Adi Da Up Close
Audio/Video Library

Our multimedia library currently contains 1,172 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.

184 audios/videos matching:

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Der Weg des Herzens (The Way of the Heart): part 1

[This video is in German.]

Introduction to the Way of the Heart (the Way of Adidam).

Adi Da: Alle Wesen suchen fortwährend nach Glück.
Du suchst fortwährend nach Glück.
Selbst wenn du fortwährend nach Glück suchst, so bist du doch schon immer bereits das Glück an sich.
Nur das Glück an sich ist frei von Suche nach Glück.
Widmet euch diesem Glück an sich.
Tut dies in dem Ihr jedes Ding und jede Erfahrung, alles Wissen,
alle Beziehung oder allem was nicht Glück ist entsagt (oder transzendiert).
Finde das Glück in jedem Moment, nehme das Glück an sich wahr und Sei das Glück an sich.
Tue dies in jedem Augenblick.
Das Ego-"Ich" oder der selbstverkrampfte Körper-Geist. ist immer eine Illusion, eine und. . . Luftspiegelung des zeugenhaften Bewusstseins aus Bedürfnissen, Erwünschtheit und Staunen das dem Bewusstsein an sich durch den
augenscheinlichen (und nicht notwendigen) Fluss der Ereignisse auferlegt wird,
die für sich genommen nicht das Bewusstsein an sich sind.
Es gibt weder jetzt noch irgendwann die persönliche Identität, sondern immer nur die letzte Identität oder das Bewusstsein an sich, das immer bereits frei,eins,ganz, vollständig und durch und durch Glückselig ist.
Deshalb beobachte und verstehe, erkenne (und tranzendiere) das auftretende Trugbild der Objekte und "anderem" oder allen "Dingen".
Sei nur Zeuge
Nicht bedürfend, nichtsichernd, nicht verfolgend, nicht gewinnend, nicht im Stress, nicht zornig, nicht ablehnend, nicht Gefühlen hingegeben, nicht vermeidend, nicht voll Schmerz, nicht verlangend, nicht fliehend, nicht anhaftend, nicht verlierend, nicht traurig, nicht verloren, nicht erstaunt,
nicht denkend, nicht zuweisend, nicht mit Geist erfüllt, nicht wahrnehmend, nicht erlebend, nicht im Recht, nicht verwirrt, nicht klagend, nicht im Unrecht, nicht fürchtend, nicht verwundert, nicht in Mitleidenschaft gezogen, nicht leer,
nicht befriedigend, nicht getäuscht, nicht bezogen, nicht bewegt, nicht entdeckend, nicht Ich, nicht inkarniert, nicht erlöst, nicht widerstrebend, nicht einmal verstehend. sondern nur (oder lediglich) der eine Seiende welcher der Zeuge ist.
Stehe da und schaue nicht.
Nur Bewusstsein,
von Natur aus objektlos, beziehungslos, ohne ein "Ding".
Doch weder getrennt noch abgesondert von der Gesamtheit.
Stehe frei und schaue nicht.
Beut weder die Aufmerksamkeit aus noch den Geist der Trugbilder
von Objekten oder anderen "Dingen"
Nehme lediglich die Glückseligkeit,
das Bewusstsein an sich wahr, sagte ich.
Deshalb sage ich.

Komme zur Ruhe (oder sei wach)
bevor die Dinge sich ereignen.
Komme zur Ruhe (oder sei wach)
vor der Bewegung der Bezogenheit
Komme zur Ruhe (oder sei wach)
immer bereits in meiner großen Ermitage angekommen

Das Herz ist meine Eremitage
Der Sitz meines Segens ist das Bewusstsein an sich
Das Bewusstsein an sich ist der wahre Herzmeister
Das Bewusstein an sich ist Da Love-Ananda (Liebe-Glückseligkeit)
Immer bereits aus sich heraus existent, immer bereit frei, selbst-strahlend, Love-Ananda.
Ich bin Love-Ananda.
Das Bewusstsein an sich ist was ich lehre.

Tags: German   Deutsch  

Darshan at Da Love-Ananda Mahal

Darshan of Adi Da Samraj, at Da Love-Ananda Mahal Sanctuary.

