Adi Da Up Close Audio/Video Library

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138 matches for: Image
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Image-Art Testimonial: Stanley Hastingsvideo
part 12 of A Tribute to the Life and Work of Adi Da Samraj

poster: AdiDaVideos
speaker: Stanley Hastings
length: 25:06
date added: March 31, 2015
event date: November 29, 2009
language: English
views: 10639; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
This video appreciation of Adi Da's Image-Art begins with a testimonial from devotee Stanley Hastings, who grew up in the Adidam community and is the Co-Director of Da Plastique (the group that presents Avatar Adi Da's Art to the public), and who worked with Adi Da on His Divine Image-Art.

Then, at 9:34, we hear various art professionals express their appreciation of Adi Da's Image-Art.

This is followed (at 13:14) by a slideshow of photos drawn from some the Exhibitions of Adi Da's Image-Art, from 2001-2009.

The video concludes (at 18:58) with a slideshow of photos of Adi Da creating His Image-Art from 1998-2008. Background music is Naamleela Free Jones, "I Served to Priest the Pharaohs", from her album, Eyes In Other Worlds.
image-art   Stanley Hastings   Mahasamadhi   Tribute   DVD  

Adi Da Samraj Per Vivaldi 2014video
poster: Numinous Involvements Production
length: 02:49
date added: January 10, 2015
event date: July 21, 2014
language: English
views: 4047; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
On July 21 and 22, 2014, The Florence Dance Company performed the multimedia dance event, Quattro Maggiore ("Four Seasons") — set to the music of Vivaldi (his most well-known work, "Quattro Maggiore", performed live) and the art of Adi Da Samraj. The venue was the courtyard of the historic Bargello Museum in Florence.
Image-Art   Florence Dance Company  

Dancing on the Bridge of the Worldvideo
poster: An Hana
length: 05:56
date added: October 3, 2014
event date: July 24, 2014
language: English
views: 4638; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
On the evening of July 24, 2014, The Florence Dance Company performed the multimedia dance event, Quattro Maggiore ("Four Seasons") — set to the music of Vivaldi (his most well-known work, "Quattro Maggiore", performed live) and the art of Adi Da Samraj. The performance was called "Dancing on the Bridge of the World", because it took place on the Ponte Vecchio, a medieval multi-arch bridge over the Arno River in Florence, Italy. The Ponte Vecchio is one of the most historic bridges in the world, and the earliest bridge at this spot is believed to have been built in Roman times.

This slideshow includes photographs of "Dancing on the Bridge of the World" by Richard Osbourne.

Music is by Aaron Nakagawa.
Image-Art   Florence Dance Company  

Quattro Maggiore 2014: A Multimedia Dance Eventvideo
poster: Matt Braithwaite
length: 05:49
date added: July 26, 2014
event date: July 20, 2014
language: English
views: 5892; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
On July 21 and 22, 2014, The Florence Dance Company performed the multimedia dance event, Quattro Maggiore ("Four Seasons") — set to the music of Vivaldi (his most well-known work, "Quattro Maggiore", performed live) and the art of Adi Da Samraj. The venue was the courtyard of the historic Bargello Museum in Florence.

This video clip provides an introduction to the place (Florence), the dancers, the musicians, the art (images from Adi Da's Geome One: Alberti's Window, in four different colorings for the four seasons), and the costumes (which were color-coordinated with the art).

Also in this clip: Italian art critic, Giuliano Serafini (author of Matisse e il Mediterraneo and Goya, praises the combination of music, dance, and art: "It's the best!". Serafini, Keith Ferrone (director of the Florence Dance Company), and Ruchiradama Nadikanta all note the technological advance represented by the LED lighting in the back panels, that brought out the color in Adi Da's art to a far greater degree than in previous performances (assisted by new fabrications of Adi Da's art), and enlivened the dancers' performance.

Ruchiradama Nadikanta: "Absolutely exquisite! . . . It was one symphony — of dance, and art, and music. . . Adi Da was immensely present, infusing every note and every step, as well as shining through His extraordinary Art. . . You feel [the dancers] really dancing to the Art."

Videographer: Matt Braithwaite
Image-Art   Florence Dance Company  

Image-Art Testimonial: Ben Grissovideo
poster: AdiDaVideos
speaker: Ben Grisso
length: 08:30
date added: June 11, 2014
event date: November 29, 2009
language: English
views: 6045; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Devotee Ben Grisso, who grew up in the Adidam community, and who worked with Adi Da on His Divine Image-Art, offers this testimonial to Adi Da's life and work.

