimate Realization of
the conscious process is not a matter of remaining fixed in
the conscious or merely left-brained mind of the waking state.
It is a matter of Realizing the Transcendental Condition of
Consciousness, Free Being, or Self-Radiant Happiness--what
is called ‘Turiya,’ or the ‘fourth state,’ in the Hindu tradition.
Therefore, the ultimate Realization of the conscious process
requires, as a matter of real preparation, the liberation
of attention from the self contraction (or ego-bond), and
thus the liberation of attention (or functional consciousness),
from bondage to the limiting structures of the three common
states--waking, dreaming, and sleeping. For this reason, the
practical discipline of the Way that I Teach involves not
only a sequence of preparatory disciplines or phases of the
conscious process (finally epitomized in the Realization of
the Practice as described above), but also a culture of associated
secondary or supportive disciplines, all of which may be regarded
to be forms of the general practice I call ‘conductivity.’”
What, Where, When, How, Why, and Who To Remember
To Be Happy
A unique Spiritual text for children (of all ages) that leads
them through the contemplation of who we are, what we know,
what death is, and what true happiness is.
Comprised of
summary Instruction on dietary practice and "radical"
healing given by His Divine Presence, Adi Da Samraj. Includes
various early, key Talks—such "Renouncing the Search for
the Edible Deity" and "Diet is not the Key to Salvation"—that
have been updated to conform to all of Avatar Adi Da’s current
language and Instruction.
Your First Philosophical Gesture Is "You Do Not Love
Adi Da's Teaching was communicated in many forms and
stages of development, starting in 1970 and ending in
2008. This section considers questions
about both real and apparent changes in Adi Da's Teaching
over the years. Some differences signify actual
changes made by Adi Da over time, while other differences
reflect different ways Adi Da communicated the same underlying
point at different times.
Framework for Exegesis: Understanding
Adi Da's Word in Context—
To rightly understand a particular passage
of Adi Da's Teaching Word, we must know
exactly when He wrote or spoke it, and
the context in which He wrote or spoke
it. And to pin down that context, it is
useful to evaluate the talk or essay or
passage along seven different dimensions,
which are presented and described in this
on other Adepts Question: Has Adi Da changed His views
on other adepts over the years? In His autobiography,
Knee Of Listening, 1973 edition, He
expresses great respect towards Ramana Maharishi
and calls Maharshi His teacher. After that,
when He developed his "seven
stages" framework, Ramana (and the
Buddha) were given "seventh stage status".
But later yet, after 1991, it seems like He
"demoted" them to sixth. Can you provide some
clarification here?
Adidam a Religion? Question:
It seems at times Adi Da has described
the Way of Adidam as a religion, and at other
times has said it is not a religion. So is Adidam
a religion, or not?
of the term, "Avatar" Question: In 1974, Adi Da said, "The
world is the Avatar, the totality of human
beings is the Avatar." Many years later,
He would describe Himself as Avatar. How do
we reconcile these?
and The Knee Of Listening Question: I heard that there was
a chapter in the original Knee
Of Listening in which Adi Da described
the time he spent in Scientology, and
that this was later removed. Was this
because He didn't want anyone to know
about His association with Scientology?
Adi Da working on The
Aletheon in Glass Pear (February 18, 2007)
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