Extraordinary Evidence > Adi Da's Blessing of Devotees' Families

Adi Da's Blessing
of His Devotees' Families

Alaya Gernon

Alaya Gernon has been a devotee of Adi Da since 2009. She lives in England, is an Interfaith Minister, heals people using vibrational energies, and provides spiritual coaching.

Alaya wrote this story in September, 2022.

Alaya Gernon

One of the many miraculous things about being a devotee of Avatar Adi Da Samraj is that all the members of one's family are also Blessed by Him. That Blessing manifests through very tangible signs and Gifts, as I'll now describe in this story about my mother.

My mother has advanced vascular dementia. But now and again, she suddenly has a remembrance of something.

During one of my visits with her at the care home where she is staying, she was very disturbed and confused.

But then she happened to see a photo of Beloved Adi Da on my phone. She suddenly said, "Your Guru" — and gestured that she wanted to look more closely at the photo.

Alaya's mother looking at a picture of Adi Da
(click image to enlarge)
As she did so, she calmed down. She looked at Adi Da's picture for a while more, just nodding and smiling.

Then she said, "I like His face." I said it was Adi Da's Divine State that she was feeling. I asked if she would like the same photo to be placed in her room and she said she would.

So she now has that photograph of Beloved Adi Da in her room. It calms her, and she will sometimes look at Him for long periods of time.

The last months of my mother's illness have been very intense for me, with various challenging issues regarding how to care for her best in her now advanced state of vascular dementia.

This moment was Adi Da's sign to me that He Is Always Here — right now and now and now — constantly Blessing everyone and all. The madness of this situation that I had been experiencing melted away in the feeling of Only Him.

As one of our Adidam chants says, Adi Da is "The True Refuge of All beings" — both myself and my mother, in this time.

click image to enlarge

Postscript (January, 2023): This week, I was called in to the care home where my mother is staying, because she was disturbed again. When I walked in, she was very anxious and was shouting.

I smiled and pointed to the photo of Beloved Adi Da. She quickly relaxed.

I then noticed that three other residents, all with dementia, had followed me into my mother's room. They also were standing, looking at the photograph of Beloved Adi Da! The staff at the care home also noticed and asked me about my spiritual way of life. One resident's family did the same.

Beloved Adi Da Blesses so many beings in in so many ways! He is everywhere (and, as the Divine Person, is everyone and everything) and He demonstrates this all the time. Even yesterday, as I was shopping for food, somebody asked me about the mala I was wearing. I answered him, and now he's going to watch the Conscious Light film about Beloved Adi Da.

It feels as if Adi Da's Divine Emergence is being served by us being present in the broader community as love, open-throated about His Miraculous Presence here for All.


This story appears in
Extraordinary Evidence

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