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Audio/Video Library

Our multimedia library currently contains 1,172 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.

137 audios/videos matching:
Mountain of Attention

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61 - 75 (out of 137)

Venez ŕ Moi par le Coeur

[Contains French subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

In this clip, "Venez ŕ Moi par le Coeur" ("Approach Me from the Heart"), Adi Da speaks to devotees in the Manner Of Flowers (at the Mountain Of Attention), during the "Love of the God-Man" Celebration on March 8, 1984. Adi Da talks about praise speech, ecstasy, and Satsang.

The full talk can can be found on the DVD, Approach Me From the Heart.

Some of the questions Adi Da addresses in the full talk are: What is a Divine experience? Who is God that God could be identified over against anything whatsoever? Who is a Spiritual Master if He can find Himself apart from God, such that He could say: “This piece is Me and this piece is God”? How could such distinctions continue in the consciousness of one who has Realized the Divine?

Tags: French  

Souvenez-Vous du Mystčre dans Lequel Vous Vivez

[Contains French subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Adi Da répond ŕ une question d'un garçon de 10 ans qui veut "ne pas ętre autant en colčre tout le temps".

In this video clip, "Souvenez-Vous du Mystčre dans Lequel Vous Vivez" ("Remember The Mystery In Which You Live"), Adi Da answers a question from a 10-year-old boy who wants to not be so angry and "righteous" all the time. Adi Da reveals some basic secrets about the nature of love. A very sweet exchange. From the talk, "Remember The Mystery In Which You Live", given by Adi Da on October 28, 1978, in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary in Northern California.

This is Track 3 of the free, downloadable CD, The Liberating Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Volume 1.

Tags: CD   French  

Le soi-je Séparé Est Une Illusion

[Contains French subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

"Le soi-'je' Séparé Est Une Illusion" ("The separate self 'I' is an Illusion") is a video excerpt from an Avataric Discourse given by Adi Da on July 7, 2005 in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention.

Adi Da Samraj speaks about the action of self-contraction, which creates the sense of being a "separate self" - whereas, in Reality, no matter what arises, you are only and merely the Witness Consciousness.

This talk is from the first occasion in many years in which Avatar Adi Da spoke directly to a gathering of His devotees in California. Questions from devotees about intimate, familial, and social issues are met with Avatar Adi Da's Compassion and Humor, as well as His Liberating Wisdom.

The complete Avataric Discourse is available on the DVD, Relinquish the Mummery of This World.

Tags: French  

Qu'est-ce que le Sectarisme?

[Contains French subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Adi Da critique le sectarisme religieux. Ce discours, donné en 1978, est une de ses allocutions récapitulatives sur le sujet.

Adi Da criticized religious cultism, long before the subject gained any popular attention. (For an audio clip of His earliest criticisms — in June, 1972 — click here.) This discourse, "Qu'est-ce que le Sectarisme?" ("What Is Cultism?"), given in 1978 at The Mountain Of Attention, is one of His summary addresses on the subject. Adi Da observes that the primary characteristic of a cult member is shared enthusiasm (like enjoying the energy of the crowd at a football game). For example, in "the cult of the Spiritual Master", everybody is enjoying the enthusiasm (their own and each other's) associated with having "found" the great Master; but no one is actually engaged in significant deepening of the devotional and spiritual relationship with the Master, and practicing on that basis — hence no Spiritual growth or Realization occurs.

Adi Da: "My purpose in My Teaching is to make it possible for you to duplicate what I have done — not to be eternally separated from Me, but to be in Communion with Me — to be intimate with Me in Spiritual terms, so that you, yourself, may live this practice, and fulfill it in your own case."

Tags: French  

La Condición Perfecta Es

[Contains Spanish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Discurso por el Maestro de todo el mundo, Adi Da Samraj.

"La Condición Perfecta Es" ("The Perfect Condition Is") is a video excerpt from an Avataric Discourse given by Adi Da Samraj on July 7, 2005, in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention.

