Adi Da Up Close Audio/Video Library

Adi Da

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142 matches for: body
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I Will Work With You Directly Foreveraudio
poster: AdidamRevelationMagazine
length: 05:21
date added: November 16, 2011
event date: July 11, 1995
language: English
listens: 3918; listens this month: 0; listens this week: 0
An excerpt from the two-CD set, After My Lifetime — a collection of Adi Da's talks (1974–2004) in which He considers the passing of His physical body, the significance of this Yogic Event, the ever-present Gift of the direct relationship to Him, and the never-ending Nature of His Work to Bless and Awaken all beings.

For more about this double CD, read the special article on the Adidam Revelation Magazine.

"I Am the Infinite One. And This Body was My Means, for a while, to make this plain to you — that is all. I Appear through every element in every plane, every domain within the cosmic domain. This is So. It is Eternally So. Always will be So, therefore. Always was So — but you did not notice Me directly. This is My first and consequential Incarnation to inform you about My Infinite and Eternal Nature and Work."

—His Divine Presence, Adi Da Samraj (July 11, 1995)
Mahasamadhi   CD  

Beyond Sex, Science, and selfvideo
poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 10:00
date added: July 27, 2011
event date: January 21, 2005
language: English
views: 6269; views this month: 2; views this week: 2
In this Adidam Revelation Discourse from January 21, 2005, Adi Da reveals that Liberation cannot ever be achieved through sex, science, or religion! And He makes the astounding assertion, “Realization has nothing to do with the body-mind.”

Watch this DVD for Adi Da's Instruction on True Freedom, which He says is discovered only in the utter transcending of “point of view”, by means of the Transmission of Reality Itself. "The 'self'-contraction, the 'point of view', the 'point-of-view'-machine and what it presumes to be Reality, the illusions of Reality created by 'point of view' — these are the important matters to be understood. The 'you' to which you refer as 'I', the ego-'I', is a 'point-of-view'-machine. It is subject to the illusions of the cosmic apparition, the illusions that 'point of view' itself is subject to — space-time, mass, and so forth."

The DVD, Beyond Sex, Science, and "self", is available from The Dawn Horse Press. Subtitles in English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Russian, Polish, Czech, and Hebrew. A CD version is also available.
avataric discourse   DVD   CD  

We Just Happened to Have Musical Instruments in Our Handsvideo
poster: FacingEast108
speaker: John Wubbenhorst
length: 04:46
date added: June 11, 2011
event date: November 2010
language: English
views: 7318; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
This recording of Above the Clouds was made in November 2010, during a three day, 24-hour-a-day vigil of meditation and puja on the veranda of Aham Da Asmi Sthan, Adi Da's home on the island of Naitauba. Devotee John Wubbenhorst speaks of the sacred occasion of being dropped out into the space of being 'not really there' while the Guru plays the musical instrument (and the instrument that is one's body-mind).

"Above the clouds, There Is Always The Sun — Forever Free Of Earthly Weather. By Tendency, You Are Always Looking At the local weather, and Not At The Sun Itself. That Is What egoity Is About — Always Suffering The Changes Of The local Patterning That Is the body-mind In its egoic Bondage. Instead, You Must (In every moment) Turn To Me . . . "

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, The Dawn Horse Testament Of The Ruchira Avatar

For more stories about "Music as a Sacred Art and Growing in the Relationship To Adi Da", click here.
Above the Clouds   John Wubbenhorst   bansuri   Fiji  

The Story of Francis Popkinvideo
poster: TheBeezone
speaker: Frank Marrero
length: 09:29
date added: May 30, 2011
language: English
views: 2998; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
The story of Francis Popkin, as told by Frank Marrero. Frank talks about how a young country boy showed up at his doorstep in 1981, after having read and been completely transfixed by The Enlightenment Of The Whole Body.

Frank told this story to Adi Da, who replied that we don't have to be intellectually sophisticated; we just have to need His Teaching.
The Beezone   leela  

The Time of Adi Da's Incarnationvideo
part 4 of James Steinberg Interview

poster: TheBeezone
speakers: James Steinberg, Ed Reither
length: 14:32
date added: February 13, 2011
language: English
views: 5624; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Ed Reither of The Beezone interviews longtime devotee James Steinberg about Adi Da Samraj's development of His Teaching about the Great Tradition in which He clarifies and makes sense of all humankind's exploration of religion, spirituality and truth. James talks about Adi Da's description of the esoteric anatomy of the body-mind and the process that a person has to go through to realize the truth.

