Adi Da Up Close
Audio/Video Library

Our multimedia library currently contains 1,172 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.

314 audios/videos matching:

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256 - 270 (out of 314)

True Discipline

An excerpt from Garbage and the Goddess on true discipline. "Happiness is the responsibility. Freedom is the discipline."

[If this audio clip doesn't play, try pressing the play button a couple of times after the clip has fully loaded; or try re-loading the page.]

Tags: discipline   right life   CD  


part 2 of Hansa

"Brahmanandam", track 1 from Hansa, an album of ancient Indian prayers and poems set to new music by Tamarind Free Jones and Gawain Mathews.

Tags: Tamarind   CD  


part 1 of Hansa

Title track from Hansa, an album of ancient Indian prayers and poems set to new music by Tamarind Free Jones and Gawain Mathews.

Tags: Tamarind   CD  

Guru As Prophet

An excerpt from "Guru As Prophet", a humorous and penetrating Discourse from the very earliest years of Avatar Adi Da’s Teaching-Work. Adi Da speaks of the Guru's role as prophet in the world, which is to create "an aggravation, a criticism, an undermining of the usual life". He speaks of how the Guru in the function of prophet is always working to produce a condition in which people's illusions may be undone.

From the CD, Money, Food, and Sex / Guru As Prophet. This talk is also published in the book, My "Bright" Word.

For another excerpt from this talk, click here.

Tags: CD  

Money, Food, and Sex

An excerpt from "Money, Food, and Sex", a humorous and penetrating Discourse from the very earliest years of Avatar Adi Da’s Teaching-Work. Adi Da criticizes the typical conception of Spirituality as having nothing to do with the realities of day-to-day life and says that taking responsibility for money, food, and sex creates the foundation practice of genuine spiritual practice.

From the CD, Money, Food, and Sex / Guru As Prophet. This talk is also published in the book, My "Bright" Word. A course, My "Bright" Word, is also available from The Laughing Man Institute.

Tags: CD  

Walking The Dog

An excerpt from "Walking the Dog", a humorous and penetrating Discourse from the very earliest years of Avatar Adi Da’s Teaching-Work. Using the analogy of a man walking his dog to describe the usual man's self-indulgence and sub-consciousness, Avatar Adi Da Samraj humorously expounds on the true nature of our own egoity.

From the CD, The Avon Lady / Walking The Dog. This talk is also published in the book, My "Bright" Word. A course, My "Bright" Word, is also available from The Laughing Man Institute.

Tags: CD  

The Avon Lady, excerpt 2

An excerpt from "The Avon Lady", a humorous and penetrating Discourse from the very earliest years of Avatar Adi Da’s Teaching-Work. Adi Da explains how there is no search and no dilemma when one is in Satsang (the company of the Guru).

The full talk, "The Avon Lady", is available on the double CD, The Avon Lady / Walking the Dog. The text is available in the book, My "Bright" Word. A course, My "Bright" Word, is also available from The Laughing Man Institute.

For another audio excerpt from "The Avon Lady", press "part 1" above.

For a special article from the Adidam Revelation Magazine on "The Avon Lady", click here.

Tags: CD  

Spiritual Satisfaction

Devotee Meg Fortune McDonnell reads from her book, Tasting the Moon: Adventures in the Meaning of Life.

Music courtesy of Naamleela Free Jones, from her CD, Eyes In Other Worlds.

Tags: Meg Fortune McDonnell   Tasting the Moon   devotee book  

Tantric Yogini Wanna Be

Devotee Meg Fortune McDonnell reads from her book, Tasting the Moon: Adventures in the Meaning of Life.This story is from the chapter, "How I Overcame My High Self-Esteem." This piece contrasts with a more monastic life-style as it explores the connection between spirit and sex.

Music courtesy of Naamleela Free Jones, from her CD, Eyes In Other Worlds.

Tags: Meg Fortune McDonnell   Tasting the Moon   On the Road   devotee book  

Love and Sex in the 1960s

Devotee Meg Fortune McDonnell reads from her book, Tasting the Moon: Adventures in the Meaning of Life. This story is excerpted from the chapter titled "On the Road," which goes on to describe the ferment of the sexual revolution, beat poetry, living theater, and alternative lifestyles of the early 1970's.

Music courtesy of Naamleela Free Jones, from her CD, Eyes In Other Worlds.

Tags: Meg Fortune McDonnell   Tasting the Moon   On the Road   devotee book  

Sitting with the Guru

Devotee Meg Fortune McDonnell reads from her book, Tasting the Moon: Adventures in the Meaning of Life. This excerpt is the culminating story in the chapter, "First Encounters," which begins with the startling dreams and unusual synchronicities that drew Meg to Adi Da.

Music courtesy of Naamleela Free Jones, from her CD, Eyes In Other Worlds.

Tags: Meg Fortune McDonnell   Tasting the Moon   First Encounters   devotee book  

Opera as Blessing

Devotee Meg Fortune McDonnell reads from her book, Tasting the Moon: Adventures in the Meaning of Life. This story appears in the chapter, "To You, Love-Ananda," which begins when Meg travels to Fiji for the first time, to see her teacher in a new island setting.

Music courtesy of Naamleela Free Jones, from her CD, Eyes In Other Worlds.

Tags: Meg Fortune McDonnell   Tasting the Moon   To You, Love-Ananda   devotee book  

Frustrated Fashionista

Devotee Meg Fortune McDonnell reads from her book, Tasting the Moon: Adventures in the Meaning of Life. This story appears at the beginning of the chapter, "God's Eyes," which goes on to describe more explorations of dress, sexuality, and gender roles.

Music courtesy of Naamleela Free Jones, from her CD, Eyes In Other Worlds.

Tags: Meg Fortune McDonnell   Tasting the Moon   God's Eyes   devotee book  

Catholic Guilt

Devotee Meg Fortune McDonnell reads from her book, Tasting the Moon: Adventures in the Meaning of Life. This story is excerpted from the chapter, "In Plain Talk Chapel". Meg recounts her early Catholic experiences and the conclusions she drew in relation to her religious upbringing.

Music courtesy of Naamleela Free Jones, from her CD, Eyes In Other Worlds.

Tags: Tasting the Moon   Meg Fortune McDonnell   devotee book  

Truth is Prior to the Body-Mind

In this talk excerpt, Adi Da addresses the fact that Truth or God-Realization is not dependent on, nor does it have anything to do with, the functions and activities of the body-mind. It cannot be achieved through sex, science, or even religion.

This excerpt is from the DVD, Beyond Sex, Science and "self". Subtitles in English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Russian, Polish, Czech, and Hebrew. Also available as a CD.

Tags: Radical Truth Audio Series   sex   science   religion   Avataric Discourse   DVD   CD  

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