Adi Da Up Close Audio/Video Library

Adi Da

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1106 matches for: Adi Da
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Lord Adi Da Samrajvideo
poster: Mirykov
length: 04:05
date added: June 22, 2013
language: English
views: 2210; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Photo Darshan of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, set to music from the Russian Orthodox Church.

Myths, Realizers & Divine Revelationaudio
poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 09:08
date added: June 22, 2013
event date: November 25, 2004
language: English
listens: 5017; listens this month: 0; listens this week: 0
On November 25, 2004, at Adi Da Samrajashram, one of Adi Da's devotees asks Him: "Is there any way to know . . . what is the relationship of ancient Realizers to the traditions that they were associated with?"

Avatar Adi Da responds by illustrating the process of myth-making around Realizers, both in ancient and modern times. He explains that, regardless of what is historically true of any Realizer, any tradition can be understood in terms of the underlying structure of the human being. Throughout the Discourse, Adi Da makes use of examples from numerous traditions including Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and Christianity.

Adi Da: "Traditions do not really depend on there having been an historical individual, whether or not there was one. They can nonetheless still be understood in terms of the structure of the psycho-physical anatomy. And the psycho-physical anatomy, not mythology extending from it, but the psycho-physical anatomy itself — and this is My Instruction to you, to all — that structure itself determines what is regarded to be religious truth, or esoteric truth. Underneath it is a structure, not merely Truth. That structure must be transcended, or there is not Truth Realized."

In this excerpt, Adi Da specifically talks about the Christian tradition, and the importance of distinguishing a "faith" (or system of beliefs) from factual observations of phenomena throughout recorded history.

The full Discourse is now available on the 2-CD set, Myths, Realizers, and Divine Revelation.
avataric discourse   CD  

Interview with Tom Jacobsvideo
poster: Adidam Europe
length: 14:47
date added: June 18, 2013
event date: February 24, 2013
language: Dutch
views: 3828; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
[This interview is in Dutch, with English subtitles.]

On February 24, 2013, Dutch devotee Tom Jacobs (currently a resident of Adi Da Samrajashram) was featured on the popular Dutch TV program, De Reünie ("The Reunion"), which is seen by two million viewers.

Each episode of De Reünie focuses on the lives of a few members of a particular school class from decades ago. This week featured members from Tom's class - including Tom.

The full interview explores Tom's life as a devotee of Adi Da Samraj, and then explores a tragedy in Tom's early life (the trauma of which was completely relieved by Adi Da, as Tom describes). The interview is in Dutch, but English subtitles have been added. The interviewer (and show host) is Rob Kamphues.

For a fuller account of how Tom found Adi Da (written by Tom), click here.

Videographer: Matt Braithwaite

Note: Unlike most of the videos in our library, this is a Facebook video; we have discovered that, for some reason, some people are not able to play it.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj Slideshowvideo
poster: Mirykov
length: 06:48
date added: June 16, 2013
event date: 2008
language: English
views: 3126; views this month: 1; views this week: 1
All photos of Adi Da are from June-November, 2008.

Music is "Guru Mari" by Shri Anandi Ma, from her album, Divine Bliss.

Freedom Is So, Prior To Releasevideo
poster: Andrew Jonathan Dorfman
length: 05:17
date added: June 6, 2013
event date: 2007
language: English
views: 5279; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Adi Da visiting rescued sea turtles sent to Adi Da Samrajashram.

Slideshow by Andrew Dorfman.

Music is "What Will You Do If You Love Me?" from Naamleela Free Jones, Eyes in Other Worlds.

Andrew writes: "Bhagavan Blessed the release of rescued sea turtles, shipped to us by a neighboring island, for safe release into the waters off Adi Da Samrajashram. The turtles are hunted now more vigorously by humans than in the past, so in addition to the natural forces with which hatchlings must contend, there are now human adversaries as well. This occasion with Bhagavan broke many hearts."
animals   non-human  

Remember The Mysteryvideo
poster: 108Thoughts
length: 03:33
date added: June 2, 2013
language: English
views: 4494; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Adi Da teaches children all about the Mystery (aka Divine Ignorance) beyond knowledge and death, expanding their awareness beyond the materialistic. He invites us all to enter into a relationship with Him through the Mystery.

Recitation is from Adi Da's book, What, Where, When, How, Why, and Who To Remember To Be Happy. Recitation is by a 7-year old child, accompanied by Ray Lynch on piano, from Ray's album, Truth Is The Only Profound.
children   mystery  

Hymn To Adi Da Samrajvideo
poster: OutlandsCommunity
length: 12:02
date added: June 1, 2013
event date: 2013
language: English
views: 2858; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
An unusual tonal (vibration-oriented) hymn to Adi Da.

Sarai Iehannette van Beeuwelan of Outlands Community USA writes: "I have greatly desired to make this video as a love gift to Adi Da Samraj, my guru and inspiration."