James Steinberg  

The First Stage of Life: Part 3video
part 3 of The First Stage of Life

poster: TheBeezone
speakers: Ed Reither, Frank Marrero
length: 07:56
date added: January 31, 2011
language: English
views: 4906; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
Beezone editor and teacher Ed Reither interviews devotee and teacher Frank Marrero about the first stage of life (conception to 7 years of age), as taught by Adi Da Samraj.

They discuss the first stage of life and how the body is primarily affected by fear in this stage. Frank and Ed discuss means for parents to help children (and adults) develop and mature with ease through this stage.

More information on the disciplines as recommended by Adi Da Samraj can be found here.

See also the book, The First Three Stages Of Life.

This video is part of a more comprehensive video webinar on the seven stages of life. An introduction and index to all the videos in the webinar can be found here.

Watch the next part of this webinar: The Second Stage of Life.
Ed Reither   Frank Marrero   stages of life   first stage   seven stages  

The First Stage of Life: Part 2video
part 2 of The First Stage of Life

poster: TheBeezone
speakers: Ed Reither, Frank Marrero
length: 10:49
date added: January 31, 2011
language: English
views: 4784; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Beezone editor and teacher Ed Reither interviews devotee and teacher Frank Marrero about the first stage of life (conception to 7 years of age), as taught by Adi Da Samraj.

They discuss the first stage of life and the maladapted aspect or tendency (beyond the first 7 years of life) towards unconsciousness in forms of behavior such as sleepiness, laziness and numbness. All first stage behaviors are bodily based and it is a stage of the development of bodily autonomy.

When well adapted to the first stage of life, one can rest with ease in the body in fullness. There is discussion about Adi Da Samraj's teaching that the first stage of life has reached a stage of maturity when the child breaks the bond with the mother (two as one) so they may enjoy relationship without dependency.

Adi Da Samraj teaches all His devotees to observe and understand their maladapted patterns in the first three stages of life while maintaining a living relationship with Him in each moment.

More information on the disciplines as recommended by Adi Da Samraj can be found here.

See also the book, The First Three Stages Of Life.

This video is part of a more comprehensive video webinar on the seven stages of life. An introduction and index to all the videos in the webinar can be found here.
Ed Reither   Frank Marrero   stages of life   first stage   seven stages  

The First Stage of Life: Part 1video
part 1 of The First Stage of Life

poster: TheBeezone
speakers: Ed Reither, Frank Marrero
length: 14:34
date added: January 30, 2011
language: English
views: 5728; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Beezone editor and teacher Ed Reither interviews devotee and teacher Frank Marrero about the first stage of life (conception to 7 years of age), as taught by Adi Da Samraj.

They discuss the first stage of life misadaptation to constantly be seeking pleasure and the admonition of Adi Da Samraj to discipline the body, transcending patterns and thus allowing the body to live in the pleasure dome of natural life force energy without abberation.

More information on the disciplines as recommended by Adi Da Samraj can be found here.

See also the book, The First Three Stages Of Life.

This video is part of a more comprehensive video webinar on the seven stages of life. An introduction and index to all the videos in the webinar can be found here.
Ed Reither   Frank Marrero   stages of life   first stage   seven stages   discipline   right life  

The Law of Love-Blissaudio
poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 06:42
date added: November 7, 2010
language: English
listens: 3751; listens this month: 2; listens this week: 2
Excerpt from Talk 2, "The Law of Love-Bliss", from the 2-CD set, The Primary Sensation / The Law of Love-Bliss.

Avatar Adi Da’s first Talk in this set examines the difference between the peripheral reactions of the seeking body-mind and the core understanding of the motivating sensation of the self-contraction itself.

The second Talk is an exposition of the fundamental principle of non-seeking in the Way of Adidam and the “darkness” of the materialistic point of view.

The Divine Mahasamadhi of Adi Da Samrajaudio
podcast 13 of The Radical Truth Audio Series

poster: AdidamPodcasts
length: 23:52
date added: October 4, 2010
event date: 2008
language: English
listens: 7630; listens this month: 1; listens this week: 1
On November 27, 2008, Adi Da Samraj passed from His body in His Hermitage Sanctuary in Fiji. This extended podcast includes:

* a chronicle of His passing;

* 8:37: an audio excerpt from a talk Adi Da gave in 1995, in which He spoke about His physical death and the continuation of His spiritual and world work;

* 16:43: continuation of the chronicle of His passing. Interviews with devotees who made the pilgrimage to Naitauba shortly after Adi Da's passing.

