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Adi Da

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27 matches for: dal
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Ty nie myśliszvideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
length: 06:53
date added: July 15, 2018
event date: October 10, 2004
language: Polish
views: 1207; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

W tym wykładzie z 10 października 2004 r. Adi Da Samraj wyjaśnia, w jaki sposób wszystkie istoty i rzeczy, o których z przyzwyczajenia zakładamy, że są niezależnymi i oddzielnymi bytami, są w rzeczywistości tylko przejawem modyfikacji powstających w jednej, uniwersalnej Świadomości i są modyfikacjami jednej, niepodzielnej Boskiej Rzeczywistość. Avatar Adi Da zauważa, że nawet nasz proces myślenia jest przejawem tego procesu. Mówi, że same myśli są tylko działaniem powstającym w Świadomości, i gdybyśmy naprawdę zbadali tę aktywność, zauważylibyśmy, że NIE generujemy procesu myślenia.

This video excerpt, "Ty nie myślisz" ("You Do Not Think") is from an Avataric Discourse given by Avatar Adi Da on October 10, 2004, on Adi Da Samrajashram.
Avataric Discourse   Polish  

Radiance: Sacred Musical Offerings from Adi Da Samrajashramaudio
poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 00:41
date added: December 15, 2017
language: English
listens: 4682; listens this month: 8; listens this week: 8
The Adidam Sacred Music Guild is happy to announce Radiance, a stunningly beautiful and powerful 2-CD set of nearly two hours of devotional music featuring live chants and sacred offerings from Adi Da Samrajashram — all recorded since Tropical Cyclone Winston hit Adi Da Samrajashram in February, 2016.

This brief excerpt is from Track 2, "Ruchira Avatara". This was recorded during the first sacred occasion in the temple, Is-Da Happen, after the cyclone. (More information about album tracks here.)

Radiance is available as a 2-CD set from the Dawn Horse Press; or as MP3 downloads from CD Baby or You can listen to samples from all 12 tracks at CD Baby.

Proceeds from this album will go toward equipment for Sacred music at Adi Da Samrajashram (e.g., better amplifiers, microphones, etc.).

[If you enjoy this album, help us let others know about it! Write a review on or CD Baby.]

The exquisite devotional offerings on Radiance bring us all directly to Bhagavan's Holy Feet at His Great Hermitage and remind us that, despite the damage wrought by the cyclone, His Divine Presence remains Sublimely Untouched and Present there. Devotees and friends from all over the world came together to serve and restore the Holy Places and we offer this Sacred music at His Blessed Feet with all our love and devotion. All the recordings were made by the Adidam Sacred Music Guild during live occasions in the various Temples on Naitauba.

Compiled and produced by Antonina Randazzo and Caroline Lindsay; sound production by Aaron Nakagawa.

Chants composed by Chris Merz, Caroline Lindsay, Dalia Zirkiev, Antonina Randazzo, Rick Evans, Aura Bakker, Steve Brown, Jacqueline Clemons, Simon Llewelyn Evans, and Lucy Arqué.

The painting by Nara Wood on the CD cover is of the "chanting room" at Samraj Mahal (on Adi Da Samrajashram), where countless musical offerings were made to Avatar Adi Da during His Lifetime when He was spending time there.

Album design and layout by Matt Barna.
music   CD   download  

Una Introduzione ad Avatar Adi Davideo
poster: Video di Adi Da, Canale italiano
speaker: Nick Elias
length: 13:37
date added: August 2, 2017
language: Italian
views: 1719; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
[Contains Italian subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

AVATAR ADI DA: "Io Trascendo ogni cosa – e ogni cosa è Inclusa in Me. . .

Il Mio Insegnamento, Avatarico e Divino, è Offerto ad ognuno – in quanto Saggezza Universale ed Unica Che Va Oltre ogni possibile limitazione in ognuno, oltre ogni selettività.

Io Sono il Divino Avatar – Che Trascende Occidente e Oriente."

La vita umana di Avatar Adi Da è stata una continua dimostrazione del Suo Essere Illuminato, a cui ha dato il nome di "Luminoso", ovvero Luce Cosciente che è Realtà Stessa.

