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Become a Patron

NaitaubaIn 1983, an individual patron offered the island of Naitauba, Fiji, to Avatar Adi Da. Because of this magnificent gift, the entire Life and Work of Adi Da Samraj began to evolve in ways that were not possible before. Naitauba offered Avatar Adi Da a pristine, protected place to do His Spiritual Work and an opportunity to establish a unique Seat of His Divine Presence for all generations to come. (The soon-to-be-published book, The Eternal Stand, tells the extraordinary story of how, over the course of three decades, Adi Da transformed this two-by-three-mile island in the middle of the Fijian Koro Sea into the most Empowered Sacred Space and Hermitage Ashram on the planet.)

Gestures such as this from individuals of wealth and influence have been made to Spiritual Realizers throughout history. For example, Gautama Buddha had a major patron, a merchant called Sudatta, who was passionately moved to provide for Gautama and His monks and who called on others to respect and celebrate and accommodate the life and work of the great Spiritual Realizer living in their midst. Gautama greatly blessed Sudatta and the story of Sudatta's exemplary generosity is preserved to this day in the earliest annals of Buddhist history.

It is also traditional for those who are attracted to the Spiritual Master — His or Her Presence, Teaching, and Works — but are not currently moved to become devotees to express their appreciation of the Spiritual Master through supporting the Spiritual Master's Work. This often is the basis of a natural progression, from the "first discipline" of "patron", "friend", or "supporter", to the greater discipline of "devotee" — in this lifetime, or over several lifetimes.[1] So for someone who has a heart-response to the Spiritual Master but is not ready or able to become His devotee, becoming a patron of His Work is a traditional and honorable choice, and a way to deepen one's relationship to the Spiritual Master.

Even a little of the Teaching and an honorable relationship to the Teacher cast out much fear and guide the individual in a more balanced course. The Way of Adidam Ruchiradam Is A Great Process, An Ordeal Of self-Sacrifice To The Divine Person. Many may Respond to My Offering, but some may need time to ponder and to prepare themselves for The Greater Discipline of Ultimate Devotion.

Those who find themselves in the “pondering and preparing” stage of Response to Me should not feel that they must remain apart from Me and outside Adidam.

Let everyone who Responds to Me begin to honor that Response by accepting the Obligation to be an active patron, friend, student, and beginning devotee. Let them do the sadhana of pondering and preparing in My Company, Served by the Agency of this fellowship. However many years may pass in the First Discipline, let it be lived in an honorable and serious manner.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj

The Divine Work of Adi Da is so vast that the opportunities for specific forms of patronage are endless. This generation has the unique responsibility of ensuring the survival in perpetuity of Adi Da's Gift of Adidam, and for the preservation of His Work, in all its many dimensions, for all time.

To serve Avatar Adi Da's Divine Work in these ways through patronage, or through one's position of influence in the world, is to transform one's own life and destiny, and, potentially, the life and destiny of countless others, in a most auspicious and enduring way.

We invite you to become a patron of Adi Da's Work — on whatever scale you are moved to do so. You don't have to be able to buy an island to help! A one-time gift of any amount, or an ongoing, monthly gift of any amount, can make a significant difference for some of the projects listed below.

If you are interested in making a longterm commitment to support Adi Da's Work (or some particular aspect of it), fill out this Contact Form (writing about your interest in supporting Adi Da's Work), and someone from the Adidam Advocacy Department will get in touch with you.

You can also express your support for any of the following Adidam (and Adidam-related) projects that are currently in need of financial support, by going to the appropriate page (links provided below) and reading about how you can help.

