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The Bodily Location of Happinessvideo
poster: AdiDaVideos
length: 13:12
date added: May 4, 2016
event date: November 28, 1981
language: English
views: 7915; views this month: 8; views this week: 8
This is a video excerpt from Adi Da's classic talk, "The Bodily Location of Happiness", which He gave on November 28, 1981. This talk was originally published in the book, The Bodily Location Of Happiness. The full talk is available on CD and on a new DVD, The Location Of Happiness.

The talk communicates several core insights:

1. Everybody is intuitively familiar with happiness. You don't have to be a devotee of Adi Da! This was part of the reason Adi Da chose "happiness" as the focus of this Teaching period: because the subject was so accessible. Everyone knows what it's like to be happy (at least a little). It's just that most people are not aware that Perfect, Eternal Happiness is possible and Realizable. (And it certainly isn't, through ordinary human means.) Adi Da: "All beings are always already Happy. You always know, at this very moment you know exactly, what it would be to look and feel and be and act completely Happy." The esoteric reason everyone is familiar with happiness is because everyone is always, already happy. And the esoteric reason everyone yearns for complete happiness is because complete happiness is realizable — and everyone's heart knows that.

2. Adi Da's "Lesson of Life":"You can't become happy; you can only be (already) happy." People are always seeking for happiness. The "pursuit of happiness" (not happiness itself!) is even enshrined as an "unalienable right" (alongside life and liberty) in the preamble of the United States Declaration of Independence. Its author, Thomas Jefferson, knew better than to think a government could guarantee happiness itself — hence only the guarantee of "pursuing happiness". Only a Divine Incarnation can guarantee Happiness Itself.

Adi Da reveals that happiness is the native state of beings. It is already the case. Every attempt to seek for it (or mis-identify the source of happiness as some object or other) in fact serves to dissociate one from it. Adi Da: "You think that you can seek Happiness and find it. Your search for Happiness is itself a confession of un-Happiness. You cannot realize Happiness by persisting in un-Happiness, persisting in the method of un-Happiness. All seeking is an expression of un-Happiness, all seeking is the method of un-Happiness, the practice of un-Happiness. This must be understood. It is not merely true — it must be understood."

Self-understanding allows one to get this point. Based on self-understanding, one can devote oneself to Happiness rather than to seeking for It and settling for the little bit of Infinite Happiness that "bleeds through" the clench of ego into conditions. This ultimately enables the Eternal Realization of Infinite, Perfect Happiness. Adi Da: "Understand your un-Happiness. Then you will be capable of locating Happiness, and, having located Happiness, you will be capable of practicing the Way of Adidam, which is nothing but the devotion of life to Happiness."

3. The Transmission of the Divine Guru is How One Locates Happiness. The subtitle of the book, The Bodily Location Of Happiness, is: "On the Incarnation of the Divine Person and the Transmission of Love-Bliss". In other words, you can't apply "The Lesson of Life" by somehow "locating" happiness directly, by yourself (or in yourself). Happiness is our native state, but that doesn't mean it can be located by an egoic, "do it yourself" process. We locate happiness directly as a Grace-given Gift, through devotion to the Transcendental Spiritual Transmission of Adi Da. Adi Da: "Happiness is presently the case. In this moment you are already Happy. Sitting with Me, locate this Happiness." We locate our "Native State" by recognizing and submitting to our "Native Person" — our Very Self appearing here in bodily (human) form.

4. It is a Process of Whole Bodily Location. "The bodily location of Happiness" is not primarily a reference to some place where Happiness resides in the body (although Adi Da teases His listeners with this idea: "Look for it in your toes, in your fingers, in your shirt, in your head"). It refers to a process ("the bodily location of Happiness" = "the locating of Happiness with the whole body-mind") that involves the surrender and transformation of every aspect of the body-mind, immersed in the Perfectly Happy State of the Divine Guru, through recognition of Him as the Divine in every moment. Then the secondary and supportive practices of the Way of Adidam become means for staying immersed in that Divine State in every moment: "Having located Happiness [having recognized Adi Da as the Divine], you will be capable of practicing the Way of Adidam, which is nothing but the devotion of life to Happiness [Adi Da, recognized as the Divine]. The practices of this Way are not methods for attaining Happiness, but they are the expressions of Happiness. The disciplines of money, food, and sex are not a way to become Happy. Discipline is difficult enough — why should we also burden it with the obligation to make us Happy!"

poster: CDBaby
length: 07:50
date added: April 2, 2016
language: English
views: 2739; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Track 2 from Sally Jamila's CD of devotional music, Invocation.