Adi Da talks about the presumption of the egoic "separate self" sense that is the root of human suffering. He contrasts this with our actual Position in Truth: the Position of Conscious Light.

This talk is from the first occasion in many years in which Avatar Adi Da spoke directly to a gathering of His devotees in California. Questions from devotees about intimate, familial, and social issues are met with Avatar Adi Da's Compassion and Humor, as well as His Liberating Wisdom.

The complete Avataric Discourse is available on the DVD, Relinquish the Mummery of This World. (This video excerpt is from Part 3 of the DVD.)

At 19:58, a formal Darshan occasion begins (at Adi Da Samrajashram) and continues to the end of this video clip.

Tags: Avataric Discourse   DVD   Spanish  

Łaska Cierpienia

[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Adi Da mówi o tym, że kiedy człowiek zrozumiemie, że zwykłe życie jest niewolą i ograniczeniem, wtedy praktyka duchowa staje się możliwa.

In this seminal discourse (at The Mountain Of Attention), from the early years of His Teaching Work, Adi Da speaks about the inevitable process of self-revelation and self-understanding that prepares the being for true Spiritual life.

The full talk is available on the CD, The Grace of Suffering, and on DVD as Volume 2 of the 25th Anniversary DVD Series.

Tags: CD   DVD   Polish  

Avatár Adi Da Samráj, Kalifornie v roce 2005

[Contains Czech subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Avatár Adi Da Samráj během své návštšvy svatyně hory pozornosti. Kalifornie v roce 2005.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj during His visit to The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary. California, in the summer of 2005.

Tags: Czech  

Samostatné ‘já’ je pouze naší iluzí

[Contains Czech subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Titul hovoří sám o sobě.

České titulky. Dotazy nebo případné komentáře nám můžete zaslat na

"Samostatné ‘já’ je pouze naší iluzí" ("The Separate Self I Is an Illusion") is a video excerpt from an Avataric Discourse given by Adi Da on July 7, 2005 in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention.

Adi Da Samraj speaks about the action of self-contraction, which creates the sense of being a "separate self" - whereas, in Reality, no matter what arises, you are only and merely the Witness Consciousness.

This talk is from the first occasion in many years in which Avatar Adi Da spoke directly to a gathering of His devotees in California. Questions from devotees about intimate, familial, and social issues are met with Avatar Adi Da's Compassion and Humor, as well as His Liberating Wisdom.

The complete Avataric Discourse is available on the DVD, Relinquish the Mummery of This World.

Tags: DVD   Avataric Discourse   czech  

Adi Da Samraj: Sacred Sighting - California, 2005

Questo č il canale che celebra Adi Da Samraj – realizzatore spirituale unico, maestro, autore e artista. Adi Da Samraj ha dedicato la sua vita alla creazione di strumenti utili all'umanitŕ per realizzare la Veritŕ ultima – quello che lui ha chiamato il “Luminoso”, ossia la Indivisibile Realtŕ in cui noi tutti appariamo.

Per ulteriori informazioni su Adi Da Samraj, si prega di scrivere a:

Tags: Italian   Darshan   Mountain Of Attention  

Erillinen Minä on Illuusio

[Contains Finnish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Avatar Adi Da Samrajin Antama Puhe, "Erillinen 'minä' on illuusio", 7. heinäkuuta 2005.

Suomalainen tekstitys saatavilla. Kirjoita meille kysymyksiä tai kommentteja osoitteeseen

"Erillinen 'Minä' on Illuusio" ("The Separate Self 'I' Is an Illusion") is a video excerpt from an Avataric Discourse given by Adi Da on July 7, 2005 in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention.

Adi Da Samraj speaks about the action of self-contraction, which creates the sense of being a "separate self" - whereas, in Reality, no matter what arises, you are only and merely the Witness Consciousness.

