Adi Da Up Close Audio/Video Library

Adi Da

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183 matches for: Ego
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Attention, Mind and Ego: Introductionvideo
part 1 of Attention, Mind and Ego

poster: TheBeezone
speakers: Ed Reither, Frank Marrero
length: 16:23
date added: March 1, 2012
language: English
views: 4057; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
This video is the Introduction and part one of Beezone's educational video series on the concept of 'attention' in the teachings of Adi Da Samraj.

Beezone editor Ed Reither talks with teacher Frank Marrero.

Truth For Real Bookstore and Reading Roomvideo
poster: AdiDaUpClose
length: 01:26
date added: February 17, 2012
language: English
views: 3212; views this month: 4; views this week: 4
Mark Stewart takes us on a brief video tour of the new "Truth For Real" Bookstore and Reading Room (which is also a Video Viewing Room) in Portland, Oregon. This space is dedicated to making the Great Work and Person of Adi Da available in a direct, effective, and classy manner.

More information here.
Portland   Oregon  

When The Tiger Disappearsaudio
poster: AdiDaUpClose
length: 48:21
date added: November 9, 2011
event date: 1993
language: English
listens: 4222; listens this month: 1; listens this week: 1
Adi Da contrasts the egoic model of life and love, which is based on a "victim" strategy, with the self-transcending model, which is based on self-responsibility. He describes the purpose and nature of devotional groups in serving practice of the Way of Adidam.

Beyond Sex, Science, and selfvideo
poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 10:00
date added: July 27, 2011
event date: January 21, 2005
language: English
views: 6270; views this month: 3; views this week: 3
In this Adidam Revelation Discourse from January 21, 2005, Adi Da reveals that Liberation cannot ever be achieved through sex, science, or religion! And He makes the astounding assertion, “Realization has nothing to do with the body-mind.”

Watch this DVD for Adi Da's Instruction on True Freedom, which He says is discovered only in the utter transcending of “point of view”, by means of the Transmission of Reality Itself. "The 'self'-contraction, the 'point of view', the 'point-of-view'-machine and what it presumes to be Reality, the illusions of Reality created by 'point of view' — these are the important matters to be understood. The 'you' to which you refer as 'I', the ego-'I', is a 'point-of-view'-machine. It is subject to the illusions of the cosmic apparition, the illusions that 'point of view' itself is subject to — space-time, mass, and so forth."

The DVD, Beyond Sex, Science, and "self", is available from The Dawn Horse Press. Subtitles in English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Russian, Polish, Czech, and Hebrew. A CD version is also available.
avataric discourse   DVD   CD  

We Just Happened to Have Musical Instruments in Our Handsvideo
poster: FacingEast108
speaker: John Wubbenhorst
length: 04:46
date added: June 11, 2011
event date: November 2010
language: English
views: 7320; views this month: 3; views this week: 3
This recording of Above the Clouds was made in November 2010, during a three day, 24-hour-a-day vigil of meditation and puja on the veranda of Aham Da Asmi Sthan, Adi Da's home on the island of Naitauba. Devotee John Wubbenhorst speaks of the sacred occasion of being dropped out into the space of being 'not really there' while the Guru plays the musical instrument (and the instrument that is one's body-mind).

"Above the clouds, There Is Always The Sun — Forever Free Of Earthly Weather. By Tendency, You Are Always Looking At the local weather, and Not At The Sun Itself. That Is What egoity Is About — Always Suffering The Changes Of The local Patterning That Is the body-mind In its egoic Bondage. Instead, You Must (In every moment) Turn To Me . . . "

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, The Dawn Horse Testament Of The Ruchira Avatar

For more stories about "Music as a Sacred Art and Growing in the Relationship To Adi Da", click here.
Above the Clouds   John Wubbenhorst   bansuri   Fiji  

Bargello Updatevideo
poster: divineartevents
speaker: Keith Ferrone
length: 06:50
date added: March 13, 2011
event date: March 8, 2011
language: English
views: 4577; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Keith Ferrone, director of the egory&id=31&Itemid=37 target="_blank">Florence Dance Company, talks about ongoing developments in the mixed media dance/music/art production Production is underway for performances at the Bargello Museum as part of the 22nd Florence Dance Festival, with the potential for furthur festival productions over the summer.
tags:   Bargello   Keith Ferrone   Florence Dance Company   Marga Nativo  

The Transition beyond Ego-Cultureaudio
recitation 7 of Not-Two Is Peace: Recitations

poster: GlobalCooperationProject
length: 07:53
date added: November 7, 2010
language: English
listens: 3934; listens this month: 0; listens this week: 0
Renowned actor Kenneth Welsh recites selected chapters from Adi Da's book, Not-Two Is Peace. In this audio, he recites: "The Transition beyond Ego-Culture".

