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137 audios/videos matching:
Mountain of Attention

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Remember The Mystery in Which You Live

From a question and answer session with Adi Da on October 28, 1978, in Land Bridge Pavilion at the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary in Northern California. This is track 6 on the DVD, Surrender of self Is A Koan. It is also available in audio form as Track 3 of the free, downloadable CD, The Liberating Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Volume 1.

Adi Da answers a question from a 10-year-old boy who wants to not be so angry all the time. Very sweet exchange!

Tags: children   CD   DVD  

Nirmalya Dey

Dhrupad is one of the most ancient and pure traditions of Indian music. It adheres renditions of raga exposition that have been called "the real currency of Indian music".

Master dhrupad singer and teacher Nirmalya Dey will be visiting Lake County, California, October 18-20, 2012.

He will give a concert at The Mountain Of Attention (in Land Bridge Pavilion) on Friday, October 19 at 8pm. Suggested donation is $20 (but no one is turned away).

He will give a workshop on "Dhrupad" practices on Saturday, October 20, from 9am - 1pm at the home of devotee Gina Macioce. Suggested donation is $50.

Nirmalya will also have limited spots available for private lessons. Call to reserve in advance, if you are interested.

To register for the workshop, sign up for lessons, or for more information, please call John Wubbenhorst at 301-346-0789 or email

The Five Declarations: Epilogue

Part of an Avataric Revelation Discourse given at the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary, later published in Reality Is All The God There Is.

Adi Da offers His unique renderings of the Dharma of the great sages of Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism, including Gotama Sakyamuni, Nagarjuna, Shankara, and Ribhu. Rather than simply translate their teachings from available source texts, Avatar Adi Da respeaks them as one who has personally realized their truth. He reveals that the Buddhist “Nirvana” and the Advaitic “Brahman” point to the same Transcendental Condition. Avatar Adi Da’s rendering restores to these texts the profundity intended by the Spiritual Masters who created them.

Tags: Avataric Discourse   Mountain of Attention   Free Rendering   Buddhism   Advaita Vedanta  

The Fifth Declaration

Part of an Avataric Revelation Discourse given at the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary, later published in Reality Is All The God There Is.

Adi Da offers His unique renderings of the Dharma of the great sages of Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism, including Gotama Sakyamuni, Nagarjuna, Shankara, and Ribhu. Rather than simply translate their teachings from available source texts, Avatar Adi Da respeaks them as one who has personally realized their truth. He reveals that the Buddhist “Nirvana” and the Advaitic “Brahman” point to the same Transcendental Condition. Avatar Adi Da’s rendering restores to these texts the profundity intended by the Spiritual Masters who created them.

Tags: Avataric Discourse   Mountain of Attention   Free Rendering   Buddhism   Advaita Vedanta  

The Fourth Declaration

Part of an Avataric Revelation Discourse given at the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary, later published in Reality Is All The God There Is.

Adi Da offers His unique renderings of the Dharma of the great sages of Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism, including Gotama Sakyamuni, Nagarjuna, Shankara, and Ribhu. Rather than simply translate their teachings from available source texts, Avatar Adi Da respeaks them as one who has personally realized their truth. He reveals that the Buddhist “Nirvana” and the Advaitic “Brahman” point to the same Transcendental Condition. Avatar Adi Da’s rendering restores to these texts the profundity intended by the Spiritual Masters who created them.

Tags: Avataric Discourse   Mountain of Attention   Free Rendering   Buddhism   Advaita Vedanta  

The Third Declaration

Part of an Avataric Revelation Discourse given at the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary, later published in Reality Is All The God There Is.

Adi Da offers His unique renderings of the Dharma of the great sages of Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism, including Gotama Sakyamuni, Nagarjuna, Shankara, and Ribhu. Rather than simply translate their teachings from available source texts, Avatar Adi Da respeaks them as one who has personally realized their truth. He reveals that the Buddhist “Nirvana” and the Advaitic “Brahman” point to the same Transcendental Condition. Avatar Adi Da’s rendering restores to these texts the profundity intended by the Spiritual Masters who created them.

Tags: Avataric Discourse   Mountain of Attention   Free Rendering   Buddhism   Advaita Vedanta  

The Second Declaration

Part of an Avataric Revelation Discourse given at the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary, later published in Reality Is All The God There Is.

Adi Da offers His unique renderings of the Dharma of the great sages of Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism, including Gotama Sakyamuni, Nagarjuna, Shankara, and Ribhu. Rather than simply translate their teachings from available source texts, Avatar Adi Da respeaks them as one who has personally realized their truth. He reveals that the Buddhist “Nirvana” and the Advaitic “Brahman” point to the same Transcendental Condition. Avatar Adi Da’s rendering restores to these texts the profundity intended by the Spiritual Masters who created them.