Intended to create a rich soundscape through meditative invocation, Invocation weaves together eclectic world music with the tradition of a spiritual practice. The result is an album that creates contemplative calm and an invitation to feel That Which Is All-Pervading. Bhagavan Adi Da Samraj asked that this album be placed on the "Favorites" list of His personal iPods.

Also available as downloadable MP3s from iTunes.

Sally Jamila: Vocals, Keyboards
Robert Mignault: Bass, Voice, Harmonies
Basant Madhur: Tabla
John Wubbenhorst: Bansuri Flute
Jamie Gabriel: Guitar
Gerry Howe: Flute
Janusz: Yidaki
Sharon Lye: Harmonies
Philip Saffery: Harmonies, Voice

Diet and Climate Changeaudio
poster: A Better World Radio
speakers: Mitchell Rabin, Abel Slater, Dina Lautman
length: 66:42
date added: April 1, 2016
event date: March 30, 2016
language: English
listens: 6541; listens this month: 6; listens this week: 6
[Show actually begins at 00:56, after a commercial and a brief excerpt from Mozart's Symphony No. 40.]

In this episode of the radio show, A Better World, host Mitchell Rabin conducts a Round Table discussion on the relationship between diet and climate change. He raises the tremendous possibility for both personal-planetary transformation and spiritual growth.

Joining Mitchell are Abel Slater and Dina Lautman. Abel and Dina have been devotees of Adi Da for over 25 years, and have spent significant time in Naitauba, Fiji at Adi Da’s principal Hermitage Sanctuary, Adi Da Samrajashram, where they received direct guidance from Adi Da, both in practical life wisdom and esoteric spiritual practice. Now based in New York, they also travel extensively throughout the world presenting Adi Da's spiritual teachings about right life, including diet, sexuality, meditation and conductivity. Recently, they have been focused on raising awareness about the benefits of the raw vegan diet by promoting Green Gorilla raw treats across the U.S. and around the world.

What occurs at the micro level of each individual's diet is effectively magnified at the macro level of the collective global ecosystem. Today, over 70 billion land animals are killed annually to support human meat consumption. A recent United Nations environmental impact study determined that livestock is the source of 18% of global greenhouse gases, now exceeding emissions from all transportation sources globally, which account for 17% of global greenhouse gases. Meat consumption is growing exponentially and is increasingly jeopardizing the health of the planet. Today’s Round Table will address these issues in depth. This conversation and the information we consider is vital to our personal health and to the collective survival of our species and all sentient life.

Der Weg des Herzens (The Way of the Heart): part 2video
part 2 of The Way of the Heart

poster: Scardanelli 1748
length: 58:45
date added: March 2, 2016
language: German
views: 3052; views this month: 4; views this week: 4
[This video is in German.]

Introduction to the Way of the Heart (the Way of Adidam).

