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Adi Da

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The Relationship To The Guru Is The Constant In Lifevideo
poster: AdiDaVideos
length: 09:58
date added: November 25, 2018
event date: July 29, 1973
language: English
views: 1292; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
This video clip is an excerpt from the DVD, The Relationship To The Guru Is The Constant In Life.

By tendency, people are bound to the natural cycle of ups and downs. Neither bodily pleasures nor spiritual pursuits result in True Freedom from this constant phasing. One path merely accentuates the descending (or bodily) experiences and the other, the ascending (or subtle) experiences.

In this Discourse, Avatar Adi Da reveals with absolute clarity how the relationship with the Guru gives freedom from this trap—because the Guru is the Manifestation of the Condition that is Prior to this mechanical cycling, not part of it.

Watching this DVD will transport viewers to a special moment in Adidam history. July 29, 1973, was the day Avatar Adi Da left Los Angeles for a Yajna (sacred journey) through India and Nepal. He returned as “Bubba Free John”, His first spontaneously revealed Teaching-Name. Thus, this was the last Discourse He gave as “Franklin Jones” (Avatar Adi Da’s birth name).

The Relationship To The Guru Is The Constant In Lifevideo
poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 03:41
date added: September 8, 2018
event date: July 29, 1973
language: English
views: 1991; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
This video clip is an excerpt from the DVD, The Relationship To The Guru Is The Constant In Life.

By tendency, people are bound to the natural cycle of ups and downs. Neither bodily pleasures nor spiritual pursuits result in True Freedom from this constant phasing. One path merely accentuates the descending (or bodily) experiences and the other, the ascending (or subtle) experiences.

In this Discourse, Avatar Adi Da reveals with absolute clarity how the relationship with the Guru gives freedom from this trap—because the Guru is the Manifestation of the Condition that is Prior to this mechanical cycling, not part of it.

Watching this DVD will transport viewers to a special moment in Adidam history. July 29, 1973, was the day Avatar Adi Da left Los Angeles for a Yajna (sacred journey) through India and Nepal. He returned as “Bubba Free John”, His first spontaneously revealed Teaching-Name. Thus, this was the last Discourse He gave as “Franklin Jones” (Avatar Adi Da’s birth name).

Śmierć jest ofiarą w Boguvideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
length: 12:59
date added: August 18, 2018
event date: October 12, 2004
language: Polish
views: 1674; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

W tej rozmowie z 12 października 2004 r. Awatar Adi Da odnosi się do nieuchronności śmierci i życia w którym celem jest transcendencja śmierci.

In this excerpt, "Śmierć jest ofiarą w Bogu" ("Death is a Sacrifice in God"), from an Avataric Discourse from October 12, 2004, at Adi Da Samrajashram, Adi Da addresses the inevitability of death, the life of profound purpose that outshines mortality, and how living life as a sacrifice in the Divine is the key to the death process.

The full Avataric Discourse can be found on the DVD, The Wordless Condition Prior to "I".
death   Polish   Avataric Discourse   DVD  

Ai Piedi del Maestro Spiritualevideo
poster: Video di Adi Da, Canale italiano
speaker: Gerald Sheinfeld
length: 08:42
date added: August 11, 2018
language: Italian
views: 2125; views this month: 2; views this week: 2
[Contains Italian subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Gerald Sheinfeld, un devoto di Avatar Adi Da sin dai primi anni 70, ci racconta la magnifica storia dell'incontro col suo Maestro, Adi Da Samraj, e del suo immediato riconoscere in Adi Da la singolarità del Suo stato di Felicità e Liberazione. Gerald parla anche del modo in cui il riconoscere Adi Da risvegli implicitamente il nostro stesso stato di Unità-a-priori.

Gerald Sheinfeld, a devotee of Avatar Adi Da since the early 1970's, tells a wonderful story about how he found his Guru, Adi Da Samraj and his immediate recognition of Adi Da's unique state of Freedom, Happiness, and Liberation. Gerald speaks about how that recognition of Adi Da has the capacity to awaken others to that state of Prior Unity.

