Adi Da Up Close
Audio/Video Library

Our multimedia library currently contains 1,172 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.

184 audios/videos matching:

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The Ultimate Outshining of Death

In this excerpt from the CD, The Ultimate Outshining of Death, Adi Da communicates, with great passion and compassion, the only way to be truly Free of the sorrow from the loss of a loved one.

Adi Da: "Loss, or separation — apparent separation through death or any other life-happening — is not only possible, it is inevitable. And there is nothing amusing about it. It is so. It is not possible to be consoled about it. But it is possible to be Free, utterly Free — only by Realizing That Which Is Inherently Free."

Tags: death   CD   Avataric Discourse  

Brian Deschamp on Not-Two Is Peace

Brian Deschamp, Former Senior Adviser, United Nations High Commission for Refugees, talks with great fondness about hosting Beloved Adi Da's visit to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1996, and how Adi Da's Blessing (and being Adi Da's "instrument" for conducting that Blessing in the right time and place) helped serve his work with the United Nations. He also discusses the uniqueness of Adi Da's Teaching and Revelation in the history of the world's great spiritual traditions.

Tags: peace  

Rolf Carriere on Not-Two Is Peace

Rolf C. Carriere, former official with UNESCO and currently Senior Advisor to the Non-Violent Peace Force, describes his experience reading Adi Da's books communicating social wisdom, including The Transcendence of Ego and Egoic Society and Not-Two Is Peace. He also describes his conversation with Beloved Adi Da in Cape Cod, Massachusetts (in May, 1996), and his experience of serving as Adi Da's spiritual instrument in the right times and places so as to affect human history in a positive manner.

Tags: peace  

European Danda Autumn Retreat 2013

Every year in late October and early November, devotees, friends, and supporters of Adi Da Samraj gather to enjoy an extended weekend of Celebration and Spiritual Retreat focused on the Life, Teachings, and Avataric Work of Adi Da Samraj. The occasion is the birthday anniversary of Adi Da, during which we joyously acknowledge that this Supremely Realized Spiritual Master has appeared in the world to Awaken all beings to Radiant Love, Perfect Freedom, and Indestructible Light. This year’s Celebration is also based on the new book, The Gift Of Truth Itself, and like all Adidam Events, is founded on the acknowledgment that Adi Da Samraj uniquely bestows the ultimate Gift of Divine Truth or “Reality Itself” to the human heart.

For more about this retreat, click here.
Videographer: Matt Braithwaite

Tags: European Danda   retreat  

Limitation on Love

Adi Da talking to devotees in New Zealand in 1988.

He responds to a devotee who is wanting to go beyond his "limitation on love". Adi Da makes the point that this is not possible merely via idealism and will. One's current limit on love is due to an as yet uninspected resistance to love. Only through self-understanding (and disciplines that serve self-understanding) can one transcend this limit.

The Baptism of Immortal Happiness

At Da Love-Ananda Mahal, on December 17, 1982, Adi Da gives the talk, "The Baptism of Immortal Happiness".

"The ego is such a heavy grip, such a clench on the Divine Light, that Spiritual experience through Spiritual Transmission in life does not amount to much for most people. They cannot make it part of their existence. This is why I expect My devotees to prepare themselves by listening to and then hearing My Wisdom-Teaching. Then My Spiritual Baptism can Awaken you to My Spirit-Presence, and you will begin to practice the Way of Adidam in Spiritual relationship to Me."

The Emotional-Sexual Dimension of Life

Dr. Sally Taylor serves the Adidam culture by helping devotees with their practice of the Way of Adidam.

In this video, she talks about her voluntary participation in Adi Da's considerations about the emotional-sexual dimension of life. She describes the instructions she received, and the profound benefit she has derived by being "grown up" beyond childish patterns of self-suppression, shutting down of the life force, promiscuity, and limitations on love.

For more about Adi Da's wisdom on the emotional-sexual dimension of life, visit our Crazy Wisdom section.

Tags: emotional   sex  

Freedom Is So, Prior To Release

Adi Da visiting rescued sea turtles sent to Adi Da Samrajashram.

Slideshow by Andrew Dorfman.

Music is "What Will You Do If You Love Me?" from Naamleela Free Jones, Eyes in Other Worlds.

