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Video: Love of the God-Man

Love of the God-Man   Talk given by Adi Da on October 10, 1983, in which He makes clear that only ego-transcending responsive devotion to the Real-God-Man relieves the heart of the ego's "self"-created "purgatory" of separation, separativeness, and unlove.

a CD of the talk is available here.

Adi Da: "What is supremely attractive in the conditionally manifested universe and in the human "world" is the Real-God-Man. All beings, male or female, must become Attracted, Distracted by That One. This is the Ultimate Means, the Supreme Means, the Supreme Yoga. It is for this reason that the Divine Appears in manifested form in the likeness of those beings who are to be Drawn out of bondage — but only in their likeness. . . Those who become capable of recognizing That One become capable of responding to That Attraction. And those who become capable of being Distracted by That One become participants in this Supreme Way, Which is truly the Way of Divine Avataric Grace, because it requires no effort. It requires nothing but My Divine Avataric Grace and the response to it."
Poster: jonobono   Post Date: February 1, 2009
Length: 09:29   Views: 4344   Views This Month: 1   Views This Week: 1
Event Date: October 10, 1983
Language: English
Adi Da Samraj  

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