Gerald tells many more stories of his life of more than 45 years with Adi Da in his book, At the Feet of the Spiritual Master. Some of these stories are also available in audio form on his downloadable album, At the Feet of the Spiritual Master.
DVD   CD   Italian  

One More Monkeyvideo
track 3 of Reality Is Beyond Point of View

poster: CDBaby
length: 08:25
date added: June 18, 2018
event date: 1988
language: English
views: 1897; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Avatar Adi Da gave this talk in 1988. The jumping off point for His talk is some mathematical ideas about number and infinity (including different kinds of infinity) that He studied while He was a student at Columbia University. Adi Da makes the point that all such ideas (even the idea of infinity) are limited abstractions motivated by the human need to control. In contrast, Reality Itself is not limited, and is always already free.

This talk excerpt is track 3 of the CD, Reality Is Beyond "Point Of View", a selection of talks by Adi Da (from the 30 years of His formal Teaching-Work) on the true nature of Reality. Brings together samples from His vast Divine Instruction relative to the true nature of Reality — as the unknowable Condition that is Always Already the Case, prior to the presumption of a separate “point of view”.

The album is available through iTunes, Spotify, and The Dawn Horse Press.

Note: Due to distribution policies set by CDBaby (and beyond the control of this website and Adidam), this video may not be playable in every country. However, sometimes, even when you can't play it on this page, you may be able to play it on YouTube: click here.

A los Pies del Maestro Espiritualvideo
poster: Videos de Adi Da - Español
speaker: Gerald Sheinfeld
length: 08:43
date added: February 13, 2018
language: Spanish
views: 3200; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
[Contains Spanish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Tras haber ido a Adi Da en Febrero de 1972, antes de la inauguration del primer ashram de Adi Da, y participar como devoto a lo largo de los años de Su Enseñanza Formal y el Trabajo de Bendición, el señor Sheinfeld fue testigo de toda la vida de Enseñanza, Instrucción y Bendición Espiritual de Adi Da Samraj. Las historias de Gerald dan una visión única de la relación Gurú / devoto, llena de la Sabiduría transformadora de Adi Da y Su humor penetrante del corazón.

Gerald Sheinfeld, a devotee of Avatar Adi Da since the early 1970's, tells a wonderful story about how he found his Guru, Adi Da Samraj and his immediate recognition of Adi Da's unique state of Freedom, Happiness, and Liberation. Gerald speaks about how that recognition of Adi Da has the capacity to awaken others to that state of Prior Unity.

Gerald tells many more stories of his life of more than 45 years with Adi Da in his book, At the Feet of the Spiritual Master. Some of these stories are also available in audio form on his downloadable album, At the Feet of the Spiritual Master.
Spanish   CD   DVD  

Gerald Sheinfeld wspomina pierwsze spotkania z Adi Da Samrajvideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
speaker: Gerald Sheinfeld
length: 08:42
date added: January 30, 2018
event date: 2016
language: Polish
views: 3110; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Gerald Sheinfeld, uczeń Awatara Adi Da od wczesnych lat 70-tych, opowiada wspaniałą historię o tym, jak odnalazł swojego Guru i natychmiast rozpoznał wyjątkowy Stan Adi Da: Miłość, Szczęście i Wyzwolenie. Gerald mówi o tym, w jaki sposób rozpoznanie Adi Da budzi człowieka do Stanu Inherentnej Jedności.

Gerald Sheinfeld, a devotee of Avatar Adi Da since the early 1970's, tells a wonderful story about how he found his Guru, Adi Da Samraj and his immediate recognition of Adi Da's unique state of Freedom, Happiness, and Liberation. Gerald speaks about how that recognition of Adi Da has the capacity to awaken others to that state of Prior Unity.

Gerald tells many more stories of his life of more than 45 years with Adi Da in his book, At the Feet of the Spiritual Master. Some of these stories are also available in audio form on his downloadable album, At the Feet of the Spiritual Master.
Polish   CD   DVD  

The Ego's Logic of Cause-and-Effectvideo
poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 02:04
date added: November 3, 2017
event date: October 20, 2004
language: English
views: 2812; views this month: 3; views this week: 3
This is a video excerpt from Adi Da's Avataric Discourse of October 20, 2004, at Adi Da Samrajashram. In this excerpt, Adi Da speaks about the Big Bang theory in the context of the ego’s logic of cause-and-effect, and how egos tend to mistakenly confuse "first cause" with God or Reality.

The full talk is available on the DVD, The Ego's Logic of Cause-and-Effect (nearly four hours long). In this talk, Adi Da points out how the logic of cause-and-effect is operative not only in the conventional religious presumption that the Divine is the Cause of the world, but also in all human historical traditions—from the most ancient astrologically based cultures, to various Western philosophies, to the esoteric traditions that posit a subjective source for phenomena.

