Adi Da Up Close Audio/Video Library

Adi Da

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194 matches for: master
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Da Adi Daaudio
poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 02:36
date added: December 15, 2020
language: English
listens: 1222; listens this month: 0; listens this week: 0
This excerpt is from "Da Adi Da", track 5 of the album, I Am The Heart.

I Am The Heart contains six tracks of beautiful devotional music and chant, written and recorded by Antonina Randazzo and Elaine Dixon, with one traditional chant.

Antonina and Elaine write: "We offer this CD in loving regard, devotion, and gratitude to our Divine Heart-Master, Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj, who is our inspiration. 'I Am The Heart' is His Divine Confession and True Nature, which He Reveals and freely Gives to all. May His Blessings flow through this offering, and touch your heart."

Joining Antonina and Elaine on "Da Adi Da" are Simon Llewelyn Evans (vocals), Pamela Gray (cello), and John Wubbenhorst (bansuti flute).

Special thanks to the other musicians who participated in this offering: Steve M. Haggerty, Simon Llewelyn Evans, Tom Stiles, Pamela Gray, Steve Brown, Bill Somers, and John Wubbenhorst.

I Am The Heart is a wonderful gift for the holidays!


If you enjoy this album, please help us let others know about it! One way is by writing a review on

You can also read Antonina's leela, Devotional Singing: The Focus Is On The Divine.

Elaine (with Rosa Guilfoyle) has also released another album, The Teaching Manual Of Perfect Summaries, which includes chanting and recitation of Adi Da's Teaching.
music   CD   download  

Spotkania ze studentami Adi Da Samraj cz.1video
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
speaker: Isabelle Trudeau
length: 04:18
date added: December 12, 2020
language: Polish
views: 593; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Isabelle Trudeau, studentka Adi Da mówi o procesie, dzięki któremu rozpoznania Adi Da jako jej Mistrza duchowego i o jej decyzji formalnego wstąpienia na Drogę Serca.

Isabelle Trudeau, a devotee of Adi Da, talks about the process by which she recognized Adi Da as her Spiritual Master and about her decision to formally take up the Way of Adidam.

La Storia di come ho trovato Adi Da nel 1973video
poster: Video di Adi Da, Canale italiano
speaker: Cheech Marrerro
length: 10:39
date added: December 12, 2020
language: Italian
views: 787; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains Italian subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

This is the beautiful story of how our friend, Cheech Marrero, found Adi Da. Cheech has been around Adi Da for a long time, since the early 1970's, and is a great example of what a person becomes after living a life around a great Spiritual Master like Adi Da.

You can also read Cheech's story here.
Cheech Marrero   Leela   Free John   Guru   Spiritual   wisdom   community   Italian  

Omistaudu Jumalan Toteutuksellevideo
poster: Adi Da Videot Suomi
length: 19:34
date added: October 31, 2020
event date: July 2, 1988
language: Finnish
views: 835; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains Finnish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Tässä keskustelussa vuodelta 1988 Avatar Adi Da puhuu "sadhanan", tai hengellisen harjoituksen, tarpeellisuudesta kun elää omistautuvassa suhteessa Jumalan Toteuttaneen Hengellisen Mestarin kanssa.

On July 2, 1988, in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention, Adi Da gives the talk, "Contemplation, Satsang, Sadhana", which would appear in the May/June 1988 issue of Crazy Wisdom Magazine.

In this excerpt, "Omistaudu Jumalan Toteutukselle" ("Dedicate Your Life To God-Realization"), Adi Da speaks about the necessity for "sadhana", or spiritual practice, in relationship to the God-Realized Spiritual Master.

ADI DA: All there is is a mechanism to be dealt with. You're not uniquely born. It's the same mechanism as in all other cases. And, in all cases it requires a tremendous ordeal.

Beginning at 17:30 (and continuing to the end of this video), a formal Darshan occasion is shown.

Duchowy Proces w trudnych czasachvideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
length: 10:16
date added: September 20, 2020
event date: November 28, 1981
language: Polish
views: 1111; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Oto fragment rozmowy Adi Da, "Gdzie w ciele jest szczęście?", którą wygłosił 28 listopada 1981 roku. Poniżej publikujemy fragment tekstu z tego nagrania.

