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Video: Locate What Is Real

Locate What Is Real   This is an excerpt from the DVD, Locate What Is Real, an Avataric Discourse given by Adi Da on October 10, 2004.

On the full DVD:
* Adi Da describes how Reality is the true “first experience” for everyone — more fundamental to existence than identification with the apparently “born” being.
* He speaks about how music and other arts can function as extensions of Spirituality.
* He talks about Ramana Maharshi and the sixth stage orientation, in contrast to His seventh stage Reality-Way.
* He addresses a devotee’s experience of emotional trauma, and how such events can affect one’s life.
* He describes His own Submission, in His early life, to the process of Christian mystical experience.

Avataric Discourses. From mid-2004 to early 2006, Avatar Adi Da offered a unique series of Discourses, broadcast live over the Internet to His devotees worldwide. During these occasions, Avatar Adi Da answered questions from those present in the room with Him, but also from devotees all over the world via speakerphone. As He had always done, even from the beginning of His Teaching Work, Avatar Adi Da addressed each devotee personally, but was also Instructing all beings, in all times and places. Many of these Discourses are available as DVDs and CDs from The Dawn Horse Press.

Sixth stage traditions. For more on sixth stage traditions (including Advaita Vedanta and the sixth stage traditions within Buddhism) and their relation to Adi Da's seventh stage Way of Adidam, read Adi Da's book, The Gnosticon, in which He thoroughly examines the Transcendental Teachings of the ancient Sages in relation to His Transcendental Spiritual Way of Adidam.
Poster: DawnHorsePress   Post Date: February 23, 2012
Length: 05:49   Views: 4204   Views This Month: 1   Views This Week: 1
Event Date: October 10, 2004
Language: English
avataric discourse   DVD   sixth stage traditions  

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