Adi Da: Alle Wesen suchen fortwährend nach Glück.
Du suchst fortwährend nach Glück.
Selbst wenn du fortwährend nach Glück suchst, so bist du doch schon immer bereits das Glück an sich.
Nur das Glück an sich ist frei von Suche nach Glück.
Widmet euch diesem Glück an sich.
Tut dies in dem Ihr jedes Ding und jede Erfahrung, alles Wissen,
alle Beziehung oder allem was nicht Glück ist entsagt (oder transzendiert).
Finde das Glück in jedem Moment, nehme das Glück an sich wahr und Sei das Glück an sich.
Tue dies in jedem Augenblick.
Das Ego-"Ich" oder der selbstverkrampfte Körper-Geist. ist immer eine Illusion, eine und. . . Luftspiegelung des zeugenhaften Bewusstseins aus Bedürfnissen, Erwünschtheit und Staunen das dem Bewusstsein an sich durch den
augenscheinlichen (und nicht notwendigen) Fluss der Ereignisse auferlegt wird,
die für sich genommen nicht das Bewusstsein an sich sind.
Es gibt weder jetzt noch irgendwann die persönliche Identität, sondern immer nur die letzte Identität oder das Bewusstsein an sich, das immer bereits frei,eins,ganz, vollständig und durch und durch Glückselig ist.
Deshalb beobachte und verstehe, erkenne (und tranzendiere) das auftretende Trugbild der Objekte und "anderem" oder allen "Dingen".
Sei nur Zeuge
Nicht bedürfend, nichtsichernd, nicht verfolgend, nicht gewinnend, nicht im Stress, nicht zornig, nicht ablehnend, nicht Gefühlen hingegeben, nicht vermeidend, nicht voll Schmerz, nicht verlangend, nicht fliehend, nicht anhaftend, nicht verlierend, nicht traurig, nicht verloren, nicht erstaunt,
nicht denkend, nicht zuweisend, nicht mit Geist erfüllt, nicht wahrnehmend, nicht erlebend, nicht im Recht, nicht verwirrt, nicht klagend, nicht im Unrecht, nicht fürchtend, nicht verwundert, nicht in Mitleidenschaft gezogen, nicht leer,
nicht befriedigend, nicht getäuscht, nicht bezogen, nicht bewegt, nicht entdeckend, nicht Ich, nicht inkarniert, nicht erlöst, nicht widerstrebend, nicht einmal verstehend. sondern nur (oder lediglich) der eine Seiende welcher der Zeuge ist.
Stehe da und schaue nicht.
Nur Bewusstsein,
von Natur aus objektlos, beziehungslos, ohne ein "Ding".
Doch weder getrennt noch abgesondert von der Gesamtheit.
Stehe frei und schaue nicht.
Beut weder die Aufmerksamkeit aus noch den Geist der Trugbilder
von Objekten oder anderen "Dingen"
Nehme lediglich die Glückseligkeit,
das Bewusstsein an sich wahr, sagte ich.
Deshalb sage ich.

Komme zur Ruhe (oder sei wach)
bevor die Dinge sich ereignen.
Komme zur Ruhe (oder sei wach)
vor der Bewegung der Bezogenheit
Komme zur Ruhe (oder sei wach)
immer bereits in meiner großen Ermitage angekommen

Das Herz ist meine Eremitage
Der Sitz meines Segens ist das Bewusstsein an sich
Das Bewusstsein an sich ist der wahre Herzmeister
Das Bewusstein an sich ist Da Love-Ananda (Liebe-Glückseligkeit)
Immer bereits aus sich heraus existent, immer bereit frei, selbst-strahlend, Love-Ananda.
Ich bin Love-Ananda.
Das Bewusstsein an sich ist was ich lehre.
German   Deutsch  

Der Weg des Herzens (The Way of the Heart): part 1video
part 1 of The Way of the Heart

poster: Scardanelli 1748
length: 60:37
date added: March 2, 2016
language: German
views: 3043; views this month: 3; views this week: 3
[This video is in German.]

Introduction to the Way of the Heart (the Way of Adidam).

Adi Da: Alle Wesen suchen fortwährend nach Glück.
Du suchst fortwährend nach Glück.
Selbst wenn du fortwährend nach Glück suchst, so bist du doch schon immer bereits das Glück an sich.
Nur das Glück an sich ist frei von Suche nach Glück.
Widmet euch diesem Glück an sich.
Tut dies in dem Ihr jedes Ding und jede Erfahrung, alles Wissen,
alle Beziehung oder allem was nicht Glück ist entsagt (oder transzendiert).
Finde das Glück in jedem Moment, nehme das Glück an sich wahr und Sei das Glück an sich.
Tue dies in jedem Augenblick.
Das Ego-"Ich" oder der selbstverkrampfte Körper-Geist. ist immer eine Illusion, eine und. . . Luftspiegelung des zeugenhaften Bewusstseins aus Bedürfnissen, Erwünschtheit und Staunen das dem Bewusstsein an sich durch den
augenscheinlichen (und nicht notwendigen) Fluss der Ereignisse auferlegt wird,
die für sich genommen nicht das Bewusstsein an sich sind.
Es gibt weder jetzt noch irgendwann die persönliche Identität, sondern immer nur die letzte Identität oder das Bewusstsein an sich, das immer bereits frei,eins,ganz, vollständig und durch und durch Glückselig ist.
Deshalb beobachte und verstehe, erkenne (und tranzendiere) das auftretende Trugbild der Objekte und "anderem" oder allen "Dingen".
Sei nur Zeuge
Nicht bedürfend, nichtsichernd, nicht verfolgend, nicht gewinnend, nicht im Stress, nicht zornig, nicht ablehnend, nicht Gefühlen hingegeben, nicht vermeidend, nicht voll Schmerz, nicht verlangend, nicht fliehend, nicht anhaftend, nicht verlierend, nicht traurig, nicht verloren, nicht erstaunt,
nicht denkend, nicht zuweisend, nicht mit Geist erfüllt, nicht wahrnehmend, nicht erlebend, nicht im Recht, nicht verwirrt, nicht klagend, nicht im Unrecht, nicht fürchtend, nicht verwundert, nicht in Mitleidenschaft gezogen, nicht leer,
nicht befriedigend, nicht getäuscht, nicht bezogen, nicht bewegt, nicht entdeckend, nicht Ich, nicht inkarniert, nicht erlöst, nicht widerstrebend, nicht einmal verstehend. sondern nur (oder lediglich) der eine Seiende welcher der Zeuge ist.
Stehe da und schaue nicht.
Nur Bewusstsein,
von Natur aus objektlos, beziehungslos, ohne ein "Ding".
Doch weder getrennt noch abgesondert von der Gesamtheit.
Stehe frei und schaue nicht.
Beut weder die Aufmerksamkeit aus noch den Geist der Trugbilder
von Objekten oder anderen "Dingen"
Nehme lediglich die Glückseligkeit,
das Bewusstsein an sich wahr, sagte ich.
Deshalb sage ich.

