Adi Da Up Close
Audio/Video Library

Our multimedia library currently contains 1,172 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.

184 audios/videos matching:

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151 - 165 (out of 184)

Hear My Heart Call

The Dawn Horse Press has released a new CD from Naamleela Free Jones, Hear My Heart Call, an album of improvisatory “piano chants”, featuring beautiful piano interpretations of devotional songs.

This is Naamleela's first solo album of original piano music. It is a richly expressive album of piano improvisation based on the melodies of devotional chants. Many of the melodies are familiar to friends and devotees of Adi Da Samraj, and all were offered in His Company on numerous occasions over the last thirty or more years. In this unique album, Naamleela spontaneously brings to life the devotion in these chants, subtly reinterpreting them as beautiful piano pieces filled with love and profound heart feeling.

The song heard here is "Paramahansa". Click here to hear Jaya's version of this song.

Tags: Naamleela   music   CD  

Confessional Poems of Liberation and Love

Adi Da Samraj communicates his "Bright" Realization and the purpose of His liberating work through poems He wrote between 1971 and 1976, published in the book, Crazy Da Must Sing.

On August 12, 1982 (two weeks after writing the last poem), Adi Da read aloud the collected poems from Crazy Da Must Sing to a group of His devotees in a single session. His recitations of some of those poems are included in this podcast. A recording of the entire occasion (with His reading of all the poems) is available on this CD from the Dawn Horse Press.

Tags: Radical Truth Audio Series   poem   poetry   Crazy Da Must Sing   CD  

Adi Da's Reading of His Love-Ananda Gita

In this historical recording from April, 1986, Adi Da Samraj recites the final section of His Love-Ananda Gita (now called The Lion Sutra and published in Part 15 of The Aletheon). In it, Adi Da communicates His most "radical" transcendental teaching regarding true renunciation of the egoic motive of separation and Realization of the Divine Self-Condition.

Tags: Radical Truth Audio Series   Da Love Ananda Gita  

The Responsibility for Love

This podcast is an excerpt from a 1977 discourse, in which Adi Da responds to a devotee's question about the difficulty — and apparent inability — to love.

[Note: there is nothing further on the audio clip after 11:00.]

Tags: Radical Truth Audio Series  

The Sweet Reign of The True Lover

Slideshow of the Divine Image-Art of Avatar Adi Da Samraj (the Quandra Loka Suite) mixed with a selection of art from the Spiralled Light page.

Song is Karsh Kale, "Saajana".

Created by Eo Anderson, developer of the Facebook page, The Spiralled Light of Kali Yuga.

Tags: Quandra Loka Suite   Karsh Kale   slideshow  

Parama-Sapta-Na Maha-Siddha Adi Da

Slideshow of Beloved Avatar Adi Da Samraj in the early years.

Set to music of MIDIval PunditZ, song entitled "God of Love".

Created by Eo Anderson, developer of the Facebook page, The Spiralled Light of Kali Yuga.

Tags: God of Love   MIDIval PunditZ   slideshow  

The Unbroken Love-Bliss of Reality's Master

Slideshow of Avatar Adi Da Samraj.

Music by Spiritualized with help from the Chemical Brothers. Song title is "I Think I'm In Love".

Created by Eo Anderson, developer of the Facebook page, The Spiralled Light of Kali Yuga.

Tags: slideshow  

All Of This Is Sacred. All Of This Is Is Beautiful.

The Divine Image-Art of Adi Da Samraj: A Meditation on the Divine Love-Bliss, on the Divine LIGHT of Lights.

The music is by Ray Lynch, from his albums, Deep Breakfast and The Sky Of Mind (the part with the singing bells).

Tags: Image-Art   Ray Lynch   Deep Breakfast   The Sky Of Mind  

Descending Grace

This is the selection, "Descending Grace", from the CD, "True Water" recorded by John Wubbenhorst (flutes,vocals and keyboards) and Ken Anoff (percussion). This recording, inspired by the wisdom of Adi Da, is a unique collection from these world travelers, available at

Tags: Facing East   John Wubbenhorst   Ken Anoff  

Facing Beloved

part 2 of Facing Beloved

From the CD, Facing Beloved, with John Wubbenhorst (bansuri), Subash Chandran (ghatam) and Ganesh Kumar (kanjira). This piece is based on a melody from J.S. Bach (siciliano) with elements of Raga Kirwani.

Tags: CD   Facing East   John Wubbenhorst   Subash Chandran   Ganesh Kumar   bansuri   ghatam   kanjira   Bach   Raga Kirwani  

Free Standing Man - Da Love-Ananda Mahal

Views of Adi Da's residence, Free Standing Man, and the garden in front of it, at Adidam's Ruchira Sannyasin Sanctuary, Da Love-Ananda Mahal, in Kauai, Hawaii. Set to a traditional arati chant sung by Adi Da's daughter, Tamarind Free-Jones.

Tags: Da Love-Ananda Mahal   Tamarind Free-Jones   arati   Sanctuary   Kauai   Hawaii  

The Sunshine Makers

One of Adi Da's favorite cartoons, "The Sunshine Makers" is a classic from the golden age of animation. Released on January 11, 1935 (an auspicious day of the year, in the sacred calendar of Adidam), the cartoon was directed by Ted Eshbaugh, the first artist/technician to figure out how to create animated cartoons in color. This restored print is the highest quality available, and is from the DVD, Toddle Tales & Rainbow Parade Cartoons.

Tags: cartoon   animation  

Adi Da Through the Years

Short slideshow of photos of Adi Da, set to Cat Power singing "The Sea of Love".

Tags: photos  

Divine Love (Part 3)

part 3 of Divine Love

In the final part of this three-part series, Max Rykov speaks of his recognition and experience of Who Adi Da Is.

More from Max here.

Tags: Max Rykov   leela  

Divine Love (Part 2)

part 2 of Divine Love

In the second part of this three-part series, 20 year-old Max Rykov continues to describe the process he went through before becoming a formal devotee of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, including some of the difficulties he initially came up against.

More from Max here.

Tags: Max Rykov   leela  

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151 - 165 (out of 184)
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