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Audio: Guru as Prophet

Guru as Prophet   Excerpt from Adi Da's talk, Guru As Prophet - available on a double CD from the Dawn Horse Press. This talk is also published in the book, My "Bright" Word. A course, My "Bright" Word, is also available from The Laughing Man Institute.

In this talk Adi Da distinguishes between the Spiritual (Transmission) Function of the True Guru and the public function of Guru as "prophet" (or critic).

For another excerpt from the same talk, click here.

See also the Adidam Revelation Magazine article, Guru as Prophet.

Note: In this talk, Adi Da does not use the word "prophet" to mean someone who predicts the future; rather, He uses it in the traditional Hebrew sense: one who is a fiery critic of all the ways the society is wandering from a life in God, worshipping false idols, etc. Adi Da: "The prophets of ancient Israel were not soothsayers. . . When I speak of My Function as Prophet, it is in that sense — as Critic, not as someone who exercises secondary psychic powers to foretell the future."
Poster: AdidamRevelationMagazine   Post Date: October 22, 2013
Length: 05:10   Listens: 4240   Listens This Month: 1   Listens This Week: 1
Event Date: December 23, 1973
Language: English
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