Adi Da Up Close Audio/Video Library

Adi Da

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Suhde Mestariin Hänen elämansä jälkeenvideo
poster: Adi Da Videot Suomi
speakers: Anthony Costabilie, Dennis Coccaro
length: 08:55
date added: February 28, 2022
language: Finnish
views: 612; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains Finnish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Pitkän aikaa Adi Dalle omistautunut mies kertoo, miten suhde Adi Dahan ilmenee Hänen menehtymisensä jälkeen. Adi Da myös käsittelee tätä, jonka jälkeen toinen omistautuja kertoo suorasta suhteesta Adi Dahan Hänen elämänsä jälkeen.

This video begins with longtime devotee, Anthony Costabile, describing how the relationship to Adi Da is manifesting after the end of Adi Da's human lifetime.

Then at 2:29, Adi Da also speaks on this subject. This is an excerpt from a talk He gave on April 16, 1995, "Love is How I Got To Here". You can read a transcript of much more of this talk here. The talk is also available as a CD here.

At 6:43, another longtime devotee, Dennis Coccaro, talks about the direct relationship to Adi Da after His lifetime.

For much more about Adi Da's human passing and Eternal Presence, visit our section, Adi Da's Divine Mahasamadhi and Adidam In Perpetuity.
Finnish   CD  

Nejsi ten, kdo myslívideo
poster: Adi Da Videa, čeština
length: 06:53
date added: February 21, 2022
event date: October 10, 2004
language: Czech
views: 509; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains Czech subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

This video excerpt, "Nejsi ten, kdo myslí" ("You Do Not Think") is from an Avataric Discourse given by Avatar Adi Da on October 10, 2004, on Adi Da Samrajashram.
Czech   Avataric Discourse  

Dios no está ni adentro ni afueravideo
poster: Videos de Adi Da - Español
length: 07:20
date added: February 10, 2022
event date: July 15, 1973
language: Spanish
views: 532; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains Spanish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

"Dios no está ni adentro ni afuera" ("God is neither within nor without") is an archival talk from July 15, 1973. This is one of the earliest video recordings of Avatar Adi Da speaking. Here He talks about the Free State of the fully Realized being, which is neither inward nor outward.

ADI DA: "God is neither within nor without. This is the principle of Satsang [the relationship with the Guru]: the Divine already present, the Divine lived with, the Divine as your Condition."

Adidamin Pyhät Kamelitarhatvideo
poster: Adi Da Videot Suomi
length: 03:15
date added: January 11, 2022
language: Finnish
views: 498; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
[Contains Finnish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Runollinen video Adidamin Pyhistä Kamelitarhoista, jossa on lausunta Adi Dan Opetuksesta liittyen muihin-kuin-ihmisolentoihin sekä äänitallenne Adi Dan puheesta.

Sacred Camel Gardens at the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary in Northern California. For more, visit the Fear-No-More Zoo website.

Divine Spirit Tree of Lightvideo
poster: k3tH6fqKscY
length: 04:05
date added: December 23, 2021
event date: December 2021
language: English
views: 669; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
A video tour of the Adidam Melbourne community's Danavira Mela Celebration decorations and tree, December, 2021.

music: Pentatonix, "How Great Thou Art"
Danavira Mela  

Hänen Opetuksensa Säteilevä Voimavideo
poster: Adi Da Videot Suomi
speakers: Jonathan Condit, Megan Anderson
length: 17:55
date added: November 29, 2021
language: Finnish
views: 905; views this month: 4; views this week: 4
[Contains Finnish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Adi Da Samrajille omistautuneet keskittyvät ja juhlivat Hänen kirjoitetun ja puhutun Sanansa Mahtavaa Lahjaa maaliskuun aikana Adidamin pyhässä kulttuurissa. Suosittelemme tätä videota tapana osallistua tämän juhlan merkitykseen. Siinä on kolme osaa: ensin, vanhempi toimittaja Jonathan Condit antaa yleiskatsauksen Avatar Adi Dan kirjallisuuden tarkoituksesta; seuraavaksi Avatar Adi Da Itse puhuu tavasta, miten Hänen Sanansa voi vastaanottaa Hänen elävän Hengellisen Säteilyn Levityksenä; ja lopulta Dawn Horse Pressin päätoimittaja Megan Anderson kertoo omasta paveluksestaan Avatar Adi Dan Mestaritekstin, "The Aletheon":in, parissa.

