Adi Da Up Close Audio/Video Library

Adi Da

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45 matches for: child
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Realization Is the Only Liberation from Lossvideo
Track 1 of The Ultimate Outshining of Death

poster: CDBaby
length: 15:02
date added: April 4, 2024
event date: 2004
language: English
views: 98; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
Adi Da Samraj talks about the pain of loss, and about liberation. This is in response to a devotee's question about the Devotional Prayer Of Changes and the death of the devotee's grandchild.

This audio excerpt is from the CD, The Ultimate Outshining of Death.
CD   Avataric Discourse  

Inhimillinen menetys ja suruvideo
poster: Adi Da Videot Suomi
length: 15:14
date added: March 5, 2024
event date: October 3, 2004
language: Finnish
views: 579; views this month: 4; views this week: 4
[Contains Finnish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Adi Da vastaa myötätuntoisesti radikaalista näkökulmastaan omistautujalle, jonka lapsenlapsi on kuollut.

In this video excerpt, "Die Freiheit von allem Verlust" ("The Liberation From All Loss"), Adi Da Samraj talks about the pain of loss, and about liberation. This is His compassionate response to a devotee's question about the Devotional Prayer Of Changes and the death of the devotee's grandchild.

This video excerpt is from the DVD, Easy Death. Subtitles in English, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, Czech, and Hebrew.
death   Devotional Prayer of Changes   DVD   Avataric Discourse   Finnish  

Realizace je jediné vysvobození od ztrátyvideo
poster: Adi Da Videa, čeština
length: 15:14
date added: December 12, 2022
event date: October 3, 2004
language: Czech
views: 586; views this month: 5; views this week: 5
[Contains Czech subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Adi Da Samraj talks about the pain of loss, and about liberation. This is in response to a devotee's question about the Devotional Prayer Of Changes and the death of the devotee's grandchild.

This video excerpt is from the DVD, Easy Death.
death   Devotional Prayer of Changes   DVD   Czech   Avataric Discourse  

Big Philosophy for Little Kidsvideo
poster: The Integral Stage
speakers: Frank Marrero, Layman Pascal
length: 60:55
date added: October 2, 2021
language: English
views: 986; views this month: 3; views this week: 3
For the fifteenth episode of the Integral Stage Authors Series, Layman Pascal sits down with author and Adi Da devotee, Frank Marrero, to talk about, not a book this time, but an affective writing curriculum that he developed for children. Drawing particularly on Vedic and Greek sources, but also contemporary knowledge, the curriculum introduces students to the major stages of development they can expect to pass through on the way to becoming healthy, mature, wise, affectively fluent individuals and moral agents. In the discussion that follows, Frank guides Layman through lucid, engaging descriptions each of the stages, and offers some reflections on the integration and "clean up" work adults can do if they have not successfully passed through them all.

Frank Marrero is an educator, a disciple of Adi Da, and the curator of the Beezone website. As he says about himself, "I fell 4 meters (head-first) into concrete at age 6, inflicting me with life-long dysgraphia, or the crippling of handwriting. Sixty-one more times around the sun, I am the unlikely author of 9 books (thanks to computers!). As you may notice, my non-fiction ranges from biographies to fasting to education to spirituality. Writing is such a joy for me, I pray some of it leaks through!"
seven stages  

Testimonianze di devoti di Adi Davideo
poster: Video di Adi Da, Canale italiano
speaker: Stanley Hastings
length: 11:18
date added: July 15, 2021
language: Italian
views: 544; views this month: 2; views this week: 2
[Contains Italian subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Stanley Hastings talks about his childhood and adolescence growing up in the Adidam community. Like many other young people, as a teenager, he decided to see for himself what the world had to offer. After several years of experimenting, he decided to return to Adi Da and the Way of life He offered — to fully participate again in the life of the community and to serve Adi Da directly.

mistautujat kertovat - Stanley Hastings - Varttuminen Adidamin kulttuurissavideo
poster: Adi Da Videot Suomi
speaker: Stanley Hastings
length: 11:18
date added: May 25, 2021
language: Finnish
views: 560; views this month: 3; views this week: 3
[Contains Finnish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Adi Dan yhteisössä kasvanut omistautuja kertoo nuoruudestaan, jolloin hän päätti tutkia, mitä maailmalla on tarjottavana, kuten monet teini-ikäiset tekevät. Muutaman vuoden jälkeen hän kuitenkin tunsi vahvempaa vetoa Adi Data sekä Hänen tarjoamaansa elämäntapaa kohtaan, ja teki tietoisen päätöksen osallistua elämään Adidamin parissa ja palvella Adi Data henkilökohtaisesti.