Portrait of Adi Da by artist Alex Grey.

Staying In Relationship to Bhagavanvideo
part 4 of European Danda Retreat March 2012

poster: Adidam Europe
length: 03:55
date added: May 20, 2013
event date: July 2012
language: English
views: 3453; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
James Steinberg reads from Adi Da's Teaching on how Adi Da's Presence is felt as a "pressure" that offends the ego, and how Adi Da's devotee must endure this pressure.

From the March, 2012 Retreat at The European Danda. For future retreats, visit our Special Events section.
European Danda   retreat   James Steinberg  

Feathered Edgesvideo
poster: SusanaWeingarten
length: 10:41
date added: May 20, 2013
event date: May 2013
language: English
views: 3897; views this month: 0; views this week: 0
Adi Da Samraj: "The force of primary geometric forms is everywhere in the world. . . once you begin to get the sense of shape, then you can see that the world of perception is actually made of primary geometries. It is just that there are so many of them all at once that the natural world seems to have feathered edges."

Choreographers and Dancers: Susana Weingarten & Tom Evert
Costume Design: Luzano Rey & Janet Bolick
Lighting Design: Deb Malcolm
Music: The Cinematic Orchestra
Sound engineer: Jordan Davis
Video: Alejandro Rivera

Projected Image Art:
The Scale of Perfection, Part One: NYC, NYCSTET I (from Geome Three) 2006, by Adi Da Samraj, © 2013 ASA
dance   image-art  

You Are Only Consciousness Itselfaudio
track 9 of The Liberating Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Volume 1

poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 08:41
date added: May 12, 2013
event date: November 30, 1998
language: English
listens: 4904; listens this month: 0; listens this week: 0
Track 9 of the free, downloadable CD, The Liberating Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Volume 1. From a talk given by Adi Da on November 30, 1988. Adi Da wanted all human beings to receive the transcendent truth communicated in this talk, which eventually led to the creation of the free ebooklet, We Are Consciousness Itself.

ADI DA: You are not attention, which exists over against all 'objects'. Consciousness Itself is not that which is over against what arises. Consciousness Itself is That Which Is the Self-Nature, Self-Condition, Source-Condition, and Self-State of what arises. . . The self-aware pleasure of existing is the fundamental gift, the Divine gift, the persistent gift that you are tending to ignore. . . When conditions arise, or change, or pass away in the view of Consciousness, Consciousness Itself remains always as the same Free Love-Bliss of Being.

Be Moved By Me To Infinityaudio
track 8 of The Liberating Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Volume 1

poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 07:31
date added: May 12, 2013
event date: January 5, 1996
language: English
listens: 3511; listens this month: 0; listens this week: 0
Track 8 of the free, downloadable CD, The Liberating Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Volume 1.

The full talk is available on Be Moved by Me to Infinity.

Reality Is Not What You Thinkaudio
track 7 of The Liberating Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Volume 1

poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 09:11
date added: May 12, 2013
event date: April 22, 1995
language: English
listens: 3157; listens this month: 0; listens this week: 0
Track 7 of the free, downloadable CD, The Liberating Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Volume 1.

The Bodily Location of Happinessaudio
track 5 of The Liberating Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Volume 1

poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 06:41
date added: May 12, 2013
event date: December 28, 1981
language: English
listens: 3399; listens this month: 0; listens this week: 0
Track 5 of the free, downloadable CD, The Liberating Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Volume 1.

This talk was published in The Bodily Location Of Happiness.

The Asana of Scienceaudio
track 4 of The Liberating Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Volume 1

poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 08:56
date added: May 12, 2013
event date: October 25, 1978
language: English
listens: 3250; listens this month: 0; listens this week: 0
Track 4 of the free, downloadable CD, The Liberating Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Volume 1.

Remember The Mystery in which You Liveaudio
track 3 of The Liberating Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Volume 1

poster: DawnHorsePress
length: 06:19
date added: May 12, 2013
event date: October 28, 1978
language: English
listens: 3605; listens this month: 0; listens this week: 0
Track 3 of the free, downloadable CD, The Liberating Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Volume 1.

Adi Da answers a question from a 10-year-old boy who wants to not be so angry all the time.
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1106 matches for: Adi Da

Our multimedia library currently contains 1203 YouTube video clips and audio clips about (or related to) Adi Da and Adidam.[1] Enjoy! videoindicates a video, and audio an audio. Special categories of interest include:
Tribute to Adi Da's
Life and Work
Dawn Horse Press
DVDs (201) / CDs (270)
0 Multi-Part Series (79)
by year:

by poster:
non-English language audios/videos:


Thanks to the many videographers who took the footage, to the many editors who created these videos and audios, and to the 132 people and organizations who posted these videos and audios on YouTube and other places on the Web. Special thanks to Lynne Thompson, who did a lot of the data entry for our audio/video database.

Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner:
© Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. None of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non-personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner. ADIDAM is a trademark of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as Trustee for the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam.

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