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Audio: God Is Not The Cause

This is podcast 6 of the 22-part series, The Radical Truth Audio Series:
podcast 1 | podcast 2 | podcast 3 | podcast 4 | podcast 5 | podcast 6 | podcast 7 | podcast 8 | podcast 9 | podcast 10 | podcast 11 | podcast 12 | podcast 13 | podcast 14 | podcast 15 | podcast 16 | podcast 17 | podcast 18 | podcast 19 | podcast 20 | podcast 21 | podcast 22
Total length: 06:42:08
God Is Not The Cause   In this excerpt (from an Avataric Discourse from 2005), a devotee asks Adi Da a question about the nature of the ego and what is causing the sense of self-separation. In response, Adi Da describes how the Divine is the substance of all that arises, not the "cause" of anything. Our own activity (of separating from the Divine) causes the assumption of separation.

Avataric Discourses. From mid-2004 to early 2006, Avatar Adi Da offered a unique series of Discourses, broadcast live over the Internet to His devotees worldwide. During these occasions, Avatar Adi Da answered questions from those present in the room with Him, but also from devotees all over the world via speakerphone. As He had always done, even from the beginning of His Teaching Work, Avatar Adi Da addressed each devotee personally, but was also Instructing all beings, in all times and places. Many of these Discourses are available as DVDs and CDs from The Dawn Horse Press.

"Radical" Truth Audio Series. This audio clip is part of the "Radical" Truth Audio Series. For more audio clips in the series, or to subscribe to the podcast feed, visit the Adidam Podcast website.
Poster: AdidamPodcasts   Post Date: March 17, 2012
Length: 16:40   Listens: 5219   Listens This Month: 2   Listens This Week: 2
Event Date: 2005
Language: English
Radical Truth Audio Series   God   Avataric Discourse  
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