Audios/Videos of
Adi Da and Adidam

last updated:
11:00 pm (EST) on July 15, 2024

Thanks to the 132 people and organizations below for their videos or audios about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam, which are now included in our Audio/Video Library! Special thanks to Lynne Thompson, who did a lot of the data entry for our audio/video database.

Click on a poster ID to see that poster's video or audio clips. (Note that some posters have posted under more than one poster ID — in this case, a name in the second column is associated with several posters IDs in the first column.) Click on a picture to see a larger version. Click on a name to see more about that person or organization.

Posters in order of # clips

(Order by # views instead)

  poster IDs / # videosname / more info# clips# views
1  CDBaby:114
114 176,313
 This channel is auto-generated by YouTube, and is described as "Provided to YouTube by CDBaby". Apparently because the Dawn Horse Press has made certain CDs available on Spotify, iTunes, and other music streaming services, the tracks on these CDs are now available as YouTube videos as well.
2  AdiDaVideos:107
The Adidam Institution
107 369,334
 The official YouTube channel of Adidam. Special thanks to David Rosen, who manages this channel.
3  DawnHorsePress: 76
adidatribute: 8
The Dawn Horse Press
84 377,878
 Adi Da has produced a vast body of Wisdom-Literature that addresses literally every aspect of human, Spiritual, and Divine life. The Dawn Horse Press is dedicated to making this Teaching available to all. In addition to the Teachings of Avatar Adi Da, The Dawn Horse Press also carries a selection of books from the various religious and spiritual traditions of the world.
4  TheBeezone:81
Ed Reither
81 304,517
 Ed Reither is the creator of The Beezone website, and is a strong advocate of Adi Da's Teaching.
5  Adi Da Video Polska:74
Adi Da Video Polska
74 111,939
 The Adidam Polish Video Channel. Ten kanał prezentuje Adi Da Samraj — wyjątkowego Urzeczywistnionego Mistrza, nauczyciela, autora i artystę. Adi Da Samraj poświęcił swoje życie na ustanowienie środków, dzięki którym wszyscy ludzie mogą urzeczywistnić ostateczną Prawdę — to, co sam nazwał, "Jasnością" lub Niepodzielną Rzeczywistością, w której wszyscy się pojawiamy. Adi Da przekazywał tę Prawdę za pośrednictwem różnych środków wyrazu; duchowo, literacko i artystycznie. Jego liczne książki poświęcone duchowej, filozoficznej, społecznej i praktycznej mądrości są powszechnie uznawane za jedne z najbardziej wnikliwych nauk duchowych współczesnego świata.
6  Adi Da Videot Suomi:58
Adi Da Videot Suomi
58 60,067
 The Adidam Finnish video channel. Tämä kanava ylistää Adi Da Samrajia - ainutlaatuista hengellistä toteuttajaa, opettajaa, kirjailijaa ja taiteilijaa. Adi Da Samraj omisti elämänsä perustaakseen keinon, jonka avulla kaikki ihmiset voivat toteuttaa äärimmäisen Totuuden – Totuuden, jota Hän nimitti “Kirkkaaksi” tai siksi Jakamattomaksi Todellisuudeksi jossa me kaikki ilmenemme.
7  AdiDaUpClose:52
Chris Tong
52 155,523
 Devotee Chris Tong, Ph.D., is one of the founders of this site. He is also the founder of The Practical Spirituality Press, and the director of The Institute for Real God, The COTEDA Institute for Global Accord, and FIRM (The Foundation against Intolerance of Religious Minorities). He was formerly a professor of Computer Science and a leading researcher in Artificial Intelligence. More here.
8  Video di Adi Da, Canale italiano:47
Video di Adi Da, Canale italiano
47 54,824
 The Adidam Italian video channel. Questo č il canale che celebra Adi Da Samraj – realizzatore spirituale unico, maestro, autore e artista. Adi Da Samraj ha dedicato la sua vita alla creazione di strumenti utili all'umanitŕ per realizzare la Veritŕ ultima – quello che lui ha chiamato il “Luminoso”, ossia la Indivisibile Realtŕ in cui noi tutti appariamo. Ha usato molti mezzi per comunicare quella Veritŕ – spirituali, letterari e artistici. I suoi numerosi libri su spiritualitŕ, filosofia, sociologia e saggezza pratica sono largamente riconosciuti per essere fra i piů spiritualmente significativi insegnamenti del mondo moderno.
