Adi Da Up Close Audio/Video Library: Adi Da's Talks

Adi Da

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531 matches for: Adi Da's Talks
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Participate In The Invisible Dimension of Realityaudio
poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 03:18
date added: July 12, 2023
event date: February 27, 1988
language: English
listens: 1054; listens this month: 7; listens this week: 7
This is track #3, "The New Doctrine of Materialism",from the CD, Participate In The Invisible Dimension of Reality, available from the Dawn Horse Press. This talk was given by Avatar Adi Da on February 27, 1988.

Using the Shamanistic traditions of North America to illustrate right relationship to the invisible, energy realms of existence, Avatar Adi Da urgently calls everyone to overcome the addiction to the false doctrine of materialism. Free and full participation in the energy dimension of existence, Avatar Adi Da says, provides the necessary foundation for restoring balance to the Earth-world, and for ecstatic embrace of the Reality-Realizing Process in His Divine Company.

ADI DA: Aren’t you still . . . limited by this materialistic “point of view”, such that you do not yet feel free to accept the Reality of the Very Divine (and the spirit-“world” itself) in all of Its dimensions? . . . You have to break the spell of the doctrines of your own time that limit your consciousness to the material domain. . . . You have to Wake Up.

Reality Is Waitingvideo
track 10 of The Master Is The Means

poster: CDBaby
length: 02:17
date added: June 29, 2023
event date: January 6, 2006
language: English
views: 446; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
The CD, The Master Is The Means, is a compilation of talks in which Avatar Adi Da describes the spontaneous heart-response to the Spiritual Master as the great, effective, and anciently known Means of Spiritual Awakening.

By exposing the true nature of ego, and pointing out our false and limiting presumptions about Spiritual Masters, Avatar Adi Da enables a free consideration of what is truly needed to Realize the Truth of our Condition. He provides a traditional context for the purpose of His human Form here, while also communicating the utterly unique appearance and offering He Is.

Thia is track 10 from the CD.
CD   Avataric Discourse  

The One to Be Realizedvideo
track 8 of The Master Is The Means

poster: CDBaby
length: 05:24
date added: June 29, 2023
event date: October 10, 2004
language: English
views: 422; views this month: 2; views this week: 2
The CD, The Master Is The Means, is a compilation of talks in which Avatar Adi Da describes the spontaneous heart-response to the Spiritual Master as the great, effective, and anciently known Means of Spiritual Awakening.

By exposing the true nature of ego, and pointing out our false and limiting presumptions about Spiritual Masters, Avatar Adi Da enables a free consideration of what is truly needed to Realize the Truth of our Condition. He provides a traditional context for the purpose of His human Form here, while also communicating the utterly unique appearance and offering He Is.

Thia is track 8 from the CD.
CD   Avataric Discourse  

The Living Grace Processvideo
track 7 of The Master Is The Means

poster: CDBaby
length: 16:08
date added: June 29, 2023
event date: October 12, 2004
language: English
views: 442; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
The CD, The Master Is The Means, is a compilation of talks in which Avatar Adi Da describes the spontaneous heart-response to the Spiritual Master as the great, effective, and anciently known Means of Spiritual Awakening.

By exposing the true nature of ego, and pointing out our false and limiting presumptions about Spiritual Masters, Avatar Adi Da enables a free consideration of what is truly needed to Realize the Truth of our Condition. He provides a traditional context for the purpose of His human Form here, while also communicating the utterly unique appearance and offering He Is.

Thia is track 7 from the CD.
CD   Avataric Discourse  

Truth Comes from Realizersvideo
track 6 of The Master Is The Means

poster: CDBaby
length: 10:03
date added: June 29, 2023
event date: July 2, 2004
language: English
views: 381; views this month: 2; views this week: 2
The CD, The Master Is The Means, is a compilation of talks in which Avatar Adi Da describes the spontaneous heart-response to the Spiritual Master as the great, effective, and anciently known Means of Spiritual Awakening.

By exposing the true nature of ego, and pointing out our false and limiting presumptions about Spiritual Masters, Avatar Adi Da enables a free consideration of what is truly needed to Realize the Truth of our Condition. He provides a traditional context for the purpose of His human Form here, while also communicating the utterly unique appearance and offering He Is.

