Fluid Force, Fat Water: The Da Chi Gong Leela (audio)

Ted Progler has been a devotee of Adi Da since 1976. He was a long term practitioner of the "Original Daoist 8 Limbs (or Schools) of Chinese Medicine", wherein Chi Gong is the 2nd School. Ted apprenticed with Lao Ge (aka Charles Belyea), the lineage holder of Original Medical Daoism in the United States and co-founder of the Five Branches University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. From early 2001 until the Divine Mahasamadhi of Adi Da Samraj in late November 2008, Ted was instructed directly by Adi Da in His "Systems-Based Approach to Health & Healing" and His Right Life Yogic Conductivity practices. Ted now only practices and teaches Adi Da's "Systems-Based Approach to Health & Healing", which is a subset of Right Life Yogic Conductivity.

In Ted's depth research and practice of human health and healing over 35 years, it is his personal proclamation that, just as Adi Da Samraj "completed" the Spiritual Dharmas of the Great Traditions of Spirituality, so too did He "complete" the Wisdom practices of human health and healing with His Systems-Based Approach to Health and Healing. The Systems-Based Approach to Health and Healing of Adi Da Samraj is the most fully integrated Health and Healing Systems for human beings, fully integrating how to cooperatively participate with all scales and forms of Reality existence for the purpose of supporting fullest Divine Realization Practice. If you are interested in receiving information about the Systems-Based Approach to Health and Healing of Adi Da Samraj, please email Ted at tprogler@gmail.com.

In this audio clip, Ted tells a leela about a gathering with Adi Da during the “Dancing Down the Light” gathering period. The gathering took place in early March, 2001, in the entry hall of Adi Da’s residence, the Manner Of Flowers, at the Mountain Of Attention.

In the gathering, Ted gave Adi Da a description and demonstration of his Chi Gong practice. Adi Da then talked extensively about Chi Gong, Gong, Chi, Da Chi Gong, and the larger context of energy conductivity with the devotees who were present. Adi Da also talked about the process of making His Image-Art, and how difficult that was for Him physically, requiring a profound conductivity practice.

Michael Shaw and James Alwood (who also were at the same gathering with Adi Da) contribute additional commentary on occasion.

For more about conductivity practice, read Adi Da’s book, Conductivity Healing.

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