9  Videos de Adi Da - Espańol:45
Videos de Adi Da - Espańol
45 62,065
 The Adidam Spanish Video Channel. Este canal celebra Adi Da Samraj - realizador espiritual único, maestro, autor y artista. Adi Da Samraj dedicó Su Vida al estableciendo de los medios por los cuales todos los seres humanos pueden realizar la Verdad fundamental - lo que Él llamó el "Luminoso" o la Realidad Indivisible en la que todos aparecemos. Él comunicó esa Verdad a través de muchos medios - espiritualmente, literario y artístico. Sus libros numerosos de sabiduría espiritual, filosófica, social y práctica son ampliamente reconocidos como entre una de las enseńanzas espirituales más perspicaces del mundo moderno.
10  frank marrero:42
Frank Marrero
42 122,493
 Devotee Frank Marrero is an elementary school teacher and a father.
11  realityway: 11
divineartevents: 5
florencedancefest: 2
KidsCultureAdidam: 1
Matt Braithwaite: 10
Matthew Braithwaite
29 119,978
 Devotee Matt Braithwaite is a professional videographer.
12  AdidamPodcasts: 22
AdidamVideos: 6
onlinemission: 1
Adidam Podcasts
29 159,560
 Adidam Podcasts offers audio and video podcasts that present Adi Da's radical wisdom and living truth, for a new world culture.
13  Adi Da Videa, čeština:28
Adi Da Videa, čeština
28 40,393
 The Adidam Czech video channel. Tento kanál vznikl jako oslava Adi Da Samráje — výjimečné osvícené bytosti, učitele, autora a umělce. Adi Da Samráj svůj život zasvĕtil tomu, aby lidem vytvořil nástroje, s jejichž pomocí by každý mohl realizovat konečnou Pravdu — které on říkal "zářicí svĕtlo" nebo nerozdĕlitelná Realita, v níž se všichni objevujeme. Tuto Pravdu komunikoval různými prostředky — duchovními, literárními & umĕleckými. Napsal celou řadu knih, jejichž duchovní, filosofická, společenská a praktická moudrost je široce uznávána jako jedno z nejpronikavĕjších spirituálních učení moderního svĕta.
14  Gerald Sheinfeld:22
Gerald Sheinfeld
22 31,516
 Gerald has been a devotee of Adi Da since the beginning of Adi Da's work with devotees. He accompanied Adi Da on His 1974 trip to India, and has participated in countless sacred occasions and events in the company of Adi Da in the intervening years — so he has many stories to tell!
15  Adidam Europe: 14
AdiDaVideosNL: 8
Adidam Europe
22 73,114
 Videos provided by the Adidam Mission in Europe.
16  AdidamRevelationMagazine:19
Adidam Revelation Magazine
19 86,479
 The Adidam Revelation Magazine is a free online publication.
17  Daplastique: 18
The Art of Adi Da Samraj: 1
Da Plastique
19 72,870
 Da Plastique is the exclusive worldwide representation for the art of Adi Da Samraj.
18  FacingEast108:18
John Wubbenhorst
18 89,405
 Devotee John Wubbenhorst leads the musical group, Facing East, which continually experiments with new musical possibilities that often seamlessly combine Eastern and Western musical traditions.
19  yeshuaherenow:14
Eo Anderson
14 49,844
20  Vidéos d'Adi Da:14
Vidéos d'Adi Da
14 35,001
 The Adidam French video channel. Cette chaîne célčbre Adi Da Samraj: réalisateur spirituel unique, enseignant, auteur et artiste. Adi Da Samraj consacra sa vie ŕ établir les moyens par lesquels tous les ętres humains peuvent réaliser la Vérité ultime - ce qu'Il a appelé le "Lumineux" ou la Réalité Indivisible dans laquelle nous apparaissons tous. Il communiqua cette Vérité par de nombreux moyens - spirituels, littéraires et artistiques. Ses nombreux livres de sagesse spirituelle, philosophique, sociale et pratique sont largement reconnus parmi les enseignements spirituels les plus perspicaces du monde moderne.