"Duchowy Proces w trudnych czasach" ("The Spiritual Process in Troubled Times") is a video excerpt from Adi Da's classic talk, "The Bodily Location of Happiness", which He gave on November 28, 1981. This talk was originally published in the book, The Bodily Location Of Happiness. The full talk is available on DVD and on CD, and as an online transcript.

ADI DA: Życie jest głupotą, ale to nie są czasy na tolerowanie głupoty. Świat jest szalony, to straszne czasy, a w nadchodzących latach wcale nie będzie łatwiej. Proces duchowy zawsze przeżywano w trudnych czasach. Dlatego proces duchowy nie toleruje głupca. Sam Proces Duchowy pokona cię. Nie jest to łatwe osiągnięcie, to nieprawdopodobnie trudna sprawa. Nawet to, czego dzisiaj słuchaliście, zostało wysłuchane tylko przez ułamek rodzaju ludzkiego w całej jego historii. Możliwość praktyki jest niezwykle rzadka, a spełnienie jej jest praktycznie nieznane.

W pewnym sensie można powiedzieć, że to życie jest piekłem. W naszym języku religijnym mówimy o tym, co może się z tobą stać po śmierci. Cóż, można iść do nieba, można iść do czyśćca żeby się oczyścić lub można iść do piekła. A potem być może udasz się do czyśćca czy tymczasowego piekła, i może będziesz miał szczęście urodzić się jako istota ludzka i poświęcić się duchowemu procesowi. Natura tego piekła polega na tym, że jesteśmy opętani sami sobą. Rodzimy się w nie-Szczęściu i nie przekraczamy go łatwo. Nieustannie dążymy do szczęścia poprzez wszelkiego rodzaju niezwykle złożone środki i nigdy go nie osiągamy.

Gdyby Urzeczywistnieni Adepci nie wracali by nauczać, to tutaj byłoby naprawdę piekło, a nie coś podobnego do piekła. Gdyby nie było możliwości Oświecenia, gdyby nie był Nauk, nie było Boskiego Prawa, Adeptów, Świętej Drogi, Świętej wspólnoty, ani możliwości samo-transcendencji, to tutaj byłoby naprawdę piekło.

ADI DA: Life is foolishness. This is no time, in any case, to be tolerant of foolishness. The world is mad, and these are dreadful times. Things are not going to be easier in the years ahead. The spiritual process has always been lived in difficult times. Therefore, the spiritual process tolerates no fool. The spiritual process itself will spit you out. It is not an easy attainment, but a profoundly difficult affair. Even what you have listened to today has been heard by only a fraction of the human race in all of history. The opportunity to practice is extremely rare, and the fulfillment of practice is practically unknown.

In some sense you could say this life is hell. . . The nature of this hell is that we are self-possessed. We are born in un-Happiness and we do not transcend it readily. We constantly pursue Happiness through all kinds of incredibly complex means, and we never attain It. . .

If Spiritual Realizers did not turn about and Teach, this would truly be a hell instead of being like a hell. It would truly be a hell if there were no possibility of Enlightenment, if there were no Teaching, no Spiritual Masters, no sacred Way, no sacred community, no capacity for understanding or self-transcendence.
Polish   DVD   CD  

Et voi tyydyttää kaikkien odotuksiavideo
poster: Adi Da Videot Suomi
length: 08:18
date added: September 9, 2020
event date: July 7, 2005
language: Finnish
views: 1070; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
[Contains Finnish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Adi Dan intialainen omistautuja, joka palvelee Adi Data Hänen Erakkola-Ashramissaan Fidzillä, keskustelee tarvettaan sovittaa yhteen hänen vahvat intialaiset kulttuuri- ja perhevelvoitteensa sekä hänen halunsa palvella ja harjoittaa Tietä Adi Dan omistautujana. Adi Da käsittelee hänen kysymystään myötätunnolla, huumorilla sekä tiedostamalla tämän omistautujan kulttuurin vahvat vaatimukset. Adi Da myös huomioi, että tämä on asia, jonka tämän omistautujan täytyy päättää suhteessa siihen, mikä on hänen perimmäinen aikomuksensa elämässä.

