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Adi Da

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71 matches for: bright
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The Reason For My Birthvideo
disc one, track 1 of After My Lifetime

poster: CDBaby
length: 03:34
date added: October 27, 2018
event date: April 22, 2006
language: English
views: 2203; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
On April 22, 2006, Adi Da recited this passage from "The Happen of the 'Bright'", in Chapter Three of The Happenine Book.

This excerpt is disc one, track 1 of the double-CD, After My Lifetime, an exceptional collection of Adi Da’s Instruction covering the significance of His Divine Mahasamadhi (the passing of His physical Body), the ever-present Gift of the direct relationship to Him, and the never-ending Nature of His Work to Bless and Awaken all beings.

The album is available through iTunes and The Dawn Horse Press. For more about this double CD, read this special Adidam Revelation Magazine article.

Note: Due to distribution policies set by CDBaby (and beyond the control of this website and Adidam), this video may not be playable in every country. However, sometimes, even when you can't play it on this page, you may be able to play it on YouTube: click here.

La Oración Universalvideo
poster: Videos de Adi Da - Espańol
speaker: Jacqueline Clemons
length: 03:32
date added: August 26, 2018
language: Spanish
views: 2565; views this month: 2; views this week: 2
[Contains Spanish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

La cantante y compositora Jacqueline Clemons canta "La Oración Universal", una oración por la paz escrita por Adi Da Samraj. Música de Nick Milo y Jacqueline Clemons.

Beloved, Inmost Heart of every heart,
do not Let our human hearts be broken
by our merely mortal suffering here —
but Make our mortal human hearts break-Free
to an unconditional love of You,
that we may, Thus, love all living beings
with Love's own True, and Truly broken, Heart.

Composed by Jacqueline Clemons and Nick Milo, and sung by Jacqueline Clemons, this soulful rendition of Adi Da's prayer for world peace, "The Universal World-Prayer", was sung many times at The Parliament of the World's Religions in Cape Town, South Africa, in December, 1999.

The song accompanies a slideshow of pictures of Adi Da.

The song can be found on Jacqueline's album, In the Garden of Fear-No-More.

For more on how Adi Da created The Universal World-Prayer, read our article on the celebration of The Great Sovereign-Avataric Holy Day of Eternally Established World-Blessing.

Adi Da's Universal World-Prayer coincides with His Instructions to not "live the Law backwards": trying to love others (or attempting to bring about world peace), while failing to first love God (and have our love of others be the overflow of our communion with God).
music   peace   CD   Spanish  

Yleinen Maailmanrukousvideo
poster: Adi Da Videot Suomi
speaker: Jacqueline Clemons
length: 03:32
date added: August 11, 2018
language: Finnish
views: 2315; views this month: 2; views this week: 2
[Contains Finnish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Laulaja ja muusikko, Jacqueline Clemons, esittää "Yleisen Maailmanrukouksen", Adi Da Samrajin kirjoittaman rauhanrukouksen. Nick Milon ja Jacqueline Clemonsin sävellys.

Beloved, Inmost Heart of every heart,
do not Let our human hearts be broken
by our merely mortal suffering here —
but Make our mortal human hearts break-Free
to an unconditional love of You,
that we may, Thus, love all living beings
with Love's own True, and Truly broken, Heart.

Composed by Jacqueline Clemons and Nick Milo, and sung by Jacqueline Clemons, this soulful rendition of Adi Da's prayer for world peace, "The Universal World-Prayer", was sung many times at The Parliament of the World's Religions in Cape Town, South Africa, in December, 1999.

The song accompanies a slideshow of pictures of Adi Da.

The song can be found on Jacqueline's album, In the Garden of Fear-No-More.

For more on how Adi Da created The Universal World-Prayer, read our article on the celebration of The Great Sovereign-Avataric Holy Day of Eternally Established World-Blessing.

Adi Da's Universal World-Prayer coincides with His Instructions to not "live the Law backwards": trying to love others (or attempting to bring about world peace), while failing to first love God (and have our love of others be the overflow of our communion with God).
music   peace   CD   Finnish  

Úvod k Avatáru Adi Da Samrájivideo
poster: Adi Da Videa, čeština
speaker: Nick Elias
length: 13:37
date added: August 4, 2017
language: Czech
views: 1736; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[Contains Czech subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Avatár Adi Da Samráj: „Transcenduji všechno — a nic a nikoho nevynechám.... mé Božské avatárské odhalení-učení — jako universální a jedinečná moudrost, která proráží skrz všechna omezení, je určena bez vyjímky všem. Jsem Božský avatár — transcendující jak východ, tak západ“

Život avatára Adi Da byl jedinečnou ukázkou jeho osvíceného Stavu, který on nazývá „Bright“, vědomé světlo, které je Skutečností samou. Celý svůj život zasvětil intervenování „Bright“ do přítomnosti — od narození 3. listopadu 1939 na Long Islandu v New Yorku, do odchodu dne 27. listopadu 2008. Během života avatár Adi Da vytvořil novou unikátní možnost transformace všech bytostí i světa jako takového. Zjevil se z Božské Reality, což je vždy již přítomný stav všeho a všech.

