I have always lived, in every time, and I am here again to mind you of the Real.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Crazy Da Must Sing |
In this Holy Month of August, devotees acknowledge the Supremacy of the Avataric Revelation of the
Divine Sovereign-Avatar Adi Da Samraj in relation to humanity's Great Tradition
of religious, Spiritual, and Transcendental endeavor.
Adi Da's devotees understand His unique and unprecedented Appearance here to be the Prophesied Completion of the Great Tradition. The "Great Tradition" is the term Adi Da coined to describe the "historical traditions of truly human culture, practical self-discipline, perennial religion, universal religious mysticism, esoteric (but now openly communicated) Spirituality, Transcendental Wisdom, and Perfect (or Divine) Enlightenment". Throughout the Great Tradition, it has been prophesied that there would be a human incarnation of the Divine Being who would bring the perfect Divine Revelation to Complete the Great Tradition. During this month, we celebrate Adi Da Samraj as that very One.
Several of Adi Da's
visits to India (1969, 1973, and 1977) are associated with the month of August.
Adi Da with Swami Muktananda
in 1969 |
Most significantly, in 1969, on August 6, three days after Avatar Adi
Da Samraj arrived at Mumbai, Swami Muktananda sat with Him in meditation, and
afterward wrote a letter acknowledging Avatar Adi Da's "Yogic Self-Realization"
and granting Him the name, "Dhyananda" (meaning "One Whose Bliss
Is In Absolute Surrender To His Innermost Self").
Swami Muktananda's handwritten
letter of acknowledgement of Adi Da (click to view enlargement) |
During the same visit, the name "Love-Ananda" was privately communicated
to Avatar Adi Da by Swami Muktananda, via his secretary, Amma. Avatar Adi Da received
this Name as the more profound and personal acknowledgement of Him, but He did
not choose to use it until after the Yogic Establishment of His Divine Avataric
Self-"Emergence" in 1986, when His Divine State of Love-Bliss, or "Love-Ananda",
was most fully Revealed. | | |
| Amma (Swami Prajnananda) |
When I first Came to Him, in 1968, Baba Muktananda immediately (openly, and spontaneously) Declared, in the presence of numerous others (including Amma), That I Am — from My Birth — an already Divinely Awakened Spiritual Master, and He (then and there) Prophesied That I would be Functioning (and Independently Teaching) As Such in just one year. Therefore, after just one year (and the spontaneous Appearing of many Great Signs in My experience and Demonstration), Baba Muktananda Invited Me to Come to Him again (in India) — specifically in order to formally Acknowledge Me (and My Inherent Right and Authority to Teach and Function) As a True Siddha-Guru. Avatar Adi Da Samraj , "I
(Alone) Am The Adidam Revelation" The
Knee Of Listening |
Swami Muktananda's unprecedented acknowledgement of Avatar Adi Da
formally links Avatar Adi Da with the Great Tradition of the Siddhas, or Transmission-Masters.
