Adi Da's Touch: The Mountain Of Attention, 2005 (video)

Adi Da's Touch: The Mountain Of Attention, 2005   Adi Da visiting The Mountain of Attention Sanctuary, Northern California, in the summer of 2005.

To receive the physical touch of one's Master is an extraordinary gift. Many of the devotees in this clip have testified that, when they received His touch, Bhagavan Adi Da knew the deepest longings of their heart.

From 7:49 to end of clip: Adi Da grants devotees Darshan as He sits in front of Ordeal Bath Lodge.

Background music is Ray Lynch's "The Temple", from his album, The Sky Of Mind.

Darshan (or Sacred Sighting of the Guru) is a particularly potent occasion in which devotees focus on the Divine Revelation that Adi Da is Spiritually Transmitting. (A video recording like this one, of a Darshan occasion, also Spiritually Transmits.) The occasion is usually silent, but is occasionally accompanied by devotees chanting. In some occasions, you may see Adi Da scanning above the heads of the devotees present, working to draw His Divine Light down into each devotee. (ADI DA: "I am alive as Amrita Nadi, the Heart and its spire, the 'Bright' or Conscious Light. This is always so. When I come to you, I Intensify the Field of Brightness, the field of uncreated Light that rests above your head and which is drawn down into the body when the mind is formless in the Heart. Whenever I have been with you I have done this from the Heart. The communication of the Heart and its Light are my constant practice.") You may also hear devotees blowing the sacred conch, at the beginning and end of a Darshan occasion, to let everyone know of the Sighting of the Guru. Often, near the end of an occasion, Adi Da will bless a bowl of prasad (often dates, or something similar that is sweet and edible), which is then distributed to everyone present. At the end of a Darshan occasion, you may also see devotees prostrating on the ground in gratitude for the Revelation their Guru just granted them. Adi Da describes Darshan as "the fundamental principle" of Spiritual Realization in this video talk excerpt. Over time, through constant meditation on the Revelation being transmitted by the Realizer, The Realizer's Realization is duplicated in the devotee.
Poster: AdiDaUpClose   Post Date: August 23, 2013
Length: 09:32   Views: 5218   Views This Month: 1   Views This Week: 1
Event Date: 2005
Language: English
Darshan   Mountain Of Attention  

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(Check this if you want art to return listings for art gallery, but not for heart.)

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Adi Da's Touch: The Mountain Of Attention, 2005 (video)

Adi Da's Touch: The Mountain Of Attention, 2005   Adi Da visiting The Mountain of Attention Sanctuary, Northern California, in the summer of 2005.

To receive the physical touch of one's Master is an extraordinary gift. Many of the devotees in this clip have testified that, when they received His touch, Bhagavan Adi Da knew the deepest longings of their heart.

From 7:49 to end of clip: Adi Da grants devotees Darshan as He sits in front of Ordeal Bath Lodge.

Background music is Ray Lynch's "The Temple", from his album, The Sky Of Mind.

Darshan (or Sacred Sighting of the Guru) is a particularly potent occasion in which devotees focus on the Divine Revelation that Adi Da is Spiritually Transmitting. (A video recording like this one, of a Darshan occasion, also Spiritually Transmits.) The occasion is usually silent, but is occasionally accompanied by devotees chanting. In some occasions, you may see Adi Da scanning above the heads of the devotees present, working to draw His Divine Light down into each devotee. (ADI DA: "I am alive as Amrita Nadi, the Heart and its spire, the 'Bright' or Conscious Light. This is always so. When I come to you, I Intensify the Field of Brightness, the field of uncreated Light that rests above your head and which is drawn down into the body when the mind is formless in the Heart. Whenever I have been with you I have done this from the Heart. The communication of the Heart and its Light are my constant practice.") You may also hear devotees blowing the sacred conch, at the beginning and end of a Darshan occasion, to let everyone know of the Sighting of the Guru. Often, near the end of an occasion, Adi Da will bless a bowl of prasad (often dates, or something similar that is sweet and edible), which is then distributed to everyone present. At the end of a Darshan occasion, you may also see devotees prostrating on the ground in gratitude for the Revelation their Guru just granted them. Adi Da describes Darshan as "the fundamental principle" of Spiritual Realization in this video talk excerpt. Over time, through constant meditation on the Revelation being transmitted by the Realizer, The Realizer's Realization is duplicated in the devotee.
Poster: AdiDaUpClose   Post Date: August 23, 2013
Length: 09:32   Views: 5218   Views This Month: 1   Views This Week: 1
Event Date: 2005
Language: English
Darshan   Mountain Of Attention  

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(Check this if you want art to return listings for art gallery, but not for heart.)

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