21  Wisdom Tools for Humanity:13
Wisdom Tools Series
13 46,199
 Wisdom Tools seminars introduce you to Adi Da's remarkable wisdom on key topics as it applies to human concerns: The Dual Sensitivities Required for True Spiritual Life; Death is a Living Process; Transcending the Mechanism of Doubt; Transcending the Knot of Fear; Understanding Vital, Peculiar, and Solid Character Strategies; Feel the Wound of Love, The Traditional and Time-Honored Guru-Devotee Relationship; The Seven Stages of Life; The Searchless Raw Diet; and more.
22  Tastingthemoon:12
Meg Fortune McDonnell
12 74,890
 Devotee Meg Fortune McDonnell has worked as a writer and editor, international speaker, stage and film producer, school teacher, priest, war-time vigil correspondent, fine art photographic subject, event manager, dance teacher, personal assistant, legal aide, book indexer, caterer, and street performer. She is the author of Tasting The Moon: Adventures in the Meaning of Life.
23  globalpeacecentral:12
Fred Rohe
12 60,743
 Devotee Fred Rohe has been a natural health pioneer and author for decades. His store, New Age Natural Foods, opened in San Francisco in 1965 and is credited with being the prototype natural foods store. More at his website, Natural Health Yellow Pages.
24  SanctuaryKitchen:10
Douglas Short
10 49,021
 Devotee Douglas Short recently lived at the Mountain Of Attention, where he served as the manager and head chef at First People Kitchen.
25  Adi Da Videos Deutschland:10
Adi Da Videos Deutschland
10 23,572
 The Adidam German video channel. Dieser Kanal feiert Adi Da Samraj – einen einzigartigen Erleuchteten, Lehrer, Autor und Künstler.
26  billkrenz54:8
Bill Krenz
8 29,951
 Devotee Bill Krenz has lived and served Adi Da for many of those years on Naitauba, where he currently manages the Naitauba Organic Farm.
Andrea Portera
8 34,453
 Andrea Portera is a premier composer from Florence. His official catalog consists of over 100 works, including chamber music, symphonic pieces, and theater and ballet. His music has won many awards, and has been performed by famous orchestras and chamber groups.
28  Bright Reality Media:7
  7 4,407
29  sacredwalk-about:7
Sacred Walk-About
7 49,049
 Beginning in February, 2010, Ruchiradama Nadikanta, a member of the Ruchira Sannyasin Order of Adidam, traveled on a pilgrimage throughout India. She visited places associated with Adi Da's Spiritual Blessing Work and was accompanied by a group of devotees from different countries. These videos document that Sacred Walk-About.
30  GlobalCooperationProject:7
The Global Cooperation Project
7 28,228
 While it still existed, the Global Cooperation Project put together a series of audio recitations from Not-Two Is Peace, recited by acclaimed actor, Ken Welsh.
31  brightworld1:7
Bright World Arts
7 31,332
 Bright World Arts sponsors a variety of art, music, and dance events. It is led by devotee John Wubbenhorst, a master bansuri flute player.
32  Chandirah:7
Chandira Hensey
7 32,044
 Chandira Hensey has been a strong supporter of Adi Da and His Mission through her blogs, videos, and personal communications.
33  Mirykov:6
Max Rykov
6 17,548
 Devotee Max Rykov graduated from the University of Alabama in 2011, and lived for two years at The Mountain Of Attention, where he worked in the Adidam Library. He now creates stage productions for community groups and events, as well as hosting a monthly radio show.
34  JensenBellin:6
Jensen Bellin
6 26,744
 Jensen Bellin grew up in the Adidam community as Adi Da's devotee.
35  swaybone11:5
Theo Cedar
5 16,996
 Devotee Theo Cedar Jones is a rock musician (the frontman, guitarist and lyricist of the group, Swaybone) and an avid advocate of Adi Da Samraj and His wisdom about world peace.
36  sourcetemplebrazil:5
5 18,013
 The devotees of Adi Da at Source Temple in Brazil have provided Portuguese subtitles for a number of videos of Adi Da.