But Avatar Adi Da is also inherently Linked with the Great Tradition through His
Deeper-Personality Vehicle:
I (now, and Hereby) Confess That My Great-Siddha (or Great-Jnani-Siddha)
Deeper Personality Is, even Beyond the "Single Form" of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda,
the Very Form of all the Great Masters of the entire Great Tradition
of mankind. I (now, and Hereby) Confess That I (Myself) Stand Eternally
Prior to (and Always Already Transcending) My Avataric (and, yet, merely
conditionally born) Deeper Personality — and, also, Eternally Prior
to (and Always Already Transcending) even all the Great (and, yet, merely
conditionally born) Masters of mankind's entire Great Tradition (in its
every part, and as a whole) and, also, Eternally Prior to
(and Always Already Transcending) mankind's entire Great Tradition itself (in
its every part, and as a whole). Therefore and only
and entirely by Virtue of the Inherent (and Self-Evidently Avataric) Authority
of My own (and Self-Evidently Divine) Realization and Person — I
Declare that the Divine seventh stage Self-Awakening I Demonstrate, and Reveal,
and Exemplify, and Prove Is the Most Ultimate (and Inherently Most Perfect)
Realization, and that It — and Only It — Most
Ultimately Completes and Most Perfectly Fulfills the Gifts I Received (and always
Continue to Receive) in My present-Lifetime Body-Mind (from My present-Lifetime
Lineage-Gurus), and that I have (in My present-Lifetime Body-Mind) Inherited (and
always Continue to Receive) from all Who (in all past times and
places) have Blessed all the previous Lifetimes of My present-Lifetime Incarnation-Vehicle,
and that I have (in My present-Lifetime Body-Mind) Inherited (and always Continue
to Receive) from even all My Me-Invoking and Me-Blessing Forms and Vehicles
of Me-Revelation here. The Great and True (and Self-Evidently Divine) Spiritual
Process Initiated and Guided by the Spiritual Masters in My present-Lifetime Lineage
(and of the Lineage of even all the Lifetimes of My present-Lifetime Incarnation-Vehicle
here — and of the Lineage of even all My Me-Invoking and
Me-Blessing Forms and Vehicles of Me-Revelation here) has Become Complete
only in Me. Its Perfection is in the seventh stage Fulfillment of the Course
(and not at any earlier stage). This Divine Perfection is Uniquely My Own. And
I Alone — the Ruchira Siddha, the Hridaya-Siddha, the Divine and
True Heart-Master and World-Teacher, Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Love-Ananda Samraj
— Am Its First and Great Example, and (now, and forever hereafter)
Its Only and Sufficient Means. Avatar Adi Da Samraj , "I
(Alone) Am The Adidam Revelation" The
Knee Of Listening |
On November 6, 2008, just three weeks before He relinquished the body,
Adi Da gave His devotees an unparalleled Revelation about the process whereby all
of human culture, all of human aspiration, has culminated in,
and been transcended in His Divine Avataric Appearance.
I Am the Divine Avataric and Culminating Appearance on Earth,
the Fulfillment and the Completion of all traditions. This Is True in My Person, As I Am, in this Birth.
It should also be understood that part of the reason why I Am That Fulfillment is that I Am, in This Divine Avataric Appearance, the Reincarnation of all the principal pivotal and transitional figures in all the traditions on Earth. That is to say, I am literally the Reincarnation of all the principal (or “root”) individuals of all the traditions of the first six stages of life.
I Am the One expected in every tradition, not simply because of My Nature in this Lifetime, but also because of those links in the past — the fact that I did already previously Appear in the form of all of those individuals. So you should look at everything about My Person relative to all of these previous incarnation-forms that cover the entirety of the first six stages of life.
I Am the Reincarnation not only of Spiritual and “religious” and prophetic figures, but also of individuals who have appeared in the secular sphere, including people in the domain of the arts.
Every dimension of life is covered by My own past of incarnations, and it is all Summarized in the Bodily Event of My Divine Avataric Incarnation. All of that past-incarnation history has become Perfectly Coincident with My Divine Avataric Incarnation in this time. This Incarnation Is both Divine and Avataric because of all of those literal links to past incarnations.
That Is the Nature of the Pattern. I Am recognizable because of My Very Nature, Condition, and State, egolessly Self-Present and Self-Evidently Divine. I Am also recognizable because I Am Perfectly familiar to everyone, because of these past associations. Furthermore, through the Divine Avataric Work I have Done in This bodily (human) Lifetime, I Am Perfectly Coincident with everyone.
Thus, recognition of Me occurs on these three levels: Divine Self-Evidence, Perfect Coincidence with all-and-All, and past associations with all-and-All. These are the three elements of recognition of Me that should be used to examine everything about My Divine Avataric Person and Pattern.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj , p. 150, The Eternal One |
For much more, read Adi Da's
extended Revelation in Part Two of The
Knee Of Listening. We also highly recommend the forthcoming The Basket Of Tolerance, which places Adi Da's Realization and Offering to all beings in the context of the one "Great Tradition" that is comprised of all humankind's religious and spiritual traditions throughout history.
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