Andrew writes: "Bhagavan Blessed the release of rescued sea turtles, shipped to us by a neighboring island, for safe release into the waters off Adi Da Samrajashram. The turtles are hunted now more vigorously by humans than in the past, so in addition to the natural forces with which hatchlings must contend, there are now human adversaries as well. This occasion with Bhagavan broke many hearts."

Tags: animals   non-human  

Hymn To Adi Da Samraj

An unusual tonal (vibration-oriented) hymn to Adi Da.

Sarai Iehannette van Beeuwelan of Outlands Community USA writes: "I have greatly desired to make this video as a love gift to Adi Da Samraj, my guru and inspiration."

Portrait of Adi Da by artist Alex Grey.

You Are Only Consciousness Itself

Track 9 of the free, downloadable CD, The Liberating Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Volume 1. From a talk given by Adi Da on November 30, 1988. Adi Da wanted all human beings to receive the transcendent truth communicated in this talk, which eventually led to the creation of the free ebooklet, We Are Consciousness Itself.

ADI DA: You are not attention, which exists over against all 'objects'. Consciousness Itself is not that which is over against what arises. Consciousness Itself is That Which Is the Self-Nature, Self-Condition, Source-Condition, and Self-State of what arises. . . The self-aware pleasure of existing is the fundamental gift, the Divine gift, the persistent gift that you are tending to ignore. . . When conditions arise, or change, or pass away in the view of Consciousness, Consciousness Itself remains always as the same Free Love-Bliss of Being.

Tags: CD  

I Am Here To Awaken A Bright New Age of Global Humankind

Ruchiradama Nadikanta has created a series of seven recitations from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace, accompanied by the bansuri flute music of John Wubbenhorst.

This is Recitation 7: I Am Here To Awaken A Bright New Age of Global Humankind.

These recordings were made in Ordeal Bath Lodge at The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary.

Ruchiradama Nadikanta is offering these recitations as a New Year's gift to everyone. Feel free to share these recitations. For more recitations from Not-Two Is Peace, click here.

Tags: peace   recitation   Ruchiradama Nadikanta  

What Is No-point-of-view Is all-and-All

Ruchiradama Nadikanta has created a series of seven recitations from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace, accompanied by the bansuri flute music of John Wubbenhorst.

This is Recitation 6: What Is No-"point-of-view" Is all-and-All.

These recordings were made in Ordeal Bath Lodge at The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary.

Ruchiradama Nadikanta is offering these recitations as a New Year's gift to everyone. Feel free to share these recitations. For more recitations from Not-Two Is Peace, click here.

Tags: peace   recitation   Ruchiradama Nadikanta  

The Truth of Prior Unity

Ruchiradama Nadikanta has created a series of seven recitations from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace, accompanied by the bansuri flute music of John Wubbenhorst.

This is Recitation 5: The Truth of Prior Unity Is The Instrinsic Self-Revelation of Reality Itself.

These recordings were made in Ordeal Bath Lodge at The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary.

Ruchiradama Nadikanta is offering these recitations as a New Year's gift to everyone. Feel free to share these recitations. For more recitations from Not-Two Is Peace, click here.

Tags: peace   recitation   Ruchiradama Nadikanta  

The Three Great Principles of All Truth

Ruchiradama Nadikanta has created a series of seven recitations from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace, accompanied by the bansuri flute music of John Wubbenhorst.

This is Recitation 4: The Three Great Principles of All Truth.

These recordings were made in Ordeal Bath Lodge at The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary.

Ruchiradama Nadikanta is offering these recitations as a New Year's gift to everyone. Feel free to share these recitations. For more recitations from Not-Two Is Peace, click here.

Tags: peace   recitation   Ruchiradama Nadikanta  


Ruchiradama Nadikanta has created a series of seven recitations from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace, accompanied by the bansuri flute music of John Wubbenhorst.

This is Recitation 3: Is-Peace.

These recordings were made in Ordeal Bath Lodge at The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary.

Ruchiradama Nadikanta is offering these recitations as a New Year's gift to everyone. Feel free to share these recitations. For more recitations from Not-Two Is Peace, click here.

Tags: peace   recitation   Ruchiradama Nadikanta  

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