37  2012spirit: 4
RadiantlyHappy: 1
Ute Posegga-Rudel
5 34,722
 Ute Posegga-Rudel has been a devotee of Avatar Adi Da for many years. For more, visit her Quantum Healing website.
38  SusanaWeingarten:5
5 18,698
 Devotee Susana Weingarten was born and raised in Mexico City. She studied modern dance techniques at the school of Ballet Nacional de Mexico and later in the school of Ballet Independiente de Mexico, where she danced professionally and toured Mexico and Central America. She moved to New York City to continue her dance training with Takako Azakawa, Kazuko Hirabayashi, Louis Falco, The Alvin Ailey Dance School, and Carol Rioux. She appeared with Linda Diamond and Dancers at the Symphony Space and Lincoln Center Annex in New York City. Currently Susana is the co-Director of DANCEVERT, along with husband and world-class dancer Tom Evert.
39  antoniavidor:5
Antonia Vidor
5 23,648
 Devotee Toni Vidor was the eldest child of well-known film director King Vidor. After college, she rejected the life offered by her parents’ wealth and fame. From the late 1940's to the early 1970's (when she met Adi Da), she was an equestrian and a healer, as well as a pioneer of alternative living.
40  satsang:5
  5 18,704
41  FlorenceDanceCompany:5
Florence Dance Company
5 27,146
 The premier dance company of Florence. Many of the Florence Dance Company's recent works have made use of Adi Da's Image-Art as a backdrop.
42  Aniello Panico:4
  4 7,877
43  adidam23:3
Douglass Dixon
3 13,519
 Douglass Dixon has been a devotee of Adi Da for many years.
44  adidam77:3
Steven Shapiro
3 7,718
45  Damask23Rose: 1
PaulineChew: 2
Pauline Chew
3 11,694
 Devotee Pauline Chew received a B.S. in Professional Computer Studies from Pace University, and also studied Computer Technology Applications Development at Columbia University. Starting as a developer in information technology, she has spent the last two decades working for Fortune 500 companies and other major organizations (including UC Berkeley, Apple, Goldman Sachs, and IBM), developing a wide range of business technology solutions.
46  jef108:3
  3 13,952
47  scribe108: 1
Stanley Hastings: 2
Stanley Hastings
3 11,608
 Stanley Hastings grew up as a devotee of Adi Da Samraj. Stanley has always been passionate about Avatar Adi Da's Art work and has served Adi Da personally in His Art process in many different capacities. At the present time, Stanley manages the fabrication process of Adi Da's Image-Art, and is one of the spokespeople for Adi Da in this area. Stanley is the Co-Director of Da Plastique, the group that presents Avatar Adi Da's Art to the public.
48  DaPeace:3
3 13,858
 Official website presenting Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace.
49  SacredCamelGardens:3
Stuart Camps
3 13,734
 Devotee Stuart Camps is the former director of Fear-No-More Zoo. Serving the animals of Fear-No-More Zoo under Adi Da's guidance and instruction, and developing an ever deepening understanding of Adi Da's Vision of Fear-No-More, Stuart also writes papers and articles about the contemplative life of the non-humans, the environment, conservation, and the sacred relationship that humans may develop with everything else.
50  jonobono:3
John Armstrong
3 10,640
51  madjym:3
Jym Daly
3 8,784
 Devotee Jym Daly is one of the founders of Fidget Feet, Ireland's foremost Aerial Dance Theatre Company.
52  Scardanelli 1748:2
  2 6,088
53  The Integral Stage:2
  2 1,751
54  firstroom:2
"First Room" Theatre Guild
2 10,910
 The "First Room" Theatre Guild creates theatrical presentations of Adi Da's literary/theatrical works, particularly, The Orpheum.
55  Numinous Involvements Production:2
Numinous Involvements Production
2 7,615
 Devotee Richard Quinn is project manager for and liason to Da Plastique in Italy.
56  jewelyard:2
Albert Aprigliano
2 10,163
 Albert Aprigliano was classically trained as a pianist at The Juilliard School of Music. For over thirty years, he has been a Manhattan cocktail pianist, serving as house pianist for many high class Manhattan restaurants, and providing accompaniment for numerous cabaret acts.
