Adi Da Up Close
Audio/Video Library

Our multimedia library currently contains 1,172 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.

184 audios/videos matching:

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166 - 180 (out of 184)

Divine Love (Part 1)

part 1 of Divine Love

In part one of this three-part series, 20 year-old Max Rykov describes first hearing about Avatar Adi Da Samraj and how Beloved Adi Da began to manifest in his life.

More from Max here.

Tags: Max Rykov   leela  

Meditation by Massenet: Piano Tribute to Adi Da

This is a special video tribute by pianist Albert Aprigliano, in honor of his partner's spiritual teacher/guru, Adi Da Love-Ananda Samraj. This piece by Jules Massenet is from the opera, "Thais".

Selections from Adi Da's Image-Art are shown.

Tags: classical piano   transcendental art   image-art  

Dedication by Schumann: Piano Tribute to Adi Da

This is a special video tribute by pianist Albert Aprigliano in honor of his partner's spiritual teacher/guru, Adi Da Love-Ananda Samraj (1939-2008). This piece was written by Robert Schuman to his wife Clara and featured in the movie, "Song of Love", with Katherine Hepburn.

Tags: Robert Schumann   Clara Song of Love   Katherine Hepburn   classical piano   tribute  

The Celebration of Light-In-Everybody

Excerpts from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace about the Celebration of "Light-In-Everybody". Music by Ray Lynch.

Tags: Peace   love   unity   prior unity   oneness   adi da   world   not two is peace   ray lynch   light-in-everybody   danavira  

Sweet Nothing

A short, vignette, "meaningless" almost, of a sweet moment encounter with Beloved.

Tags: Frank Marrero   Leela  

Can You Be Happy in This Place?

Adi Da overwhelms me with His Love and also instructs me on the falsity of my egoic strategy of confronting my fear.

Tags: Frank Marrero   leela  

The Thief (part 2)

part 2 of The Thief

Adi Da gives me self-understanding in overwhelming ways, miraculous, baptisms of love.

Tags: Frank Marrero   Leela  

The First Night: Part 2

part 2 of The First Night

A firsthand account of Beloved Adi Da "Playing" with one of His devotees (Frank Marrero), and an "inside" look at the first chapter of the book, The Dreaded Gom-Boo.

Tags: Frank Marrero   Leela  

The First Night: Part 1

part 1 of The First Night

A firsthand account of Beloved Adi Da "Playing" with one of His devotees (Frank Marrero), and an "inside" look at the first chapter of the book, The Dreaded Gom-Boo.

Tags: Frank Marrero   Leela  


My first time in the intimate company of Beloved Adi Da, when I built a six-story ladder for Him.

Tags: Frank Marrero   Leela  

Global Cooperative Forum

The Global Cooperative Forum.

Wisdom from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace.

Tags: truth   Adi Da   love   peace   bliss   joy   meditation   unity   prior unity   world friend   beloved   not two is peace  

True Human Exchange

The Working Presumption of Prior Unity, is the right and true context for all human exchange.

Wisdom from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace.

Tags: truth   Adi Da   love   peace   bliss   joy   meditation   unity   prior unity   world friend   beloved   not two is peace   oneness   abundance   world   enlightment  

A New Way

A new kind of human consciousness is required.

Wisdom from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace.

Tags: Unity   love   joy   bliss   adi da   peace   oneness   devotion   heart   meditation   enlightment   prior unity   everybody   all people   earth  

Time is Up!

To play absurd games with the human race must no longer be tolerated!

Wisdom from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace.

Tags: truth   love   peace   bliss   joy   meditation   unity   prior unity   world friend   not two is peace  

Prior Unity

The oneness of humankind precedes any form of separation.

Wisdom from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace.

Tags: Peace   love   adi da   unity   prior unity   oneness  

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166 - 180 (out of 184)
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