Avatár Adi Da Samráj vždy říkal, že způsob jakým učí není žádná technika, která by sloužila egu, ale je to ego-transcendující vztah. Cesta je založena na tom, že ho rozpoznáme a rezonujeme s ním. Jde o tichou, mlčenlivou intuici v srdci každého —nejde o pouhou víru, představy nebo techniky se snahou o naplnění (ať již materiální či duchovní). Všem, kteří s ním rezonují, avatár Adi Da Samráj odhaluje vlastní Božský Stav — Lásku - dokonalé Štěstí - světlo Vědomí samého.

Tento film poskytuje široký pohled na život a učení avatára Adi Da, a zároveň dává možnost vstoupit s ním do spirituálního vztahu.

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Surrender Without Limitationaudio
poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 02:57
date added: March 5, 2017
event date: December 30, 1983
language: English
listens: 2796; listens this month: 1; listens this week: 1
In this beautiful and intimate Discourse given on December 30, 1983 at Adi Da Samrajashram, Avatar Adi Da speaks with a man who suffers from claustrophobia. Avatar Adi Da points to the self-generated cause of such terrifying experiences, describing them as symptoms of feeling-contraction from the Field of Divine Existence. He calls this man—and all who are sensitive to suffering and anxiety—to find the Bliss of Divine Existence in His Company, and to intensively practice feeling beyond all emotional limits on living in That Bliss.

This audio clip is an excerpt from the CD, Surrender Without Limitation. "Surrender Without Limitation" is also Chapter 16 in the book, My "Bright" Sight.

The Bright Reality Beyond the God Ideavideo
poster: AdiDaVideos
length: 05:27
date added: January 24, 2017
language: English
views: 4472; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
In this excerpt from an Avataric Discourse, Adi Da gives a Radical and profound description of the true nature of the Divine Reality, stating that the Divine is the substance of all that arises, not the "cause" of anything, Adi Da goes on to describe how it is our own separation from that which is the very Divine, that causes the assumption of separation (and all our suffering).

This talk excerpt is followed by a clip of Darshan of Adi Da (at 4:27).
Darshan   Avataric Discourse  

The Vision of Loveaudio
poster: Gerald Sheinfeld
speaker: Gerald Sheinfeld
length: 05:41
date added: August 2, 2016
language: English
listens: 5851; listens this month: 0; listens this week: 0
On his new downloadable album, At the Feet of the Spiritual Master, devotee Gerald Sheinfeld tells leelas — true stories of his life of over 45 years with Avatar Adi Da Samraj. These stories begin before the first ashram opened in 1972. They provide details of how Avatar Adi Da awakened ordinary people into devotees of Real God. These stories are based on the awakened recognition of the prior Unity of Divine Reality. They are full of lessons of self-understanding and brightening heart-joy in finding the truth about God, the truth about life and death. The truth of prior Happiness which is the true Condition of all, prior to the ego-I act of separation.

Gerald has been a devotee of Adi Da since the beginning of Adi Da's work with devotees. He accompanied Adi Da on His 1973 trip to India, and has participated in countless sacred occasions and events in the company of Adi Da in the intervening years — so he has many stories to tell!

Some of those stories are on this downloadable album. This audio excerpt is track 8, "The Vision Of Love", on Gerald's downloadable album.

Gerald tells many more stories of his life of more than 45 years with Adi Da in his book,At the Feet of the Spiritual Master.
CD   DVD  

An Introduction to Avatar Adi Da Samrajvideo
part 1 of Reality, Truth and Conscious Light

poster: AdiDaVideos
length: 13:37
date added: June 2, 2016
language: English
views: 7698; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Adi Da's entire human lifetime was a unique demonstration of His Eternal Form — the State He calls the "Bright", the Conscious Light that is Reality Itself.

From His birth on November 3, 1939 on Long Island in New York, to His passing from the body on November 27, 2008, on the Island of Naitauba, Fiji, His Life is the story of the Intervention of the "Bright" in human time.