Thia is track 6 from the CD.
CD   Avataric Discourse  

Spend Your Time in the Company of Your Mastervideo
track 5 of The Master Is The Means

poster: CDBaby
length: 06:53
date added: June 29, 2023
event date: September 26, 2004
language: English
views: 357; views this month: 2; views this week: 2
The CD, The Master Is The Means, is a compilation of talks in which Avatar Adi Da describes the spontaneous heart-response to the Spiritual Master as the great, effective, and anciently known Means of Spiritual Awakening.

By exposing the true nature of ego, and pointing out our false and limiting presumptions about Spiritual Masters, Avatar Adi Da enables a free consideration of what is truly needed to Realize the Truth of our Condition. He provides a traditional context for the purpose of His human Form here, while also communicating the utterly unique appearance and offering He Is.

Thia is track 5 from the CD.
CD   Avataric Discourse  

Surrender Comes Firstvideo
track 4 of The Master Is The Means

poster: CDBaby
length: 08:23
date added: June 29, 2023
event date: September 20, 2004
language: English
views: 354; views this month: 4; views this week: 4
The CD, The Master Is The Means, is a compilation of talks in which Avatar Adi Da describes the spontaneous heart-response to the Spiritual Master as the great, effective, and anciently known Means of Spiritual Awakening.

By exposing the true nature of ego, and pointing out our false and limiting presumptions about Spiritual Masters, Avatar Adi Da enables a free consideration of what is truly needed to Realize the Truth of our Condition. He provides a traditional context for the purpose of His human Form here, while also communicating the utterly unique appearance and offering He Is.

Thia is track 4 from the CD.
CD   Avataric Discourse  

The Westerner’s Struggle with Devotionvideo
track 3 of The Master Is The Means

poster: CDBaby
length: 06:10
date added: June 29, 2023
event date: September 12, 2004
language: English
views: 359; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
The CD, The Master Is The Means, is a compilation of talks in which Avatar Adi Da describes the spontaneous heart-response to the Spiritual Master as the great, effective, and anciently known Means of Spiritual Awakening.

By exposing the true nature of ego, and pointing out our false and limiting presumptions about Spiritual Masters, Avatar Adi Da enables a free consideration of what is truly needed to Realize the Truth of our Condition. He provides a traditional context for the purpose of His human Form here, while also communicating the utterly unique appearance and offering He Is.

Thia is track 3 from the CD.
CD   Avataric Discourse  

The ego-Transcending Relationshipvideo
track 2 of The Master Is The Means

poster: CDBaby
length: 07:08
date added: June 29, 2023
event date: January 21, 2005
language: English
views: 386; views this month: 3; views this week: 3
The CD, The Master Is The Means, is a compilation of talks in which Avatar Adi Da describes the spontaneous heart-response to the Spiritual Master as the great, effective, and anciently known Means of Spiritual Awakening.

By exposing the true nature of ego, and pointing out our false and limiting presumptions about Spiritual Masters, Avatar Adi Da enables a free consideration of what is truly needed to Realize the Truth of our Condition. He provides a traditional context for the purpose of His human Form here, while also communicating the utterly unique appearance and offering He Is.

Thia is track 2 from the CD.
CD   Avataric Discourse  

The Ancient Secret Traditionvideo
track 1 of The Master Is The Means

poster: CDBaby
length: 05:10
date added: June 29, 2023
event date: January 6, 2006
language: English
views: 377; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
The CD, The Master Is The Means, is a compilation of talks in which Avatar Adi Da describes the spontaneous heart-response to the Spiritual Master as the great, effective, and anciently known Means of Spiritual Awakening.

By exposing the true nature of ego, and pointing out our false and limiting presumptions about Spiritual Masters, Avatar Adi Da enables a free consideration of what is truly needed to Realize the Truth of our Condition. He provides a traditional context for the purpose of His human Form here, while also communicating the utterly unique appearance and offering He Is.

Thia is track 1 from the CD.
CD   Avataric Discourse  

Uvnitř není žádné jávideo
poster: Adi Da Videa, čeština
length: 07:20
date added: June 26, 2023
event date: July 15, 1973
language: Czech
views: 636; views this month: 2; views this week: 2
[Contains Czech subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

An archival talk from July 15, 1973. One of the earliest video recordings of Avatar Adi Da speaking. Here He talks about the Free State of the fully Realized being, which is neither inward nor outward.

