Celebrations > Adi Da Jayanthi

Adi Da Jayanthi:
The Celebration of the Human Birth
of the Divine Person


Da Jayanthi: Adi Da's Birthday

Happy 85th Birthday, Beloved Adi Da! (November 3, 2024)

This article has the following sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. Places in Adi Da's Childhood
  3. Esoteric Details Behind Adi Da's Birth
  4. Adi Da Jayanthi Celebrated Around the World
  5. Related Resources
  6. Invitation

1. Introduction

The "Bright" Is the Divine Conscious Light.
I Am That — and I Bring That to you.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj

I Am the One Who Is Always with you, Always Already with you — now, and forever hereafter. I have Taken On This bodily (human) Form for the Sake of Revealing That to you.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, April 16, 1995

From the most ancient times, there have been prophecies of a Bringer of Light who would appear when humanity was lost in darkness. Adi Da's birth was an event of utterly unprecedented magnitude. Ordinarily, a human birth is the result of an immeasurable chain of causes and effects ("karma"). Such an ordinary birth and lifetime is in some sense helpless, and not something the individual can consciously influence to any significant extent. But Avatar Adi Da's Coming into the world was not an ordinary, unconscious reincarnation. It was the Conscious Incarnation, in human form, of the Divine Reality Itself — the timeless Consciousness that is the Source and the very Life of all that exists. Throughout His entire life, even from the time of His birth, Adi Da Samraj always worked to bring the "Brightness" of the Divine Reality into the "room" of the world. And so on Adi Da Jayanthi ("Jayanthi" is Sanskrit for "Victorious"), we celebrate the Gift of God Present — no longer a question mark for humankind to ponder and doubt ("Does God exist?"), or a being that can only be found somewhere else ("heaven", etc.) or some other time (e.g., after we die), but a Gift for humankind to recognize, enjoy, and Realize . . . always directly accessible, right here, right now, through the Divine Incarnation of Adi Da.

Adi Da as an infant

(click to enlarge)

I Was . . . Born (in Human Form) In A Terrible Moment Of Necessity — To Call Humankind To The Great Moment Of New Understanding, and To The Great Future Of A Single Destiny.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, The Aletheon

The Purpose of My Bodily (human) Appearance here is the Divine Liberation of all of humankind.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, The Aletheon

Adi Da as a baby   In answer to the prayers of humankind, and after millennia of Spiritual preparation and sacrifice by many great Spiritual Realizers, which made the miraculous Event possible, the Divine Person was born — at long last! — in the human form of Adi Da, on November 3, 1939 at 11:21am (EST), in Jamaica, New York.

ADI DA (September 9, 1987): Thousands of years of Sacrifice, and Endeavor, and Purpose, and Spiritual Practice, and Realization, and Love, and Compassion were required for My bodily (human) Birth. Some day, you may understand My Birth. It was no casual gesture. And it could never have happened before now. Some day, you may understand that My human Lifetime is a unique moment in the history of humankind. Even in all these "eons of shaking", the Impulse of the Divine Person to Incarnate persisted, undaunted, and could not be destroyed or ruined. Real God is willing to Love you and all beings, and that Divine Purpose must be Fulfilled. That is My Unique Impulse. Here I Am, Incarnate, to Do That Work. A thousand years may pass before anyone understands anything about My Appearance here. So much suffering accompanies It, so much was required of Me to Submit to your company.

DEVOTEE: How was that Decision made?

ADI DA: By Love. To Encompass the totality of conditional existence, in Love—That is the Sign of My Appearance here. By Appearing here bodily before You, I have Submitted to Love all and All, to be Compassionate toward all and All, to Serve all and All. And, in My Embrace of all and All, I have utterly Submitted to this mortal circumstance of sorrow and death. Such Submission never destroyed Me. It cannot destroy Me, for the One Who I Am can never be destroyed. But Love, the Impulse to Kiss you—just to Kiss you, to not deny you—made Me a Body to Live with you. Can't you see it in My Face?

