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What's New

What's NewWe regularly add new materials to our site. (Our site currently contains pages.) Our most recent additions are listed on our What's New page.

Adi Da Up Close Audio/Video Library

Adi Da Up Close Audio/Video LibraryOur multimedia library currently contains 1,205 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam. We've been adding nearly 100 clips each year since we opened the library in 2009. There now have been over 4 MILLION views/listens of the clips in our Audio/Video Library. The videos and audios aare drawn from over 130 sources. Clips include: Adi Da's talks, formal Darshan occasions, devotees' stories, Adi Da's art, Not-Two Is Peace, Adi Da's poetry, excerpts from DVD's and CD's from The Dawn Horse Press, 10 non-English video channels, and much more. Enjoy!


Finding Adi Da

Finding Adi DaMany people have found their way to Avatar Adi Da Samraj over the past few decades, both during and after His human lifetime. The stories of how they found Him are moving and often extraordinary, even miraculous. This section contains over sixty stories, that are hopefully representative of the thousands of people who have found Adi Da and received His Blessing.

Adi Da's Spiritual Work AFTER His Lifetime

Adi Da's Spiritual Work AFTER His LifetimeIs Adi Da still spiritually active? Very much so! In fact, the entire purpose of His human lifetime was to make Himself and the Way of Adidam available to all beings, in perpetuity. We'll now consider Adi Da's words about this, as well as the experiences of devotees (and non-devotees) after His human lifetime.


Crazy Wisdom and "The Way That I Teach"

Crazy Wisdom and The Way That I Teach"Crazy Wisdom" refers to the unconventional means (also traditionally referred to as "skillful means" in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition) employed by the Master to serve the Spiritual liberation of His or Her devotee. Adi Da is sometimes referred to as a "controversial teacher", and there is no doubt that most of the "controversy" stems from a misinterpretation of the period of His Teaching Work when He used "Crazy Wisdom" means extensively with all His devotees interested in participating. Because of such misunderstandings, we have put together this section on Adi Da's "Crazy Wisdom", to clarify the principles behind it and to illustrate the benefits derived from His "Crazy Wisdom" Work through firsthand stories from devotees.


Blessings, Miracles, and Extraordinary Evidence

Blessings, Miracles, and Extraordinary EvidenceIt almost goes without saying that, in the world of the 21st century, when the extraordinary suggestion is made that a real human being of our time and place (not a mythical "long ago and far away") could be an Incarnation of the Divine, it provokes incredible skepticism and reactivity. We well understand that, in our time, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence", as Carl Sagan has put it. We don't blame anyone for harboring doubt, or raising questions about how such a thing could be. It is extraordinary! But to those of us with firsthand experience, it is no longer unbelievable. This entire website is a labor of love purposed toward providing the evidence — in the form of many personal, firsthand accounts — that supports a most extraordinary communication, and a most extraordinary opportunity for a world and a time that could certainly use one: Adi Da's Offering of the Divine State of Perfect and Eternal Happiness. In this section, we focus on extraordinary evidence of the "stand-out" miraculous kind.


Children and Young People in Adidam

Children and Young People in AdidamAdi Da Samraj has given extensive instruction about child development, the process of human growth, and conscious childraising based on the principles of non-separation, prior unity, and truly sacred culture. Adults in the Adidam community have studied, practiced, and learned many lessons about the serious responsibility of raising children.


Easy Death: Transcending Mortality and Death in the Divine

Easy Death: Transcending Mortality and Death in the DivineAdi Da's Teaching about mortality offers real help, not mere consolation or impermanent philosophy. His Teaching addresses: preparing for the death process; near-death experiences; life after death; and reincarnation — along with practical wisdom about grief and the fear of dying. This section contains stories reflecting Adi Da's wisdom about dying, death and beyond, and how devotees and others draw upon His Instructions and His Grace to ease the death transition, and to live a life that facilitates an 'easy death'.


FAQs about Adi Da and Adidam

Questions about Adi Da and AdidamThis section contains questions from people expressing interest in learning more about Adi Da and the Way of Adidam. We will be adding many more questions and responses over time. If you are seriously interested in Adi Da or the Way of Adidam and have questions whose answers you cannot find here, please contact us.


Empowered Places and Things in Adidam

Empowered Places and Things in AdidamAvatar Adi Da has also stated that, after His bodily manifestation, the principal vehicles for the extension of His Inherent Transcendental Spiritual Power are His written Word, His Empowered Hermitages and Sanctuaries (and the many Holy Sites on them), and His Image Art. He refers to these as “Agency.” In Adidam, when we speak of an “empowered” place or object, we mean a place or object that literally serves to contain Adi Da’s Tangible, Transcendental, Spiritual Force. And by this we mean not merely the felt Spiritual Power or Force that can generate yogic or mystical experience in the human body-mind, but that Transcendental Force of Transmission that conforms the being to Reality Itself, that when related to rightly dissolves the illusion of separate self.


Spiritual Transmission: Adi Da as Spiritual Transmission Master

Adi Da as Spiritual Transmission MasterIf there is a single greatest point of confusion about Adidam and Avatar Adi Da, it is this: the idea and the tradition of the Spiritual Transmission Master is completely absent from contemporary culture. This section explains how Adi D, as Spiritual Transmission Master, transmits His Spiritual Realization to His devotees, and how devotees Realize their Spiritual Master's State by duplication, in accord with the principle: "you become what you meditate on."


Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner:
© Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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