57  Adidam Australia: 1
The Frankie Velvet Show: 1
Adidam Australia
2 3,851
 Videos provided by the Adidam Mission in Australia.
58  MysticalPositivist:2
Mystical Positivist
2 13,063
 "The Mystical Positivist: is a radio show "dedicated to the application of reason in the pursuit of spiritual practice and development".
59  Religion99:2
  2 5,297
60  The Adi Da Foundation:2
The Adi Da Foundation
2 5,230
 The Adi Da Foundation is responsible for bringing Adi Da’s wisdom and art to the world. The Adi Da Foundation has four organizational elements: the Adi Da Institute, Da Peace, Da Plastique, and Da Orpheum.
61  An Hana:2
Music from Aaron Nakagawa, Hana Skov, and Laine Griffith
2 5,764
62  drawmountainsthere:2
Simon Llewelyn Evans
2 7,663
 Devotee Simon Llewelyn Evans is a musician, composer, and singer currently living in Victoria, Australia.
63  FIAT LUX:2
  2 7,366
64  CraneKirkbride:2
Crane Kirkbride
2 8,256
 Crane Kirkbride has been a devotee of Adi Da Samraj since 1974, and has also been Adi Da's patron for many years.
65  AuraBakkerMedia:2
Aura Bakker
2 11,232
 Aura Bakker grew up in the Adidam community as Adi Da's devotee. She is a musician, singer, and composer. She received early training and experience in Indian music and jazz. She completed her BA in music at the Maastricht Conservatory of Music in Holland in 2004 after which she moved to London for two years where she performed regularly and found her voice in songwriting.
66  BrightBehindMe:2
  2 5,861
67  The Mint Condition Media:2
  2 858
68  samraj07:2
Gavin Brown
2 6,134
 Devotee Gavin Brown is currently the primary missionary for the Adidam Mission in the United Kingdom.
69  OurHorses:2
2 5,143
 OurHorses is an international community of friends working together to create a better world starting with providing sanctuary for horses and humans. Here they visit the Sacred Camel Gardens at the Mountain Of Attention.
70  witness108:1
1 2,169
 An experimental holographic Image of Adi Da Samraj.
71  Michael LaTorra:1
Michael LaTorra
1 5,594
 Devotee Michael LaTorra writes and teaches in Las Cruces, New Mexico, where he is a professor in the English Department at New Mexico State University. He serves as President and Abbot (Rev. Michael "Gozen" La Torra-Sensai) of the Daibutsuji Zen Temple (the Zen Center of Las Cruces). He is on the Board of Directors of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies and Humanity+.
72  enderxen:1
  1 3,343
73  PaulEmbling:1
Paul Embling
1 3,215
 Paul Embling is a devotee of Adi Da Samraj from New Zealand.
74  Francesco Rampichini:1
Francesco Rampichini
1 4,726
 Through his music, master guitarist and composer, Francesco Rampichini, has created a wide range of sound and image interconnections, composing for theater, dance, digital art and collaborating on important exhibitions and museum installations. He taught at the Civic Music Schools in Milan, Opera, Locate Triulzi and at the Ateneo della chitarra and the European Music Institute in Milan. He teaches at CPSM at the Conservatory of Milan (of which he has been vice president) and at the Civica Music School of Locate Triulzi (guitar, ensemble music, computer music). He is President of the Jury of Guitar Competition Rocco Peruggini, artistic director of the Lyric Competition Principessa Cristina Trivulzio di Belgiojoso, and was the first Italian President of the Jury of the Django d'Or International Award under the High Patronage of the Embassy of France in Rome (1999).
75  ratatouilletv:1
Ratatouille tv
1 3,189
 Ratatouille TV is a local, nonprofit, Dutch TV station based in Amsterdam, providing music, art and culture.
76  Droca77:1
Angela Fine
1 2,722
 Devotee Angela Fine is a musician, composer, and singer.
77  GAMurph:1
  1 3,821
78  Bleakhouse7:1
Colin Decio
1 4,581
 Colin Decio is a distinguished British composer and concert pianist. He is the winner of the John Ireland Chamber Music Prize and the Birmingham Midland Institute Composition Prize. One of his works for full orchestra, Cosmic Mandala, was inspired by Adi Da's teaching about death, after death, and the nature of Reality.