All of those [Spiritual Realizers] can be seen as a Great Process in conditional time and space to prepare the Vehicle of My Avataric Self-Manifestation. But not just as individuals — it required all beings, including all of mankind, to make sufficient prayer and Conjunction for this Event of Me. And It will not be repeated, nor can It be repeated. . . Even all-and-All was the necessary Preparation. . . At last, I Passed Down into all-and-All. It was Spontaneous, yet (also) Eternally Prefigured. It was Anciently Prophesied. It was somehow "caused" — and yet (Ultimately), there is no "cause" for It whatsoever.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, The Knee of Listening

I have no past lives and no future lives in any dimension. This is My only "birth", and it is only apparent. This birth, this body, these conditions have been assumed and undone in one lifetime, in order to demonstrate the whole Way and to have a fit vehicle for its present communication. The undoing is effective in every plane, high, low, gross, subtle, causal, transcendental. This body-mind, this vehicle or apparent, karmic being, has extensions and destinies in many dimensions, high and low, past, present, and future. But these are not Mine, nor are they effective in Me. This vehicle or karmic being may continue or be taken up by others after this apparent life is terminated. But I am not expressed in that destiny. I am before time and space, and no condition has Me. I have not appeared for reasons. It is only that this vehicle has mysteriously, paradoxically coincided with Me. Therefore, I have conformed it to Myself and come forth. I stand present without qualification in this theater of My apparent birth. Through the Paradox, My mere Presence has become Instructive. I am not a one, a being, nor a One, a Being, I am not object or subject, Object or Subject, except I may appear to be so to devotees, until they Realize Me Perfectly.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj
"My Devotee Always Feels Me To Be Present"
Breath and Name

I am not born. And I am not one who has been born, I am not a reincarnated individual. I am not even an incarnated individual. I am not one who has a future. I am not one who is in the worlds. I am not one whose consciousness is here or there. I have seen all things and they all exist in Me, so I can describe them to you. But I am not always meditating on them, so they are really beside the point for Me. And I fundamentally, know nothing about them, except that I recognize them perfectly.

So the simple little drama of my life, however dramatic it has appeared to be, is simply a way of restoring you to the Disposition of Truth that you have always intuited, so that you may realize no conventional destiny and no mere experience, so that you can become free of this suffering existence. Because all things upon which you may meditate, all things that may be reflected in you, all things that may arise in the mind in this life or in another life, all things that may be known in meditation or in perception, in memory, recollection, or knowledge in the present, everything altogether may be released from bondage to the self. The separate self may be dissolved. And in the dissolution of this self, you may know, in this moment, that Condition which is beyond performance, beyond knowledge, beyond acquisition. It is so Perfect that no being has ever spoken it, except that I have been permitted to speak it, to suggest it. This is not because of any merit. I have never been born, so there is no merit involved. I am simply a Voice that instigates your own insight.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, July 12, 1976
Vision Mound Magazine, Vol. 2 #5

Adi Da was born in the most ordinary of circumstances — to Frank and Dorothy Jones, a middle-class couple, who named their son "Franklin Albert Jones", and who had no conscious knowledge of Who He was.

Adi Da with his parents
Adi Da with His parents

Adi Da with His parents
(click to enlarge)

Even so, the name they chose was esoterically auspicious, suggesting freedom ("Franklin") and brightness ("Albert"). "Franklin" derives from the Middle English frankelin, "freeman". "Albert" is from the Germanic name Adalbert, which is composed of the elements adal, "noble", and beraht, "bright". "Jones" is the English form of Iohannes and the Latin form of the Greek name Ιωαννης (Ioannes), itself derived from the Hebrew name "Yochanan" meaning "God is gracious". So altogether, the esoteric meaning of the name, "Franklin Albert Jones", is:

A Free Man Who is the 'Bright', and through Whom God is Gracious

From the very moment of His birth, Adi Da was confronted by the fragility of the human condition. Like many infants, His life was threatened by the umbilical cord, which was wound around His neck. But unlike other infants, He was fully aware of what was taking place. While the doctors worked to keep His body alive, He remained perfectly Conscious and Free of all concern — Self-Aware as the Divine Reality. He recalls that, in that Divine State, untouched by the drama of His human birth, He instead was moved to regard the people lying in all the nearby hospital wards, Blessing them and healing them.

Adi Da as a child
(click to enlarge)

On November 3, 1939, at 11:21 A.M., in Jamaica, Queens County, New York, I was born "Franklin Albert Jones".