"Et voi tyydyttää kaikkien odotuksia" ("You Cannot Satisfy Everyone's Expectations") is a video excerpt from an Avataric Discourse given by Adi Da Samraj on July 7, 2005, in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention.

In this excerpt, Adi Da responds to a devotee from India who asks for Adi Da's guidance on how to reconcile his traditional family obligations with his impulse to serve His Spiritual Master.
Avataric Discourse   DVD   Finnish  

Jak znalazłem mojego Guru w 1973video
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
speaker: Cheech Marrero
length: 10:39
date added: August 12, 2020
language: Polish
views: 948; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Cheech Marrero był jednym z pierwszych uczniów Adi Da. W tej "leeli", czyli opowieści o relacji ucznia z Boskim Guru, Cheech mówi o decydującym momencie w jego relacji z Adi Da Samraj.

This is the beautiful story of how our friend, Cheech Marrero, found Adi Da. Cheech has been around Adi Da for a long time, since the early 1970's, and is a great example of what a person becomes after living a life around a great Spiritual Master like Adi Da.

You can also read Cheech's story here.
Cheech Marrero   Leela   Free John   Guru   Spiritual   wisdom   community   Polish  

Mitä on kultismi?video
poster: Adi Da Videot Suomi
length: 19:00
date added: June 29, 2020
event date: December 16, 1978
language: Finnish
views: 1046; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains Finnish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Adi Da kritisoi uskonnollista kultismia. Hän kiteyttää sanomansa aiheesta tässä puheessa vuodelta 1978.

This discourse, "Mitä on kultismi?" ("What Is Cultism?"), was given at the Mountain Of Attention on December 16, 1978, three weeks after the Jonestown Massacre.

Adi Da criticized religious cultism long before the subject gained any popular attention. For an audio clip of His earliest criticisms — in June, 1972 — click here.

This 1978 talk is one of His summary addresses on the subject. Adi Da observes that the primary characteristic of a cult member is shared enthusiasm (like enjoying the energy of the crowd at a football game). For example, in "the cult of the Spiritual Master", everybody is enjoying the enthusiasm (their own and each other's) associated with having "found" the great Master; but no one is actually engaged in significant deepening of the devotional and spiritual relationship with the Master, and practicing on that basis — hence no Spiritual growth or Realization occurs.

Adi Da: "My purpose in My Teaching is to make it possible for you to duplicate what I have done — not to be eternally separated from Me, but to be in Communion with Me — to be intimate with Me in Spiritual terms, so that you, yourself, may live this practice, and fulfill it in your own case."

The Relationship With the Spiritual Master Makes Surrender Possiblevideo
part 3 of Surrender of self Is A Koan

poster: AdiDaVideos
length: 12:38
date added: April 5, 2020
event date: October 28, 1978
language: English
views: 1332; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
From a question and answer session with Adi Da on October 28, 1978, in Land Bridge Pavilion at the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary in Northern California. This is track 3 on the DVD, Surrender of self Is A Koan.

In this excerpt, Adi Da addresses the fact that although the struggle and distractions in the early stages of spiritual practice are great, there is also great help in the relationship with the Spiritual Master. Attention to all of the ups and downs of the body-mind can be transcended and surrendered through that relationship.

Dedicate la vostra vita alla Realizzazione del Divinovideo
poster: Video di Adi Da, Canale italiano
length: 19:34
date added: March 31, 2020
event date: July 2, 1988
language: Italian
views: 1175; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains Italian subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

On July 2, 1988, in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention, Adi Da gives the talk, "Contemplation, Satsang, Sadhana", which would appear in the May/June 1988 issue of Crazy Wisdom Magazine.

In this excerpt, "Dedicate la vostra vita alla Realizzazione del Divino" ("Dedicate Your Life To God-Realization"), Adi Da speaks about the necessity for "sadhana", or spiritual practice, in relationship to the God-Realized Spiritual Master.

"All there is is a mechanism to be dealt with. You're not uniquely born. It's the same mechanism as in all other cases. And, in all cases it requires a tremendous ordeal."