For much more about Adi Da's Divine Mahasamadhi, visit our section, Adi Da's Divine Mahasamadhi and Adi Da in Perpetuity.
Radical Truth Audio Series   mahasamadhi  

The Quest for the Historical Selfvideo
poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 08:22
date added: June 12, 2010
event date: November 6, 2004
language: English
views: 4122; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
This excerpt is from one the Adidam Revelation Discourse of November 6, 2004. Adi Da proposes that all human lifetimes are a “quest for the historical self”. He describes how this search is based on the activity of “self”-contraction — the erroneous presumption of an actual, defined, knowable “self”. His Discourse exposes that neither experience nor memory nor the sensations of the physical body actually define a separate entity. The “I” is a fiction, a lie—and Reality Itself is Self-Evident only when the activity of the “self”-contraction is transcended.

This excerpt is part of the longer DVD, The Quest for the Historical Self. A CD version is also available.

A version of this excerpt with German subtitles can be watched here.
avataric discourse   CD   DVD  

Descending Gracevideo
poster: FacingEast108
length: 05:05
date added: May 31, 2010
language: English
views: 5837; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
This is the selection, "Descending Grace", from the CD, "True Water" recorded by John Wubbenhorst (flutes,vocals and keyboards) and Ken Anoff (percussion). This recording, inspired by the wisdom of Adi Da, is a unique collection from these world travelers, available at

The body-mind Of Man Is Like A Seed, That Lies Asleep Within The Dark and Depth Of Earth's Unconsciousness. And I Am Like A Thunderstorm Of Fresh Down-Crashing Sound and Light, That Weathers Me Into The Earth-World With A Flood Of True and Living Water. And When The True Water Of My Love-Bliss-Presence Flows Deep Into the body-mind, The "Brightest" Sound and Shape Of Me Strikes Through The Germ Of Mankind's Seed within. It Is The Heart That Breaks By My Divine Invasion there. Its Germ Of Me-"Bright" Suddenness Un-Knots The Seed Of body-mind, When I Crash Down Into The Earthen Core. And When The Heart Un-Locks, the body-mind Becomes A Flower In The Tangible Garden Of My Divine Domain.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj
from "The Garden of Indestructible Light"
in The Only Complete Way To Realize
The Unbroken Light Of Real God

Facing East   John Wubbenhorst   Ken Anoff  

The Giving Treevideo
poster: adidam23
length: 06:45
date added: May 21, 2010
language: English
views: 6452; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
An artistic offering about the "Divine Spirit-Tree of Light", an expression of happiness that is part of Adidam's annual celebration of the Season of "Light-In-Everybody".

Accompanied by Naamleela's musical version (from her album, Eyes In Other Worlds) of Adi Da's poem, "I served to priest the pharoahs", from Crazy Da Must Sing.

For more about the celebration of Light-In-Everybody, read here and read Naamleela's The Danavira Mela Book.
Danavira Mela   Light-In-Everybody   Giving Tree   Divine Spirit Tree of Light   Naamleela  

The Celebration of Light-In-Everybodyvideo
poster: globalpeacecentral
length: 02:55
date added: May 16, 2009
language: English
views: 6546; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Excerpts from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace about the Celebration of "Light-In-Everybody". Music by Ray Lynch.
Peace   love   unity   prior unity   oneness   adi da   world   not two is peace   ray lynch   light-in-everybody   danavira  

A New Wayvideo
poster: globalpeacecentral
length: 02:20
date added: February 13, 2009
language: English
views: 6347; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
A new kind of human consciousness is required.

Wisdom from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace.
Unity   love   joy   bliss   adi da   peace   oneness   devotion   heart   meditation   enlightment   prior unity   everybody   all people   earth  
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142 matches for: body

Our multimedia library currently contains 1203 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.[1] Enjoy! videoindicates a video, and audio an audio. Special categories of interest include:
Tribute to Adi Da's
Life and Work
Dawn Horse Press
DVDs (201) / CDs (270)
0 Multi-Part Series (79)
by year:

by poster:
non-English language audios/videos:


Thanks to the many videographers who took the footage, to the many editors who created these videos and audios, and to the 132 people and organizations who posted these videos and audios on YouTube and other places on the Web. Special thanks to Lynne Thompson, who did a lot of the data entry for our audio/video database.

Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner:
© Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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