Excerpt from Second Evening: Track 11 on the DVD, A Tribute to the Life and Work of His Divine Presence, Adi Da Samraj. More than 7 hours long, this Tribute DVD was filmed on the occasion of the first Anniversary of Adi Da's Divine Mahasamadhi, when devotees, family, and friends of Adi Da Samraj gathered at Adi Da Samrajashram, Fiji (Adi Da's principal Hermitage), to acknowledge Adi Da as the Divine in human form, to praise His Greatness, and to express their heart-felt gratitude for the Blessings they have received from Him.

A list of all the tracks on this DVD can be found here.

To watch more excerpts from the Tribute DVD, click here.
image-art   Ben Grisso   Mahasamadhi   Tribute   DVD  

Ratatouille TV Interview with Pien Rademakersvideo
poster: ratatouilletv
length: 08:03
date added: June 6, 2014
event date: June 2014
language: Dutch
views: 3189; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[The interview is in Dutch.]

Pien Rademakers speaks with Ratatouille TV (Holland) about Quandra Loka, the exhibition of Adi Da's art at Galerie Pien Rademakers, from May 24, 2014 to June 29, 2014.

For more about the exhibition, click here.
Image-Art   Quandra Loka   Dutch  

Quandra Loka: Opening Reception, May 24, 2014video
poster: Matt Braithwaite
length: 07:54
date added: May 26, 2014
event date: May 24, 2014
language: English
views: 3231; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Opening Reception of the exhibition, "Quandra Loka - The Indivisible Space of Conscious Light": color and black-and-white photographic images, combined with the full-wall multi-media installation. Showing at Galerie Pien Rademakers, Prinsengracht 570, Amsterdam, May 24 - June 29, 2014. Also appearing at the KunstRAI Art Fair in Amsterdam, June 4-9, 2014.

For more about this exhibition, click here.

Videographer: Matt Braithwaite
Image-Art   Quandra Loka  

Quandra Loka: Sneak Previewvideo
poster: Stanley Hastings
length: 02:01
date added: May 24, 2014
event date: May 24, 2014
language: English
views: 2781; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
Sneak preview of the exhibition, "Quandra Loka - The Indivisible Space of Conscious Light": color and black-and-white photographic images, combined with the full-wall multi-media installation. Premiering at Galerie Pien Rademakers, Prinsengracht 570, Amsterdam, May 24 - June 29, 2014. Also appearing at the KunstRAI Art Fair in Amsterdam, June 4-9, 2014.

For more about this exhibition, click here.
Image-Art   Quandra Loka  

Quandra Loka: Multi-Media Projection Installationvideo
poster: Stanley Hastings
length: 01:24
date added: May 11, 2014
event date: May 24, 2014
language: English
views: 2815; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Preview of the multi-media installation, "Quandra Loka - The Indivisible Space of Conscious Light". Premiering at Galerie Pien Rademakers, Prinsengracht 570, Amsterdam, May 24 - June 29, 2014. Also appearing at the KunstRAI Art Fair in Amsterdam, June 4-9, 2014.

For more about this exhibition, click here.
Image-Art   Quandra Loka  

What To Remember To Be Happyvideo
poster: AdiDaVideos
speaker: Jonah Strauss
length: 04:33
date added: April 17, 2014
language: English
views: 6707; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Slideshow showing Adi Da's relationship with children, with images/words from His book for children (and adults): What, Where, When, How, Why, and Who To Remember To Be Happy.

Soundtrack is Ray Lynch, "What To Remember To Be Happy", from his album, Truth Is The Only Profound.

This video is an excerpt from Second Evening: Track 6 on the DVD, A Tribute to the Life and Work of His Divine Presence, Adi Da Samraj. More than 7 hours long, this Tribute DVD was filmed on the occasion of the first Anniversary of Adi Da's Divine Mahasamadhi, when devotees, family, and friends of Adi Da Samraj gathered at Adi Da Samrajashram, Fiji (Adi Da's principal Hermitage), to acknowledge Adi Da as the Divine in human form, to praise His Greatness, and to express their heart-felt gratitude for the Blessings they have received from Him.

A list of all the tracks on this DVD can be found here. Other excerpts available on this site can be found here.
children   mystery  

Ben Grisso: Being with Adi Davideo
poster: AdiDaVideos
length: 20:02
date added: February 23, 2014
event date: 2011
language: English
views: 5700; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
Devotee Ben Grisso talks about growing up in the community of Adi Da's devotees and the joy of being with Adi Da as a child. He describes how he later lived on Naitauba and served Adi Da's Image-Art work for many years. He tells a humorous story of the Crazy-Wise play Adi Da engaged in, to reflect to Ben his tendency to be "analytic".