This video clip, "Hänen Opetuksensa Säteilevä Voima" ("The Radiant Power of His Teaching") includes:

  • Commentary from Jonathan Condit (at 0:00)Jonathan Condit was Adi Da's senior editorial assistant, and is Senior Editor for the Adidam Editorial Department. Jonathan talks about "The Function of the Spiritual Literature of Adi Da Samraj", and how Adi Da's Teaching works as Transmission of His Transcendental Spiritual State, and serves the Spiritual Realization of the reader.

  • Excerpt from an Avataric Discourse by Adi Da (at 5:35) — The Discourse is "My Teaching is a Direct Transmission of Me", from October 28, 2005. Adi Da talks about how His Teaching Word is a form of Spiritual Transmission, that enables Divine Communion with Him (if the devotee is in the right devotional disposition), in the same way that a Murti photograph does, or any of the other forms of Agency that Adi Da has created for this purpose.

  • Commentary from Megan Anderson (at 12:44)Megan Anderson is an editor in the Adidam Editorial Department. Megan talks about Adi Da's great, final masterpiece, The Aletheon as the purest communication and Transmission of Adi Da Himself (among all His many, extraordinary books), and describes receiving the Revelation of Adi Da as she was proofreading The Aletheon before its publication.

Adi Da: "My Reality-Teaching is unparalleled Spiritual Transmission, occurring under the most extraordinary circumstances. It is not the product of an ordinary mind or a kind of scholarly commentary. It is a direct expression of Spiritual Transformation, of Spiritual Power, of Transcendental, Inherently Spiritual, and (necessarily) Divine Being, Consciousness, and Love-Bliss. It does not arise in Me or through Me in any ordinary fashion. It is an utterly spontaneous and Transcendental Spiritual Event."

For more on how to best make use of Adi Da's Teaching, read the article, The Gift of Study. For more on the Transmission associated with the Teaching, visit our section, The Mantric Force of Adi Da's Word and read our section on Adi Da as Spiritual Transmission Master. For more on Adi Da's unique use of the English language, read our article, Transcendental Orthography as a Teaching Device.
Avataric Discourse   Finnish  

Fear-No-More Zoo Special Event Videovideo
poster: Fear-No-More Zoo
length: 25:23
date added: November 29, 2021
language: English
views: 675; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
We are happy to share this special video about Fear-No-More Zoo. This video includes:
* short excerpt of Bhagavan Adi Da talking about the non-humans
* meeting the non-humans and zoo team from the European Danda Fear-No-More zoo
* footage from Winter solstice of the Mountain Of Attention Fear-No-More Zoo camel herd
* meeting the Mountain Of Attention Fear-No-More Zoo team human and non-human
* Darshan of Bhagavan Adi Da with His non-human devotees

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Facing Beloved - No One Like Me
Toby & Matt Braithwaite - Time with Freedom In Between
Colin Kenniff – Wind and Distance
Naada Om - Opus 108, The Beloved
Fear-N0-More Zoo  

Moje nauczanie jest bezpośrednim Przekazem Duchowym Mojej Osobyvideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
length: 07:25
date added: October 6, 2021
event date: October 28, 2005
language: Polish
views: 807; views this month: 2; views this week: 2
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

W tym fragmencie rozmowy Adi Da tłumaczy rolę ustanowionych przez Niego medium transcendentalnego i duchowego przekazu Jego Stanu i Osoby.

"Moje nauczanie jest bezpośrednim Przekazem Duchowym Mojej Osoby" ("My Teaching Is a Direct Transmission Of Me") is a video excerpt from an Avataric Discourse given by Adi Da on October 28, 2005 at the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary in Northern California.