79  ShastaMcBride:1
Shasta McBride
1 3,823
 Shasta McBride grew up in the Adidam community, and formally became a devotee of Adi Da in 2005. She is a writer, and the author of The Shop Girl Sonnets. She writes an art column for the LA Art Scene Examiner. She is the Adidam Cooperative Forum representative for the greater Los Angeles region and maintains the blog, The Basket Of Tolerance Film Series.
80  sayoh08:1
Dennis Regan
1 4,748
 Devotee Dennis Regan lives in Sydney, Australia.
81  FloMorrissey:1
Flo Morrissey
1 6,362
 Flo Morrissey is a singer and songwriter from London. Flo was featured in the Fall, 2015 Teen Vogue article, The 20 Artists That Should Be on Your Radar Right Now, and her first album has received glowing reviews from such eminent forums as London's Guardian.
Mass Outreach
1 4,395
 A web video marketing company run by devotee Matt Braithwaite.
83  frizz lefryd:1
frizz lefryd
1 10,880
 One of Adi Da's favorite cartoons, "The Sunshine Makers" is a classic from the golden age of animation. Released on January 11, 1935 (an auspicious day of the year, in the sacred calendar of Adidam), the cartoon was directed by Ted Eshbaugh, the first artist/technician to figure out how to create animated cartoons in color. This restored print is the highest quality available, and is from the DVD, Toddle Tales & Rainbow Parade Cartoons.
84  k3tH6fqKscY:1
  1 668
85  1pravesh:1
  1 3,258
86  LarenR:1
Laren Rackell
1 2,082
 Devotee Laren Rackell makes sculptures of Adi Da.
87  Adidam India:1
Adidam India
1 5,519
 Videos provided by the Adidam Mission in India.
88  MicheleKrueger:1
Michele Krueger
1 5,645
 Devotee Michele Krueger is the Lake County Coordinator for California Poets In The Schools. She also is the manager of the Adidam Bookstore at the Mountain Of Attention.
89  Mormon Transhumanist Association:1
Mormon Transhumanist Association
1 7,365
 The Mormon Transhumanist Association is the world's largest advocacy network for ethical use of technology and religion to expand human abilities. Although we are neither a religious organization nor affiliated with any religious organization, we support our members in their personal religious affiliations, Mormon or otherwise, and encourage them to adapt Transhumanism to their unique situations.
90  JustinBerry:1
Justin Berry
1 2,721
 Justin Berry has been a devotee of Adi Da for several years.
91  andredecio:1
Andre Decio
1 5,063
92  Mountain Of Attention Retreats:1
  1 1,689
93  A Better World Radio:1
A Better World Radio
1 6,536
 Mitchell Rabin brings you shows, writings, products & events aimed at better living and consciousness. A Better World is committed to holistic, creative, compassionate media for the mind, spirit and body.
94  DAbase:1
Brent Stuart
1 7,543
95  NAADA OM:1
  1 2,658
96  GaryScottMorrow:1
Scott Morrow
1 3,738
 Scott Morrow is the founder of The Blue OK, a virtual cafe where he has conversations with people who "have information or tools that benefit the human family. And the non-humans too."
97  108Thoughts:1
  1 4,494
98  redazione italiasette:1
redazione italiasette
1 3,041
 Italian television news channel TGT 24 (Florence)
99  MitchellRabin:1
  1 773
100  Debra Helleren:1
  1 2,117
101  LDM NEWS:1
1 2,221
 Brought to you by the Istituto Lorenzo de' Medici in Florence.
102  Mahesh Vinayakram:1
  1 666
103  2012PROPHECYY:1
  1 3,494
104  DLeroy54:1
Leroy Stilwell
1 3,540
 Devotee Leroy Stilwell is one of the founders of this site. He lived and served at Adi Da Samrajashram, Naitauba, Fiji for most of the time since 1986, and is now living in Northern California.
105  jaspervanlaar:1
Jasper van Laar
1 4,298
 Jasper van Laar is the manager of the Dutch website, Yoga Online, and the head of the film production company, Way Media. He lives in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
106  Fear-No-More Zoo:1
  1 676
107  SpiritLight Videos:1
Brad Reynolds
1 2,603
 Devotee Brad Reynolds is an artist and author and the creator of Heart Light Productions. He has been a strong advocate of Adi Da for many years.
