Adi Da Up Close
Audio/Video Library

Our multimedia library currently contains 1,172 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.

184 audios/videos matching:

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When The Tiger Disappears

Adi Da contrasts the egoic model of life and love, which is based on a "victim" strategy, with the self-transcending model, which is based on self-responsibility. He describes the purpose and nature of devotional groups in serving practice of the Way of Adidam.

Da Love-Ananda Mahal

A beautiful tour of Da Love-Ananda Mahal, the Ruchira Sannyasin Sanctuary, on the island of Kauai, Hawaii. Includes pictures of Adi Da at Da Love-Ananda Mahal.

Photography and videography by Bruce Czopek, Aaron Nakagawa, and Carmen Morrow. Edited by Carmen Morrow. Original music by Aaron Nakagawa.

Tags: Da Love-Ananda Mahal   Kauai   Hawaii  

How I Fell in Love with God: Part 2

Tom Williams, a former Presbyterian minister and longtime devotee of Avatar Adi Da, tells the story of how he "fell in love with God". He describes how he moved from an ordinary childhood, to study for the ministry, to despair that his faith and his service had failed to deepen his relationship to God. In a personal crisis, he became a pastoral counselor and then a marriage and family counselor — before finally finding the books of Avatar Adi Da and at last receiving the gift of sighting his Heart-Master at the "Love of the God-Man" celebration in northern California in 1984.

Tags: Tom Williams  

How I Fell in Love with God: Part 1

Tom Williams, a former Presbyterian minister and longtime devotee of Avatar Adi Da, tells the story of how he "fell in love with God". He describes how he moved from an ordinary childhood, to study for the ministry, to despair that his faith and his service had failed to deepen his relationship to God. In a personal crisis, he became a pastoral counselor and then a marriage and family counselor — before finally finding the books of Avatar Adi Da and at last receiving the gift of sighting his Heart-Master at the "Love of the God-Man" celebration in northern California in 1984.

Tags: Tom Williams  

Raga Marwa Alap

part 1 of Facing Beloved

From the CD, Facing Beloved, by the group, Facing East. This is the second track, "Bass Alap". Steve Zerlin plays fretless bass.

Tags: CD  

Let Me Live You. Dissolve In My Current Of Bliss

part 2 of Let Me Live You

Terry Cafferty is an aerospace engineering consultant specializing in orbiting imaging systems, and has worked for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Hughes Aircraft, and Raytheon. Terry tells how, even in the midst of a conventionally "successful" life, he became aware of his own inability to truly love, feel, and be in relationship with others. The crisis engendered by this realization led him to consider spiritual practice, and ultimately led him to his Spiritual Master, Avatar Adi Da Samraj.

Tags: leela   Terry Cafferty  

Let Me Live You. Dissolve In My Current Of Bliss

part 1 of Let Me Live You

Terry Cafferty is an aerospace engineering consultant specializing in orbiting imaging systems, and has worked for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Hughes Aircraft, and Raytheon. Terry tells how, even in the midst of a conventionally "successful" life, he became aware of his own inability to truly love, feel, and be in relationship with others. The crisis engendered by this realization led him to consider spiritual practice, and ultimately led him to his Spiritual Master, Avatar Adi Da Samraj.

Tags: Terry Cafferty   leela  

Beezone Interviews Leroy Stilwell

Beezone editor Ed Reither interviews author and devotee Leroy Stilwell about his new book, Love's Sacrifice and the Ordeal to Become Human: 30 Years with my Spiritual Master Adi Da.

Tags: Leroy Stilwell   Ed Reither   Beezone   devotee book  

Darshan: 12/24/95

Darshan given by Adi Da Samraj on December 24, 1995, in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention.

Devotee Andre Decio was present: "It took nine years of devotional practice before I saw my beloved Spiritual and Heart Master Avatara Adi Da Samraj. I went in November 1995, and then again in December. It was a culmination and affirmation of my entire and truest motivation in life. . . That has never changed, but only more and more intensified. I really want people to know that true heart surrender to Adi Da is the greatest and happiest possible committment in life. All else pales in comparison."

Tags: Darshan  

The Second Stage of Life: Part 3

Beezone editor and teacher Ed Reither interviews devotee and teacher Frank Marrero about the second stage of life (age 7 to 14), as taught by Adi Da Samraj.

The second stage is life is an expansion from the more physical aspects of development to the feeling/emotional/socialization aspects of life and the discussion moves around teaching children and adults to understand their development through this stage of life and how to mature with it.

In this part, they focus on the transcending of any limitation in the expression of love and service.

More information on children and use of the teachings of Adi Da Samrai in childrearing can be found here.

See also the book, The First Three Stages Of Life.

This video is part of a more comprehensive video webinar on the seven stages of life. An introduction and index to all the videos in the webinar can be found here.

Watch the next part of this webinar: The Third Stage of Life.

Tags: Ed Reither   Frank Marrero   stages of life   second stage   seven stages  

Interview of James Steinberg by Ken Rose

James Steinberg is interviewed about Adi Da on Ken Rose's radio program, What's Now, on KOWS radio in Sonoma County. James is the author of Divine Distraction and Love of the God-Man.

Tags: James Steinberg   Ken Rose  

Naitauba Padavara Greeting from Simon Evans

This is a video of a song written and sung by Simon Llewelyn Evans called 'Darshan Light'.

Simon begins by sending a Naitauba Padavara greeting in Fijian to the residents of Adi Da Samrajashram: "I was blessed to live on Adi Da Samrajashram for three years, and while there, fell deeply in love with my Spiritual teacher, Adi Da Samraj; also, with the island itself and its inhabitants. A truly beautiful place."

Tags: Simon Llewelyn Evans   music  

The Law of Love-Bliss

Excerpt from Talk 2, "The Law of Love-Bliss", from the 2-CD set, The Primary Sensation / The Law of Love-Bliss.

Avatar Adi Da’s first Talk in this set examines the difference between the peripheral reactions of the seeking body-mind and the core understanding of the motivating sensation of the self-contraction itself.

The second Talk is an exposition of the fundamental principle of non-seeking in the Way of Adidam and the “darkness” of the materialistic point of view.

Tags: CD  

The Way Beyond Ego

Excerpt from the 2-CD set, The Way Beyond Ego.

A summary communication of the practice and Grace essential to the real process of Divine Liberation—given in October 2004 and April 2005.

In the Discourses selected for these CDs, Avatar Adi Da leads His listeners through the maze of egoic misinterpretation of real Spiritual practice by articulating and debunking the errors that occur when such practice is engaged from the point of view of egoity (or presumed separateness). Avatar Adi Da clarifies, again and again, that the Way He Offers is not a Way of thought or philosophy, effort or escape, experiences or techniques—rather, Adidam is based solely on the inherent heart-attraction to That Which Is Beyond all conditional states, That Which Is Always Already the Case, That Which Is Perfect Divine Love-Bliss, and Which is Appearing in and as His human Form. In summary, in these Talks, Avatar Adi Da elucidates the essence, and the necessary foundation principles, of the devotional and Spiritual Way of Adidam.

Tags: egoity   Avataric Discourse   CD  

Prelude II

"Prelude II" — from the album, Bach In Time.

Adi Da Samraj has often praised J.S. Bach as one of the truly authentic composers of sacred music in the Western tradition. In this album, Naamleela Free Jones and several other devotees of Adi Da Samraj (the John Mackay Trio) create jazz interpretations of several of Bach's classic piano preludes. This music invokes a sacred sphere of Happiness inspired by Adi Da's great Love and Blessings.

Tags: Naamleela   John Mackay   Bach   music   jazz   CD  

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