The Truth of the matter, Avatar Adi Da Reveals, is this: Everything and everyone that arises is merely an apparent modification of Reality Itself. Reality Itself is always Prior to the universe of conditional beings and things. And, ultimately, the process of Realizing Reality Itself utterly Outshines both the question of cause and the noticing of effects.
Avataric Discourse   DVD  

Samadhi at Banyan Bayvideo
poster: Gerald Sheinfeld
speaker: Gerald Sheinfeld
length: 05:52
date added: October 15, 2017
language: English
views: 2951; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
Gerald Sheinfeld, describing an occasion of Darshan of Adi Da at Banyan Bay, on Naitauba, Fiji, in February, 2005: "Just by Adi Da's Free Presence all sense of separation fell away. The awareness was prior to the act of ego-'I'. The feeling had no separate self-sense to it, it was simply Reality. The Love-Bliss natural state of perfectly free Conscious Being."

Gerald tells many more stories of his life of more than 45 years with Adi Da in his book, At the Feet of the Spiritual Master. Some of these stories are also available in audio form on his downloadable album, At the Feet of the Spiritual Master.
CD   DVD  

Not-Two Is Peace: Introductionvideo
poster: The Adi Da Foundation
speaker: Rolf Carriere
length: 00:49
date added: October 5, 2017
language: English
views: 2382; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
In His book, Not-Two Is Peace: The Ordinary People's Way of Global Cooperative Order, Adi Da speaks to the necessity of re-establishing human civilization based on principles of mutual trust, cooperation, tolerance, "prior unity", and the limitless participation of all humankind in transforming its own destiny.

A brief introduction to this book by Rolf Carriere. Rolf worked with the United Nations and the World Bank from 1971 till 2005, mostly in Asia. His last field postings were as UNICEF Country Representative in Bhutan, Burma, Bangladesh and Indonesia, and he also served for seven years as UNICEF's Head of Health and Nutrition in India. Before his retirement in 2005, he was the first Executive Director of the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), a public-private-people's partnership based in Geneva. He is currently Senior Adviser (pro bono) to Non-Violent Peace-Force and to EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Program. He recently gave a TED talk (at TEDxGroningen) on the use of EMDR to heal trauma on a global scale.
world peace  

The Ego's Logic of Cause-and-Effectvideo
poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 02:04
date added: July 7, 2017
event date: October 20, 2004
language: English
views: 2894; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Video excerpt from an Avataric Discourse given by Adi Da Samraj at Adi Da Samrajashram, on October 20, 2004. In this excerpt, Avatar Adi Da speaks about the Big Bang theory in the context of the ego's logic of cause-and-effect.

The complete Avataric Discourse (nearly four hours long) is available on the DVD, The Ego's Logic of Cause-and-Effect.

In this Discourse, Avatar Adi Da points out that the logic of cause-and-effect is operative not only in the conventional religious presumption that the Divine is the Cause of the world, but also in all human historical traditions—from the most ancient astrologically based cultures, to various Western philosophies, to the esoteric traditions that posit a subjective source for phenomena.

The Truth of the matter, Avatar Adi Da Reveals, is this: Everything and everyone that arises is merely an apparent modification of Reality Itself. Reality Itself is always Prior to the universe of conditional beings and things. And, ultimately, the process of Realizing Reality Itself utterly Outshines both the question of cause and the noticing of effects.

Die Bedeutung der spirituellen Praxisvideo
poster: Adi Da Videos Deutschland
length: 12:50
date added: April 15, 2017
event date: October 12, 2004
language: German
views: 2457; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains German subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

In this excerpt from an Avataric Discourse from October 12, 2004, on Adi Da Samrajashram, Adi Da addresses the inevitability of death, the life of profound purpose that outshines mortality, and how living life as a sacrifice in the Divine is the key to the death process.

The full Avataric Discourse can be found on the DVD, The Wordless Condition Prior to "I".
Avataric Discourse   death   German  

Sex Is Fundamental ego-Identityvideo
part 3 of The Yoga of Human Emotional-Sexual Life

poster: Wisdom Tools for Humanity
length: 04:59
date added: March 26, 2017
event date: January 21, 2005
language: English
views: 4808; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Adi Da: "Sex is fundamental ego-identity, lived. And generally speaking, it is a problem for everyone. . . The social pattern of 'self' and 'other' is founded upon emotional-sexual patterning to a very great degree. . . So it certainly is an important dimension of bondage, and therefore an important aspect of sadhana. The Perfect Practice is not based on any reference to the body-mind, or any method of the body-mind."