Tags: Darshan  

Divine Distraction with James Steinberg

James Steinberg is interviewed on the podcast, Vajra Body Vajra Mind. Vajra Body Vajra Mind is a provocative podcast that explores the outer limits of spiritual practice and human development. James Steinberg is a longtime devotee of Adi Da, and the author of Divine Distraction and Love of the God-Man.

In this episode of Vajra Body Vajra Mind, we discuss James' life with Adi Da. We talk about the practice of Guru Yoga, challenges in reading Adi Da's Teaching, anti-Guru sentiment in contemporary culture, sexuality in spirituality, the importance of discipline in the Way of Adidam, the unique Transmission of Adi Da's Revelation and Presence (through photographs, videos, Image-Art, etc), resistance to the Guru by the ego, positive disillusionment (aka "the Lesson of Life"), and more.

Adi Da's Teaching as Transmission

This video clip includes:

  • Commentary from Jonathan Condit (at 0:00)Jonathan Condit was Adi Da's senior editorial assistant, and is Senior Editor for the Adidam Editorial Department. Jonathan talks about "The Function of the Spiritual Literature of Adi Da Samraj", and how Adi Da's Teaching works as Transmission of His Transcendental Spiritual State, and serves the Spiritual Realization of the reader.

  • Excerpt from an Avataric Discourse by Adi Da (at 5:35) — The Discourse is "My Teaching is a Direct Transmission of Me", from October 28, 2005. Adi Da talks about how His Teaching Word is a form of Spiritual Transmission, that enables Divine Communion with Him (if the devotee is in the right devotional disposition), in the same way that a Murti photograph does, or any of the other forms of Agency that Adi Da has created for this purpose.

  • Commentary from Megan Anderson (at 12:44)Megan Anderson is an editor in the Adidam Editorial Department. Megan talks about Adi Da's great, final masterpiece, The Aletheon as the purest communication and Transmission of Adi Da Himself (among all His many, extraordinary books), and describes receiving the Revelation of Adi Da as she was proofreading The Aletheon before its publication.

Tags: Avataric Discourse  

Hear My Breathing Heart: Songs Of Invocation

This album of Adidam devotional music from The First Amendment Choir was originally released on audiocassette tape in 1981. (The name, "First Amendment Choir", was chosen for the choir by Adi Da, which performed for Him on several occasions.)

The album begins and ends with "The Divine Invocation":

Radiant Da,
All-Pervading Current of Life,
Consciousness where I appear and disappear,
Hear My Breathing Heart.

Awaken me
To feel the Heart of Light and Love,
Where this life and mind and body may dissolve.
I hold up my hands.

"The Divine Invocation" was an early version of what we now call The First Great Invocation. Now we would begin with the First Great Invocation and end with the Second Great Invocation — but Adi Da had not yet created the Second Great Invocation at the time this album was created.

Many of the songs on this album were composed by Billboard Award-winning composer Ray Lynch or by JoAnne Sunshine. Ray Lynch is also the guitar player. Eric Leber is the choir director. Besides Ray Lynch and JoAnne Sunshine, vocalists include Brad Crawford, Robin Richardson, Kathleen Ewart, Sylvia Hayden, Carol Mabin, Janet Kopieki, Rita Gordon, Happy Hayden, Ginny Leber, Maggie Roberts, Lynzee Elze, Ron Guba, Steve Benson, Chris Cardullo, Phyllis Hyde, Karen Booth, and Antonina Randazzo (among others). The album was recorded at Prune Production Studio, in Mill Valley, California, and was released by the Laughing Man Institute.

The volume is low, so you may need to turn it up. The sound quality of this digital version is not up to contemporary standards, but many listeners — old and new — may find it just as heart-moving now as so many found it when it was originally released.

Tags: music  


Track 5 from Pauline Chew's album, Songs For Baba Da. . . And The World.

Words are from poem 43 in Adi Da's book of poetry, Crazy Da Must Sing.

My loved one sits upon my knee.
My left hand is on her head.
My right hand guides
her listening to my Heart.
My touching awakens her need,
her love for me,
and makes her know me while I speak.

My loved one lies with me.
Our loving appears as every form
of all the worlds.
Our sounds together
make all sounds.
We are the thing that is seen and heard.
We are the rhythmed mind of everything.