Ben was in the room with Adi Da at the time of His Divine Mahasamadhi (on November 27, 2008), and he talks about that moment, and its significance.
Image-art   mahasamadhi  

Testimonial from Longtime Devotee James Steinbergvideo
poster: AdiDaVideos
speaker: James Steinberg
length: 15:07
date added: January 25, 2014
event date: November 28, 2009
language: English
views: 5206; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Longtime devotee, James Steinberg, tells the story of how he found Adi Da. He offers this testimonial to the life and work of Adi Da Samraj.

Excerpt from First Evening: Track 4 on the DVD, A Tribute to the Life and Work of His Divine Presence, Adi Da Samraj. More than 7 hours long, this Tribute DVD was filmed on the occasion of the first Anniversary of Adi Da's Divine Mahasamadhi, when devotees, family, and friends of Adi Da Samraj gathered at Adi Da Samrajashram, Fiji (Adi Da's principal Hermitage), to acknowledge Adi Da as the Divine in human form, to praise His Greatness, and to express their heart-felt gratitude for the Blessings they have received from Him.

More excerpts from this Tribute DVD can be watched here.

A list of all the tracks on this DVD can be found here.

DVD   James Steinberg  

Feathered Edgesvideo
poster: SusanaWeingarten
length: 10:09
date added: November 9, 2013
event date: November 2013
language: English
views: 4628; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
"The force of primary geometric forms is everywhere in the world. . . once you begin to get the sense of shape, then you can see that the world of perception is actually made of primary geometries. It is just that there are so many of them all at once that the natural world seems to have feathered edges."
--Avatar Adi Da Samraj

With works from Adi Da's Image-Art projected in the background, the contemporary dance piece, "Feathered Edges", was performed at the Adidam Midwest Center in Chicago, in celebration of Adi Da's 74th Birthday.

"FEATHERED EDGES, a joint creation that encapsulates rapturous elements that make the couple's forays into contemporary dance so compelling. They swirl and yearn, hover over one another and intertwine. In the Everts' world, geometry in motion is often a means to sensuality in motion."

''When Tom and Susana perform together on stage my own reality of time, place, and context is blurred. Their dance duets embrace their dualistic energies with intrinsic vulnerability and compassion."
--DANIEL WHITLEY (Visual Artist/Cleveland)

Choreographers and Dancers: Susana Weingarten & Tom Evert
Costume Design: Luzano Rey & Janet Bolick
Lighting Design: Deb Malcolm
Music: The Cinematic Orchestra
Sound engineer: Jordan Davis
Video: Alejandro Rivera

Projected Image-Art:
The Scale of Perfection, Part One: NYC, NYCSTET I (from Geome Three) 2006, by Adi Da Samraj, © 2013 ASA
Image-Art   dance  

The Art of Adi Da Samraj at Cenacolo di Ognissantivideo
poster: AdiDaVideos
speakers: Dr Christina Acidini, Dr Monica Bietti, Gary Coates, Paula Crema
length: 05:40
date added: November 7, 2013
event date: 2008
language: English
views: 3569; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Interviews and overview of Adi Da's solo exhibition at the Cenacolo di Ognissanti in Florence, Italy, in 2008. How Adi Da's art was chosen for exhibition in Florence at Cenacolo di Ognissanti.
Image-Art   Florence   Cenacolo di Ognissanti   Christina Acidini   Monica Bietti   Gary Coates   Paula Crema  

Adi Da's Art at the Saatchi Gallery, Londonvideo
length: 04:55
date added: October 16, 2013
event date: October 9, 2013
language: English
views: 4394; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
A beautiful video tour of the exhibition of Adi Da's Image-Art (and of the visitors to the exhibition) at the 2013 STRARTA Art Fair, in the Saatchi Gallery, London, from October 9-13, 2013. Exhibited works are drawn from Adi Da's Orpheus One Suite, Linead One Suite, and Quandra Loka Suite. The tour includes a glimpse of some of the other art works at the Art Fair as well.

Filmed and edited by Matthew Braithwaite and Dean Steadman
Music by Jon Hopkins
Image-Art   Quandra Loka   Orpheus   Linead  
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138 matches for: Image

Our multimedia library currently contains 1203 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.[1] Enjoy! videoindicates a video, and audio an audio. Special categories of interest include:
Tribute to Adi Da's
Life and Work
Dawn Horse Press
DVDs (201) / CDs (270)
0 Multi-Part Series (79)
by year:

by poster:
non-English language audios/videos:


Thanks to the many videographers who took the footage, to the many editors who created these videos and audios, and to the 132 people and organizations who posted these videos and audios on YouTube and other places on the Web. Special thanks to Lynne Thompson, who did a lot of the data entry for our audio/video database.

Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner:
© Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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