In this Avataric Discourse (from January 21, 2005), Adi Da explains why the Perfect Practice (the most advanced development of the Way of Adidam) has nothing to do with sex (or the ego-"I" altogether), and is not a "method" of the body-mind or something to be applied to the body-mind. The Self-Condition prior to the body-mind is the domain of the Perfect Practice. The Self-Condition is not a separate "self", but the Nirvanic Condition that is always already the case, and that inherently transcends the body-mind.

This excerpt is from the DVD, Beyond Sex, Science, and self. Subtitles in English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Russian, Polish, Czech, and Hebrew.

A CD version is also available.
Avataric Discourse   Perfect Practice   DVD   CD  

Introduction To The Zero Point Retreatvideo
part 1 of The Zero Point Retreat

poster: FIAT LUX
length: 02:30
date added: March 1, 2017
event date: April 28, 2017
language: English
views: 4324; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Note: We reposted this video from Vimeo. Not everyone will be able to play this video on this web page, but you can always watch it on Vimeo.]

In this video, longtime devotee and Adidam educator, Carolyn Lee, introduces "The Zero Point", a retreat taking place at the European Danda, April 28 - 30, 2017.

Read or watch the daily news these days and you will find it filled with identity politics and the fear and anxiety that such politics engenders. Identity politics is a major threat to the world. In this retreat, we explore the root of identity politics: the presumption of difference and separateness. We also study and consider Adi Da's Wisdom on understanding, un-learning, and transcending the illusion of separateness and the act of separation, and Realizing Prior Unity, Non-Separateness, and unlimited relatedness to everything and everyone.

The "Zero Point" is the place where we can drop all the limited and superficial points of view, and find the profound depth of Reality Itself. This has the potential for initiating a Reality-informed and Reality-transformed personal process and a collective activism in the contemporary world.

For more information about the retreat, write

What is Fear of Death?video
poster: AdiDaVideos
length: 14:09
date added: November 22, 2016
event date: September 18, 2004
language: English
views: 4602; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Throughout the years of His Divine Avataric Teaching-Revelation, Avatar Adi Da spoke at length in response to devotees' questions on all subjects relative to the human circumstance — including death, and all the sorrow and fear inherent in the circumstance of human mortality.

This video excerpt is from an Avataric Discourse given by Adi Da on September 18, 2004. In this Discourse, Adi Da points out that all fear is fear of death or fear of extinction. This fear is like a constant background noise, from which we constantly try to distract ourselves with the games of life. Adi Da describes the choice we face: to live in fear, the "native mood of the ego" — or to realize the profundity of the inherently fearless Condition.

Avatar Adi Da calls us to a surrendered life that is about Realization and all that is relevant to Realization, including compassionate service. Such a surrendered life is the key to an "easy" death.

This excerpt is from track 6 ("Enter the Inherently Fearless Condition") of the two-and-a-half-hour DVD, Easy Death — Discourses on the Ultimate Transcending of Death and Everything Else. Subtitles in English, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, Czech, and Hebrew.

This DVD compilation of ten talks spans thirty-four years of Avatar Adi Da's Work. It includes His compassionate Instruction about:
- the sorrow of loss
- the fear of death
- serving the dying person
- how to practice during and beyond the death process
- the Ultimate Demonstration of Divine Translation (or Most Perfect Realization of the deathless Condition).

From His Perfect Disposition of Absolute Freedom, Avatar Adi Da Samraj reveals the greater process within which death occurs, and the Ultimate Demonstration of What Is, Prior to life and death.
death   DVD   Avataric Discourse  
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69 matches for: prior

Our multimedia library currently contains 1203 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.[1] Enjoy! videoindicates a video, and audio an audio. Special categories of interest include:
Tribute to Adi Da's
Life and Work
Dawn Horse Press
DVDs (201) / CDs (270)
0 Multi-Part Series (79)
by year:

by poster:
non-English language audios/videos:


Thanks to the many videographers who took the footage, to the many editors who created these videos and audios, and to the 132 people and organizations who posted these videos and audios on YouTube and other places on the Web. Special thanks to Lynne Thompson, who did a lot of the data entry for our audio/video database.

Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner:
© Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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