Adi Da: "God is neither within nor without. This is the principle of Satsang [the relationship with the Guru]: the Divine already present, the Divine lived with, the Divine as your Condition."

The Law of Love-Blissvideo
track 10 of Reality Is Beyond Point of View

poster: CDBaby
length: 07:26
date added: June 19, 2023
language: English
views: 386; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
This talk excerpt is track 10 of the CD, Reality Is Beyond "Point Of View", a selection of talks by Adi Da (from the 30 years of His formal Teaching-Work) on the true nature of Reality. Brings together samples from His vast Divine Instruction relative to the true nature of Reality — as the unknowable Condition that is Always Already the Case, prior to the presumption of a separate “point of view”.

The album is available through iTunes, Spotify, and The Dawn Horse Press.

Note: Due to distribution policies set by CDBaby (and beyond the control of this website and Adidam), this video may not be playable in every country. However, sometimes, even when you can't play it on this page, you may be able to play it on YouTube: click here.

The Self-Evident Falsity of the Search for Changelessnessvideo
track 9 of Reality Is Beyond Point of View

poster: CDBaby
length: 01:49
date added: June 19, 2023
language: English
views: 359; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
This talk excerpt is track 9 of the CD, Reality Is Beyond "Point Of View", a selection of talks by Adi Da (from the 30 years of His formal Teaching-Work) on the true nature of Reality. Brings together samples from His vast Divine Instruction relative to the true nature of Reality — as the unknowable Condition that is Always Already the Case, prior to the presumption of a separate “point of view”.

The album is available through iTunes, Spotify, and The Dawn Horse Press.

Note: Due to distribution policies set by CDBaby (and beyond the control of this website and Adidam), this video may not be playable in every country. However, sometimes, even when you can't play it on this page, you may be able to play it on YouTube: click here.

Reality Is Conscious Lightvideo
track 8 of Reality Is Beyond Point of View

poster: CDBaby
length: 06:03
date added: June 19, 2023
language: English
views: 315; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
This talk excerpt is track 8 of the CD, Reality Is Beyond "Point Of View", a selection of talks by Adi Da (from the 30 years of His formal Teaching-Work) on the true nature of Reality. Brings together samples from His vast Divine Instruction relative to the true nature of Reality — as the unknowable Condition that is Always Already the Case, prior to the presumption of a separate “point of view”.

The album is available through iTunes, Spotify, and The Dawn Horse Press.

Note: Due to distribution policies set by CDBaby (and beyond the control of this website and Adidam), this video may not be playable in every country. However, sometimes, even when you can't play it on this page, you may be able to play it on YouTube: click here.

Transcend the Camera of the Body-Mindvideo
track 7 of Reality Is Beyond Point of View

poster: CDBaby
length: 05:44
date added: June 19, 2023
language: English
views: 274; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
This talk excerpt is track 7 of the CD, Reality Is Beyond "Point Of View", a selection of talks by Adi Da (from the 30 years of His formal Teaching-Work) on the true nature of Reality. Brings together samples from His vast Divine Instruction relative to the true nature of Reality — as the unknowable Condition that is Always Already the Case, prior to the presumption of a separate “point of view”.

The album is available through iTunes, Spotify, and The Dawn Horse Press.

Note: Due to distribution policies set by CDBaby (and beyond the control of this website and Adidam), this video may not be playable in every country. However, sometimes, even when you can't play it on this page, you may be able to play it on YouTube: click here.
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531 matches for: Adi Da's Talks

Our multimedia library currently contains 1203 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.[1] Enjoy! videoindicates a video, and audio an audio. Special categories of interest include:
Tribute to Adi Da's
Life and Work
Dawn Horse Press
DVDs (201) / CDs (270)
0 Multi-Part Series (79)
by year:

by poster:
non-English language audios/videos:


Thanks to the many videographers who took the footage, to the many editors who created these videos and audios, and to the 132 people and organizations who posted these videos and audios on YouTube and other places on the Web. Special thanks to Lynne Thompson, who did a lot of the data entry for our audio/video database.

Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner:
© Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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