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Audio/Video Library

Our multimedia library currently contains 1,172 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.

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Reality (Itself) Is All The God There Is

On January 6, 2006 at The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary in California, Adi Da Samraj recited His own renderings of the Advaitic texts Maneesha Panchakam ("Five Verses on Wisdom"), Shankara's Dasasloki ("Ten Declarations"), and the Devikalottara.

These recordings are now available on the 3-CD set, The Reality-Teachings of the Advaitic Sages, the second volume in The Gnosticon Discourse Series from the Dawn Horse Press.

It is a delight to hear Adi Da bring the essence of these ancient texts to life, and feel how He completely and utterly combined Himself with the tradition of the Advaitic Sages. Not only does Adi Da clarify the hidden treasures and ancient truths in these texts, He also explains why the meaning of a sacred text can be communicated only by someone who has Realized the truth of it.

This is an excerpt from Track 4 of Disk 3 ("Reality (Itself) Is All The God There Is").

The collection of Avatar Adi Da's renderings and related discourses became the seed of His book, The Gnosticon, in which He thoroughly examines the Transcendental Teachings of the ancient Sages in relation to His Transcendental Spiritual Way of Adidam.

Tags: Gnosticon   Maneesha Panchakam   Dasasloki   Devikalottara   CD  

The Sanctuary Kitchen: Vegetable Sushi 2

In keeping with Adi Da's recommendation that devotees eat a maximally raw diet [see Adi Da's Green Gorilla], Douglas Short, the head chef at First People (The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary kitchen), instructs us on how to make vegetable sushi. In this part, Douglas rolls the sushi.

Useful kitchen accessories:
* a mandoline slicer

Tags: raw   diet   food   First People   vegetable   sushi  

The Sanctuary Kitchen: Vegetable Sushi 1

In keeping with Adi Da's recommendation that devotees eat a maximally raw diet [see Adi Da's Green Gorilla], Douglas Short, the head chef at First People (The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary kitchen), instructs us on how to make vegetable sushi. In this part, Douglas prepares the ingredients, and provides instruction on using the mandoline slicer.

Useful kitchen accessories:
* a mandoline slicer

Tags: raw   diet   food   First People   vegetable   sushi  

The Law of Love-Bliss

Excerpt from Talk 2, "The Law of Love-Bliss", from the 2-CD set, The Primary Sensation / The Law of Love-Bliss.

Avatar Adi Da’s first Talk in this set examines the difference between the peripheral reactions of the seeking body-mind and the core understanding of the motivating sensation of the self-contraction itself.

The second Talk is an exposition of the fundamental principle of non-seeking in the Way of Adidam and the “darkness” of the materialistic point of view.

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The Way Beyond Ego

Excerpt from the 2-CD set, The Way Beyond Ego.

A summary communication of the practice and Grace essential to the real process of Divine Liberation—given in October 2004 and April 2005.

In the Discourses selected for these CDs, Avatar Adi Da leads His listeners through the maze of egoic misinterpretation of real Spiritual practice by articulating and debunking the errors that occur when such practice is engaged from the point of view of egoity (or presumed separateness). Avatar Adi Da clarifies, again and again, that the Way He Offers is not a Way of thought or philosophy, effort or escape, experiences or techniques—rather, Adidam is based solely on the inherent heart-attraction to That Which Is Beyond all conditional states, That Which Is Always Already the Case, That Which Is Perfect Divine Love-Bliss, and Which is Appearing in and as His human Form. In summary, in these Talks, Avatar Adi Da elucidates the essence, and the necessary foundation principles, of the devotional and Spiritual Way of Adidam.

Tags: egoity   Avataric Discourse   CD  

Science Is A Method, Not A Philosophy

Excerpt from the 2-CD set, Science Is A Method, Not A Philosophy.

In the excerpts from six unique Discourses included on this 2-CD set, Adi Da reveals how scientific materialism has replaced the sacred orientation in life and indoctrinated humankind into limited belief systems, discussing common views about evolution, astronomy versus astrology, ancient religions, the expanding universe, the “language” of mathematics and shape, and more. In addition, He masterfully describes how knowledge is an effort to achieve power over nature, based on the fundamental illusion that there is such a thing as an independent (or “objective”) “point of view”. In this process, Avatar Adi Da calls His listeners to be free of all false authorities, and to consider the Way that perfectly transcends “point of view” itself.

Tags: science   Avataric Discourse   CD  

Prelude II

"Prelude II" — from the album, Bach In Time.