Troubles arise for one
who does not know the act
in which he lives.
Therefore, I display the image
of my loved one and me.
One who does not understand
gains power for his lust in holy places.
But one who understands
becomes the lovers’ act that is.

Tags: music   poem  

Identification of the Beloved

An excerpt from the talk, "Identification of the Beloved", given by Adi Da on April 18, 1977.

This excerpt is track 3 of the CD, Death and the Purpose of Existence, a collection of talks and recitations that exemplify Avatar Adi Da’s essential Wisdom-Teaching on death and dying.

The album is available through iTunes, Microsoft, and The Dawn Horse Press.

The entire talk is available on the CD, Identification of the Beloved.

Note: Due to distribution policies set by CDBaby (and beyond the control of this website and Adidam), this video may not be playable in every country. However, sometimes, even when you can't play it on this page, you may be able to play it on YouTube: click here.

Tags: death   CD  

The Universal World-Prayer

Beloved, Inmost Heart of every heart,
do not Let our human hearts be broken
by our merely mortal suffering here —
but Make our mortal human hearts break-Free
to an unconditional love of You,
that we may, Thus, love all living beings
with Love's own True, and Truly broken, Heart.

Composed by Jacqueline Clemons and Nick Milo, and sung by Jacqueline Clemons, this soulful rendition of Adi Da's prayer for world peace, "The Universal World-Prayer", was sung many times at The Parliament of the World's Religions in Cape Town, South Africa, in December, 1999.

The song accompanies a slideshow of pictures of Adi Da.

We live the Law backwards. Instead of living from the point of view of Happiness, love of God, submission to the Transcendental Reality, we live in submission to others, objects, relations.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, The Dreaded Gom-Boo

Tags: music   peace   CD  

Identification of the Beloved

An audio excerpt from Adi Da's talk, "Identification of the Beloved". This talk is now available on a CD from the Dawn Horse Press.

Adi Da draws us into noticing the true nature of this world, in which we find the Beloved — the True Loved One — only in its passing forms. This leads to attachment to what is temporary, generating a constant cycle of reaction and seeking for a Happiness that will overcome death. Adi Da Admonishes everyone to find the True Beloved, in Its Eternal Form — our True Condition — if Happiness is to be truly found.

Tags: CD  

I Will Do Everything

An audio excerpt from Adi Da's talk, "I Will Do Everything". This talk, and the talk, "Guru, Faith, and Divine Communion", are now available on a CD from the Dawn Horse Press.

In this excerpt, Adi Da describes the structure of egoic patterning, and how the principle of change is non-use of past patterns (rather than psychoanalysis, etc.) by doing what is inherently right instead.

In these two talks (“I Will Do Everything” and “Guru, Faith, and Satsang”), Adi Da beautifully illuminates the nature of the relationship to the Spiritual Master. This sacred relationship to the Guru is the direct means by which the Divine Principle becomes operative in one's life.

As feeling-attention is magnified toward the Spiritual Master —through the force of attraction, of love, of devotion — the reactive forces and habits that drive one's egoic life begin to lose their force, and the Divine becomes the Mover and Principle of one's life.

Tags: CD  

Sacred Music and Practice of the Way of Adidam

Devotees describe the beneficial impact of sacred music on their practice of the Way of Adidam, during the Celebration of Da Purnima on Adi Da Samrajashram, in July, 2014. The music was performed by John Wubbenhorst and Peter Van Gelder (sitar), on many different occasions.

John writes: "It was a very full Celebration of Da Purnima at Adi Da Samrajashram in Fiji. Peter Van Gelder (sitar) and myself (bansuri flute) came for music service and we were very busy every day. Each morning we would sit for several hours practicing the most refined compositions from Peter's music guru Ali Akbar Khan and we would chose what we felt would be the best gifts for our Guru, Adi Da, that day. Almost every day there would be offerings and also many chanting occasions. It is very tangible the difference between playing at Adi Da Samrajashram and playing music anywhere else. The island is so full of Beloved Adi Da that as soon as we would start to play, we would feel the music coming from a deeper place and that would in turn help everyone to drop into deeper communion with Beloved, which would then allow the music to be deeper — and on and on."