A cominciare dalla Sua nascita, 3 novembre 1939, a Long Island, N.Y. fino al suo abbandono del corpo, 27 novembre 2008, la sua vita è stata la storia dell'Intervento del "Luminoso" nella vita umana.

Durante la sua vita, Avatar Adi Da ha tracciato le linee per una nuova ed unica possibilità di trasformazione per ogni essere e per il mondo stesso. La Sua Rivelazione è tutta dedicata alla Realtà Divina, alla Condizione Primaria di ognuno ed ogni cosa.

Avatar Adi Da ha sempre detto che la Via da Lui Indicata è quella di una relazione che trascende l'ego, piuttosto che una tecnica in servizio all'ego stesso. La Via è fondata sul riconoscimento e la risposta a Lui Stesso. Una intuizione senza parole che va diretta al cuore di ognuno – quindi nessun credo, nessuna idea, nessuna tecnica in cerca di soddisfazione (sia materiale che spirituale). Ad ognuno che risponda a Lui, Avatar Adi Da Rivela la Condizione Vera e Divina – la Luce di Amore e Beatitudine della Coscienza Stessa.

Questo film vuol essere una introduzione alla vita di Adi Da e al Suo Insegnamento, e anche un invito ad entrare in relazione spirituale con Lui.

Sottoscrivete a questo canale per avere ancora dei video di Avatar Adi Da Samraj.

Per ulteriori informazioni su Adi Da Samraj, si prega di scrivere a:

The Cosmic Mandala, track 4video
track 4 of The Cosmic Mandala

poster: CDBaby
length: 09:20
date added: October 31, 2015
event date: July 11, 1982
language: English
views: 3068; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
"The Cosmic Mandala" is a talk from 1982 in which Adi Da describes the Cosmic Mandala and how it is experienced and "seen" in the death process.

This excerpt from the talk is track 4 of the CD, The Cosmic Mandala, which is available through The Dawn Horse Press.

The transcript of this talk appears in Adi Da’s book, Easy Death.

Adi Da's Instruction is a means to understand the phenomena in the death process and to, by His Grace, transcend the mechanism of attention by which we remain bound to the limitation of experience.

Note: This video may not be available in every country.
CD   death  

Where is Heaven?video
poster: Mormon Transhumanist Association
speaker: Mike LaTorra
length: 41:02
date added: July 4, 2014
event date: May 10, 2014
language: English
views: 7366; views this month: 4; views this week: 4
A video of the talk, "Where is Heaven?", by devotee, professor, and Zen Abbot Michael LaTorra - one of 14 talks by speakers of different religious faiths at the Religion and Transhumanism Conference in Oakland, California, on May 10, 2014. This conference was co-sponsored by the Brighter Brains Institute and the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, and videoed by the Mormon Transhumanist Association.

Transhumanism is a movement whose goal is to fundamentally transform the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities and overcome present liabilities, including brief lifespan and limits on intelligence (e.g., through integration with artificial intelligence aids or networks).

What transhumanism and religion share is the question: what is the greatest potential (or destiny) for human beings, and how can it be realized (technologically, spiritually, etc.)?

"Heaven" is a popular subject these days - The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Heaven is for Real, and Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife are all huge, recent bestsellers. Because "heaven" is used in many familiar religions to signify the ultimate human destiny, Mike uses it as his jumping off point for this talk (which introduces the Buddhist view and the Adidam view). He distinguishes different kinds of "heavens", introducing Adi Da's "seven stages of life" framework, the Cosmic Mandala (as a "map" that helps answer the talk's title question), and other esoteric concepts helpful in understanding our ultimate potential. He draws on stories about visiting other realms, from devotees Anne Rogers and Connie Mantas and from Adi Da Himself.

[For a related exploration of these themes of human potential, technology, and spirituality, read our article, We Are Consciousness Itself.]

The Cosmic Mandalaaudio
poster: AdidamRevelationMagazine
length: 06:09
date added: November 23, 2013
event date: 1982
language: English
listens: 3795; listens this month: 2; listens this week: 2
In this 1982 talk (available on the CD, The Cosmic Mandala), Adi Da speaks about what is required — in the death process, and in life — in order to transcend the mechanism of attention and Realize the Divine Self-Condition.

In this talk excerpt, Adi Da tells us that, to Realize permanent Happiness, we can make use of the natural motivation toward release from un-happiness.