The fruits of Avatar Adi Da's Lifetime are the establishment of a new and unique possibility for the transformation of all beings and the world itself. His Revelation is of the Divine Reality, which is always Shining — like the sun — as the Prior Condition of every one and every thing.

The Fire Must Have Its Wayaudio
poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 04:46
date added: November 27, 2015
event date: July 17, 1978
language: English
listens: 3625; listens this month: 1; listens this week: 1
This clip is an excerpt from Adi Da's talk, "The Fire Must Have Its Way", which was given on July 17, 1978. In this talk, Adi Da clarifies that real Spiritual practice is not about "feeling good", but an intense purification of all limits on feeling. This fire of purification occurs by coming into contact with the Pure Radiance of the Spiritual Master. By persistently granting feeling-attention to Avatar Adi Da’s Living Divine Presence, all ego-patterns are "burned up" by His Grace—ultimately enabling egoless participation in the Perfect Ecstasy of Real God.

An additional (videoed) excerpt from this talk is available here.

The full talk is available on the CD, The Fire Must Have Its Way.

The talk also appears in written form in the book, My "Bright" Sight.

The Gift of Ripeningaudio
poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 03:25
date added: July 19, 2015
event date: December 19, 2004
language: English
listens: 5362; listens this month: 1; listens this week: 1
This audio clip is an excerpt from an Avataric Discourse by Adi Da on December 19, 2004. The Discourse is available as a CD: The Gift of Ripening.

By listening to this Discourse, you will receive Avatar Adi Da’s Guidance in understanding your level of ripeness. And such a realistic (rather than idealistic) assessment is an essential element in preparing for the process of Realizing True Happiness He Offers — the process of the “transcending of all conditionality in the Self-Radiant Conscious Light that is the 'Bright'”.

Quotes from this CD:

Adi Da: "Realization is not "caused". It is Given. It is made tacitly obvious. I can, through interaction with you and by being accessible to you, ripen you, so to speak, for this Spiritual Apprehension of Reality. And I am made available to you through this Bodily Sign which gives a focus for the faculties in the process of them being purified and relieved of their patterns."

Adi Da: "Divine Self-Realization is not just some happy-hunting-ground metaphor in the mind. It is not just a light. It is not the light at the end of the tunnel that people see in the death process. That is not it either. Do you have any idea how many tunnels there are, how many lights there are, how many 'worlds' there are to the left and right, how many ends of that tunnel there are? You have no idea. You do not know what it is about, generally speaking."

Adi Da: "Anything in the mind or of the mind is not true. So all of your pursuit of 'answers' or states of mind or content for your thinking is fruitless — but what are you going to do about it?. . . You do not even necessarily notice that your thinking is a matter of seeking. You think there are some kinds of thinking that may be said to be motivated by a search, but you do not think that thinking is seeking. And yet it is always seeking. Thinking is itself seeking. So if the Way is not seeking nor can the Truth be Realized by seeking, then thinking has nothing to do with it and you should just forget about thinking from now on — but you cannot do that, can you? You are already thinking, even though I just told you that. . ."
CD   Avataric Discourse  

The Ultimate Secretvideo
poster: TheBeezone
length: 03:52
date added: June 27, 2015
event date: 1988
language: English
views: 2970; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
In this short video clip from 1988, Adi Da talks to His devotees about what is required, in any moment, to open the doorway from "here" to the Divine Domain. He describes how devotion to Him and His "Brightness" is the means for locating the "loka" (place) of His Spiritual Transmission and for growth in spiritual practice (ultimately, to the point of Divine Translation).

The Universal World-Prayervideo
poster: AdiDaVideos
speaker: Jacqueline Clemons
length: 03:32
date added: April 28, 2015
language: Finnish
views: 8151; views this month: 1; views this week: 1

Beloved, Inmost Heart of every heart,
do not Let our human hearts be broken
by our merely mortal suffering here —
but Make our mortal human hearts break-Free
to an unconditional love of You,
that we may, Thus, love all living beings
with Love's own True, and Truly broken, Heart.

Composed by Jacqueline Clemons and Nick Milo, and sung by Jacqueline Clemons, this soulful rendition of Adi Da's prayer for world peace, "The Universal World-Prayer", was sung many times at The Parliament of the World's Religions in Cape Town, South Africa, in December, 1999.

The song accompanies a slideshow of pictures of Adi Da.

The song can be found on Jacqueline's album, In the Garden of Fear-No-More.

For more on how Adi Da created The Universal World-Prayer, read our article on the celebration of The Great Sovereign-Avataric Holy Day of Eternally Established World-Blessing.