Tags: music  

The Mystical Positivist: Interview with Leroy Stilwell, part 2

The Mystical Positivist is a weekly, two-hour radio show on KOWS 107.3 FM, Occidental, CA. The program is dedicated to the application of reason in the pursuit of spiritual practice and development. The show is hosted by Stuart Resnick and Dr. Robert Schmidt. Stuart has been a Tayu Meditation Teacher since 1993. He received apprentice and master-level training in the alchemical transformation of human consciousness from Tayu Meditation Center. Dr. Robert Schmidt is the director of the Tayu Meditation Center, and a co-founder of the Many Rivers Bookstore in Sebastopol, California. He is also currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Archaeological Research Facility at U.C. Berkeley.

This audio clip is part 2 of The Mystical Positivist's interview with devotee, Leroy Stilwell. Leroy has been a formal devotee of Adi Da since 1977. Since 1986, he regularly lived in Hermitage on Naitauba, Fiji, for extended periods during which he participated in cycles of consideration with Adi Da, and served as editor, photographer, videographer, communications manager, ashram manager, and personal assistant to the Ruchira Sannyasin Order. He is the author of Love’s Sacrifice: Witnessing the Self-Revelation of the Divine Person - 30 Years with my Spiritual Master, Adi Da (2014) and For Those Who Call For Light - Learning How to Think about Religion (2013). Leroy is also a co-founder and managing editor of the Adi Da Up Close site.

Note: The actual show does not begin until 02:43.

Tags: radio   interview   presentation  

The Mystical Positivist: Interview with Leroy Stilwell, part 1

The Mystical Positivist is a weekly, two-hour radio show on KOWS 107.3 FM, Occidental, CA. The program is dedicated to the application of reason in the pursuit of spiritual practice and development. The show is hosted by Stuart Resnick and Dr. Robert Schmidt. Stuart has been a Tayu Meditation Teacher since 1993. He received apprentice and master-level training in the alchemical transformation of human consciousness from Tayu Meditation Center. Dr. Robert Schmidt is the director of the Tayu Meditation Center, and a co-founder of the Many Rivers Bookstore in Sebastopol, California. He is also currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Archaeological Research Facility at U.C. Berkeley.

This audio clip is part 1 of The Mystical Positivist's interview with devotee, Leroy Stilwell. Leroy has been a formal devotee of Adi Da since 1977. Since 1986, he regularly lived in Hermitage on Naitauba, Fiji, for extended periods during which he participated in cycles of consideration with Adi Da, and served as editor, photographer, videographer, communications manager, ashram manager, and personal assistant to the Ruchira Sannyasin Order. He is the author of Love’s Sacrifice: Witnessing the Self-Revelation of the Divine Person - 30 Years with my Spiritual Master, Adi Da (2014) and For Those Who Call For Light - Learning How to Think about Religion (2013). Leroy is also a co-founder and managing editor of the Adi Da Up Close site.

Note: The actual show does not begin until 08:17.

Tags: radio   interview   presentation  

What Is Your Intention?

This audio clip is from the CD, What Is Your Intention?. This talk was originally published in Chapter 6 of the Love Ananda-Gita.

Avatar Adi Da describes the three options of human destiny: one can reinforce one's present existence in gross (physical) form; one can go beyond gross existence into subtler dimensions of existence; or one can transcend conditional existence altogether, in the Great Process of seventh stage Divine Self-Realization. He suggests that most people (and most devotees) are opting (generally unconsciously) for the first (and lowest) option.

For those who discover the heart-impulse to the Great Process, Avatar Adi Da offers Graceful Means — but, He clarifies, a most intensive ego-transcending process will be required of such devotees, a constant relinquishment of identification with the separate self.

The talk, What Is Your Intention?, is also available on the DVD, The Commitment to Real-God Realization. A video clip from that DVD is available here.

Tags: CD   DVD  

Love Is How I Got To Here

In this talk from April 16, 1995 (available on the CD, Love Is How I Got to Here, Adi Da describes how the preparatory stages of practice of the Reality-Way of Adidam are associated with attention, and how the attachment to attention and all its objects prevents the Realization of Reality As It Is.

He goes on to describe the unique advantage that His bodily Incarnation provides in the process of such Realization, for all time, and how the relationship to Him occurs — directly and personally — beyond the life of His human Form.

Tags: CD  

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