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Audio/Video Library

Our multimedia library currently contains 1,206 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.

5 audios/videos with tag:
Rachel Kuhn

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Trybut Rachel Kuhn

[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Devotee Rachel Kuhn, who grew up in the Company of Adi Da, offers this testimonial to His life and work.

Excerpt from Second Evening: Track 7 on the DVD, A Tribute to the Life and Work of His Divine Presence, Adi Da Samraj. More than 7 hours long, this Tribute DVD was filmed on the occasion of the first Anniversary of Adi Da's Divine Mahasamadhi, when devotees, family, and friends of Adi Da Samraj gathered at Adi Da Samrajashram, Fiji (Adi Da's principal Hermitage), to acknowledge Adi Da as the Divine in human form, to praise His Greatness, and to express their heart-felt gratitude for the Blessings they have received from Him.

A list of all the tracks on this DVD can be found here.

Tags: Rachel Kuhn   Mahasamadhi   tribute   DVD   Polish  

Creciendo con Adi Da: Rachel Kuhn

[Contains Spanish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Tributo a Adi Da.

Devotee Rachel Kuhn, who grew up in the Company of Adi Da, offers this testimonial to His life and work.

Excerpt from Second Evening: Track 7 on the DVD, A Tribute to the Life and Work of His Divine Presence, Adi Da Samraj. More than 7 hours long, this Tribute DVD was filmed on the occasion of the first Anniversary of Adi Da's Divine Mahasamadhi, when devotees, family, and friends of Adi Da Samraj gathered at Adi Da Samrajashram, Fiji (Adi Da's principal Hermitage), to acknowledge Adi Da as the Divine in human form, to praise His Greatness, and to express their heart-felt gratitude for the Blessings they have received from Him.

A list of all the tracks on this DVD can be found here.

Tags: Rachel Kuhn   Mahasamadhi   tribute   DVD   Spanish  

Serving My Mother's Death

An excerpt from the February 11, 2015 Adidam Webinar, "Death Is A Living Process". In this clip, Rachel Kuhn talks about serving her mother's death, after her mother had suffered with multiple sclerosis for many years. She tells a story of how love overwhelmed the fear of death and the trauma of living a difficult life.

Tags: death  

Growing Up in the Adidam Community

Devotee Rachel Kuhn, who grew up in Adi Da's community, gives her testimony about her relationship to Him.

Excerpt from Second Evening: Track 7 on the DVD, A Tribute to the Life and Work of His Divine Presence, Adi Da Samraj. More than 7 hours long, this Tribute DVD was filmed on the occasion of the first Anniversary of Adi Da's Divine Mahasamadhi, when devotees, family, and friends of Adi Da Samraj gathered at Adi Da Samrajashram, Fiji (Adi Da's principal Hermitage), to acknowledge Adi Da as the Divine in human form, to praise His Greatness, and to express their heart-felt gratitude for the Blessings they have received from Him.

A list of all the tracks on this DVD can be found here.

Tags: Leela   Rachel Kuhn   Mahasamadhi   tribute   DVD  

Growing Up as a Devotee of Adi Da: Rachel Kuhn

Devotee Rachel Kuhn, who grew up in the Company of Adi Da, offers this testimonial to His life and work.

Excerpt from Second Evening: Track 7 on the DVD, A Tribute to the Life and Work of His Divine Presence, Adi Da Samraj. More than 7 hours long, this Tribute DVD was filmed on the occasion of the first Anniversary of Adi Da's Divine Mahasamadhi, when devotees, family, and friends of Adi Da Samraj gathered at Adi Da Samrajashram, Fiji (Adi Da's principal Hermitage), to acknowledge Adi Da as the Divine in human form, to praise His Greatness, and to express their heart-felt gratitude for the Blessings they have received from Him.

A list of all the tracks on this DVD can be found here.

Tags: Rachel Kuhn   Mahasamadhi   tribute   DVD  

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