Beginning at 17:30 (and continuing to the end of this video), a formal Darshan occasion is shown.
Darshan   Italian  

Facing Beloved / No One Like Me - John Wubbenhorstvideo
disc one, track 2 of May You Ever Dwell In Our Hearts

poster: CDBaby
length: 06:50
date added: February 9, 2020
language: English
views: 1653; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
"Facing Beloved / No One Like Me" is by John Wubbenhorst. It is track 2 from Disc One of the double CD, May You Ever Dwell In Our Hearts. John Wubbenhorst plays bansuri, drum master Subash Chandran plays ghatam and konnokol, and drum master Ganesh Kumar plays kanjira.

May You Ever Dwell In Our Hearts is a deeply moving, sacred, contemplative CD that celebrates Adi Da's Life of Love and Blessing. This tribute to Adi Da Samraj includes music from many different genres, ranging from Indian classical to jazz to world music and other contemporary styles.

With over two hours of devotional songs filling this double CD, you can listen to pieces composed and performed by many devotee artists, including Naamleela Free Jones, Tamarind Free Jones, Ray Lynch, John Wubbenhorst, John Mackay, Sally Howe, Crane Kirkbride, Antonina Randazzo, Katya Grineva and many others.

Some of the twenty-five pieces on May You Ever Dwell In Our Hearts were written and offered in the days immediately following Adi Da's Passing on November 27, 2008, or in the year-long period of formal mourning that followed. Other songs were offered to Him in person during His Lifetime. This CD also contains new songs never released before by Naamleela, Tamarind, and other musicians.
music   CD  

The Sun of the Heartaudio
poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 05:43
date added: November 30, 2019
language: English
listens: 3159; listens this month: 0; listens this week: 0
The Sun of the Heart is a chanting CD made by devotee Simon Pritchard, with musical partners Rosa Guilfoyle and James Edward Clarke, and the assistance of several additional devotee musicians and singers. The eight chants on this CD were recorded, engineered and mastered by James Edward Clarke at Ty Cerdd Wales Millennium Centre – Cardiff – Wales in 2014 and 2015. The CD comes with a sixteen-page booklet of artworks and sacred text. It is available as a CD from the Dawn Horse Press.

This audio excerpt is track 6, "Da Bhagavan".

The CD is inspired by and dedicated to Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj. The lyrics are all Sacred Names and Mantras given by Avatar Adi Da Samraj to His devotees for the sake of their invocation of His Divine Spiritual Presence and State.

"The Sun of the Heart is just wonderful. . . . full of the Spirit of the Happiness of God in Everyone." —Angelo Druda

"This sound is not only highly professional but also Angelic! Like too beautiful to be true. . ." —Jovana Ugolkov

La Grazia della Sofferenzavideo
poster: Video di Adi Da, Canale italiano
length: 13:12
date added: June 27, 2019
event date: January 18, 1976
language: Italian
views: 1734; views this month: 2; views this week: 2
[Contains Italian subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Come spiega Adi Da, la pratica spirituale diventa possibile quando la dipendenza e le limitazioni relative alla vita ordinaria sono del tutto chiare e comprese.

In this seminal discourse (at the Mountain Of Attention), from the early years of His Teaching Work, Adi Da speaks about the inevitable process of self-revelation and self-understanding that prepares the being for true Spiritual life.

The full talk is available on the CD, The Grace of Suffering, and on DVD as Volume 2 of the 25th Anniversary DVD Series.

This is a beautiful talk by Adi Da. But it IS very compressed, making quite a few points in a short space, and depending to a significant degree on a familiarity with Adi Da's spiritual teaching. Here are some notes that may help.

Throughout the talk, the technical term, "sadhana" (spiritual practice), is used.

Genuine spiritual practice is not about belief systems, mere rituals, or a little "peace of mind", but rather about actually locating the Divine, through the tangible Transmission of the Spiritual Master.

After a recent illness, a devotee mentions to Adi Da that he notices how the physical suffering of illness was distracting enough that he was not "able" to find Adi Da's Transmission when he is ill.

Adi Da acknowledges this, and responds with three more general points.

1. The illness didn't "make" the devotee lose the thread of practice; rather, he allowed himself to be distracted from God by the illness. When the devotee gets this, and sees how he himself is "doing" the turning away, he'll be able to "do better next time" by not turning away even when ill.

2. Until Divine Enlightenment — in other words, until there is no limit on one's spiritual practice — sadhana (spiritual practice) is always only reflecting back to devotees the remaining limits in their practice: where they are still turning away from the Divine, where they still need to become responsible for not turning away.