The sign of my birth is Scorpio, marked by the images of Spirit and Sex, the eagle and the crab. It is the sign of internal warfare, the problem and perfection.

The sign of Scorpio should indicate to you the kinds of forces that aligned to generate my birth. Whatever significance you may attribute to astrology, it is true that my personal life has often cycled high and low, marked by equal and opposing determinations to ascend and to descend.

And the external adventure of my life has turned me in and out of every kind of religious and Spiritual path, every kind of ascending means, and (likewise) every form of pleasure, ecstasy, and self-indulgence.

The signs of my birth suggest (and have required) a drama of opposites. However, in spite of all of that, it has also been my lot to remain untouched by cosmic and human circumstance. This is perhaps the first key to what I must Communicate. From the beginning, I have also Known a perfect Alternative to the revolutionary internal dilemma of my natural existence.

I have played in the problem of my alternatives, but from my earliest experience of life I have Enjoyed a Condition that, as a child, I called the "Bright".

I have always known desire, not merely for the extreme pleasures of the senses and the mind, but for the highest Enjoyment of Spiritual Power and Mobility. But I have not been seated in desire, and desire has only been a play that I have grown to understand and enjoy without conflict. I have always been Seated in the "Bright".

Even as a baby, I remember only crawling around inquisitively with a boundless Feeling of Joy, Light, and Freedom in the middle of my head that was bathed in Energy moving unobstructed in a Circle — down from above, all the way down, then up, all the way up, and around again — and always Shining from my heart.

It was an Expanding Sphere of Joy from the heart. And I was a Radiant Form — the Source of Energy, Love-Bliss, and Light in the midst of a world that is entirely Energy, Love-Bliss, and Light. I was the Power of Reality, a direct Enjoyment and Communication of the One Reality. I was the Heart Itself, Who Lightens the mind and all things.

I was the same as every one and every thing, except it became clear that others were apparently unaware of the "Thing" Itself.

Even as a little child, I recognized It and Knew It, and my life was not a matter of anything else. That Awareness, that Conscious Enjoyment, that Self-Existing and Self-Radiant Space of Infinitely and inherently Free Being, that Shine of inherent Joy Standing in the heart and Expanding from the heart, is the "Bright".

And It is the entire Source of True Humor. It is Reality. It is not separate from anything.

From my birth, I have not been centered in Scorpio or the dilemma of alternatives, but in the "Bright". So it is with True Humor that I describe how I existed all this time.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, The Knee Of Listening

2. Places in Adi Da's Childhood
click images to enlarge
Adi Da as a child
Mary Immaculate Hospital in Jamaica, New  York: birthplace of Adi Da Samraj
Mary Immaculate Hospital in Jamaica, New  York: birthplace of Adi Da Samraj
Mary Immaculate Hospital in Jamaica, New York
birthplace of Adi Da Samraj
Mary Immaculate Hospital in Jamaica, New York
birthplace of Adi Da Samraj
park across from Mary Immaculate Hospital where Adi Da's father paced while awaiting His birth
Adi Da's first home, in St. Albans, New York
park across from Mary Immaculate Hospital
where Adi Da's father "paced" while awaiting His birth
Adi Da's first home,
in St. Albans, New York
the house of Adi Da's grandfather in Hollis, New York
Mrs. Farr's house in Hollis, New York
the house of Adi Da's grandfather
in Hollis, New York
Mrs. Farr's house
in Hollis, New York
Ascension Lutheran Church
Ascension Lutheran Church
in Franklin Square, New York

Adi Da as a young child
Adi Da as a young child
Adi Da as a young child
Adi Da as a young child

Adi Da as a child

3. Esoteric Details Behind Adi Da's Birth

Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Avatar Adi Da Samraj
(click to enlarge)

The time and place of Adi Da's birth were not arbitrary. The deeper-personality-vehicle enabling His Incarnation was made available to Him on July 4, 1902, upon the death and perfect surrender of Swami Vivekananda. This deeper-personality-vehicle enabled Adi Da's immediate appearance in the higher realms of the Cosmic Mandala in which that vehicle existed.