Listed below are just some of the many ways you can help:

Support the Sacred Archives of Adidam

Adi Da's Work with devotees formally began in 1972, over 40 years ago. From then until His Divine Mahasamadhi in 2008, thousands of hours of His talks and Notes to the community of devotees were recorded, thousands of hours of video footage were shot, and hundreds of thousands of photographs were taken. The Adidam Archives is responsible for the preservation of the audio, video, photographic, and handwritten artifacts of the life and work of Adi Da, and their digital preservation. The audio tapes, photographs, etc. have a limited lifespan and will soon deteriorate to the point of unusability. The window of opportunity is closing — any delay could result in loss. Please join us in preserving and protecting the sacred legacy of Avatar Adi Da's Life and Work, so that His Gifts may continue to be available for humankind forever into the future.

Some of the Current Projects

The Digital Preservation Project — This site describes the preservation tasks the Archives are engaged in. This includes: 4,000 hours for converting analog video tape (some close to 40 years old) to digital media; the scanning of 250,000 photographic negatives; 18,000 hours for digitizing audio tape; a custom database system for searching everything in the Archives; and much more.
An Interview with Elliott Mehrbach — Elliott is General Manager of the Digital Preservation Project.
An Interview with Tom Holmes — Tim is the Chief Video Engineer for the Digital Preservation Project.

You can help! Click Here

Support the Sacred Island of Naitauba


Naitauba Island, Fiji is the Hermitage Sanctuary of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Spiritually Empowered by Him as the primary place from which His Divine Blessing flows perpetually to the world.

We welcome your support in the form of financial contributions and professional expertise. Your generosity helps to develop and maintain Nautauba's facilities and durable sustainability.

Some of the Current Projects

Naitauba Development Fund — Gifts to the Naitauba Development Fund are especially appreciated and allow us to channel resources where the needs are the greatest. For more information contact island manager Chris Merz via this contact form.

Naitauba Reef Preservation — The Naitauba reef is of extraordinary beauty. Last year, a research team from the Univerity of the South Pacific studied the reef to assess and monitor the status of the reef. For ongoing monitoring there is the need to install research-quality data loggers to record ocean temperatures in and around Naitauba's reef. For more information go to or contact David Forsythe via this contact form.

Naitauba on Solar Power — Solar energy development is an important project on Naitauba. Our goal is to minimize dependency on fossil fuels and increase Island self-sufficiency. A pilot project was launched in 2009 and the first large project is scheduled for the later part of 2013. If you are moved to support solar power on Naitauba, please contact Cornel Naumann via this contact form for more information.

Adi Da Samrajashram Temples — Like everything else in the tropics, the Temples on Naitauba require dedicated care to protect these sacred places from deterioration, mold, corrosion, infestation. If you are moved to provide funds for the upkeep of the Temples on Naitauba, please contact Gilbert Evans or Bradley Crawford via this contact form.

Current project: four large carpets for Temple Adi Da.

Community Facilities in Ciqomi Village — Since 1983 the Fijian residents of the village of Ciqomi have used a large bure in the middle of the village square for gatherings. However the existing bure has been deteriorating to the point that it is not longer usable nor safe. Therefore a new bure is needed to provide a place for village meetings, celebrations, weddings, graduations, community meals, meke practice sessions, and much more. It is the heart of the village and very important for the cooperative life on Naitauba. For more information, contact island manager Chris Merz via this contact form.

Equipment for the Naitauba Farm — The big tractor and the rototiller used on the farm need replacement. The big tractor is a primary piece of equipment on the farm. It not only pulls the trailer, rototiller and plow but also operates a bulldozer blade and backhoe. If you are interested in supporting farm equipment, contact island manager Chris Merz via this contact form.

The Naitauba Farm — Learn more about the Naitauba Farm through this video series.

Equipment for the Naitauba Clinic — The clinic provides essential services for all Naitauba residents, staff and their families and even in occasional emergencies for people from nearby islands. Some of its equipment is old and in need of replacement. For example the defibrillator is an essential piece of equipment that can save a person's life in the event of a heart attack, and a more up to date and reliable model is urgently needed. For more information, contact island manager Chris Merz or doctor Charles Seage via this contact form.

