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Audio/Video Library

Our multimedia library currently contains 1,172 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.

137 audios/videos matching:
Mountain of Attention

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The Bridge to God

On October 26, 1980, a shaman from Mexico visited The Mountain Of Attention, Adidam’s primary Sanctuary in Northern California. The following day, Avatar Adi Da considered with His devotees the shamanic view of the world, the inherently magical nature of the world, and our psychic relationship to it.

He describes the difference between the left-brained, scientific, control-oriented way of relating to the world, and the magical, psychic, or shamanistic point of view, in which the elements of the non-human world are related to in a participatory manner.

This audio excerpt is from the CD, The Bridge To God.

Tags: CD  

Devote Your Life To God-Realization

On July 2, 1988, in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention, Adi Da gives the talk, "Contemplation, Satsang, Sadhana", which would appear in the May/June 1988 issue of Crazy Wisdom Magazine.

In this excerpt ("Devote Your Life To God-Realization"), Adi Da speaks about the necessity for "sadhana", or spiritual practice, in relationship to the God-Realized Spiritual Master.

"All there is is a mechanism to be dealt with. You're not uniquely born. It's the same mechanism as in all other cases. And, in all cases it requires a tremendous ordeal."

Beginning at 17:30 (and continuing to the end of this video), a formal Darshan occasion is shown.

Tags: Darshan  

The Perfect Condition Is

Video excerpt from an Avataric Discourse given by Adi Da Samraj on July 7, 2005, in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention.

Adi Da talks about the presumption of the egoic "separate self" sense that is the root of human suffering. He contrasts this with our actual Position in Truth: the Position of Conscious Light.

This talk is from the first occasion in many years in which Avatar Adi Da spoke directly to a gathering of His devotees in California. Questions from devotees about intimate, familial, and social issues are met with Avatar Adi Da's Compassion and Humor, as well as His Liberating Wisdom.

The complete Avataric Discourse is available on the DVD, Relinquish the Mummery of This World. (This video excerpt is from Part 3 of the DVD.)

At 19:58, a formal Darshan occasion begins (at Adi Da Samrajashram) and continues to the end of this video clip.

Tags: Avataric Discourse  

Adi Da's Touch: The Mountain Of Attention, 2005

Adi Da visiting The Mountain of Attention Sanctuary, Northern California, in the summer of 2005.

To receive the physical touch of one's Master is an extraordinary gift. Many of the devotees in this clip have testified that, when they received His touch, Bhagavan Adi Da knew the deepest longings of their heart.

From 7:49 to end of clip: Adi Da grants devotees Darshan as He sits in front of Ordeal Bath Lodge.

Background music is Ray Lynch's "The Temple", from his album, The Sky Of Mind.

Tags: Darshan   Mountain Of Attention  

The Grace Of Suffering

In this seminal discourse (at The Mountain Of Attention), from the early years of His Teaching Work, Adi Da speaks about the inevitable process of self-revelation and self-understanding that prepares the being for true Spiritual life.

The full talk is available on the CD, The Grace of Suffering, and on DVD as Volume 2 of the 25th Anniversary DVD Series.

Tags: CD   DVD  

Serving the Dying

In this discourse from May 31, 1980 at The Mountain Of Attention, a student of Avatar Adi Da asks Him for suggestions to help her dying mother. Adi Da then responds both with compassion and also with very practical advice on how to serve the dying.

Tags: death  

I Am Here To Awaken A Bright New Age of Global Humankind

Ruchiradama Nadikanta has created a series of seven recitations from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace, accompanied by the bansuri flute music of John Wubbenhorst.

This is Recitation 7: I Am Here To Awaken A Bright New Age of Global Humankind.

These recordings were made in Ordeal Bath Lodge at The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary.

Ruchiradama Nadikanta is offering these recitations as a New Year's gift to everyone. Feel free to share these recitations. For more recitations from Not-Two Is Peace, click here.

Tags: peace   recitation   Ruchiradama Nadikanta  

What Is No-point-of-view Is all-and-All

Ruchiradama Nadikanta has created a series of seven recitations from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace, accompanied by the bansuri flute music of John Wubbenhorst.

This is Recitation 6: What Is No-"point-of-view" Is all-and-All.

These recordings were made in Ordeal Bath Lodge at The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary.

Ruchiradama Nadikanta is offering these recitations as a New Year's gift to everyone. Feel free to share these recitations. For more recitations from Not-Two Is Peace, click here.