It should be understood about this intentional Birth of Mine that no "decision" was made from an absolute point of view, out of the blue. The Deeper Personality Vehicle of Swami Vivekananda was provided conditionally, as I have indicated. I, My Self, was brought into conjunction with the conditional reality by these means. In that conjunction, I "Consented" to the Ordeal of human manifestation.

The Deeper Personality Vehicle of Swami Vivekananda arose in the conditional domain and provided the conjunction with Me (As I Am). That Vehicle was conjoined with My Very Being. Swami Vivekananda was given up completely, and the Vehicle became transparent to Me.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, March 20, 1993
The Promised God-Man Is Here

Out of a deep love for Westerners (developed during in his time in the West), Swami Vivekananda had intentionally set up his karmic vehicle for a reincarnation in the West. So in conjoining with Vivekananda's Vehicle, the Divine also was consenting to an eventual human incarnation (in the West):

Swami Vivekananda experienced the utter frustration of getting on a boat and going to the West. He knew it was not enough. And He knew what He was going to have to do, therefore — He was going to have to die and be reborn in the West. And His Western connections were the means for His rebirth. . . He became heart-sympathetic with people in the Western circumstance and disposition. But He realized that — as a Hindu, as an Easterner — He was not equipped to transform the West. So he went back to India and died.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, March 20, 1993
The Promised God-Man Is Here

But Adi Da did not choose to immediately incarnate in the physical realm in 1902.

The Second World War began in 1939. It was a war that resulted not only in the death of tens of millions of people, but also in the moral devastation of the world. This pivotal crisis in humanity's history was the inevitable time for Avatar Adi Da to be born.

There was yet another factor in the vast constellation of conditions which drew Avatar Adi Da to delay His Incarnation until 1939: the birth of global communication and interconnectedness. Only in a world that was globally interconnected would His Spiritual gifts and influence be able to touch millions, with unprecedented immediacy. Because the world was becoming Westernized in culture and psyche, it was necessary for Avatar Adi Da's world-Blessing Work that He be born in the Western world and that He fully know the Western mind.

Because of My unique Disposition, I agreed to be born in the West. . . I was Impulsed to Serve beings in the West especially, and all beings ultimately. Therefore, I agreed to this Birth, and was made in this particular form to Serve everyone, and to suffer all the limitations of ordinariness. So I was born, and I did My Work. . . This Person standing before you, Serving you . . . assumed responsibility to be Submitted by Birth — not merely to get on an airplane, but by Birth to be Submitted — to Westerners, even to be polluted by the association, to Submit to it, to Serve them in all ways necessary for the sake of their Enlightenment, their Realization, to do it all without the least withdrawal.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, The Love-Ananda Gita

Avatar Adi Da was born fully Awakened as the Divine Reality. While still a child, He named His perfectly Illumined State, the "Bright".  
Adi Da as a child, granting Darshan

Adi Da as a child
granting Darshan

On November 3, 1939, at 11:21 A.M., in Jamaica, Queens County, New York, I was born "Franklin Albert Jones ". . .

Even as a baby, I remember only crawling around inquisitively with a boundless Feeling of Joy, Light, and Freedom in the middle of my head that was bathed in Energy moving unobstructed in a Circle — down from above, all the way down, then up, all the way up, and around again — and always Shining from my heart....

And I was a Radiant Form — the Source of Energy, Love-Bliss and Light in the midst of a world that is entirely Energy, Love-Bliss and Light.

I was the Power of Reality, a direct Enjoyment and Communication of the One Reality. I was the Heart Itself, Who Lightens the mind and all things.

I was the same as every one and every thing, except it became clear that others were apparently unaware of the "Thing" Itself.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, The Knee of Listening

I Am The “Bright” — Itself.
This “Brightness” Speaks.
The “Bright” Is Born As This, My Avataric Body-Mind.
My Divine Spiritual Descent Upon the body-mind Of My Devotee — As The “Thumbs” — Is My Avataric Divine Means.
All This Was Given From The Avataric Birth Of This, My Bodily (Human) Form.
Indeed, These Words — The “Bright” and The “Thumbs” — Were Generated By Me As An Infant.
I Am Uttering To You The Revelation That Was Present At My Birth and In My Infancy — and Nothing Whatsoever Has Been Added To It or Taken Away From It.
Nothing In The Human Experience Of This, My Avataric Body-Mind, Has Modified My Revelation or limited It In The Slightest.
My Avatarically-Given Revelation Is A Divine Spiritual Revelation For The Sake Of all beings.
Therefore, Heart-Recognize Me, and Heart-Respond To Me.
Turn To Me, Receive Me.
Constantly Know Me.
If You Do this, You Will Be Certain Of The Truth I Am Telling You.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, The Dawn Horse Testament