Support Naitauba's Scholarship Program —Since 2005 devotees of Adi Da Samraj have sponsored a scholarship program which enables ten children from Ciqomi and a neighboring island to attend secondary school for up to 5 years. This program is known and admired throughout Fiji, and in addition to enhancing the lives and opportunities of the children involved and their families, very positively serves Naitauba's reputation and standing in the local area and nationally. If you would like to contribute to this program, contact Hanneke Vlaar via this contact form.

Specialized Skills and Expertise — If you have special skills in areas such as self-sufficiency, island and reef ecology, organic gardening or environmental protection, we invite you to contact island manager Chris Merz via this contact form about how you may be of service to Naitauba Island.


Support the Dawn Horse Press

From 1970 to 2008, Adi Da produced a vast body of Wisdom-Literature that addresses literally every aspect of human, Spiritual, and Divine life. Since 1072, The Dawn Horse Press has been dedicated to making this Teaching available to all, in a variety of formats: books, eBooks, DVD's, CD's, and more. The DVD's and CD's provide a means for making Adi Da's thousands of talks available to the public.

Some of the Current Projects

The Dawn Horse Express — Perhaps the greatest ongoing need of any publishing house is to always have the funds available to print new books and keep existing books in print. (The same is true for DVD's and CD's.) A primary way The Dawn Horse Press manages this cashflow issue is through its Dawn Horse Express monthly subscription program. As a member of this program, you help patronize the Press's ongoing publication efforts; and at the same time, you receive the latest books and other products from the Dawn Horse Press. Help the Dawn Horse Press keep offering new forms of Adi Da's Wisdom by becoming a member of the Dawn Horse Express.

Dawn Horse Press Benefactor — Avatar Adi Da's Wisdom has the potential to profoundly change this world. The Dawn Horse Press has been publishing Avatar Adi Da’s Reality-Teaching since 1972, and we know that His Work is deeply valued by many. Yet there is much, much more to do — many critical Works by Adi Da Samraj still need to be published, both audio-visual and written, in both printed and digital forms. We also need funding to reach out to those who have never been given the opportunity to be touched by His Divine Word.

You can help us support these very important aspects of Avatar Adi Da's Work by becoming a Benefactor of the Dawn Horse Press. Your financial contribution will not only support the publication of Adi Da Samraj’s unparalleled and vast Reality-Teaching, but also help to bring Avatar Adi Da's Liberating Wisdom to a world desperately in need.


Support the Da Love-Ananda Mahal Sanctuary

Situated in the heart of Kauai Island, underneath the sacred mountain of Waialeale (pronounced “wy-ah-lay-AH-lay”), Da Love-Ananda Mahal is a pristine, sacred sanctuary Spiritually Empowered by Adi Da. Adi Da first moved to Da Love-Ananda Mahal in 1979, using it as a set-apart place to do His unique Work. From 1979-2003, Adi Da spent frequent, extended time at Da Love-Ananda Mahal, engaging in periods of consideration, writing, discoursing, and sitting with those who came to Him. These periods were documented in such books as The Dreaded Gom-Boo, Hridaya Rosary: The Four Thorns of Heart-Instruction, and the forthcoming publication of The Overnight Revelation of Conscious Light. Da Love-Ananda Mahal is imbued with the Divine Presence of Adi Da, from the many years that He spent here. Because of this, Da Love-Ananda Mahal will be served in perpetuity, maintained as a place of sacred invocation, and spiritual retreat for present and future generations of devotees of Adi Da.

Some of the Current Projects

For more information, contact us using this form.


Support Sacred Camel Gardens

In response to the increasingly challenging effects of humanity upon the natural world, on November 4, 1974, Adi Da initiated a new, fresh, and sacred approach to the non-human world. “Fear-No-More Zoo” is the name He gave to this process. Under His guidance, Fear-No-More Zoo gradually evolved into today's “Sacred Camel Gardens of Da Fear-No-More”. The Sacred Camel Gardens is home to a beautiful herd of Bactrian camels, and rescued horses, who wander the spacious pastures and woodlands. The animals living here provide a circumstance where people can come and reconnect with the non-human world in a sacred manner. This is not a conventional animal park for tourists, or a regular zoo where people go to simply look at animals in cages. The Sacred Camel Gardens is a place where non-humans are understood and respected for who and what they are. Visiting here, in the fullest sense, requires something of each human. By lending your support to the Sacred Herd you will be helping others to experience and benefit from this essential learning.