A devotee confesses to Adi Da that, when he reads Adi Da's Teaching, he feels a direct Transmission from Adi Da Himself. Adi Da then talks about how His Teaching Word is a form of Spiritual Transmission, that enables Divine Communion with Him (if the devotee is in the right devotional disposition), in the same way that a Murti photograph does, or any of the other forms of Agency that Adi Da has created for this purpose.

For more on this subject, read our section, The Mantric Force of Adi Da's Word.
Polish   Avataric Discourse  

Non siete voi a Pensarevideo
poster: Video di Adi Da, Canale italiano
length: 06:53
date added: October 5, 2021
event date: October 10, 2004
language: Italian
views: 454; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains Italian subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

This video excerpt, "Non siete voi a Pensare" ("You Do Not Think") is from an Avataric Discourse given by Avatar Adi Da on October 10, 2004, on Adi Da Samrajashram.

La Locazione Fisica della Felicitàvideo
poster: Video di Adi Da, Canale italiano
length: 12:23
date added: September 28, 2021
event date: November 28, 1981
language: Italian
views: 1254; views this month: 4; views this week: 4
[Contains Italian subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

This is a video excerpt from Adi Da's classic talk, "The Bodily Location of Happiness", which He gave on November 28, 1981. This talk was originally published in the book, The Bodily Location Of Happiness. The full talk is available on CD and on a new DVD, The Location Of Happiness.
CD   DVD   Italian  

No hay Luz sin fuegovideo
poster: Videos de Adi Da - Español
length: 08:16
date added: September 16, 2021
event date: July 17, 1978
language: Spanish
views: 523; views this month: 2; views this week: 2
[Contains Spanish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

"No hay Luz sin fuego" ("There Is No Light Without Fire") is a video excerpt from the longer talk, "The Fire Must Have Its Way". The full talk is available on the DVD, The Fire Must Have Its Way, on which this is track 5. It is also available as a CD. The talk also appears in written form in the book, My "Bright" Sight and online here.
Spanish   CD   DVD  

Nikt nie myśli tych słówvideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
length: 35:02
date added: September 15, 2021
event date: July 7, 2005
language: Polish
views: 650; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

"Nikt nie myśli tych słów" ("No One Is Thinking These Words") is a video excerpt from an Avataric Discourse given by Adi Da on July 7, 2005 in Land Bridge Pavilion at the Mountain Of Attention.

This talk is from the first occasion in many years in which Avatar Adi Da spoke directly to a gathering of His devotees in California. Questions from devotees about intimate, familial, and social issues are met with Avatar Adi Da's Compassion and Humor, as well as His Liberating Wisdom.

The complete Avataric Discourse is available on the DVD, Relinquish the Mummery of This World.

É impossibile soddisfare le Aspettative di tuttivideo
poster: Video di Adi Da, Canale italiano
length: 08:18
date added: August 30, 2021
event date: July 7, 2005
language: Italian
views: 755; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains Italian subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

"É impossibile soddisfare le Aspettative di tutti" ("You Cannot Satisfy Everyone's Expectations") is a video excerpt from an Avataric Discourse given by Adi Da Samraj on July 7, 2005, in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention.

In this excerpt, Adi Da responds to a devotee from India who asks for Adi Da's guidance on how to reconcile his traditional family obligations with his impulse to serve His Spiritual Master.
Avataric Discourse   DVD   Italian  

Recognizing Adi Da as the Divine: Stories from Devoteesvideo
poster: AdiDaVideos
speakers: Miki Malinka, Greg Wells, Claire Murdoch, David Rosen, Nara Wood, Evelyn Selig, Lisa Lurie
length: 16:32
date added: August 12, 2021
language: English
views: 653; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
This video features leelas (stories) from several devotees about their awakened recognition of Adi Da's Divine State of Being and of their reception of His Divine Spiritual Blessing Presence. Leelas from: Miki Malinka, Greg Wells, Claire Murdoch, David Rosen, Nara Wood, Evelyn Selig, and Lisa Lurie.

Hengellistä prosessia on aina eletty vaikeina aikoinavideo
poster: Adi Da Videot Suomi
length: 10:16
date added: August 3, 2021
event date: November 28, 1981
language: Finnish
views: 864; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains Finnish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Tämä on ote Adi Dan puheesta "Ilon ruumiillinen sijainti", jonka Hän antoi 28. marraskuuta 1981.

