New Website!

Chris Tong

Noah Skocilich
Noah Skocilich
The Adi Da Up Close site was launched in February, 2007 — 17 years ago. Since that time, much has changed in web design and technology. We've kept up with many of those developments on this site. But there were two major exceptions: we needed a more contemporary site design; and we needed the site to be mobile-friendly. I'm happy to say that the Adi Da Up Close site is now being "upgraded" in these two major ways! A very big thanks to devotee Noah Skocilich, who is also the Managing Director of GiniLytics IT Solutions. In service to Avatar Adi Da's great work of spiritually liberating all beings, Noah made his highly skilled team of web developers available to me to come up with a new design that is both contemporary in style, and mobile-friendly. I'm delighted with the result, and I'm envisioning all our site visitors enjoying the new site as well. Thank you so much, Noah!

The Adi Da Up Close site is huge: nearly 2,000 web pages at this point! It probably will take several months to convert the entire site to the new design. While we could wait until we completed that, and then release the entire new site all at once, I've decided instead to release the new site incrementally, making web pages in the new design style available as we convert them. This will allow several things to happen:

  • Site visitors will immediately begin to benefit from the pages that have been converted. This will be felt especially by the mobile phone visitors to our site, who are increasing in number with each passing year. (Statistics as of Q1 2023: Web visitors spent 56.8% of their online time on mobile phones; and 95.8% of all people who surf the Web use mobile phones to do so, at least now and then.)
  • More people will find our website, because our search engine listings on Google should immediately start getting higher rankings. (Google prefers mobile-friendly pages.)

So we start our incremental release of the new site with the new home page.

Coming next: the new versions of the pages in the Audio/Video section. There are over 1,200 pages in that section, and the new versions of all the video pages will be released at the same time.

Of course, during this period when we're upgrading our site, a visit to our site may include some pages in our new design style, and some in our old design style. Hopefully you won’t find this experience confusing! In the meantime, we’ll continue to work as fast as we can to finish the conversion of all the remaining, old-style pages.

If you run into any technical problems with the new site, please let me know.

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