Stanley Hastings talks about his childhood and adolescence growing up in the Adidam community. Like many other young people, as a teenager, he decided to see for himself what the world had to offer. After several years of experimenting, he decided to return to Adi Da and the Way of life He offered — to fully participate again in the life of the community and to serve Adi Da directly.

Adi Da Samraj, Wspomnienia ucznia - Dorastałem we wspólnocie Adidamvideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
speaker: Stanley Hastings
length: 11:18
date added: February 5, 2021
language: Polish
views: 746; views this month: 5; views this week: 5
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Dorastając we wspólnocie Adi Da, Stanley opowiada o swoim dzieciństwie i dojrzewaniu w Adidam, opowiada o tym, jak jako nastolatka, podobnie jak wielu innych młodych osób, postanowił na własnej skórze przekonać się, co świat ma do zaoferowania. Po kilku latach eksperymentowania postanowił wrócić do Adi Da i oferowanego przez niego stylu życia, aby ponownie w pełni uczestniczyć w życiu wspólnoty i bezpośrednio służyć Adi Da.

Stanley Hastings talks about his childhood and adolescence growing up in the Adidam community. Like many other young people, as a teenager, he decided to see for himself what the world had to offer. After several years of experimenting, he decided to return to Adi Da and the Way of life He offered — to fully participate again in the life of the community and to serve Adi Da directly.

Die Freiheit von allem Verlustvideo
poster: Adi Da Videos Deutschland
length: 15:47
date added: March 31, 2020
event date: October 3, 2004
language: German
views: 1277; views this month: 6; views this week: 6
[Contains German subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

In this video excerpt, "Die Freiheit von allem Verlust" ("Human Loss and Grief"), Adi Da Samraj talks about the pain of loss, and about liberation. This is in response to a devotee's question about the Devotional Prayer Of Changes and the death of the devotee's grandchild.

This video excerpt is from the DVD, Easy Death. Subtitles in English, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, Czech, and Hebrew.
death   Devotional Prayer of Changes   DVD   Avataric Discourse   German  

Strata i rozpaczvideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
length: 15:14
date added: September 9, 2019
event date: October 3, 2004
language: Polish
views: 1213; views this month: 6; views this week: 6
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Adi Da Samraj w rozmowie z uczniem którego wnuk umarł z ogromnym współczuciem prezentuje radykalną prawdą o ludzkiej stracie i rozpaczy.

In "Strata i rozpacz" ("Loss and Despair"), Adi Da Samraj talks about the pain of loss, and about liberation. This is in response to a devotee's question about the Devotional Prayer Of Changes and the death of the devotee's grandchild.

This video excerpt is from the DVD, Easy Death.
Avataric Discourse   Polish   DVD  

Perdita della Vita e Dolore Umanivideo
poster: Video di Adi Da, Canale italiano
length: 15:14
date added: September 9, 2019
event date: October 3, 2004
language: Italian
views: 1141; views this month: 5; views this week: 5
[Contains Italian subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Adi Da Samraj risponde compassionevolmente, ma da un punto di vista radicale, ad un devoto che ha perso il nipote.

In "Perdita della Vita e Dolore Umani" ("Loss of Life and Human Suffering"), Adi Da Samraj talks about the pain of loss, and about liberation. This is in response to a devotee's question about the Devotional Prayer Of Changes and the death of the devotee's grandchild.

This video excerpt is from the DVD, Easy Death.
Avataric Discourse   Italian   DVD  

The Christmas Talkvideo
poster: AdiDaUpClose
length: 14:56
date added: December 21, 2018
event date: December 23, 1978
language: English
views: 2757; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
On Christmas Eve, 1978, dressed in holiday red ("I just happened to pick this out for tonight"), Adi Da Samraj gathered with devotees in Land Bridge Pavilion at the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary, and gave what became known as "the Christmas Talk". (This video clip is an excerpt from that talk.) He discussed devotees' childhood religious beliefs about Jesus and and sang, with devotees, holiday songs and carols from the various religious traditions represented by devotees from around the world.