This is a video excerpt from Adi Da's classic talk, "The Bodily Location of Happiness", which He gave on November 28, 1981. This talk was originally published in the book, The Bodily Location Of Happiness. The full talk is available on DVD and on CD, and as an online transcript.

ADI DA: Elämä on typeryyttä. Nyt ei ole muutenkaan aika suvaita typeryyttä. Maailma on hullu, ja nämä ovat karmeita aikoja. Asiat eivät helpotu tulevina vuosina. Hengellistä prosessia on aina eletty vaikeina aikoina. Hengellinen prosessi ei siis suvaitse typerystä. Hengellinen prosessi sylkäisee sinut ulos. Se ei ole helppo saavutus, vaan syvästi vaikea koettamus. Jopa se, mitä tänään kuulitte on vain ihmiskunnan murto-osan kuulemaa kautta historian. Mahdollisuus harjoittaa hengellistä prosessia on erittäin harvinainen, ja sen täyttymys on\Nkäytännössä tuntematon.

Jossain mielessä voisi sanoa, että tämä on elämä on helvettiä. Uskonnollisella kielellämme puhumme siitä, mitä voi tapahtua kuoleman jälkeen. Voit joko nousta taivaaseen tai joutua puhdistautumaan kiirastuleen, tai voit joutua helvettiin. Ja sitten ehkä joudut kiirastuleen tai tilapäiseen helvettiin, mutta ehkä sinulla on riittävästi hyvää onnea syntyä ihmiseksi, jotta voit omistautua hengelliselle prosessille. Tämän helvetin luonne on, että olemme itseemme käpertyneitä. Synnymme ilottomuudessa emmekä helposti pääse tämän ilottomuuden yli. Tavoittelemme iloa jatkuvasti kaikenlaisin uskomattoman monimutkaisin keinoin emmekä ikinä saavuta sitä.

Jos Hengelliset Mestarit eivät olisi alkaneet opettamaan, tämä todellakin olisi helvetti eikä vain helvetin kaltainen. Tämä todellakin olisi helvetti jos täällä ei olisi Valaistuksen mahdollisuutta, jos täällä ei olisi Opetusta, ei Hengellisiä Mestareita, ei Pyhää Tietä, ei Pyhää yhteisöä, ei kykyä ymmärtää tai ylittää itseään.

ADI DA: Life is foolishness. This is no time, in any case, to be tolerant of foolishness. The world is mad, and these are dreadful times. Things are not going to be easier in the years ahead. The spiritual process has always been lived in difficult times. Therefore, the spiritual process tolerates no fool. The spiritual process itself will spit you out. It is not an easy attainment, but a profoundly difficult affair. Even what you have listened to today has been heard by only a fraction of the human race in all of history. The opportunity to practice is extremely rare, and the fulfillment of practice is practically unknown.

In some sense you could say this life is hell. . . The nature of this hell is that we are self-possessed. We are born in un-Happiness and we do not transcend it readily. We constantly pursue Happiness through all kinds of incredibly complex means, and we never attain It. . .

If Spiritual Realizers did not turn about and Teach, this would truly be a hell instead of being like a hell. It would truly be a hell if there were no possibility of Enlightenment, if there were no Teaching, no Spiritual Masters, no sacred Way, no sacred community, no capacity for understanding or self-transcendence.
Finnish   CD   DVD  
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427 matches for: video

Our multimedia library currently contains 1203 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.[1] Enjoy! videoindicates a video, and audio an audio. Special categories of interest include:
Tribute to Adi Da's
Life and Work
Dawn Horse Press
DVDs (201) / CDs (270)
0 Multi-Part Series (79)
by year:

by poster:
non-English language audios/videos:


Thanks to the many videographers who took the footage, to the many editors who created these videos and audios, and to the 132 people and organizations who posted these videos and audios on YouTube and other places on the Web. Special thanks to Lynne Thompson, who did a lot of the data entry for our audio/video database.

Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner:
© Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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