Komme zur Ruhe (oder sei wach)
bevor die Dinge sich ereignen.
Komme zur Ruhe (oder sei wach)
vor der Bewegung der Bezogenheit
Komme zur Ruhe (oder sei wach)
immer bereits in meiner großen Ermitage angekommen

Das Herz ist meine Eremitage
Der Sitz meines Segens ist das Bewusstsein an sich
Das Bewusstsein an sich ist der wahre Herzmeister
Das Bewusstein an sich ist Da Love-Ananda (Liebe-Glückseligkeit)
Immer bereits aus sich heraus existent, immer bereit frei, selbst-strahlend, Love-Ananda.
Ich bin Love-Ananda.
Das Bewusstsein an sich ist was ich lehre.
German   Deutsch  

The Grace of Sufferingvideo
track 1 of The Impulse to God-Realization

poster: CDBaby
length: 12:21
date added: February 17, 2016
event date: January 18, 1976
language: English
views: 6519; views this month: 9; views this week: 9
An excerpt from the talk, "The Grace of Suffering", given by Adi Da on January 18, 1976.

This excerpt is track 1 of the CD, The Impulse to God-Realization, a collection of talks focusing on Adi Da's clarifying Wisdom on the Impulse to Realize God that is inherent in all beings, and His Divine Offering and Instruction on the Ultimate Means to cultivate this heart-Impulse, thereby allowing it to become the guiding force of one's entire life.

The album is available through iTunes and The Dawn Horse Press.

This selection of Talks by Avatar Adi Da Samraj focuses on His clarifying Wisdom on the Impulse (inherent in all beings) to Realize God, and His Divine Offering and Instruction on the Ultimate Means to cultivate this heart-Impulse, thereby allowing it be the guiding force of one's entire life. As Avatar Adi Da points out, the real Spiritual Process cannot be truly initiated until and unless one’s Impulse to God-Realization becomes the governing principle of one's life.

The full talk, "The Grace of Suffering", is available on the CD, The Grace of Suffering, and on DVD as Volume 2 of the 25th Anniversary DVD Series.

Note: Due to distribution policies set by CDBaby (and beyond the control of this website and Adidam), this video may not be playable in every country. However, sometimes, even when you can't play it on this page, you may be able to play it on YouTube: click here.

"The Grace of Suffering" is a beautiful talk by Adi Da. But it IS very compressed, making quite a few points in a short space, and depending to a significant degree on a familiarity with Adi Da's spiritual teaching. Here are some notes that may help.

Throughout the talk, the technical term, "sadhana" (spiritual practice), is used.

Genuine spiritual practice is not about belief systems, mere rituals, or a little "peace of mind", but rather about actually locating the Divine, through the tangible Transmission of the Spiritual Master.

After a recent illness, a devotee mentions to Adi Da that he notices how the physical suffering of illness was distracting enough that he was not "able" to find Adi Da's Transmission when he is ill.

