Adi Da Up Close Audio/Video Library

Adi Da

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7 matches for: South Africa
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Fundraiser for practice transition retreatvideo
poster: AdiDaUpClose
speaker: Megan Van Niekerk
length: 01:58
date added: April 24, 2024
language: English
views: 1496; views this month: 6; views this week: 6

Hello everyone,

My name is Megan Van Niekerk. I am a 24 year old Youth Fellowship devotee of Avatar Adi Da Samraj. I am a South African, and am currently living in Cape Town studying a Eurythmy BA degree at the Centre for Creative Education. I am currently in my third year of study.

I have been a formal devotee in the Youth Fellowship for over a year now and I would like to make my transition into the Second Congregation this year. I have been invited to travel up to the European Danda to meet the community living there and to make my transition. I would like to travel up at the end of June 2024 as this is the best time to do so during my college holidays.

It my heart’s desire to travel to a space that has been Empowered by Adi Da, and to experience the living quality of a community devoted to Him. There are only five South African devotees and we are scattered across the country, far away from each other. So I have not yet experienced Guruvaras or Celebrations with other devotees, despite having taken part online. I would love to experience what it is love to collectively invoke and praise Adi Da!

Unfortunately, I am not earning an income at the moment due to my studies and am living on a simple student allowance. And due to the short amount of time between now and June, it does not feel possible for me to save up the amount that I need to make this journey happen.

My target amount to make this trip possible is R40000 which converts to about 1900EU and $2000 (US). The link for making a donation is:

I am deeply grateful to anyone who feels moved to donate and make this journey possible!

With love, thank you.


Modlitwa dla Światavideo
poster: Adi Da Video Polska
speaker: Jacqueline Clemons
length: 03:32
date added: November 19, 2018
language: Polish
views: 2206; views this month: 4; views this week: 4
[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Piosenkarka i autorka tekstów Jacqueline Clemons śpiewa "The Universal World-Prayer", modlitwę o pokój napisaną przez Adi Da Samraj. Muzyka Nicka Milo i Jacqueline Clemons.

Beloved, Inmost Heart of every heart,
do not Let our human hearts be broken
by our merely mortal suffering here —
but Make our mortal human hearts break-Free
to an unconditional love of You,
that we may, Thus, love all living beings
with Love's own True, and Truly broken, Heart.

Composed by Jacqueline Clemons and Nick Milo, and sung by Jacqueline Clemons, this soulful rendition of Adi Da's prayer for world peace, "The Universal World-Prayer", was sung many times at The Parliament of the World's Religions in Cape Town, South Africa, in December, 1999.

The song accompanies a slideshow of pictures of Adi Da.

The song can be found on Jacqueline's album, In the Garden of Fear-No-More.

For more on how Adi Da created The Universal World-Prayer, read our article on the celebration of The Great Sovereign-Avataric Holy Day of Eternally Established World-Blessing.

Adi Da's Universal World-Prayer coincides with His Instructions to not "live the Law backwards": trying to love others (or attempting to bring about world peace), while failing to first love God (and have our love of others be the overflow of our communion with God).
music   CD   Polish  

La Oración Universalvideo
poster: Videos de Adi Da - Español
speaker: Jacqueline Clemons
length: 03:32
date added: August 26, 2018
language: Spanish
views: 2567; views this month: 4; views this week: 4
[Contains Spanish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

La cantante y compositora Jacqueline Clemons canta "La Oración Universal", una oración por la paz escrita por Adi Da Samraj. Música de Nick Milo y Jacqueline Clemons.

Beloved, Inmost Heart of every heart,
do not Let our human hearts be broken
by our merely mortal suffering here —
but Make our mortal human hearts break-Free
to an unconditional love of You,
that we may, Thus, love all living beings
with Love's own True, and Truly broken, Heart.

Composed by Jacqueline Clemons and Nick Milo, and sung by Jacqueline Clemons, this soulful rendition of Adi Da's prayer for world peace, "The Universal World-Prayer", was sung many times at The Parliament of the World's Religions in Cape Town, South Africa, in December, 1999.

The song accompanies a slideshow of pictures of Adi Da.

The song can be found on Jacqueline's album, In the Garden of Fear-No-More.

For more on how Adi Da created The Universal World-Prayer, read our article on the celebration of The Great Sovereign-Avataric Holy Day of Eternally Established World-Blessing.