Some of the Current Projects

  • Creation of modern camping area for camping retreats

  • Road work to within pastures (essential for good care, year round)

  • Two additional smaller enclosures for new mothers and calves

  • Caretaker's residential cabin on-site alongside camel pasture

You can help! Click Here

Support the Anthroposphere Institute

Founded by devotees of Adi Da, and inspired by the wisdom of Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace, the Anthroposphere Institute has the mission of enabling humankind to champion, participate in, and protect the global commons based on an understanding of the prior unity of all life. The Anthroposphere Institute took its current form as a growing consensus among thoughtful observers made it clear that our current environmental, economic, and geo-political systems are quickly reaching a breaking-point. Voices, spanning a broad spectrum of philosophical, religious, political, and cultural views, call for a deeper diagnosis and a new orientation that addresses issues of human suffering, social injustice, species extinction, and environmental degradation—globally and locally.

Almost daily, well intentioned voices enjoin us to re-order priorities, create reforms, and initiate changes. However, in spite of passionate advocacy and good intentions, the status quo remains intact. It is time to consider change at a much more fundamental level – that examines the very core and basis of life. Such examination requires profound clarity and wisdom in order for a radically different understanding of reality to emerge – the understanding that all life-forms, animate and inanimate, are inter-dependent expressions of an intrinsic unity. This a priori, or "prior unity", as articulated in the book Not-Two Is Peace by Adi Da, is inherent to life itself. It is, thus, prior to any sense of separation or division. Living with such a presumption has profound implications and opens the possibility of taking the totality of earthkind into account in our daily decisions and actions.

Some of the Current Projects

Your financial support will contribute to the ongoing development and dissemination of courses, papers, and other resources on the global commons, as well as support the convening of events to expand dialogue, and the design and implementation of action, that will strengthen the understanding of the global commons framework within human cultures.

You can help! Click Here

Support the Vision of Mulund Institute

Established by devotees of Adi Da, the Vision of Mulund Institute (VMI) is a non-profit organization that provides education and other resources to support the human and Spiritual growth of children and young adults. VMI publishes Adi Da’s extensive Wisdom-Teaching on “conscious childrearing”, conception, and birth, and creates practical and inspiring courses and manuals for children, young adults, and their adult caregivers. We also support the Adidam Youth Fellowship by running meditation and study retreats and serving a developing youth culture in response to Avatar Adi Da worldwide.

Some of the Current Projects

  • In the past, donations have helped us to publish books and courses on conscious childrearing and to run retreats for children and young adults. Current projects include the development of study courses for children, the establishment and running of the VMI website, and retreats for young people and their caregivers.

  • VMI also coordinates donations to Adidam projects benefiting children and young people in general, like the sponsorship of non-sectarian educational materials for indigenous children at Adidam’s principal retreat sanctuary in Fiji.

You can help! Contact us to find out more about becoming a patron of VMI or to find out about additional Adidam projects that benefit children and young people.


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Adi Da's view of Reality includes reincarnation, which he instructs His devotees to seriously consider as part of their studies in support of their practice of the Way of Adidam. (More from Adi Da on reincarnation can be found in His book, Easy Death.) There is a growing body of evidence in support of reincarnation, most notably, the extensive work done by Dr. Ian Stevenson, which involved his travelling around the world and documenting 3,000 cases of children having "past life" memories that he personally confirmed (by finding and correlating the places and people in their "past life" memories). For more, read Dr. Stevenson's books, which include Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation, Children Who Remember Previous Lives, and Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect (1997).

Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner:
© Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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