Adi Da acknowledges this, and responds with three more general points.

1. The illness didn't "make" the devotee lose the thread of practice; rather, he allowed himself to be distracted from God by the illness. When the devotee gets this, and sees how he himself is "doing" the turning away, he'll be able to "do better next time" by not turning away even when ill.

2. Until Divine Enlightenment — in other words, until there is no limit on one's spiritual practice — sadhana (spiritual practice) is always only reflecting back to devotees the remaining limits in their practice: where they are still turning away from the Divine, where they still need to become responsible for not turning away.

In the beginning, the "turning away" is very "crude": even mere physical suffering is enough to distract one from God. (If we find ourselves saying, "what do you mean, MERE physical suffering?" that definitely identifies us as spiritual beginners! :-) ) But as one grows in practice, and ceases to turn away in such a crude manner (as one becomes a "saint", "yogi", "sage", etc.), one discovers that one is still turning from the Divine at an even subtler level of the being (in the mind, the psyche, etc.)

It is only when that "turning away" has been inspected, understood, and transcended in every dimension of the being that Divine Realization occurs.

In this sense, for the genuine spiritual practitioner, physical suffering — along with every other circumstance that reveals to us our turning away from the Divine — is truly a Grace, enabling us to grow in our practice.

3. Where we are turning away is a reflection of what we are identifying with: the body, the mind, the soul, etc. (For example, if physical illness is enough to distract us from God, then the physical body is what we currently are identified with.) God-Realization only occurs when all "identities" less than God are understood and transcended.

In this sense, "there are no winners in God" — the Way is not about seeking, accomplishment, or winning, but rather about surrender to God, sacrifice of self, and ego-death. There's no "one" left to "win"! But the One Who Remains is perfectly, eternally happy.

Divine Distraction with James Steinbergaudio
poster: AdiDaUpClose
speaker: James Steinberg
length: 50:54
date added: February 1, 2016
language: English
listens: 6320; listens this month: 7; listens this week: 7
James Steinberg is interviewed on the podcast, Vajra Body Vajra Mind. Vajra Body Vajra Mind is a provocative podcast that explores the outer limits of spiritual practice and human development. James Steinberg is a longtime devotee of Adi Da, and the author of Divine Distraction and Love of the God-Man.

In this episode of Vajra Body Vajra Mind, we discuss James' life with Adi Da. We talk about the practice of Guru Yoga, challenges in reading Adi Da's Teaching, anti-Guru sentiment in contemporary culture, sexuality in spirituality, the importance of discipline in the Way of Adidam, the unique Transmission of Adi Da's Revelation and Presence (through photographs, videos, Image-Art, etc), resistance to the Guru by the ego, positive disillusionment (aka "the Lesson of Life"), and more.

The Master's Eyesvideo
poster: SpiritLight Videos
length: 04:34
date added: January 28, 2016
language: English
views: 2607; views this month: 5; views this week: 5
"The Master's Eyes" is from Van Morrison's 1985 album, Sense of Wonder.

How the light shone from the master
How the light shone from the master
How the light shone from the master's eyes.

Oh how the truth shone, from the master
How the truth shone, from the master
How the truth shone, from the master's eyes.

Why didn't they leave us to wander through buttercup summers?
Why didn't they leave us to wander when there was no other?

And my questions all were answered
When the light shone from the master
When the light shone, from the master's eyes.

From the master's eyes.
Oh how the light shone from the master
How the light shone from the master
How the light shone from the master's eyes.

video editor: Brad Reynolds

Adi Da's Teaching as Transmissionvideo
poster: AdiDaVideos
speaker: Jonathan Condit
length: 17:55
date added: January 25, 2016
event date: January 2016
language: English
views: 6531; views this month: 5; views this week: 5
This video clip includes:

  • Commentary from Jonathan Condit (at 0:00)Jonathan Condit was Adi Da's senior editorial assistant, and is Senior Editor for the Adidam Editorial Department. Jonathan talks about "The Function of the Spiritual Literature of Adi Da Samraj", and how Adi Da's Teaching works as Transmission of His Transcendental Spiritual State, and serves the Spiritual Realization of the reader.