Adi Da Samraj has often praised J.S. Bach as one of the truly authentic composers of sacred music in the Western tradition. In this album, Naamleela Free Jones and several other devotees of Adi Da Samraj (the John Mackay Trio) create jazz interpretations of several of Bach's classic piano preludes. This music invokes a sacred sphere of Happiness inspired by Adi Da's great Love and Blessings.

Tags: Naamleela   John Mackay   Bach   music   jazz   CD  

Ruchira Avatara Gita

Sample clip from disc 1 of the 2 CD set, Ruchira Avatara Gita.

A remarkable recording of Naamleela Free Jones chanting Avatar Adi Da’s Ruchira Avatara Gita in a manner that serves contemplation and devotion. The entire text is chanted in the traditional mantric “swadhyaya” manner. This most beautiful devotional Gita is sometimes broadcast in Adidam temples and centers around the world. Recorded in Temple Adi Da at The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary in California on March 28 & 30, 2001.

Tags: Naamleela   music   CD  


“Invocation” — track 1 of the album, Ishta Da.

Naamleela Free Jones and Tamarind Free Jones have a unique sensitivity in their invocation of Adi Da Samraj, as they have been chanting and practicing sacred music together in His Company since an early age. This album features a beautiful selection of their original devotional chants written and offered on Naitauba Island, 2004.

Tags: Naamleela   Tamarind   music   CD  

Mantras in Harmony

“Mantras in Harmony” — excerpt from track 3 of the album, Da Naama Mantra.

Naamleela Free Jones collaborates with dhrupad singer Felix Woldenberg in this beautiful mantric album. Together they chant 80 variants of the Da Naama Mantra with uniquely skilled intonation, unfolding from traditional alap through rhythms and modern harmonies. This is a special form of contemplation, especially for those who know of Adi Da Samraj.

Tags: Naamleela   Felix Woldenberg   music   CD  


“Reverie” — track 9 from Naamleela Free Jones' album, Hers To Me 2: New Devotional and Meditative Renditions of Western Piano Classics.

Made by Naamleela Free Jones as a gift for Adi Da Samraj and recorded in honor of the 10th anniversary of her first CD, Hers To Me. Again, for this second album, she chose many of her favorite pieces that she has played for Adi Da Samraj over the years.

Tags: Naamleela   music   CD  

Forehead, Breath, and Smile

“Forehead, Breath, and Smile” — track 8 from Naamleela Free Jones' album, Eyes In Other Worlds.

Produced in 2005, this album is one of Naamleela's most original and creative musical works. The songs were composed over a period of five years, to the ecstatic sacred poetry of Adi Da Samraj. Bringing together her training in both Eastern and Western music, and featuring several guest artists, a unique environment of natural and modern sounds, and the talents of Grammy-nominated producer Damian Taylor, the result is an exquisite melding of words, meaning, music, and beauty.

Tags: Naamleela   music   CD  

This Is My Form

“This Is My Form”, Track 5 from Antonina Randazzo's album, Now and Forever Hereafter: Songs of Devotion to His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj.

With Antonina Randazzo (synthesizer) and Bill Somers (clarinet).

Tags: Antonina Randazzo   music   Bill Somers   CD  

The Ribhu Gita

This is a track from the CD, The Ribhu Gita, the first volume in The Gnosticon Discourse Series from the Dawn Horse Press.

In a historic occasion at Walk About Joy (near Tat Sundaram Hermitage) on December 11, 2005, Avatar Adi Da Samraj reads His own renderings of portions of the epitome Non-dualist text, The Ribhu Gita. He then offers illuminating Instruction on the specific distinctions between the revelation communicated in this great text and the “Perfect Practice” of Adidam.

The collection of Avatar Adi Da’s renderings and related discourses became the seed of His book, The Gnosticon, in which He thoroughly examines the Transcendental Teachings of the ancient Sages in relation to His Transcendental Spiritual Way of Adidam.

Tags: Ribhu Gita   Gnosticon   CD  

Hear My Heart Call

The Dawn Horse Press has released a new CD from Naamleela Free Jones, Hear My Heart Call, an album of improvisatory “piano chants”, featuring beautiful piano interpretations of devotional songs.

This is Naamleela's first solo album of original piano music. It is a richly expressive album of piano improvisation based on the melodies of devotional chants. Many of the melodies are familiar to friends and devotees of Adi Da Samraj, and all were offered in His Company on numerous occasions over the last thirty or more years. In this unique album, Naamleela spontaneously brings to life the devotion in these chants, subtly reinterpreting them as beautiful piano pieces filled with love and profound heart feeling.

The song heard here is "Paramahansa". Click here to hear Jaya's version of this song.

Tags: Naamleela   music   CD  

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