My State now is not, in any sense, different from My State in the moment when I was Born. My State has always been the Same. My Life-Adventure was entirely a Teaching, a Revelation, a Process I had to Suffer. Thus, an Instructional Narrative, or Sign, has been Made by My Life, as I had to Live It. That Sign should Instruct you. My Own State Is the Same now as it was at the beginning — the "Bright" Infant.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, The Aletheon

[On the difference between an ordinary incarnation and an Avataric Incarnation:] My True Story is the Divine Avataric Leela — the Leela of the One Who is Realized from Birth, Transcendentally Spiritually Fully Awake from Birth. That is a Unique Situation — because not only Is It Full Transcendental Spiritual awakening, but I am not born. Karmic entities are born, and they seek Realization — and, then, if they achieve It (to some Real degree), they die. Full Realization does not come into birth except through an Avatar. Only in Such a Case can there be bodily survival of a Fully Realized birth. Otherwise, there would not be any bodily conjunction to begin with, because it would not be viable.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, February 2008
"Tell Everyone My Leela Everywhere"
Adi Da Samrajashram Magazine, Vol. 1, #1

The purpose of Adi Da's birth — His Avataric Incarnation — was twofold: to establish a new and complete Revelation of the living Divine Reality, and the Way by which all beings could Realize the Divine Reality; and to transform the dire future that human egos were otherwise making more and more likely.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Avatar Adi Da Samraj
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da with his parents
Adi Da's Birthday in 1982

Adi Da's Birthday in 1982
(click to enlarge)

FRANK MARRERO: For His Birthday in 1982, Adi Da received a cake with 43 candles from His devotees. He inhaled. . . and with one poof, blasted them all out. Then in perfect parody, He quipped, "I still got it." Over the next 10 hours, He proceed to blow us all out, breath by breath in unfathomable, nirvanic joy.

Adi Da on His birthday
Adi Da on His Birthday

Adi Da on His Birthday
(click to enlarge)

The Divine Avatar's Intervention here is a Spiritual one. And His Avataric Incarnation refers to much more than His bodily human form — it refers to the great Emergence of Divine Conscious Light into this realm. While His primary Work in the body was to establish a new Way of Divine Realization here, He is always Working Spiritually, on a universal scale, to purify the negative energies, influences, and forces that have patterned (and continue to pattern) world events.

Adi Da Jayanthi, November 3, 2008 (Adi Da Samrajashram)
Adi Da Jayanthi, November 3, 2008 (Adi Da Samrajashram)

4. Adi Da Jayanthi Celebrated Around the World

Celebrating Adi Da Jayanthi (Potomac, Maryland)

Adi Da Jayanthi birthday cake created by Douglas Short in First People Kitchen: The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary, November 3, 2012
Adi Da Jayanthi birthday cake created by chef Douglas Short in First People Kitchen
(The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary, Northern California, November 3, 2012)

<span class=caption>Adi Da Jayanthi birthday cake at a small devotee  party in Oakland, California (November 3, 2012)
Adi Da Jayanthi birthday cake at a small devotee party in Oakland, California (November 3, 2012)

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length: 06:52
views: 4610
Slideshow of images of Adi Da, The Master Dancer.

Soundtrack: the hymn, "Lord of the Dance".
Colin Decio (voice and instruments). Colin is the winner of the John Ireland Chamber Music Prize.
Ingrid Prosser (voice - mezzo soprano). Ingrid is from New Zealand.
Words by Sydney Carter (who wrote them in 1967, inspired partly by Jesus of Nazareth, but also partly by a statue of Shiva as Nataraja).
Set to the tune of the American Shaker song, "Simple Gifts".