  • Excerpt from an Avataric Discourse by Adi Da (at 5:35) — The Discourse is "My Teaching is a Direct Transmission of Me", from October 28, 2005. Adi Da talks about how His Teaching Word is a form of Spiritual Transmission, that enables Divine Communion with Him (if the devotee is in the right devotional disposition), in the same way that a Murti photograph does, or any of the other forms of Agency that Adi Da has created for this purpose.

  • Commentary from Megan Anderson (at 12:44)Megan Anderson is an editor in the Adidam Editorial Department. Megan talks about Adi Da's great, final masterpiece, The Aletheon as the purest communication and Transmission of Adi Da Himself (among all His many, extraordinary books), and describes receiving the Revelation of Adi Da as she was proofreading The Aletheon before its publication.

Adi Da: "My Reality-Teaching is unparalleled Spiritual Transmission, occurring under the most extraordinary circumstances. It is not the product of an ordinary mind or a kind of scholarly commentary. It is a direct expression of Spiritual Transformation, of Spiritual Power, of Transcendental, Inherently Spiritual, and (necessarily) Divine Being, Consciousness, and Love-Bliss. It does not arise in Me or through Me in any ordinary fashion. It is an utterly spontaneous and Transcendental Spiritual Event."

For more on how to best make use of Adi Da's Teaching, read the article, The Gift of Study. For more on the Transmission associated with the Teaching, visit our section, The Mantric Force of Adi Da's Word and read our section on Adi Da as Spiritual Transmission Master. For more on Adi Da's unique use of the English language, read our article, Transcendental Orthography as a Teaching Device.
Avataric Discourse  

Hymns To Meaudio
poster: PaulineChew
length: 10:01
date added: December 5, 2015
language: English
listens: 2868; listens this month: 2; listens this week: 2
Track 2 from Pauline Chew's album, Shapeless As The Water.

Words are from poem 13 ("Hymns To Me") in Adi Da's book of poetry, Crazy Da Must Sing.

Hymns to me,
am I the song,
the untouched glamour of the poem,
the word and rhythm of the Real.
Then sing.
And sing of me,
am not the soul.
The type whose singing sings the Heart,
the vowel and consonants am I.
Then sing.
And say of me,
he is the sound,
the syllable who is my form,
and hymns me, is me, song to song.

And I will sing you all the more.
Then sing.
poem   music  

The Fire Must Have Its Wayaudio
poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 04:46
date added: November 27, 2015
event date: July 17, 1978
language: English
listens: 3629; listens this month: 5; listens this week: 5
This clip is an excerpt from Adi Da's talk, "The Fire Must Have Its Way", which was given on July 17, 1978. In this talk, Adi Da clarifies that real Spiritual practice is not about "feeling good", but an intense purification of all limits on feeling. This fire of purification occurs by coming into contact with the Pure Radiance of the Spiritual Master. By persistently granting feeling-attention to Avatar Adi Da’s Living Divine Presence, all ego-patterns are "burned up" by His Grace—ultimately enabling egoless participation in the Perfect Ecstasy of Real God.

An additional (videoed) excerpt from this talk is available here.

The full talk is available on the CD, The Fire Must Have Its Way.

The talk also appears in written form in the book, My "Bright" Sight.

Hear My Breathing Heart: Songs Of Invocationvideo
poster: Michael LaTorra
length: 56:30
date added: November 17, 2015
language: English
views: 5599; views this month: 6; views this week: 6
This album of Adidam devotional music from The First Amendment Choir was originally released on audiocassette tape in 1981. (The name, "First Amendment Choir", was chosen for the choir by Adi Da, which performed for Him on several occasions.)

The album begins and ends with "The Divine Invocation":

Radiant Da,
All-Pervading Current of Life,
Consciousness where I appear and disappear,
Hear My Breathing Heart.

Awaken me
To feel the Heart of Light and Love,
Where this life and mind and body may dissolve.
I hold up my hands.

"The Divine Invocation" was an early version of what we now call The First Great Invocation. Now we would begin with the First Great Invocation and end with the Second Great Invocation — but Adi Da had not yet created the Second Great Invocation at the time this album was created.

