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Video: You Can't Get There from Here

This is track 4 of the 10-part series, Reality Is Beyond Point of View:
track 1 | track 2 | track 3 | track 4 | track 5 | track 6 | track 7 | track 8 | track 9 | track 10
Total length: 01:13:37
You Can't Get There from Here   This talk excerpt is track 4 of the CD, Reality Is Beyond "Point Of View", a selection of talks by Adi Da (from the 30 years of His formal Teaching-Work) on the true nature of Reality. Brings together samples from His vast Divine Instruction relative to the true nature of Reality — as the unknowable Condition that is Always Already the Case, prior to the presumption of a separate “point of view”.

The album is available through iTunes, Spotify, and The Dawn Horse Press.

Note: Due to distribution policies set by CDBaby (and beyond the control of this website and Adidam), this video may not be playable in every country. However, sometimes, even when you can't play it on this page, you may be able to play it on YouTube: click here.
Poster: CDBaby   Post Date: June 19, 2023
Length: 09:56   Views: 263   Views This Month: 0   Views This Week: 0
Language: English

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