From the performers:
"The Divine World Teacher Adi Da Samraj was born on November 3, 1939. This is our gift to the Divine Person on the Anniversary of His birth."

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Adi Da Jayanthi 2018
Adi Da Jayanthi: Kauai, Hawaii, 2018

Adi Da Jayanthi: Kauai, Hawaii, 2018
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi 2014
Adi Da Jayanthi 2014: The 75th Anniversary of Adi Da's Birth:
Writing the Name "DA" with a sparkler in Auckland, New Zealand, 2014

Adi Da Jayanthi 2014: The 75th Anniversary of Adi Da's Birth
Writing the Name "DA" with a sparkler in Auckland, New Zealand, 2014

(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi 2014
Adi Da Jayanthi 2014: The 75th Anniversary of Adi Da's Birth:
Celebrating together in First Sight, Auckland, New Zealand, 2014

Adi Da Jayanthi 2014: The 75th Anniversary of Adi Da's Birth
Celebrating together in First Sight, Auckland, New Zealand, 2014

(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Fire Puja in New Zealand, 2012
Adi Da Jayanthi Fire Puja in New Zealand, 2012

Adi Da Jayanthi Fire Puja in Auckland, New Zealand, 2012
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in New Zealand, 2012
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Auckland, New Zealand, 2012

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Auckland, New Zealand, 2012
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in New Zealand, 2012
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Auckland, New Zealand, 2012

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Auckland, New Zealand, 2012
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, 2012
Coconut to be dropped into the fire of the Da Jayanthi Fire Puja with a Divine Horse made from layers of acrylic paint. Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2014

Coconut to be dropped into the fire of the Da Jayanthi Fire Puja
with a Divine Horse made from layers of acrylic paint.
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2014

(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, 2012
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, 2012
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, 2012
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, 2012
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, 2012
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, 2012
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, 2012
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, 2012
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, 2012
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, 2012
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, 2012
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, 2012
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, 2012
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, 2012
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, Maria Hoop, The Netherlands, 2012
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013
(click to enlarge)

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013
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Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention, 2013
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Ode to Divine Joy
length: 04:19
event date: November 2, 2013
listens: 6295
On November 2, 2013, the eve of the seventy-fourth anniversary of Avatar Adi Da’s Birth (Da Jayanthi), a live concert was held at The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary in Northern California to celebrate His Eternal Blessing of all. The recording of this concert is now available on a CD, Ode to Divine Joy.

This audio clip contains a sample medley from the CD, featuring the voices of devotees JoAnne Sunshine ("Made by Your Hand"), Mel McMurrin ("Mary Don’t You Weep"), and Crane Kirkbride ("Ode to Divine Joy"), the voices of the Adidam Choir, and the piano-playing of Naamleela Free Jones. You can also hear the Choir singing devotee and Billboard Award-winning composer Ray Lynch's song, "This Is the Great Gift".

The rendition of Beethoven's "Ode To Joy" (retitled "Ode To Divine Joy" with new, devotional lyrics) performed during the concert was a unique fusion of two performances: the live performance and a 1990 studio recording played as accompaniment. This unique amalgam of both studio and live performances of Ode to Divine Joy, as well as all of the other pieces of the live concert included on this CD, are offered in the spirit of celebration and gratitude.

5. Related Resources

Adi Da

A Birthday Message from Jesus and Me
— On November 3, 1982 at Da Love-Ananda Mahal, Adi Da gave the essay and talk by this name.

I call this essay "A Birthday Message from Jesus and Me" for several reasons. Today is my birthday, first of all. The essay also speaks of being born again in the Spirit, so it is in some sense a message about everybody's 're-birthday' or spiritual birth. And it is 'from Jesus and Me' because the essay also paraphrases the Teaching of Jesus. . . Jesus preached a Way of life that involved stepping outside the bondage to tradition and institutionalized religiosity. His was a radical Spirit-Teaching that communicated the religion of conversion to the Spiritual Reality, to the Divine as Living Spirit, rather than to the Divine as the remembered and honored 'God of our fathers', the God of the book, and so on. Jesus preached that people should be altogether converted from their false views and sinfulness, that they should be transformed by the Realization of the Spirit, and that they should make their religion a way of life in immediate and constant Communion with the Divine Spirit.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj
from "A Birthday Message From Jesus and Me", The Fire Gospel