Many of the songs on this album were composed by Billboard Award-winning composer Ray Lynch or by JoAnne Sunshine. Ray Lynch is also the guitar player. Eric Leber is the choir director. Besides Ray Lynch and JoAnne Sunshine, vocalists include Brad Crawford, Robin Richardson, Kathleen Ewart, Sylvia Hayden, Carol Mabin, Janet Kopieki, Rita Gordon, Happy Hayden, Ginny Leber, Maggie Roberts, Lynzee Elze, Ron Guba, Steve Benson, Chris Cardullo, Phyllis Hyde, Karen Booth, and Antonina Randazzo (among others). The album was recorded at Prune Production Studio, in Mill Valley, California, and was released by the Laughing Man Institute.

The volume is low, so you may need to turn it up. The sound quality of this digital version is not up to contemporary standards, but many listeners — old and new — may find it just as heart-moving now as so many found it when it was originally released.

poster: PaulineChew
length: 08:03
date added: November 8, 2015
language: English
views: 4776; views this month: 4; views this week: 4
Track 5 from Pauline Chew's album, Songs For Baba Da. . . And The World.

Words are from poem 43 in Adi Da's book of poetry, Crazy Da Must Sing.

My loved one sits upon my knee.
My left hand is on her head.
My right hand guides
her listening to my Heart.
My touching awakens her need,
her love for me,
and makes her know me while I speak.

My loved one lies with me.
Our loving appears as every form
of all the worlds.
Our sounds together
make all sounds.
We are the thing that is seen and heard.
We are the rhythmed mind of everything.

Troubles arise for one
who does not know the act
in which he lives.
Therefore, I display the image
of my loved one and me.
One who does not understand
gains power for his lust in holy places.
But one who understands
becomes the lovers’ act that is.
music   poem  

The Fundamental Purpose of Existencevideo
track 3 of The Impulse to God-Realization

poster: CDBaby
length: 07:10
date added: October 24, 2015
event date: April 1, 1988
language: English
views: 4311; views this month: 5; views this week: 5
In March 1988, Avatar Adi Da left Adi Da Samrajashram — His principal Hermitage in Fiji — and traveled to New Zealand where He met with practitioners of the Reality-Way of Adidam and with people interested in taking up the Transcendental Spiritual Way He has Given. This audio excerpt is from one such occasion that occurred on April 1, 1988.

This excerpt is track 3 of the CD, The Impulse to God-Realization, a collection of talks focusing on Adi Da's clarifying Wisdom on the Impulse to Realize God that is inherent in all beings, and His Divine Offering and Instruction on the Ultimate Means to cultivate this heart-Impulse, thereby allowing it to become the guiding force of one's entire life.

The album is available through iTunes and The Dawn Horse Press.

The DVD, The Fundamental Purpose Of Existence, contains more talks from the occasion on April 1, 1988.

Note: Due to distribution policies set by CDBaby (and beyond the control of this website and Adidam), this video may not be playable in every country. However, sometimes, even when you can't play it on this page, you may be able to play it on YouTube: click here.
CD   DVD  

What Is Doubt?video
poster: AdiDaVideos
length: 13:25
date added: September 26, 2015
event date: July 20, 1986
language: English
views: 4079; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
In 1986, Adi Da made His first visit to the European community of His devotees. He travelled through England, France and Holland. In the South of Holland, in the village of Maria Hoop close to the German border, a former Catholic monastery was found which could be rented for a few weeks. Devotees swiftly cleaned buildings and the grounds. Adi Da stayed in a specially prepared wing of the monastery for several days. During this time, He granted Darshan and held "Question and Answer" occasions in the chapel (now called Adi Da Kapel) with German, English, Dutch, French and American devotees. The former monastery has since been acquired by the European community of Adidam and is now known as The European Danda.

In this rare, never before published excerpt from one of the "Question and Answer" occasions, Adi Da addresses the primal human emotion of doubt in a most direct and simple manner. He describes how doubt is not ultimately a sign that we have been "betrayed" in some way. The radical solution to doubt is to identify with the Divine Itself, beyond the temporary cycles of the body and mind and beyond the sense of being a separate self.
European Danda  
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Our multimedia library currently contains 1203 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.[1] Enjoy! videoindicates a video, and audio an audio. Special categories of interest include:
Tribute to Adi Da's
Life and Work
Dawn Horse Press
DVDs (201) / CDs (270)
0 Multi-Part Series (79)
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Thanks to the many videographers who took the footage, to the many editors who created these videos and audios, and to the 132 people and organizations who posted these videos and audios on YouTube and other places on the Web. Special thanks to Lynne Thompson, who did a lot of the data entry for our audio/video database.

Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner:
© Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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