In the death process, He recommends engaging the discipline of relaxation and release of the hold on body, mind, and all states of attention, thereby surrendering and transcending fear.
death   CD  

Sixth and Seventh Stage Realizationvideo
poster: TheBeezone
length: 02:35
date added: November 4, 2012
language: English
views: 4160; views this month: 2; views this week: 2
Adi Da Samraj describing his Realization of Nirvikalpa Samadhi at Swami Muktananda's ashram in India in 1968 and how it differed from His Seventh Stage Realization in the Vedanta Temple in 1970.

special terminology: siddhi; all-and-All

This clip is excerpted from a longer clip which can be found here.
Avataric Discourse   stages of life   sixth stage traditions   seventh stage traditions   Nirvikalpa Samadhi  

A Sudden Doorvideo
poster: madjym
length: 03:22
date added: June 23, 2012
language: English
views: 2291; views this month: 2; views this week: 2
Devotee Jym Daly creating a portrait of Adi Da Samraj.

Jym writes: "Life can carry on in its pattern for what seems like forever, then in one moment there can be a sudden door. The spiritual process is one which makes the door a constant presence."

The Sanctuary Kitchen: Salad Dressingvideo
part 8 of The Sanctuary Kitchen

poster: SanctuaryKitchen
speaker: Douglas Short
length: 08:01
date added: January 27, 2011
event date: January 27, 2011
language: English
views: 6298; views this month: 2; views this week: 2
In keeping with Adi Da's recommendation that devotees eat a maximally raw diet [see Adi Da's Green Gorilla], Douglas Short, the head chef at First People (The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary kitchen), instructs us on how to make a less oily salad dressing. Ingredients: cucumbers, carrots, red bell peppers, avocadoes, apple cider vinegar, honey, olive oil, salt, coriander. Interesting tip about adding olive oil while the blender is running.

[The clip actually starts with Douglas showing us the red lentil dal soup that was the subject of part 7.]
raw   diet   food   First People   salad   dressing  

The Sanctuary Kitchen: Red Lentil Dal Soupvideo
part 7 of The Sanctuary Kitchen

poster: SanctuaryKitchen
speaker: Douglas Short
length: 07:55
date added: January 26, 2011
event date: January 26, 2011
language: English
views: 5841; views this month: 3; views this week: 3
While Adi Da recommends a maximally raw diet [see Adi Da's Green Gorilla], the Sanctuary Kitchen occasionally makes a cooked dish drawn from the broader vegetarian cuisine. In this video, Douglas Short, the head chef at First People (The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary kitchen), instructs us on how to make red lentil dal soup. (You can see the finished result in Part 8.)
vegetarian   diet   food   First People   dal   soup   Douglas Short  

Transcendental TVvideo
poster: madjym
length: 01:54
date added: June 5, 2010
event date: August 2009
language: English
views: 2853; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Separative vs. transcendental existence. Performed for the 2009 Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Featuring the Irish Company, Fidget Feet, with Jym Daly, Chantal McCormick, Jenny, Lee, Steve, and the voice and wisdom of Adi Da Samraj.
theater   Fidget Feet  

The Beginnings of Spiritual Conductivityvideo
poster: Chandirah
length: 03:00
date added: February 1, 2009
language: English
views: 3792; views this month: 3; views this week: 3
This is a short talk where Adi Da describes the beginnings of reception in the body of spiritual energy, the 'conductivity' of it, and the yogic pattern of it. This is something He has talked a lot about, and is one of the main parts of His teachings and our practice.
Yoga   Energy   Spiritual   Chi   Ki   Kundalini   Spirit  
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27 matches for: dal

Our multimedia library currently contains 1203 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.[1] Enjoy! videoindicates a video, and audio an audio. Special categories of interest include:
Tribute to Adi Da's
Life and Work
Dawn Horse Press
DVDs (201) / CDs (270)
0 Multi-Part Series (79)
by year:

by poster:
non-English language audios/videos:


Thanks to the many videographers who took the footage, to the many editors who created these videos and audios, and to the 132 people and organizations who posted these videos and audios on YouTube and other places on the Web. Special thanks to Lynne Thompson, who did a lot of the data entry for our audio/video database.

Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner:
© Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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