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Video: The True Food that Sustains Us

This is part 2 of the 2-part series, The Searchless Raw Diet:
part 1 | part 2
Total length: 14:13
The True Food that Sustains Us   An audio excerpt from Adi Da Samraj's early talk, "Renouncing the Search for the Edible Deity", accompanied by photos of Adi Da from a more recent Avataric Discourse.

We experience "independent" existence as a kind of madness, a seeming separation from food (both because of the cutting of the umbilical cord and as a feeling of separation from our ultimate source of sustenance, the Very Divine). We must instead be like the eating gorilla. . .

Adi Da: "The eating gorilla finds a cabbage in the jungle, sits down like a slob and munches away at the cabbage, and is completely benign, completely peaceful. . . . Therefore, the eating gorilla is the image of the true man, the true woman. He demonstrates the principle of true politics, of real human existence, in which we are always presently connected to the Food Source in Truth, and are always presuming connection, relationship, 'I love you.' "

"Renouncing the Search for the Edible Deity" is available as a CD here. A transcript is also available online and as a chapter in the book, The Yoga Of Right Diet.

searchless diet. One of the many unique characteristics of the diet recommended by Adi Da is that is it searchless. Most people use food as a means to fulfill their general search for pleasure in and through the body. In the context of a spiritual practice in which one is already happy (by actually communing with the Divine throughout the day), one can adopt a very different relationship to diet: where the choice and quantity of food is selected simply for the purpose of lawful management of the body (assimilating necessary nutrients, maintaining or restoring health, etc.), without attempting to use food to solve some other problem (for example, hoping that stuffing oneself with "junk food" will make that knot in the stomach area go away or at least, allow one to be temporarily immunized to the pain), and without attempting to use food to fulfill any kind of physical, spiritual, or religious ideal (such as: "raw" = "pure"; or meat eater = "bad", vegetarian = "good"; etc.).

Someone who rightly practices diet and fasting in the manner I recommend naturally enjoys physical well-being. Someone who exploits diet for pleasure has fun and then suffers. You may choose one or the other approach to life. You can have fun and suffer, or you can enjoy a continuous sense of well-being and enjoy freedom from the negative exaggerations of physical existence.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj
"Searchless, Lawful Management of the Body"
Green Gorilla

Poster: Wisdom Tools for Humanity   Post Date: March 19, 2017
Length: 09:49   Views: 4813   Views This Month: 1   Views This Week: 1
Language: English
searchless diet  

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