This talk is from the first occasion in many years in which Avatar Adi Da spoke directly to a gathering of His devotees in California. Questions from devotees about intimate, familial, and social issues are met with Avatar Adi Da's Compassion and Humor, as well as His Liberating Wisdom.

The complete Avataric Discourse is available on the DVD, Relinquish the Mummery of This World.

Tags: Finnish   Avataric Discourse   DVD  

You Cannot Satisfy Everyone's Expectations

Video excerpt from an Avataric Discourse given by Adi Da Samraj on July 7, 2005, in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention.

In this excerpt, Adi Da responds to a devotee from India who asks for Adi Da's guidance on how to reconcile his traditional family obligations with his impulse to serve His Spiritual Master.

Tags: Avataric Discourse   DVD  

Czym jest kult?

[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Adi Da krytyka kultu religijnego. Dyskurs ten, wydany w 1978 roku, jest jednym z jego podsumowań na ten temat.

Aby uzyskać więcej informacji o Adi Da Samraj i Drodze Serca proszę pisać na adres:

Adi Da criticized religious cultism, long before the subject gained any popular attention. (For an audio clip of His earliest criticisms — in June, 1972 — click here.) This discourse, given in 1978 at The Mountain Of Attention, is one of His summary addresses on the subject. Adi Da observes that the primary characteristic of a cult member is shared enthusiasm (like enjoying the energy of the crowd at a football game). For example, in "the cult of the Spiritual Master", everybody is enjoying the enthusiasm (their own and each other's) associated with having "found" the great Master; but no one is actually engaged in significant deepening of the devotional and spiritual relationship with the Master, and practicing on that basis — hence no Spiritual growth or Realization occurs.

Adi Da: "My purpose in My Teaching is to make it possible for you to duplicate what I have done — not to be eternally separated from Me, but to be in Communion with Me — to be intimate with Me in Spiritual terms, so that you, yourself, may live this practice, and fulfill it in your own case."

Tags: cult   Polish  

How To Serve A Dying Person

[Contains Dutch subtitles. For the version without subtitles, click here.]

Excerpt from a talk given by Adi Da in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary, on May 31, 1980.

In this discourse, a student of Adi Da asks Him for suggestions to help her dying mother. Adi Da then responds both with compassion and also with very practical advice on how to serve the dying.

[The recording of Adi Da's voice is slightly distorted, but understandable.]

Tags: Dutch   death  

Spotkania z Adi Da Samraj, Kalifornia, 2005 r.

[Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

Awatara Adi Da Samraj podczas Jego wizyty w Sanktuarium Mountain of Attention (Góra Uwagi). Kalifornia w 2005 r.

Aby uzyskać więcej informacji o Adi Da Samraj i Drodze Serca proszę pisać na adres:

Avatar Adi Da Samraj during His visit to The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary. California, in the summer of 2005.

Tags: Darshan   Mountain Of Attention   Polish  

El Ser Separado, El Auto Cuerpo-Mente, El Yo Separado, Es Una Ilusión

[Contains Spanish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

"El Ser Separado, El Auto Cuerpo-Mente, El Yo Separado, Es Una Ilusión" ("The Separate Self I Is an Illusion") is a video excerpt from an Avataric Discourse given by Adi Da on July 7, 2005 in Land Bridge Pavilion at The Mountain Of Attention.

Adi Da Samraj speaks about the action of self-contraction, which creates the sense of being a "separate self" - whereas, in Reality, no matter what arises, you are only and merely the Witness Consciousness.

This talk is from the first occasion in many years in which Avatar Adi Da spoke directly to a gathering of His devotees in California. Questions from devotees about intimate, familial, and social issues are met with Avatar Adi Da's Compassion and Humor, as well as His Liberating Wisdom.

The complete Avataric Discourse is available on the DVD, Relinquish the Mummery of This World.

Tags: Avataric Discourse   DVD   Spanish  

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