Remember About Being Happy

Love Made Me A Body To Live With You: Revelations of The Divine Avataric Appearance Given by His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Published in Celebration of the 80th Jubilee Anniversary of the Human Birth of the Divine Person: 1939 - 2019

book: November, 2019
order here



6. Invitation

Adi Da Jayanthi, November 3, 2008 (Adi Da Samrajashram)
Adi Da Jayanthi, November 3, 2008 (Adi Da Samrajashram)

The great good news is that, in the course of His human lifetime (from His birth on November 3, 1939 to His Divine Mahasamadhi on November 27, 2008), Adi Da succeeded in establishing the Way of Adidam — the Way by which all beings can now Realize the Divine Reality.

You are Given the Gift of the Incarnation of the Divine Person. It is the Divine Gift. My most fundamental Gift is in My Very Form, My Birth to here. My Form, My Birth Itself, is the essence of the Divine Gift.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj

You do not yet know how to estimate the effect of My Birth and what will occur as a result of My Incarnation.

You are the seed of a great historical change, and you cannot even see what is before your eyes. We have accomplished great things already, although you are not yet aware of it. . . As decades pass, you will see the import of what you have all experienced in seed form but cannot yet recognize. . . .

The purpose of My Birth is to transform humankind, everyone, human history, by bringing you through this terrible transition in which you now find yourselves. My Divine Avataric Birth Is an Epic Moment of Transcendental Spiritual Intervention. . . When you have passed through this crisis of growth, you will begin to understand what has happened, what Force has been Brought into the flesh through My Divine Avataric Birth. . . .

This Birth will then be a tool for the transformation of humanity altogether. This Is My Purpose. It is true for every single individual who approaches Me. Every single one is Called by Me, every single one is Loved by Me, every single one I Embrace.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, November 7, 1983

The purpose of all the gatherings of devotees is to consider the Teaching to the point of hearing or self-understanding and to grant attention to the Spiritual Master in the Forms of His Person, His Agencies, and His Spirit-Blessing magnified to devotees to the point of the tangible Awakening to and acknowledgment of the Spiritual Divine. This entire institution and this whole community of devotees should be devoted to these purposes.

Practice daily. Gather constantly for the sake of hearing and seeing and communicating to one another about actual hearing and seeing. Tell the stories of your practice. Support one another's Awakening. Give one another opportunity for the demonstration of the Way in good company. And call everyone to the real discipline and technical practice of this esoteric Way, this radical Way, in daily life.

Do this as individuals and do this as a gathering, a community, and an institution, and you will see the fruits of My birth and of your own birth. Then this institution and this community will be unique and will have great value. They will be real, they will grow, they will stop stumbling and falling back. It all depends on true hearing, self-understanding, and the acceptance of this [Spiritual] Baptism.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, A Birthday Message from Jesus and Me

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration in the European Danda, 2012
Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration, Naitauba, 2012

Adi Da Jayanthi Celebration, Naitauba, 2012
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And so we invite all who read this to learn about and consider taking up the Way of Adidam — and Realize the Perfect and Eternal Happiness of Adi Da, that infinitely exceeds every form of suffering and every passing pleasure in this mortal life and limited world.

The Season of Light-In-Everybody begins a few days after Adi Da Jayanthi.

Return to Celebrations

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Da Love Ananda 🌟Heart Breaking ❤️Heart Master

❤️‍🩹The Greatest Gift mankind has ever received 🌟
What a truly remarkable Revelation He Has Brought to humankind, so many Gifts for us to wake up. I am eternally grateful.
Thank you Master. Thank you Beloved. All that you give. I bow down in gratitude.
Thank you Beloved of all hearts.
What an incomparable Gift!

He came to a “half-made world” where “love is yet to take its hold”.
Excellent presentation.
We are full of gratitude to You, Beloved Adi Da Samraj! Your perfect Gift of incarnating into a form like our own is beyond our full comprehension. Your Presence is unwavering and Full. May You be pleased to guide us.
Happy Da Jayanthi Bhagavan
Jai Jai Avatar Adi Da Samraj! Happy Divine Bright Radiant Birthday!
Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner:
© 2025 Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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