Adi Da's Universal World-Prayer coincides with His Instructions to not "live the Law backwards": trying to love others (or attempting to bring about world peace), while failing to first love God (and have our love of others be the overflow of our communion with God).

We live the Law backwards. Instead of living from the point of view of Happiness, love of God, submission to the Transcendental Reality, we live in submission to others, objects, relations.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, The Dreaded Gom-Boo
music   peace   CD  

Where is Heaven?video
poster: Mormon Transhumanist Association
speaker: Mike LaTorra
length: 41:02
date added: July 4, 2014
event date: May 10, 2014
language: English
views: 7364; views this month: 2; views this week: 2
A video of the talk, "Where is Heaven?", by devotee, professor, and Zen Abbot Michael LaTorra - one of 14 talks by speakers of different religious faiths at the Religion and Transhumanism Conference in Oakland, California, on May 10, 2014. This conference was co-sponsored by the Brighter Brains Institute and the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, and videoed by the Mormon Transhumanist Association.

You Are The Question You Askvideo
part 2 of You Are The Question You Ask

poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 08:00
date added: February 27, 2014
event date: August 20, 2004
language: English
views: 5852; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
A video excerpt from part 1 ("A Question Too Boring to Answer") of the DVD, You Are The Question You Ask, which was drawn from Adi Da's Avataric Discourse of August 30, 2004.

In addition to some of His most potent Instruction about the nature of devotional turning to Him (previously only available on CD), in this DVD, Avatar Adi Da addresses a broad range of topics including:

  • how questions themselves are a signal of the ego-activity that is at the root of the questioner's suffering and seeking

  • practice in the later phase of life

  • the great potential for unity in this “dark time” of pervasive conflict

  • esoteric and exoteric Christianity

Adi Da: "It is wholly appropriate for you to be asking these questions, because you are trapped and bound and confused. And when you Realize Me Perfectly, then you will no longer be trapped and bound and confused. And the apparent arising of the 'world' will not be a 'problem'. In fact, ultimately, there will be no apparent arising of the 'world'. It will be self-evidently so. There is only the Divine Self-Condition Itself — Self-Existing and Self-Radiant. There is only the 'Bright'. Only. Always already, only."

[Note: There is an overlap of about 2 minutes with Part 1 of this video series.]
DVD   Avataric Discourse  

An Evening of Devotional Music in Indiavideo
poster: brightworld1
length: 02:03
date added: February 12, 2014
event date: March 5, 2014
language: English
views: 5819; views this month: 0; views this week: 0

February 22, March 2, and March 5, 2014 — An evening of sacred devotional music and chanting, in honor of Adi Da Samraj. Beautiful video Darshan of Adi Da and stories of His Divine play, told by longtime devotees.

John Wubbenhorst, who has played for Bhagavan Adi Da many times, will be offering bansuri. Dhrupad vocals will be offered by Nirmalya Dey and Ashoka Dhar. Rishabh Dhar will be playing pakhawaj. Felix Woldenberg will lead us in chanting.

Adi Da: "The worship that occurs in Sacred Arts is surrender to the Divine Form and through that surrender, reception of the Divine Shakti or the Divine Energy of that Divine Form. If you surrender to the Divine Form in the Bodily Human Divine Form of the Guru, then the Divine Shakti will move you. To practice Sacred Art, you must surrender to the Guru and receive the Guru’s Transmission. The Guru's Divine Transmission does the sacred art."

February 22, 2014, 6:30pm

C 401 Rosewood apartment
Mayurvihar phase 1
in front of Mayurvihar phase 1 market
Delhi, India

Special directions: Take the Mayurvihar extension metro station on the blue line, direction towards Noida city Centre.

RSVP or more information:
phone: +91 9899453369
email: or

You can also visit our Facebook event page

March 2, 2014, 11:00am

The Dhrupad Gurukul
552 Diamond Harbour Road
(opposite Behala Ashoka Cinema Hall)

RSVP or more information:
phone: +91 9836024990
email: or

You can also visit our Facebook event page

March 5, 2014

Where: Jaipur
Contact us for time and place.
email: or
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71 matches for: bright

Our multimedia library currently contains 1203 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.[1] Enjoy! videoindicates a video, and audio an audio. Special categories of interest include:
Tribute to Adi Da's
Life and Work
Dawn Horse Press
DVDs (201) / CDs (270)
0 Multi-Part Series (79)
by year:

by poster:
non-English language audios/videos:


Thanks to the many videographers who took the footage, to the many editors who created these videos and audios, and to the 132 people and organizations who posted these videos and audios on YouTube and other places on the Web. Special thanks to Lynne Thompson, who did a lot of the data entry for our audio/video database.

Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner:
© Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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