These recitations are brought to you by the Global Cooperation Project.
Ken Welsh   world peace  

The Way Beyond Egoaudio
poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 08:50
date added: November 7, 2010
language: English
listens: 6039; listens this month: 2; listens this week: 2
Excerpt from the 2-CD set, The Way Beyond Ego.

A summary communication of the practice and Grace essential to the real process of Divine Liberation—given in October 2004 and April 2005.

In the Discourses selected for these CDs, Avatar Adi Da leads His listeners through the maze of egoic misinterpretation of real Spiritual practice by articulating and debunking the errors that occur when such practice is engaged from the point of view of egoity (or presumed separateness). Avatar Adi Da clarifies, again and again, that the Way He Offers is not a Way of thought or philosophy, effort or escape, experiences or techniques—rather, Adidam is based solely on the inherent heart-attraction to That Which Is Beyond all conditional states, That Which Is Always Already the Case, That Which Is Perfect Divine Love-Bliss, and Which is Appearing in and as His human Form. In summary, in these Talks, Avatar Adi Da elucidates the essence, and the necessary foundation principles, of the devotional and Spiritual Way of Adidam.
egoity   Avataric Discourse   CD  

The Way of Funaudio
poster: DAbase
length: 54:00
date added: October 19, 2010
event date: 1987
language: English
listens: 7545; listens this month: 3; listens this week: 3
Adi Da's very humorous and wonderfully instructive talk from 1987, The Way Of Fun, about how, after being around His devotees, He "finally got it", that "it's time for the Siddhas" to adapt to modern times, "time for the Truth to change". This new way ("The Way of Fun") — for realizing God without requiring self-transcendence — will "require nothing of you except to really dig those Divine Vibes." The talk is Adi Da's masterful reflection of how the ego is always trying to revise the Way into something that is self-fulfilling rather than self-transcending, something that has no requirements and no difficulties, and that takes no time at all. "So whatever kind of association you have with Me . . . as long as it's fun, you're happy to do it. But if it requires anything of you, your resistance comes on immediately."

For more on this theme, read our article, The Way of the Bone.

Adi Da's Reading of His Love-Ananda Gitaaudio
podcast 16 of The Radical Truth Audio Series

poster: AdidamPodcasts
length: 10:25
date added: October 5, 2010
event date: April 1986
language: English
listens: 8101; listens this month: 1; listens this week: 1
In this historical recording from April, 1986, Adi Da Samraj recites the final section of His Love-Ananda Gita (now called The Lion Sutra and published in Part 15 of The Aletheon). In it, Adi Da communicates His most "radical" transcendental teaching regarding true renunciation of the egoic motive of separation and Realization of the Divine Self-Condition.
Radical Truth Audio Series   Da Love Ananda Gita  

Sacred Music and Art Offering in Berkeley: July 17, 2010video
poster: FacingEast108
length: 03:18
date added: July 2, 2010
event date: July 17, 2010
language: English
views: 7131; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
Facing East Productions and Adidam Bay Area Present a Sacred Offering - A Celebration of Music & Art to benefit Naitauba, Fiji for Hurricane Relief. July 17, 2010 at St. John's Presbyterian Church in Berkeley, CA @ 7:15pm.

For advance tickets and more info click here.

For three days in mid-March, 2010, Adi Da Samrajashram (the sacred island of Naitauba) and many neighboring islands in Fiji were battered by Cyclone Tomas, a category 4 storm. After 27 hours we emerged from shelter to a scene of staggering destruction. We urgently need your help!

For more info, or to donate, click here.

Naitauba Island is the Hermitage Sanctuary of His Divine Presence Adi Da Samraj, spiritually empowered by Him, as the primary place from where His Divine Blessing flows perpetually to the world. For 25 years, Adi Da worked to establish the island of Naitauba as a unique esoteric and ecological treasure. Adi Da Samrajashram is devoted to the principles of green living, sustainable energy, cooperation, tolerance, and peace, and Adi Da's devotees and the local Fijian and Indian staff live together harmoniously, serving and protecting the sacred environment of the island. It is a uniquely pure and untouched sanctuary in the world today.
Naitauba Hurricane Relief   Cyclone Tomas   Sacred Offering   Berkeley   Tamarind Free Jones   John Wubbenhorst  

The Divine Is Not the Causevideo
poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 10:52
date added: June 13, 2010
event date: October 20, 2004
language: English
views: 5415; views this month: 4; views this week: 4
This excerpt is from the Adidam Revelation Discourse of October 20, 2004. In response to a series of questions about self-awareness, the nature of the “ego”, and how the self-contraction is caused, Avatar Adi Da speaks of the self-confinement of human beings (in contrast to non-humans as natural contemplatives), the effort to trace any experience or thought to its Source, and the Divine Reality as the True Condition of all things (not the “cause” of any thing). This Discourse concludes with Avatar Adi Da's confession of the direct and tacit “Point of View” of Divine Realization — the universe as Unconditional Light.