108  DrRemember:1
  1 4,914
109  AdidamKauai:1
Adidam Kauai
1 4,194
 Videos provided by the Adidam Mission in Kauai, Hawaii (location of the Da Love-Ananda Mahal Sanctuary).
110  Frederick Abrams:1
  1 1,507
111  OutlandsCommunity:1
  1 2,860
112  RayLynch:1
Ray Lynch
1 5,082
 Devotee Ray Lynch is a Billboard award-winning, New Age composer. More at his website.
113  function108:1
Matthew Nicholson
1 2,591
 Matthew Nicholson is a musician and composer. He has released music as Function Ensemble and Outshine Family, as well as his own name. Since 2003 he has provided original music composition in various forms of media. His work can be heard in films, trailers, advertising, documentaries, and art installations. In 2015, he completed a commission for installation at the Bargello National Museum in Florence, Italy: a twenty-minute composition played continuously as the background music for The Ascent of Orpheus, a three-month exhibition of Adi Da's art in the Bargello.
114  belleislesound:1
  1 1,653
115  NNHTV:1
Never Not Here TV
1 4,108
 On the forefront of what will support life, both in your family and on planet earth.
116  EvenStar303:1
  1 990
117  Antonina Randazzo:1
Antonina Randazzo
1 3,100
 Antonina Randazzo has been a devotee of Adi Da since 1977. Her principal service has been sacred music. She has studied North Indian Classical music with Maestro Ali Akbar Khan in San Rafael, California, and with Nivedita Sen, from the Allahabad University in India. Antonina has released three albums of devotional music.
118  Nick Wagner:1
  1 894
119  JimNewcome:1
Jim Newcome
1 4,215
 Devotee James Newcome is a longtime resident of Adi Da Samrajashram.
120  Lígia Costa:1
Lígia Costa
1 1,469
121  Adidam Los Angeles:1
  1 1,999
122  CoaguLAradio:1
CoaguLA Art Radio
1 6,146
123  Eivind Figenschau Skjellum:1
Eivind Figenschau Skjellum
1 2,388
 Eivind Figenschau Skjellum runs the website, Masculinity Movies. Here he interviews Terry Patten (author and well-known teacher of Integral Spirituality) about Adi Da.
124  Tamarind Free Jones:1
Tamarind Free Jones
1 2,764
 Nominated by Talvin Singh as a brilliant new artist with a crossover style of Indian Classical, folk, and pop, Tamarind's music has appeared on TV and radio around the world and was featured on So You Think You Can Dance. Recently she sang in the movie, "Sold", written and directed by Jeffrey Brown.
125  Transforming Reality Radio:1
Transforming Reality Internet Talk Show
1 4,960
 Transforming Reality Internet Talk Show: Highlighting Individuals and Organizations Raising Human Consciousness and Changing Our World. This show is affiliated with the Institute for Advancement of Humanity which is dedicated to the support and promotion of individuals and organizations working to raise human consciousness in life supporting arenas of endeavor.
126  Paul Litchfield:1
  1 861
127  calejo50:1
  1 4,629
128  DattatreyaSivaBaba:1
Dattatreya Siva Baba
1 5,193
129  Andrew Jonathan Dorfman:1
  1 5,279
130  ianathp:1
Ian Griffin
1 2,402
 Ian Griffin is head of Executive Communications. He has extensive experience writing speeches for senior executives at Silicon Valley technology companies such as Hewlett Packard and Sun Microsystems.
131  realityrevelation:1
Reality Revelation
1 4,846
132  AlanCorne:1
Alan Corne
1 2,544
 Devotee Alan Corne has been a professional musician and drummer for many years, and has played extensively in Adi Da's Company both for Sacred Celebration offerings, and in intimate circumstances of various kinds. He is now also a video producer, scriptwriter, and narrator.
TOTALS 12033,682,414
Total views/listens since Jan. 27, 2009: 4,322,414. The above total (3,682,414) is less because it does not include the views/listens (640,000) for audios/videos that are no longer in the Library.

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© Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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