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Whether you are a devotee of Adi Da, or someone just discovering Adi Da or Adidam, we enjoy hearing from people who are moved by, or interested in Adi Da's offering of the Way of Adidam and welcome your responses, comments, questions, and suggestions. We also welcome submissions for new stories. If you are not a devotee of Adi Da, and are moved by what you are seeing and reading on this site, please visit our What Next? page. If you are interested in events near you, or getting in touch with the nearest Adidam region, visit our Events/Regions page. If you are interested in being added to our mailing list, click here. You can also join our Facebook group and receive regular updates. Have some other reason for contacting us? Please drop us a line using the form on this page.


Current Course Offerings From The Laughing Man Institute

Current Course Offerings From The Laughing Man InstituteThe Laughing Man Institute (LMI) is the public education division of Adidam. It develops and provides a full range of courses, lectures, retreats, and seminars about Avatar Adi Da Samraj and the Way of Adidam, and also about the Great Tradition of religion, Spirituality, and human development. The Laughing Man Institute offers an alternative to scientific materialism and religious provincialism. Its courses enable: guided study of the Revelation Word of Adi Da Samraj; reception of Adi Da's Transcendental Spiritual Transmission, and initiation of the process of recognizing Who He Is; preparation for fruitful practice of the God-Revealing and God-Realizing Way of Adidam.


Contact Devotees in a Region Near You

Contact Devotees in a Region Near You All Adidam practitioners become devotees not because they have decided to take up a new belief system or a set of spiritual techniques, but because they have received a unique Revelation: they have received the Transcendental Spiritual Transmission of Avatar Adi Da Samraj. That there are over a thousand people around the world who can speak about this Revelation in personal terms is an extraordinary fact and an uncommon opportunity for those who have been searching for Spiritual Revelation themselves. (For that matter, so is the Spiritual fact that there is no limit whatsoever on the number of people who can receive Adi Da Samraj's Transmission, if only they knew about It and did what was necessary to make themselves available to It.) Your best starting point for getting more familiar with Adidam and Adi Da Samraj (in addition to reading books about Adidam or listening to tapes or CDs) is to contact a devotee in your neighborhood. To help you do this, we've put together a list of contacts below, organized by location.


Special Events

Special EventsMost of our events are listed by region on our Regional Events page. (Some also appear in our Videos of Coming Events.) However, on this page, we list certain special events that may hold a broader-than-regional interest, including: major retreats at the European Danda, The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary, or elsewhere around the world; celebrations at The Mountain Of Attention; special workshops; lectures, workshops, or retreats featuring one or more of our "A speakers"; exhibitions and events associated with Adi Da's Image-Art; events based on (or associated with) Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace; theatrical events associated with Adi Da's dramatic literature; and more.


Art Events and Exhibitions

 Art Events and ExhibitionsAdi Da created visual, literary, and performance art for more than forty years with a single intention: to produce works of art that would draw people beyond the feeling of egoic separateness into the feeling of the inherent unity of existence. This page lists exhibits and other events providing access to Adi Da's Image-Art.


Mailing List / Newsletter

If you like what you've read here, we would be happy to let you know whenever we add new materials to our site. To be added to our ADI DA UP CLOSE mailing list, just fill in the form below:


What Next?

What Next?The purpose of this site is to communicate an unprecedented, Transcendental Spiritual Opportunity: the Revelation of the Divine through the human form of Adi Da Samraj. Adi Da's Incarnation provides the means — the Way of Adidam — by which all of us can Awaken and Realize our greatest possible destiny: Divine Enlightenment. Be sure to read our stories about how others first found Avatar Adi Da, as well as accounts of devotees' personal understanding and experience of who Adi Da is. (We offer not only written stories from devotees but video as well.) While every story of how each person found Adi Da — and how each received the Revelation that He is the Divine Person — is a little different, one thing that all of these stories have in common is that every such person began to immerse themselves in Adi Da in every way possible . . . and that prepared the way for the Revelation to Gracefully occur in their own case. if your heart is responding to what you are receiving on this site, then do immerse yourself in Adi Da, to the point where the Revelation occurs in your own case!


You Can Help!

You Can Help!Are you a devotee of Adi Da? Or someone who is moved by Adi Da or any aspect of His Work (His Revelation and Spiritual Transmission, His Wisdom, His Way of Adidam, His Art, His Sanctuaries, etc.)? You can help Adi Da's Work, and help more people discover Adi Da, in all kinds of ways! Here are just a few.


Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner:
© Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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