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Video: Czego nie rozumiecie?

Czego nie rozumiecie?   [Contains Polish subtitles. If the CC icon ("Subtitles/closed captions") has a red line under it, the subtitles should appear. If you don't see them, just press the CC icon to turn them on.]

25 kwietnia 1972 roku, Avatar Adi Da Samraj po raz pierwszy, zaprosił ludzi na spotkanie z Nim jako Nauczycielem Duchowym w Jego nowym aszramie przy Melrose Avenue w Los Angeles. Tego wieczoru Awatar Adi Da najpierw siedział w milczeniu z obecnymi osobami przez być może godzinę, przekazując im Wzniosłość Swojego Promiennego Stanu Urzeczywistnienia. Następnie Adi Da zapytał.

ADI DA: Czy są jakieś pytania?

Nikt nie odpowiedział, więc tym razem Avatar Adi Da Samraj zapytał.

ADI DA: Wszyscy zrozumieli?
PYTAJąCY: Ja nie zrozumiałem. Wyjaśnij mi to.
ADI DA: Bardzo dobrze. Czego nie zrozumiałeś?

Tak zaczęła się praca nauczania Adi Da!

For the first time, on April 25, 1972, Avatar Adi Da Samraj invited people to approach Him as Spiritual Teacher at His new ashram center on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles. That evening, Avatar Adi Da first sat in silence for perhaps an hour with those present, Transmitting to them the Sublimity of His Radiant State of Realization. Then, Adi Da spoke.

ADI DA: Are there any questions?

No one replied, so Avatar Adi Da Samraj spoke again.

ADI DA: Everyone has understood?
QUESTIONER: I have not understood. Explain it to me.
ADI DA: Very good. What have you not understood?

And so began Adi Da's Teaching Work.

Polish audio/video channel. Thanks to AdiDaVideos for the video excerpt and the Adidam Translation Guild for the subtitles. In addition to watching the videos in our Polish channel, you can also read our free introductory book, Adi Da i Adidam. You can also subscribe to our YouTube video channel,, and be notified when new videos are posted.
Poster: Adi Da Video Polska   Post Date: August 30, 2021
Length: 07:47   Views: 584   Views This Month: 2   Views This Week: 2
Event Date: April 25, 1972
Language: Polish

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Quotations from and/or photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj used by permission of the copyright owner: © 2024 Copyrighted materials used with the permission of The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. Perpetual copyright claimed.