No One Like Me Has Appeared In This Place Beforevideo
disc two, track 1 of After My Lifetime

poster: CDBaby
length: 01:03
date added: November 6, 2018
event date: August 12, 1982
language: English
views: 2929; views this month: 5; views this week: 5
This is Poem 24 from Adi Da's book of poetry, Crazy Da Must Sing—Inclined to His Weaker Side. It was recited by Adi Da on August 12, 1982, at Da Love-Ananda Mahal in Kauai, Hawaii.

No one like me has appeared in this place before.
Am I only to live and die,
and thus feed the earth?
Should I only live and die,
and thus create the mystery of a holy ground?
Will generations pass this place
of my dilemmas,
feel the movements under foot
and never know the reasons
and the meaning
of the currents of bliss that fill them?
Will the earth itself
perform my only shout?
Will the rot of my few bodies
be my only song?
Will no one understand?
Will all of this,
even the holy ground,
fall unknown into the sea,
without a parcel of my living left
to heal the feet of pilgrims?
No one else can suffer the mysteries of my birth
or death.
And only my own children
can build a temple
where I rise and fall.

This recitation is disc two, track 1 of the double-CD, After My Lifetime, an exceptional collection of Adi Da’s Instruction covering the significance of His Divine Mahasamadhi (the passing of His physical Body), the ever-present Gift of the direct relationship to Him, and the never-ending Nature of His Work to Bless and Awaken all beings.

The album is available through iTunes and The Dawn Horse Press. For more about this double CD, read this special Adidam Revelation Magazine article.

The entire August 12, 1982 occasion where Adi Da recited all the poems from Crazy Da Must Sing can be heard on this CD.

Note: Due to distribution policies set by CDBaby (and beyond the control of this website and Adidam), this video may not be playable in every country. However, sometimes, even when you can't play it on this page, you may be able to play it on YouTube: click here.
CD   poem  

L'Enfance d'Adi Davideo
poster: Vidéos d'Adi Da
speaker: Nick Elias
length: 04:00
date added: June 30, 2018
language: French
views: 1184; views this month: 2; views this week: 2
[Contains French subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

A brief video clip about Adi Da as a young child, including Adi Da's Own commentary.

La Pérdida y Dolor Humanovideo
poster: Videos de Adi Da - Español
length: 15:14
date added: February 5, 2018
event date: October 3, 2004
language: Spanish
views: 3034; views this month: 4; views this week: 4
[Contains Spanish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Una charla de Adi Da Samraj acerca de la Realización como la unica liberación de la pérdida humana. 3 de Octubre de 2004 en Naitauba, Fiyi.

In this excerpt, "La Pérdida y Dolor Humano" ("Human Loss and Pain"), Adi Da Samraj talks about the pain of loss, and about liberation. This is in response to a devotee's question about the Devotional Prayer Of Changes and the death of the devotee's grandchild.

This video excerpt is from the DVD, Easy Death. Subtitles in English, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, Czech, and Hebrew.
Spanish   death   Devotional Prayer of Changes   DVD   Avataric Discourse  

Children's Retreat: Naitauba - 2009video
poster: Matt Braithwaite
length: 29:22
date added: November 24, 2016
event date: July 2009
language: English
views: 3293; views this month: 2; views this week: 2
Young people growing up in the Adidam community go on retreat to Adi Da Samrajashram, the sacred island of Naitauba, in Fiji, during July, 2009.

Opening music: Frou Frou, Let Go.
Videographer: Matt Braithwaite.
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45 matches for: child

Our multimedia library currently contains 1203 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.[1] Enjoy! videoindicates a video, and audio an audio. Special categories of interest include:
Tribute to Adi Da's
Life and Work
Dawn Horse Press
DVDs (201) / CDs (270)
0 Multi-Part Series (79)
by year:

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non-English language audios/videos:


Thanks to the many videographers who took the footage, to the many editors who created these videos and audios, and to the 132 people and organizations who posted these videos and audios on YouTube and other places on the Web. Special thanks to Lynne Thompson, who did a lot of the data entry for our audio/video database.

Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner:
© Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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