In the beginning, the "turning away" is very "crude": even mere physical suffering is enough to distract one from God. (If we find ourselves saying, "what do you mean, MERE physical suffering?" that definitely identifies us as spiritual beginners! :-) ) But as one grows in practice, and ceases to turn away in such a crude manner (as one becomes a "saint", "yogi", "sage", etc.), one discovers that one is still turning from the Divine at an even subtler level of the being (in the mind, the psyche, etc.)

It is only when that "turning away" has been inspected, understood, and transcended in every dimension of the being that Divine Realization occurs.

In this sense, for the genuine spiritual practitioner, physical suffering — along with every other circumstance that reveals to us our turning away from the Divine — is truly a Grace, enabling us to grow in our practice.

3. Where we are turning away is a reflection of what we are identifying with: the body, the mind, the soul, etc. (For example, if physical illness is enough to distract us from God, then the physical body is what we currently are identified with.) God-Realization only occurs when all "identities" less than God are understood and transcended.

In this sense, "there are no winners in God" — the Way is not about seeking, accomplishment, or winning, but rather about surrender to God, sacrifice of self, and ego-death. There's no "one" left to "win"! But the One Who Remains is perfectly, eternally happy.
Italian   CD   DVD  

Nähere Dich Mir Von Deinem Herzenvideo
poster: Adi Da Videos Deutschland
length: 06:34
date added: March 3, 2019
event date: March 8, 1984
language: German
views: 1813; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains German subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

In this clip, "Nähere Dich Mir Von Deinem Herzen" ("Approach Me From Your Heart"), Adi Da speaks to devotees in the Manner Of Flowers (at the Mountain Of Attention), during the "Love of the God-Man" Celebration on March 8, 1984. Adi Da talks about praise speech, ecstasy, and Satsang.

The full talk can can be found on the DVD, Approach Me From the Heart.

Some of the questions Adi Da addresses in the full talk are: What is a Divine experience? Who is God that God could be identified over against anything whatsoever? Who is a Spiritual Master if He can find Himself apart from God, such that He could say: “This piece is Me and this piece is God”? How could such distinctions continue in the consciousness of one who has Realized the Divine?
German   DVD  

What Does the Universe Really Look Like? Part 2video
disc two, track 5 of Science Is A Method, Not A Philosophy

poster: CDBaby
length: 14:53
date added: December 15, 2018
event date: November 28, 2004
language: English
views: 2103; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
This is an excerpt from an Avataric Discourse given by Adi Da on November 28, 2004 at Adi Da Samrajashram.

This excerpt is disc two, track 4 of the double-CD, Science Is A Method, Not A Philosophy, in which Avatar Adi Da unravels present-day scientific presumptions, with great humor and penetrating insight. Adi Da reveals how scientific materialism has replaced the sacred orientation in life and indoctrinated humankind into limited belief systems, discussing common views about evolution, astronomy versus astrology, ancient religions, the expanding universe, the "language" of mathematics and shape, and more. In addition, He masterfully describes how knowledge is an effort to achieve power over nature, based on the fundamental illusion that there is such a thing as an independent (or "objective") "point of view". In this process, Avatar Adi Da calls His listeners to be free of all false authorities, and to consider the Way that perfectly transcends "point of view" itself.

The album is available through iTunes and The Dawn Horse Press.

Note: Due to distribution policies set by CDBaby (and beyond the control of this website and Adidam), this video may not be playable in every country. However, sometimes, even when you can't play it on this page, you may be able to play it on YouTube: click here.
CD   Avataric Discourse  
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194 matches for: master

Our multimedia library currently contains 1203 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.[1] Enjoy! videoindicates a video, and audio an audio. Special categories of interest include:
Tribute to Adi Da's
Life and Work
Dawn Horse Press
DVDs (201) / CDs (270)
0 Multi-Part Series (79)
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non-English language audios/videos:


Thanks to the many videographers who took the footage, to the many editors who created these videos and audios, and to the 132 people and organizations who posted these videos and audios on YouTube and other places on the Web. Special thanks to Lynne Thompson, who did a lot of the data entry for our audio/video database.

Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner:
© Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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