Tags: Avataric Discourse   Mountain of Attention   Free Rendering   Buddhism   Advaita Vedanta  

The First Declaration

Part of an Avataric Revelation Discourse given at the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary, later published in Reality Is All The God There Is.

Adi Da offers His unique renderings of the Dharma of the great sages of Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism, including Gotama Sakyamuni, Nagarjuna, Shankara, and Ribhu. Rather than simply translate their teachings from available source texts, Avatar Adi Da respeaks them as one who has personally realized their truth. He reveals that the Buddhist “Nirvana” and the Advaitic “Brahman” point to the same Transcendental Condition. Avatar Adi Da’s rendering restores to these texts the profundity intended by the Spiritual Masters who created them.

Tags: Avataric Discourse   Mountain of Attention   Free Rendering   Buddhism   Advaita Vedanta  

The Five Declarations: Introduction

Part of an Avataric Revelation Discourse given at the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary, later published in Reality Is All The God There Is.

Adi Da offers His unique renderings of the Dharma of the great sages of Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism, including Gotama Sakyamuni, Nagarjuna, Shankara, and Ribhu. Rather than simply translate their teachings from available source texts, Avatar Adi Da respeaks them as one who has personally realized their truth. He reveals that the Buddhist “Nirvana” and the Advaitic “Brahman” point to the same Transcendental Condition. Avatar Adi Da’s rendering restores to these texts the profundity intended by the Spiritual Masters who created them.

Tags: Avataric Discourse   Mountain of Attention   Free Rendering   Buddhism   Advaita Vedanta  

Sacred Musical Offering: June 3, 2012, Mountain Of Attention

Peter van Gelder (sitar), John Wubbenhorst (bansuri), and Samrat Kakkeri (tabla) will perform a Sacred Offering of classical Indian ragas on 2pm on June 3, 2012, in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention.

This is a fundraising event to support sending musicians to Naitauba for Da Purnima.

Suggested donation: $15. (No one is turned away.)
For more information, call: 301-346-0789.

Event poster here.

First Meeting with Adi Da

After becoming Adi Da's devotee, Toni Vidor talks about meeting Him for the first time at Ordeal Bath Lodge, at The Mountain Of Attention. She is stunned by what she sees!

For more of this story, click here.

For much more about Toni's relationship with her Spiritual Master, Adi Da, read her book, Beyond The Illusion.

Tags: Toni Vidor   Ogee   Antonia Vidor   devotee book  

Quiet Dogs

The panoramic view from the porch of Quiet Dogs, one of the retreat quarters at The Mountain Of Attention.

Video by Justin Berry.

Note: Quiet Dogs was burnt to the ground later, in the Valley Fire of 2015.

Tags: Quiet Dogs   Mountain Of Attention   retreat  

The Sphere of My Inherent Radiance

In this talk, given at The Mountain Of Attention on July 3, 1988, Avatar Adi Da Samraj discourses on His Spiritual Transmission, which He describes as transcending space-time and occurring in the "True Realm of Reality". He Reveals the mystery of how it is "very easy" for Him to Spiritually Bless the entirety of the cosmos with His Transmission.

ADI DA: "If you walked into a room, and there were a light shining in the ceiling, it would be shining in all directions. You would see the light at one point, depending on your position in the room, and say 'It's shining on me', as if in some sense the lightbulb noticed you! But in fact the lightbulb is radiating in all directions indifferently. You are in a position to notice it.

Of course you had to come into the room to notice it. If you didn't come into the room, if you stood outside the room, in other words, if you stood apart from this Transmission, from My Company, through some barrier or other, of your own obstruction in mind and emotion and so on, then you wouldn't come in contact with Me, you wouldn't be able to receive this Transmission."

For more, visit our Spiritual Transmission section.

Tags: Transmission  

North Indian Ragas: Musician Travel Fundraiser

John Wubbenhorst (bansuri) and Samrat Kakkeri (tabla) provide a Sacred Offering of North Indian ragas. Concert benefits sacred musicians' travel to Naitauba, Fiji.

Time: 2:30pm, June 12, 2011
Place: Land Bridge Pavilion, The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary

$15 suggested donation.
Call 301-346-0789 for more information.

Tags: Facing East   John Wubbenhorst   Samrat Kakkeri   bansuri   tabla  

The Sanctuary Kitchen: Quinoa Tabouli

While Adi Da recommends a maximally raw diet [see Adi Da's Green Gorilla], the Sanctuary Kitchen occasionally makes a cooked dish drawn from the broader vegetarian cuisine. In this video, Douglas Short, the head chef at First People (the kitchen for The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary), instructs us on how to make quinoa tabouli. Douglas also shows us a nice trick for dicing tomatoes efficiently with a very sharp knife.

Tags: raw   diet   food   First People   quinoa   tabouli  

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