Adi Da's Universal World-Prayer coincides with His Instructions to not "live the Law backwards": trying to love others (or attempting to bring about world peace), while failing to first love God (and have our love of others be the overflow of our communion with God).
music   peace   CD   Spanish  

Yleinen Maailmanrukousvideo
poster: Adi Da Videot Suomi
speaker: Jacqueline Clemons
length: 03:32
date added: August 11, 2018
language: Finnish
views: 2318; views this month: 5; views this week: 5
[Contains Finnish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Laulaja ja muusikko, Jacqueline Clemons, esittää "Yleisen Maailmanrukouksen", Adi Da Samrajin kirjoittaman rauhanrukouksen. Nick Milon ja Jacqueline Clemonsin sävellys.

Beloved, Inmost Heart of every heart,
do not Let our human hearts be broken
by our merely mortal suffering here —
but Make our mortal human hearts break-Free
to an unconditional love of You,
that we may, Thus, love all living beings
with Love's own True, and Truly broken, Heart.

Composed by Jacqueline Clemons and Nick Milo, and sung by Jacqueline Clemons, this soulful rendition of Adi Da's prayer for world peace, "The Universal World-Prayer", was sung many times at The Parliament of the World's Religions in Cape Town, South Africa, in December, 1999.

The song accompanies a slideshow of pictures of Adi Da.

The song can be found on Jacqueline's album, In the Garden of Fear-No-More.

For more on how Adi Da created The Universal World-Prayer, read our article on the celebration of The Great Sovereign-Avataric Holy Day of Eternally Established World-Blessing.

Adi Da's Universal World-Prayer coincides with His Instructions to not "live the Law backwards": trying to love others (or attempting to bring about world peace), while failing to first love God (and have our love of others be the overflow of our communion with God).
music   peace   CD   Finnish  

Naituaba: Three Months After Cyclone Winstonvideo
poster: AdiDaUpClose
length: 41:48
date added: December 10, 2016
event date: February 20, 2016
language: English
views: 4126; views this month: 3; views this week: 3
A report in June, 2016 on the state of Naitauba, three months after the devastating destruction wrought by Cyclone Winston on February 20, 2016.

Interviews with Michiel Vos (Samrajya Administrator), Grace Evans (retreatant from California), Carol Smith (resident), Susie Bagshaw (Taveuni Support and Fijian Advocacy), Naamleela Free Jones (daughter of Adi Da Samraj), Joy Harland (resident), Andrew Savio (retreatant from Melbourne, Australia), Nicholas Wagner (public guest from Cape Town, South Africa), Da-vid Forsythe (resident), Ruchiradama Nadikanta (Ruchira Sannyasin Order), Jeff Hughes (retreatant from Taveuni, Fiji), and Ryan Bass (retreatant from Cape Town, South Africa).

While much has been done to restore Naitauba since the damage of Cyclone Winston (some of it reported in this video), much more recovery and restoration work and work aimed at minimizing the damage from future cyclones is still needed. You can find out more here.

The Universal World-Prayervideo
poster: AdiDaVideos
speaker: Jacqueline Clemons
length: 03:32
date added: April 28, 2015
language: Finnish
views: 8154; views this month: 4; views this week: 4

Beloved, Inmost Heart of every heart,
do not Let our human hearts be broken
by our merely mortal suffering here —
but Make our mortal human hearts break-Free
to an unconditional love of You,
that we may, Thus, love all living beings
with Love's own True, and Truly broken, Heart.

Composed by Jacqueline Clemons and Nick Milo, and sung by Jacqueline Clemons, this soulful rendition of Adi Da's prayer for world peace, "The Universal World-Prayer", was sung many times at The Parliament of the World's Religions in Cape Town, South Africa, in December, 1999.

The song accompanies a slideshow of pictures of Adi Da.

We live the Law backwards. Instead of living from the point of view of Happiness, love of God, submission to the Transcendental Reality, we live in submission to others, objects, relations.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, The Dreaded Gom-Boo
music   peace   CD  

Adidam South Africavideo
poster: samraj07
length: 01:59
date added: September 2, 2012
language: English
views: 2056; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
Devotee (and Adidam missionary for South Africa) Gavin Brown offers a personal invitation to all those living in South Africa who are interested in learning more about Adi Da to connect with him.
South Africa  

Our multimedia library currently contains 1203 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.[1] Enjoy! videoindicates a video, and audio an audio. Special categories of interest include:
Tribute to Adi Da's
Life and Work
Dawn Horse Press
DVDs (201) / CDs (270)
0 Multi-Part Series (79)
by year:

by poster:
non-English language audios/videos:


Thanks to the many videographers who took the footage, to the many editors who created these videos and audios, and to the 132 people and organizations who posted these videos and audios on YouTube and other places on the Web. Special thanks to Lynne Thompson, who did a lot of the data entry for our audio/video database.

Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner:
© Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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