Tags: peace   recitation   Ruchiradama Nadikanta  

The Truth of Prior Unity

Ruchiradama Nadikanta has created a series of seven recitations from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace, accompanied by the bansuri flute music of John Wubbenhorst.

This is Recitation 5: The Truth of Prior Unity Is The Instrinsic Self-Revelation of Reality Itself.

These recordings were made in Ordeal Bath Lodge at The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary.

Ruchiradama Nadikanta is offering these recitations as a New Year's gift to everyone. Feel free to share these recitations. For more recitations from Not-Two Is Peace, click here.

Tags: peace   recitation   Ruchiradama Nadikanta  

The Three Great Principles of All Truth

Ruchiradama Nadikanta has created a series of seven recitations from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace, accompanied by the bansuri flute music of John Wubbenhorst.

This is Recitation 4: The Three Great Principles of All Truth.

These recordings were made in Ordeal Bath Lodge at The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary.

Ruchiradama Nadikanta is offering these recitations as a New Year's gift to everyone. Feel free to share these recitations. For more recitations from Not-Two Is Peace, click here.

Tags: peace   recitation   Ruchiradama Nadikanta  


Ruchiradama Nadikanta has created a series of seven recitations from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace, accompanied by the bansuri flute music of John Wubbenhorst.

This is Recitation 3: Is-Peace.

These recordings were made in Ordeal Bath Lodge at The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary.

Ruchiradama Nadikanta is offering these recitations as a New Year's gift to everyone. Feel free to share these recitations. For more recitations from Not-Two Is Peace, click here.

Tags: peace   recitation   Ruchiradama Nadikanta  

C + T = P: Formula For World Peace

Ruchiradama Nadikanta has created a series of seven recitations from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace, accompanied by the bansuri flute music of John Wubbenhorst.

This is Recitation 2: C + T = P . . . Formula For World Peace.

These recordings were made in Ordeal Bath Lodge at The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary.

Ruchiradama Nadikanta is offering these recitations as a New Year's gift to everyone. Feel free to share these recitations. For more recitations from Not-Two Is Peace, click here.

Tags: peace   recitation   Ruchiradama Nadikanta  

An Introduction to Not-Two Is Peace

Ruchiradama Nadikanta has created a series of seven recitations from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace, accompanied by the bansuri flute music of John Wubbenhorst.

This is Recitation 1: Introduction.

World-Friend Adi Da: "The old moral, social, and political order of humankind is now dead. A new and true and right order of humankind is, now, and forever hereafter, necessary. This Free Declaration is the Seed-Utterance of that new and necessary true and right (and truly globally, totally, and universally cooperative) order."

offered by Ruchiradama Nadikanta

Dearly Beloved Bhagavan, Adi Da Samraj,
we surrender at Your Blessed Feet in deepest devotion to You,
the Divine Avatar of Conscious Light.

We pray to fulfill Your Urgent Calling
to fully serve the establishment of Your Divine Avataric Work in this world,
so that all may feel Your Touch of Divine Love
and receive Your Perfect Wisdom and Divine Grace

May we collectively incarnate
(and, thereby, inspire all to heed)
Your Great Admonition,
Cooperation + Tolerance = Peace.

May we embrace all beings everywhere,
always making available to everyone the Gift of Divine Compassion
and all-Embracing Love You have Brought to here.

We bow at Your Holy Feet in love and deepest gratitude, now and forever.

Tags: peace   recitation   Ruchiradama Nadikanta  

Celebrating Danavira Mela at The Mountain Of Attention

Devotees celebrating Danavira Mela in the dining room of First People at The Mountain Of Attention on December 22, 2012. Video by Michele Krueger. (Clowning by Kheyala Krueger.)

Led by Antonina Randazzo, they are singing one of the chants for the season, This Is The Great Gift. The words are drawn from Adi Da's Sacred Texts. The music is by devotee and award-winning composer, Ray Lynch.

Tags: Danavira Mela   Mountain Of Attention   Celebration  

Sacred Sightings: California, 2005

Avatar Adi Da Samraj with devotees at The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary in Northern California, during His visit in the summer of 2005.

In the first Darshan occasion, Adi Da sits with devotees at Seventh Gate Shrine. (More from this occasion can be seen here.)

In the second Darshan occasion, Adi Da walks past devotees and then sits with them in front of Ordeal Bath Lodge. (More from that occasion here, where Adi Da embraces a young boy.)

Tags: Darshan  

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