Participate In The Invisible Dimension of Reality (audio)

Participate In The Invisible Dimension of Reality   This is track #3, "The New Doctrine of Materialism",from the CD, Participate In The Invisible Dimension of Reality, available from the Dawn Horse Press. This talk was given by Avatar Adi Da on February 27, 1988.

Using the Shamanistic traditions of North America to illustrate right relationship to the invisible, energy realms of existence, Avatar Adi Da urgently calls everyone to overcome the addiction to the false doctrine of materialism. Free and full participation in the energy dimension of existence, Avatar Adi Da says, provides the necessary foundation for restoring balance to the Earth-world, and for ecstatic embrace of the Reality-Realizing Process in His Divine Company.

ADI DA: Aren’t you still . . . limited by this materialistic “point of view”, such that you do not yet feel free to accept the Reality of the Very Divine (and the spirit-“world” itself) in all of Its dimensions? . . . You have to break the spell of the doctrines of your own time that limit your consciousness to the material domain. . . . You have to Wake Up.

During the period when this Discourse was given, Avatar Adi Da regularly responded to devotees’ presentations on specific titles from The Basket of Tolerance—the comprehensive bibliography developed by Avatar Adi Da that covers all significant aspects of the collective wisdom of humankind. The Basket of Tolerance is not only a tool for understanding the collective tradition of humankind as a single “Great Tradition”, but also for understanding the unique nature of Avatar Adi Da’s Offering—which demonstrates continuity with the Great Tradition, and simultaneously perfectly transcends and completes it.

Avatar Adi Da organized the titles on The Basket of Tolerance according to His “mapping” of the seven stages of life—which are related to the gross (physical), subtle (energic), and causal (“root”) dimensions of the human structure. This Discourse includes Avatar Adi Da’s response to the book Black Elk Speaks (by John Neihardt), representing a significant individual from the North American Shamanistic traditions. This book appears on the “fifth stage list” of The Basket of Tolerance, which includes materials associated with the view of the subtle dimension of existence. Avatar Adi Da also references Leo Tolstoy’s The Kingdom of God Is Within You—a title from the “social Wisdom” section of The Basket of Tolerance—representing an expression of physically-oriented social idealism of the first three stages of life.

A shorter form of this Discourse was published on cassette tape in 1988. With this audio publication, the extended form is available for the first time. This recording has been digitally remastered. It is an archival recording with some quality variations.
Poster: DawnHorsePress   Post Date: July 12, 2023
Length: 03:18   Listens: 1047   Listens This Month: 0   Listens This Week: 0
Event Date: February 27, 1988
Language: English
MP3 download link

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Participate In The Invisible Dimension of Reality (audio)

Participate In The Invisible Dimension of Reality   This is track #3, "The New Doctrine of Materialism",from the CD, Participate In The Invisible Dimension of Reality, available from the Dawn Horse Press. This talk was given by Avatar Adi Da on February 27, 1988.

Using the Shamanistic traditions of North America to illustrate right relationship to the invisible, energy realms of existence, Avatar Adi Da urgently calls everyone to overcome the addiction to the false doctrine of materialism. Free and full participation in the energy dimension of existence, Avatar Adi Da says, provides the necessary foundation for restoring balance to the Earth-world, and for ecstatic embrace of the Reality-Realizing Process in His Divine Company.

ADI DA: Aren’t you still . . . limited by this materialistic “point of view”, such that you do not yet feel free to accept the Reality of the Very Divine (and the spirit-“world” itself) in all of Its dimensions? . . . You have to break the spell of the doctrines of your own time that limit your consciousness to the material domain. . . . You have to Wake Up.

During the period when this Discourse was given, Avatar Adi Da regularly responded to devotees’ presentations on specific titles from The Basket of Tolerance—the comprehensive bibliography developed by Avatar Adi Da that covers all significant aspects of the collective wisdom of humankind. The Basket of Tolerance is not only a tool for understanding the collective tradition of humankind as a single “Great Tradition”, but also for understanding the unique nature of Avatar Adi Da’s Offering—which demonstrates continuity with the Great Tradition, and simultaneously perfectly transcends and completes it.

Avatar Adi Da organized the titles on The Basket of Tolerance according to His “mapping” of the seven stages of life—which are related to the gross (physical), subtle (energic), and causal (“root”) dimensions of the human structure. This Discourse includes Avatar Adi Da’s response to the book Black Elk Speaks (by John Neihardt), representing a significant individual from the North American Shamanistic traditions. This book appears on the “fifth stage list” of The Basket of Tolerance, which includes materials associated with the view of the subtle dimension of existence. Avatar Adi Da also references Leo Tolstoy’s The Kingdom of God Is Within You—a title from the “social Wisdom” section of The Basket of Tolerance—representing an expression of physically-oriented social idealism of the first three stages of life.

A shorter form of this Discourse was published on cassette tape in 1988. With this audio publication, the extended form is available for the first time. This recording has been digitally remastered. It is an archival recording with some quality variations.
Poster: DawnHorsePress   Post Date: July 12, 2023
Length: 03:18   Listens: 1047   Listens This Month: 0   Listens This Week: 0
Event Date: February 27, 1988
Language: English
MP3 download link

whole words only
(Check this if you want art to return listings for art gallery, but not for heart.)

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