This excerpt is part of the longer DVD, The Divine Is Not The Cause. Subtitles in English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Finnish, Polish, Czech, Chinese, Japanese, and Hebrew. A CD version is also available.

A version of this excerpt with German subtitles can be watched here.
avataric discourse   CD   DVD  

The Sunshine Makersvideo
poster: frizz lefryd
length: 07:43
date added: May 8, 2010
language: English
views: 10882; views this month: 3; views this week: 3
One of Adi Da's favorite cartoons, "The Sunshine Makers" is a classic from the golden age of animation. Released on January 11, 1935 (an auspicious day of the year, in the sacred calendar of Adidam), the cartoon was directed by Ted Eshbaugh, the first artist/technician to figure out how to create animated cartoons in color. This restored print is the highest quality available, and is from the DVD, Toddle Tales & Rainbow Parade Cartoons.

"The Sunshine Makers" is the third cartoon in the "Rainbow Parade Series", which was produced by Van Beuren Studios to compete with Walt Disney's "Silly Symphonies". The series consisted of 27 full color, animated shorts, and was distributed to theaters by RKO between 1934 and 1936. (You can watch more of these here.)

"The Sunshine Makers" later became a regular on 1950's television, after the sale of RKO's film library. In his book, Of Mice and Magic, well-known film critic Leonard Maltin writes that his childhood (in the 1950's) included "countless viewings" of the cartoon.

"The Sunshine Makers" is also one of Adi Da's favorite cartoons, because of its depiction of Light and Happiness (magnified and spread by the "Sunshine gnomes" in the cartoon) dissolving and outshining the force of egoity (the "gloomies").

In his article, "The Sunshine Makers cartoon from 1935", James Steinberg writes, "Bhagavan Adi Da loved that cartoon! He thought that it showed the simplicity of the argument of the open hand and the closed fist, or that our un-happiness is just something that we presume. Just like He used to tell us when we came to the Mountain of Attention, or came to see Him altogether, that we could 'leave it at the gate'. There is no reason to presume the dilemma in the face of the Divine (or truly altogether). We used to watch 'The Sunshine Makers' cartoon with Him when we had to watch it on a 16mm projector. I saw it multiple times with Bhagavan and He would laugh heartily as it was shown and watch our faces to see our reactions beaming with Happiness. He always used to tell us that we could just 'drop it in the moment' (our self-contraction) and that it was 'just an act'."

Further notes on the cartoon:

* It's a musical! Almost all speech is set to music.

* At 0:43: The "Sunshine gnomes" start their morning with a conscious exercise routine that begins with bowing down to the Transcendental Sun (the source of their sunshine): "Hail, His Majesty, the Sun!"

* At 7:00: When the "gloomies" refuse to "take their medicine", the gnomes force "sunshine" down their throats. In the words of the great Spiritual Master, Sri Ramakrishna: "There are three classes of physicians: superior, mediocre, and inferior. The physician who feels the patient's pulse and just says to him, 'Take the medicine regularly' belongs to the inferior class. He doesn't care to inquire whether or not the patient has actually taken the medicine. The mediocre physician is he who in various ways persuades the patient to take the medicine, and says to him sweetly: 'My good man, how will you be cured unless you use the medicine? Take this medicine. I have made it for you myself.' But he who, finding the patient stubbornly refusing to take the medicine, forces it down his throat, going so far as to put his knee on the patient's chest is the best physician. This is the manifestation of the tamas of the physician. It doesn't injure the patient; on the contrary, it does him good."
cartoon   animation  

Can You Be Happy in This Place?video
poster: frank marrero
speaker: Frank Marrero
length: 09:30
date added: March 17, 2009
language: English
views: 2989; views this month: 2; views this week: 2
Adi Da overwhelms me with His Love and also instructs me on the falsity of my egoic strategy of confronting my fear.
Frank Marrero   leela  

Darshan of Adi Da Samraj with His Poemsvideo
poster: frank marrero
length: 01:19
date added: February 6, 2009
language: English
views: 5774; views this month: 4; views this week: 4
Adi Da Samraj in Darshan, accompanied by His recitation of several of His poems from Crazy Da Must Sing.
Adi Da   Poem   poetry   Darshan   Guru   Spiritual Master   Change   Ego   Separation  
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183 matches for: Ego

Our multimedia library currently contains 1203 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.[1] Enjoy! videoindicates a video, and audio an audio. Special categories of interest include:
Tribute to Adi Da's
Life and Work
Dawn Horse Press
DVDs (201) / CDs (270)
0 Multi-Part Series (79)
by year:

by poster:
non-English language audios/videos:


Thanks to the many videographers who took the footage, to the many editors who created these videos and audios, and to the 132 people and organizations who posted these videos and audios on YouTube and other places on the Web. Special thanks to Lynne Thompson, who did a lot of the data entry for our audio/video database.

Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner:
© Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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