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Video: Love Is How I Got To Here

This is track 8 of the 8-part series, The Impulse to God-Realization:
track 1 | track 2 | track 3 | track 4 | track 5 | track 6 | track 7 | track 8
Total length: 01:08:49
Love Is How I Got To Here   This audio excerpt is from a talk given by Adi Da on April 16, 1995, in Hymns To Me, at Adi Da Samrajashram.

Adi Da describes how the preparatory stages of practice of the Reality-Way of Adidam are associated with attention, and how the attachment to attention and all its objects prevents the Realization of Reality As It Is. He goes on to describe the unique advantage that His bodily Incarnation provides in the process of such Realization, for all time, and how the relationship to Him occurs — directly and personally — beyond the life of His human Form.

This excerpt is track 8 of the CD, The Impulse to God-Realization, a collection of talks focusing on Adi Da's clarifying Wisdom on the Impulse to Realize God that is inherent in all beings, and His Divine Offering and Instruction on the Ultimate Means to cultivate this heart-Impulse, thereby allowing it to become the guiding force of one's entire life.

The album is available through iTunes and The Dawn Horse Press.

The full talk, "Love Is How I Got To Here”, is available on a 2 CD set from The Dawn Horse Press. You also can read a transcript of much more of this talk here.

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Poster: CDBaby   Post Date: January 19, 2019
Length: 08:58   Views: 2114   Views This Month: 2   Views This Week: 2
Event Date: April 16, 1995
Language: English

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